Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), January 29, 1811, p. 4

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poe t r y v fok thf kingston gazette a pastoral to tjik hbo irill uxdlrstand it my love fhe is charming and fair she i fweetcr than tofes in may she has venuss face and her air as the laughing thalia fliea gay her bofoms the heaven of delight her heart is the manikin of love her eyes than the ftas are more bright her innocence that of the dove the hue of the cherry her lips the oaks of ambroiia her breath the queen of good nature ine trips offend her her frowns they are death wftua countenance gay yet ferene with manners moft foothiogly mild in dignity fhe moves a queen in iimplicityilie is a child when i graze on her heavenly elnrrhs or that face thats fa fweetly benign my bofom is filpd with alarms that alas i he will never be mine ucander v t the following verfes arc founded on the lo ry oi an enaliih gentleman and lady who were on their paffage to the eaft indies in one of the veffejs of an englfffr fleet for fome particular reafon they left the tclcl and went on board the admirals fhip leaving two young chtldi en in the care or a negro lervant about 18 years of age in a violent florin the fhip containing the two children was fad linking when a boat arrived from the admirals fhip for their relief the drew eagerly crowded to the boat but the negro lad rinding there was only room for himfelf alone or the two children generoufly put them on board and remained himfelf on the wreck whieb with the generous boy was immediately engulphed in the ocean 1 tremendous howls the angry blafl the bolder hearts with terror quake high oer the veilels tottering male the liquid mountains fiercely break each eye is hvd in wild defpair and deatii difphys his terrors there j now plunging in the dread abyfs they pierce the bofom of the deep now rife where vivid lightnings hils and ieem the murky clouds to fwecp thro the dark wall e dread thunders roll and horrors chill the fnvhted foul i see on the deck young marco hand two blooming cbeiubs by his fide entiuded to his faithful hands a mothers joy a fathers pride- tho black his skin as fliades of night his heart is fair his soul is white each to the yaw with raptuie flies except the noble generous boy go lovely infants go he cries and give your anxious parents joy no mother will for marco weep when fate entombs him in the deep long have my kindred eeasd to grieve no filler kind my fate thall mourn no bread tor mt a ding will have no bofom friend weh my return he fafd and finking fought the happy more where toil and davery vex his foul no more diversity something thiv j messrs printers ffc i enclose for your perufal and for your publication if you think proper the following copy of a letter written by a per- fon who propofed opening a fchool not far from my refidence as he was obliged to de cline for want of fuitable encouragement it may feem to evidence the little patronagt af forded in a frontier country to men of genius and learning haven been offen and frequently foli- ceed to open a fkcol in this naburhood and haven a promis of haven a knonfiderable num ber of flvollars fent me at a good rate which it cannot be expected that i mould devoat my time and talents without reefonabel com- penfafnun to be receaved which i have no doubt you will approve i have therefore taken the liberty to rite to by recommenda- fhun to acquaint you of my intenfhun of com- menfmg the inruchun of youth which your children tho i am told are very promifihi have pot yet bad a good opportunity of improve ment in ufefull and perlite larnin if you mould fend to me yon may depend uppon every attenfhuu fuittd to their age and capas- itys being as i apprehend there are a different management to be exereifed towards children oi difieiiit abbillitys which i here youn arc r j re markabel for their fofvrardnefs capacity if that are the cafe there piu- ellmakin will be doublv ccm pen mate my terms of in ftruckfion in the fmall claites and thofe juft beginning to reed and rhe and ikr is five doliarsa quarter always paid when the chil- dien firft begin be as feme fokes mit take them away efterwards witdout paying not fufpecring you offuch conduit which i think you will approve my method to then that are taut jeografy mnttheamattocks el- ocufhunor orrotory fpeeiiin 1 charge fix dol lais bein as they requires more attenfhuu if fo be asyon fliould fend you can fend the money for the firft quarter by any one or both of them or bring it yorftlf when i fee you 1 am not particular as to a few days but hope it wont be jong i am youro to farve james tack man n b you will pleas if you fend to fend me word what branches of larnin you want them taut p s you will slfo fend books and pa- per and pens ink and a pennife as i always lame fkoiars to make their one pens but you need not fend pens to them that you dont want to rite nor books to them that yon dont want to reed which they can do without them i need not tell you in the words of the poet tis edikatlon forms the youthful winds juft as the tiviggs inciind the treefe will lend augufla herald ic what is my bible worth t was a queftion which occurred to my mind lately on viewing this holy book in one fenfe it is of but fmall value only fix hillings did i give for it when i con od er the workmanfhip the ncatnefs of the binding i could not but admire the manu facture and did not grudge the price but this anfwer was