kingston upper canada abbot ex bjscom received and are now epniw for have jnrt fcilf at their htor in r ision jf r general assortment of fall and winter goods amunfi w1ucu r r the koi lowing uperkinef coiciovj b ick purple hit- bot- lis yteea peliifc velvet amao spirits s croix doi french 15 smiy hftjm on poit wire l p tineriffe do shrub hyfn hyfonfkin fin- glo teas pepperaifvjce ginger mulcoaio fugar raifiits figs almonds currants 1 am a rinds honey indigo fig blue starch soap plug roil fmcking tobacco cigars mitf rappee nuff upper leather i j tawpru d iloujctoth- fieft cohs hjnta co svrlec do kfcv d tli meres baue- funnels ctrpetng tluhing blankets faii twiild velvets thickfetrs genoa cord bjuedrab jrfy knit swanljown worltel cord tvilinett meruiiles verting sal bury flannel china blue furniture chintz- do ditto fringe silk h co ton bandanna hio i kerchief black fuued silk do linen 8c cotton i ocket do morocco do silk cotton sluws printed plai n bomba- zettfs caiimarjcoes du rants wtvlbnies calfkin mens ihoes caaffe bo rs blk blue jurpls rd printed morocco hoes silk tambs wij wotted seii d ftooks couon hafe lamb wjoi glvs wuried do d and hlun caps kobt patterns ifancv gighams calico dimities colord white moflins japand feedeo doited sc figured bik sc white do leruc3 8c laces cotton sewings white clord thread taps ihrc buttons black purple blue pink brown buff and flatc colord cam bricks white cotton striped checkd do cotton 6hiirg liniop jmlhi hollo silk cotton umbrellas stin- loilrngs taffies sarcenets silk sc twft black blue fcarlet drab phiffe cloths youths childrens do i general aiorm of k a r d w j r kcutie- 8 ij crock 6 y- and iron hollow ware bar iron anvil ves b lifter sc crawly fteel h rfe pocket piftojs shovels s fpad s frying pans nails 6x8 7 7 and 8qo window g afs the room tera p a d lpars gun powder shot bar lead mtiitwy silk water proof faftiion beaver caitor 1 w tl mnv hoy felt do d do fine c rdiea leather cap for children hat foews lawn hit covers ueft twilled lilk do ladies fafhionabte beaver bonnets ditto l ortced do j ats ditto cords pitto trimmings a general affortment ofdpugs medlcine- which arc cinnamon cephalic snuff refined liquorice sel poinent saltpetre windfjr soap goldleaf silver do ivory black black lead court plafer sugar candy flor sulphur gum camhhor barley sugar teeth infintments crown lancets c 0171 man do tuesday februart 1811 no 20 j y virtue of a writ fieri facis iijju- jf o a res sheriffs sale midland dijinu to wih j ed out of h lviap flys court of kilos beirch and to rm dtrersed again ft the lvids and tenements of jilmrfl north at the iuk of j antes robins 1 have feized and takeh in execution lot nun ber tventyiix on weft bay in the townilnp of maryfbargb county of piince ildwnrd and diflnct aforcfaid uiia- and an improvement oi about 40 acres be the fame more or left which will beadjudocd to the luvhefl bidder at the gaol door in the town of kingtton on the 1 6th day of april next cit the nour of ten oclock in the fere- noon a ad any pefon or per ions who may have anv claim to the above mentioned prm- ifts eliher by mortgage or otherwife an re- qidled to make the fame known to me be fore the day bffflfi charles stuart mrg sherds oflce oclohr 9 2810 jtf from a london paper of yl sept 1 8 1 o a3 their popw- sir paper currency having given my approbation to fome remarks of yours on the report of the bullion committee i had hoped you would have puiluid your defiga or given further light to the public on a iubjeci of fuch vital con- equence to their general intcrefts but iir is not to the high price of bullion or to tue jfcarcity of metal money that we are en- tirely to attend we ought iiill to inquire i ito matters of it tinguifliing charaterih lit ion increafes their means of education are multiplied and extended befides common fchools in the feveral diftricts into which tiitir townfhips are divided there ia in almoll every conliderable village an ac ademy where youth are taught the lear ned languages and efpecially the gram mar and knowledge of the englifh language with thofe arts and fcience3 which qualify their poffeftors for profeipional ftudies the inftruttion of fchools and the tranfaftion of more paramount importance buiinefs in the various ufeful and refpeclable arliament direded the com- tituationsof aaive life the states arc far from farnilhing proper models in every thing tre violence of their n f montreai hat warehouse at the sign of the wliltart ifjf no c ad murht place jabez d de witt ost reipectfuiiy informs the puhic that he has on innd a molt ex re five and complete affortment of hats hat trimmings c c jintomvsil which arc mod fuperb yiiitary hatsj with orna ments complete gentlemens mof ffhionalle beaver hats do bet weens do do yeoman crowns do do blk fuperfiue green under do do drab do do do do black do extra laftre brims do si do do do do do do do do britft oil hrlcm do stetrfi opodeldoc mtnee peppcrmlrj 11 mufcard v bttrgamot chhigu worm deffoy irio lozenges godfreys cordial jeftfs drops churches cough drops anchovies balfam honey ketchup hooper s female pills pink root ander fins scotch do fames analeptic do i bilious do loit s 3 wheotorisjaun bitters barley sugar imperial tooth powder lipfalve nutmegs cloves they have likewiie rented the new store belonging to mrs finkle in frnejlotvn where they are now opening a general affortment of dr2 goods groceries hard ware dm crockert all of which will be fold remarkably low for orompt pay only cafli pot pearl alhes wheat tlour poik furs butter and cheelc re ceived in payment r conftant attendance will be iven at each place orders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the hoiteft no tice and medicine put up in the belt order november 13 1810 do drab do do bell black water proof fi ik ditto green under do do drab do lo togwci mdtvi vk do calo roram do plated do gentps varniflied leather hats for travellin servants ditto- do boys morocco hats of alt colors do do caps do mens boys fine cordies do common do do wool hats of every defctiptioii gold and filver tinfel cord bands common do do white and yellow tinfel cord binding coarfe and hue bowftrings morocco of all colors fuitable for hats fancy tip paper do do beit and common glue logwood copperas verdigris aquafortis oil of vitriol clothiers jack hatters do raifing cards hat brulhes of all kinds in ufe matters irons stampers runners dov pickers e e sec ladies mojlfaponable beav hats bonnet viz white do maids do childrens do light fawn do do do drab do do do do 1 hair brown do do do olive do do do purple do do do blue do do k and green do do do 8tf northrop woicoti f abbe have removed from fo 54 st paul street to no 102 one door jfotth of m effra bkllovs gates co whew they have a general affortment of m gtiodsonhand which they offer or fale on reafon ible lenns vv c ab hat trimmings- pink linings green linings red do white do orange do blue do peryj yellow do blk do fr totojh hat covers of every kind in uie bindings bed military bindings for cocked hats black galloons from 10 to 30per grou bell drab do p com do do bed black and drab bands common do do white and black worded looping common white hat buckles fteel do yellow union ditto white do do cords and taffelsl of all lizes colors f l trimmings 3 ladies bonnets 1 fafh fancy trimmings for do bonnets plumes of all colors for ladies childrens all of which will he fold at u noil reduced prices for caih or flioit and an and had our p nittee to extend their inquiries into the cauf- of the decay of morals the milability of vealth and the high pice of markets it would have conferred an important service en the flate however from a perufal of the rrport of the committee i am of opinion tiidt it contains arguments on which to eftab- lilh the bahs of the three great evils above named it appears by the report that there are above 800 banks hi england that the national bank iflue 3 1 000000 and the town and count y banks 69000000 making the fum of 100000000 and deducing that this one hundred millions of paper cur rency has depreciated the value or metal mo ney and ccntiibuted to diminiih the appre- henlion of feeing it melted down or exported this deduction may iatisfy the limited in- drudions of the committee but it docs not misfy a mind at liberty to make every deduc tion and to inquire into every coniequence for my part i calculate t t lotroduc- ton ot his 100000000 of paper currency has operated upon the nation in the lame baneful manner that the introduion of met al money into spain from the mines of peru and mexico has operated 00 her inhabitants it has made them corrupt fpeculate and extravagant are we any other are we not become effeminate vicjous and luxuriant i are we the fame kind of people that we were in the days of elizabeth or cromwell 111 days when paper money was unknown the envied profpc rity of this country was lomr th ilwtu of pi ti ktflr v that profperity relied on a balls or paper and that the edifice of national wealth was con flicted of materials which could in an in- ftant be depreciated or con fumed he little thought that the ll envied fate of profperity would burft like a bubble or crumble into dull he little thought that our envied late of profperity would end in a decay of morals an infaldity of wealth and a high price of markets that threaten the overthrow of the country but fortunately the dif- eafe is likely to produce its own remedy and if 700 out of the 8oo banks commit bankruptcy in a gradual and progrejfivc man ner there is no doubt but that our morals will improve our wealth increafe and our provifions diminifh in value to the excefs of circulating medium all our domeflic calam ities are to be attributed not to the ab- fence of metal money but to the excefs of paper currency are we to impute our misfor tunes to remedy this i proteft againfl the encouragement of new banks above all i proteft againfl the projeel of a new joint flock