not iufikient the queftron flill continues what is my bible worth when 1 confider that it contains the moft ancient and beautiful hiflory of kings and prophets and remarkable events the word of the fweet pfalmifc of ifrael the pious in- fliuctions of solomon the prophecies of holy men of god the gofpel of c brill and the way of salvation by him and the fweet doctrines of the apofues o the worth of it is beyond companion nothing on earth can compare with it thsfcriptures are able to maki thee wife unto faldatim ilirmtmfam in chrpl jftfiu faith paul and do thing but heaven can equal the worth of thefe divine writings mrs pozzi one evening reading in her cloftt the candleltick fuddenly miinped off the table a hiftrng fire ran along the floor and after a fhort time left a piece of paper in a flame which with her foot to prevent mifchief ilis put into the fireplace she then fat down without any light to confid er what could pofllbly occafion this event she knew all the doors and windows were fa ft and that any thing fhould come down the chimney and flrike the candle off the table in that ft range manner was akogerher impofhblc after fhe had wearied herfelf with refecting to no purpofe he rang the bell when the fervant was told what had happened he begged her pardon for having by miftake given her a mould candle with a gurpowder fquib in it which was to make iome lport among the fervantsou a rejoicing day mrs piozzi with much good humor dcilred him not to make himfelf uneafy all the coikiern fhe had received was- fom not being able to difcover the occafion of the ac cident from how many incidents much more trifling have jrhofts and prodigies been handed down to poiterity at the time that james ii was making his tour through england to receive the hom age of his fubjecis the mayor and corpora tion of a fmall town through which he paf- fed were deputed to compliment him on his arrival as the mayor was noted for a moft impenetrable thicknefs of fcull the record er undertook to prompt him in his speech when they arrived in the royal prefence- the recorder obferving the bafliiul and fneepi1v appearance of his lorditiip whif- ptred to him bold up your head look like a man the unfortunate mayor half dead with fear fuppofed this the beginning of the speech and bawled out to his majefty hold up your i end boh like a man the recorder immediately rejoined 4 what the di do you mean by g d you will ruin us all what the dl do you mean by g d you will ruin us all repeated the of ficial speechifier oh i you flupid block head i wijjj you lad never come here laid the terrified and- irritated prompter the mayor as in duty bound immediately ech oed to the amazed monarch oh i youflu- ped blackhead i wihyu had never come bt re the recorder inftantly took to his heels followed by the lucrlefs mayor leaving the king and m cow tier in a convulfion of laughter ingltsh agil1tv in the great dutch war in the reign of charles ii the engli1i fleet and that of holland fought in the channel for three days fucceflivelr engaging in the day and laying to at night but jul as they were prepar ing to renew the adtion advice came oil that an armiihee was concluded upon and the hofiile pa ties began to exercile mutual ci vilities on board a dutch man of war which lav longfide of an engliih firft rate was a faiior fo remarkably ahvc as to run to the mafthead and hand upright upon the truck after which he would cut feveral ca pers and concluded with ftandlng upon his head to the great aftonifhment and terror of fpectators on coming down from his ex- ploir all his countrymen ex prefled their joy by huzzaing and thereby fignifying their triumph over the engliih one of our bold tars piqued for the honor of his country ran up to the top like a cat and effayed with all his might to throw up his heels like the dutchman and not having the ildll he miffed his poife and come down rather fad er than he went up the rigging howev er broke his fall and he lighted on his feet unhurt as foon as he had recoveied his fpeech he ran to the fivie and exultingly cried out to the dutchman there d m tour eyes do that if you can j cheap goods s bartlet informs his friends and the public that he has this day received and now opening for fale a large supply of goods consisting of dry goods liquors and hard ware groceries crockery and saddles glafsware fef isfc which in addition to his former ftock will make his aftortment very complete the whole of which will be fold at the montreal prices for calh or any kind of produce as he is now clofm his bufinefs in this place no credit will be given and goods will be fold lower than can be pur- chaled in the province and as he is deter mined to fell all off eamritly folicits his friends and cuftomersto call and examine lug goods c cash and the paid for produce n b all thofe indebted eh by note or book account are requftcd to make imipediate payment kingston oclober fy it 10 tf sheriffs sale midland diilrid tit virtue of a writ to wit j- of fieri facias- fucd out of his majeflys court of kings b nch and to me dire tied again1 tie lands and tene ments of doctorprhvnre at the f mi of bryan crawford b fa i have fcd and taken in execu tion the eafl half of lot no 3 fee on d mneeffign of the townjhip of frederic kjluigh in the counties of lenox and adding ton and diflricl aforeaidf containing by admeafurement one hundred acres ad an improvement of thirty five acres be the fame more or lefs which will be ad judged to the highefl bidder at the gaol door in the town of kingston on monday the zzdof julynextat the hour of 10 oclock in fhe forenoon rind any pcrfun or perjons who- may have any claim to the above men lion ed premifes by mortgage or otkerwife are re que led to make the fame known to me before the day of ale charles stuart sheriff shaiffs office i th nov 1 8 io w h bagg hagar ave jft received horn london and offer for tale at their hat store fabory no 1 00 st paul street montreal next door jouib of mcjjrs bellows gates co a general aiucmeot or gentlemens fine beaver hat filfc water proof leghorn and willowdo ladies and childrens beave and ftraw bonnets of the fated fiiyions and bed quality ai military folding hats elegantly trijmed j hat trimmings cc whkh were imported upon a good terms and wl oe fold as cheap or eticapcx tin can be bought m the country tbey hive alfo a vaiety or hats nf their own mike which rhey are trifling r warrant to be as durable as any ever offered for tale in canada orders unm the countr tnankfullv rec vd and fcricly atirnded to casm paid for furs montreal nov 2o 1810 10 it noufe buddhg and paiutfog the iu kubns fuub 6 notic rthe inhab ifants of kiiglon efuflftmwo adjphujtown anj other adjoining p thai try intend to cmohiy thr 7nxt fcafoij in ths vicinity in pafntwg houses ootfide and infjk- parent pat n- nf rooms see and the bfinefs of house c4rfn- vers and joiners their wic wtll ht cxr colea wrh ncatoersand dfpatch application nvy be flje a the dwelling boufe of mr stooghton innicccper in kmgftonmr oin iull in erni- tvnwmn otvqljm irnrr ina-lolchaf- tv nathan wheym er t is hereby given to nil perfons indebted to the eftntcof alexander mcdonald baker late of the town of kingflon deceafed by prom- iffory note book account or other obliga tion that unlets immediate payment is made to the fub bribers who are duly ave jrif to rective the fame and give ac stances their accounts will be puc into the hands of an attorney for collection all perfons having any claims agaitiii faid eilnte by promiflbry note book account or other obligation are requeftedw produce the fame for adjullrnent on or before the 15th day of march next to the fubferiben alexr macdonell j an net macdonell kingston i oth jan id it 1 yf wadsworth has received by the late arrivals from london and liverpool a freh fuppty of drugs medicines which he offers for fale on better terras than thty ever have been fold in this colmtry among which are cbefoluving articles 5 ico 300 100 100 25 2qo 2 tons afium 100 ib antimony crude aroacco aloes aquafortis nhtrr fortis gum camphor caficharidea cariis cloves 3 tons copperas zoo ib crcdi tartar 30co lb fit sulphur fir chamomile fo digitalis gum ammoniac cura arabic cum aflafrttida gum bensmi guru lcmi gum galbinum gum guaicum 500 5 5 loo 75 50 40 5 30 60 28 z 30 20 30 ib gum myrrh 15 gum scarnmony aleppo gum thus gum trigacanth mace imagnefia manna nutmegs onium pe 1 avian bark ico jaldp 112 powdd rhubarfr ico sago in grain 75 60 in powder 3 tons glauber salw 75 ib spcinatctci 60 tartar emetic 112 50 5 200 150 100 5 200 25 solubil 30 yitriol 56 tapioca 30 vcrma ilia gutigimb 300 vitriol roman gum jufiipsr 56 du alb gumsed lac 3000 salt pctre gum lhrlllac 300 pviarl barley gum maftic 1 patent mdicwes anderkns pills iwliksit munefia bmhm oi h iicy balfaoi of gltrad batemarts diops bollocks elixir bowdeas illue pjaiiler britfh oil cephalic snuff corn piaifttr court flicking plaifter mfj xr palby carminative saris remedy for the hooping aogh e1enc coltafoct do peppermint o pennyroyal jeilenviai fijc of lemon do do vinegar colors godfreys coirfiat gwjanils lotioo hijotts pills v jauies anaieucic rilfe do fever powder cfuit drops liquii iruc blue do nankeen dy sarefia lozenges ormtkuk medicine rcjsned liquorice stcersa opodtrldoc stughcons elixir tina- fiaik huxbems turlingtons baifam eifnce ot muitaid litharge yellow ochre pufian blue no i2lr rofe pink pumice stone rotten do 8pzmh brown vermillion spanish white sauces ctierckee sauce irdia soy maiiiroom kechup wejfcbts bfuci bbck white cnaik red do carmine flake white fraukfor biacx indian rtd indian ink jvorv black ltin black e7 anchovies cvjce ctuce i iuc rvai cavice sundries apothecary fcales aud pewter fyrxngf teeeh brufhes vial coikb bottle da wafers fttperfinc wax felting fuoerfiile do for wine white leather skins wind for ibap also chocolate ground spcrmcetii candles lo do sjanifli brown do do oil 50 ceen do calk rains 50 velio w i 50 b box do 200 bvx wmdow gaf figs olive oil all rted 6x8 7x9 cwrranrs aimonds sx10 7jx8f wrapping writing pa a genejal ahlriment of per allorud fliop furniture viah ai mefg prime pork furled a cariecy of fur plug pigtail tobacco geoni inftrumencs pepper allfplce on hand cofce loaf fugar carnalhair pencils gaiiyots in iuiti gold leaf vory syringes loz i g p ppermint protcomo li mtars pewter ourc mvafures ico kegs white leaa gunpowder hvf n young hyfon liviin ikin hyfon chulan soucling fag ether with a genend aftoirm ot dyestuff tjt papers ten- to hroks jackh sec fee c commission bustness tranfade on the ufual terms and cah advanced on any kind cf produce and other property left wicjf him montreal sept ij l8ro 1 k cash paid for rags at the phinttnfi ofuci kinotpn i 2 0 l8 0 anorkw it ivins pklntl0 and puulished b mower kendall fklce fietret shtllincs tsh iata blank notes cards handbills hnritlfanfly ewciittd itjhort flutter-

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