company which pi opofes three branch es depolit intereft and credit that is to blend the bufinefs of a pawnhrohr jew and moneylender in one concern and veqmr- ing cognovit landed and perfontd fecuiites for the paper it iffues the proprietors intend to affume the name of the commercial loan and intereft company as i conceive their intention is no more than to take a ftiameful advantage of the convulfion mercan make it my weli on the fubjc of banking and to lay be fore the public through the organ of your paper a plan for fupplying the place of the town and country banks and for diminillnng the prefent excefs of paper money such be ing my intention fir i for the prefent con clude affuring you that i hall not fail re mitting you the plan i mention for your next political parties their abnlive attacks upon each others characters and the fcurrility of too many of their publi cations ought to be avoided as injurious to the peace and happinefs of fociety and un favorable to an equal and impartial adminis tration of judice but their cultivation of the arts and fcieiices and encouragement of literary inflitutions are worthy of imitation for the kingston gazette reckoner no 6 furfan et hac ollm memhiife juvabit virgil a to the reckoner ir a in tae r utile world 1 oppofe it and i hiau it my buiinefs fir to inform myleli vamtul remain with efleem 5cc a british merchant mincing lane ancy trimmings 3 lames uu xtra large cords for ladies pcliffes a fane trimmings for do bonn p- comhl un ica1 ion the prefident of the united states in his late meffrge to congefs has recommended the ellabliihment or a national univerfuy in addition to the colleges and academies already ftablimed throughout the fevetal hates i am one of thofe people who look at the befl fide of every event and drive away from their recolleion all difagreeable ima ges and gloomy prognofticaaons you may iuppofe therefore that i do not hear without impatience groundless and ridiculous com plaints which thofe who utter them can hard ly be tintight either to feci or to believe in this country the gi eater number of the in habitants are emigrants either from europe or the neighboring states and were you to credit their aileitions they are almoli all o- verwhehoed with fonow and regret that ev er they left their native homes the euro peans are indeed the moil querulous and the moil diicontemed they look with contempt upon every thing which this country produ- ctta uuv i 11 nil 1 1c i uo il is ill -c-ti- lard even the eggs are not without contam ination they have neither the fweetnefs nor the nourifhment of thofe produced by a brit ish lien modell reflecting people mr reckoner are very much annoyed at thefe foolini com plaints which commonly proceed from a def- picable vanity that is willingly indulged to induce us to believe that the fufferers were perfons of dilinction and confideration in their own country no man cornes lo thi colony except with the view of bettering his iituation i do not fay but that fome may fail but no one would have come who was at eafe in europe i happened to make a paffage laft fummer acrofs the lake with feveral gentlemen of this doleful humor who never failed after dinner to deplore their wretched iituation two were delighted with the faint profpect of a- gain returning to their native fmoke but the reft were in fjtuations which precluded all fuch enlivening hopes i was curious to know the origin of thefe great men and luck ily an elderly gentleman who appeared very well fatisfied with his iituation favored me with a few particulars concerning each the perfon who fits always at the foot of the ta ble was a cowherd in scotland till he had reached the age of feventeen his father was fo mife ably poor that he could not af ford to keep him at home a tingle fummer to fend him to fchool fo that he could neither read nor write at this age his uncle who hid come to this country a private foldier fent for him and deiired that he hould ac quire fome little learning before he left scot land the boy was accordingly fent to the pariah fchool and after remaining a few- months was difpatched to america his uncle being old got very fond of him and plying ins company with iiq wards by keeping a dramfhop in new urk he left it to his nephew the american war breaking out this gentleman removed into lower canada and ha not only prefcrved but increafed the property left him by hi ft ft uncle were he to go to scotland to his native parifh he might ftill fee many of his relations living in as great poverty as when lie left them but he cannot refill the tempt ation of appearing great the gentleman next him i the ton of a land agent who joined the royal ftandnd d t- incie oeing oiu got vciy laving accumulated fome money firft by fup- divine his company with liquor and after- n tj 75 t montreal th sep- o i o tf proved credit friill sqt to jojo rf rizr tag the war and was jgft j the diffufion of kaining one of their dit mandcf a company ateltewtamw