Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 5, 1811, p. 3

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9 plymouth nov 27 lettera fom pur nrmv i portugal jkie tint the watering baitfe of both armies draw their water froiii fu fime wells ta front of ihe encampment a behave under the flag of truce witi reat civility to each oilier a parcel of j ek tars jwfoned in a baltcry vu at the wells pur watering patv and the french fohlicrs gave them bnly for 1 little bread it wis des cribed l7 the oticer who commanded as a iiiolt comical feene he heaty appearanee of our faiiors to hi fualid figures toe french troops rmfa irikmg di fie ft net sm of our aes danced on of then- honi- jria in th mat a deck iiyie which 3 p p artel toamuie the riichtricu highly geo fcamen and royal ninie lire ilnti f rint iaueiies iii front of thr drilih line the hue batliillion of royal riariueg now heie from the eallward uu iliinil for foreign fei- vicc arc to crnbnl 10 doty fir lifo m where hy xvil beof i riwitc lcrcice vvheicvei they oned in dif- wrj be vvartei london nov 2 3- a bar from the ifl- tmd of anhok was yellerdav icceivd con- rainino hamburgh papers to the 10th and of ihvcdifh to the 7th init the cercmoniil bemaduttcs recognition as fucceltr to the throne of sweden took place with much paid oa the 2d inft rryd phyuaan were laid upon the fables rf both howies it will be feen from toe cooy which we have given of thefe rlocumtrr that his majcltyv medical attendants contin ue to entertain the moltfanguine crj 31 of his recovery another adjourn meat for 3 fortnight longer was prooofed by miuifter in eon feqiunce o the favorable ft liferents f the pbyfieians and carried in both hmifes in the uper houfe eaii openeer mwvd as an amendment that a elect committee fee ap- poiutcd 10 receive the repot t of the phyii- cians a had been dooe in 1788 this was fuppbrted by lord grenville in a fpecch fraught with conflitutiorial truth which can not fail to make a deep impiefiin upon the country it the commons mr ponfonhy moved an amendment fin liar to that propo- fed by eari spencer which was loic by a ma jority of 93 we have not time at prefent to comment uooti the courfe adopted by par liament upon theprfent melancholy occafion but we caiinot too ferioufiy recommend to the attention of our readers the fpeeches of lord grenville mr whithread and mr ponforiby the fiends of lord sidmonth votrd with admiiiiliration several of ihe royal dukes were prefent in the uper houfe and the dukes of clarence sufex ffoted wiiri tl let the whole night next to the lord chiu- 191i1 nit a bill fupplenental to the non-in- ten ouife law introduced by mr eppeswa3 before the houfe of rcpvcftinatives the pro vjiions of which are very fevere a letter from port gihfon mifliltppi ter ritory to a gentleman in wilmington dated dec zo lays governor holmes with a coufiderable force on his way to the fort of baton rouge has been takei prifoncr by the cunveniionaliils and confined i e mi nor i i y the d u ice o f york novimbc r 2 f n conieqtienceof the con tinuance of hi s majellys ilhufs it has been thuwht advaeable that the ohvficiaas fhouid be examine i brfore a co trnircee oftlie privy council on monday next and in order to in- fure a full attencjice a cncular letter has been aideifd to every member on saturday the lmds vf appeal ifl prize caufe animed the iudmetit of con demnation aainl four aerican v ileu captured by ill majftys ihip for carrying on an illegal trafic in flaves nov 27 or sundav evermr the prince of wales and dike of york arrived at windfor and vcilerday kail camden and liveroojl 4 the royal a part men t at hamptongourt pfclaee are stted up for the ii os sweden sr john d ckworth has arrived at portf- ffioufh fiom nevrfoandiand the fulowi bulletin of hir majepcys ctllo aad converled muchwith him royal htghndfs the dukeof cambridge vo- ted wjtb miniiiers thexnkeof kent was prefent during the debate but left tru- hnfflfe before the diviiioik the ipace below he bar was crowded to excef we never faw it 10 full the galleries of the houfe of can- mon the lobby and ail the avenues wert in the fame date the gallery was filled it a few minutes after it was opened ewry thing had the appearance of extraordinary in- terelt and anxiety the quell ion was taken that at its riling it adjourn to this day fortnight ayes 22 329 noes majority for adjournment r 104 n queftion was then taken noon mr ponfonbys motion to appoint a cominiitee to examine m ftcians a yes noes health were puohfied at wicultor n3 2 n cian re has u ofcved nhiimajltys crpiiiuirnee the mom- jjd hw mrfty his bad a little krift from the united starts majority 230 93 oi fever this morning after 3 bad night 25th his ivlujcuy is not tfuite co well this cvenior a n w in the mctnmg 26th o a decrees not repealed the following will hew upon vhitfou ground mr madifon flood when he declared the french decrees repealed it is an ex- mct of mr sncretary smiths letter to gen turreau dated december 18 tslo prom your letter u appear that the importation into france of cotton and tobac co the produce of the united states is at this time fpecially and ahuulelj prohibited ci from the decree of the 15th july it moreover appears that there ean be no im portation into france but upon terms and conditions alicrly hiadmijfiuleava that there fore there can be no importation at all of the following articles the produce of the united states faamelf iifh oil dye woods fait hfay cod full hides and peltry as thefe enumerated ar teles conflitute the great mafs of the exports of die united states to france the mind is naturally a- waentd to a furvey of the arinal condition at the commercial relations between the two countries and to the confideration that no practical god worthy of notice bat refuted to the united slates from the revocation of the berlin and milan decrees combined as it ui- exbecledtv has been with a change in the com- merclal ffiem of france jo momentous to ihe united stales we learn from unqneflionable authority that gn turieau the french mimfter near the united states has in the name of king jofepli entered a flnmg pfoteft againtt our taking poitcisoii o welt florida ivewtorh gaz the folowinrr it appears are now the claimants of the floridas the cortes of spain france on behalf of king jofepn great britain who has guaranteed fne integrity of the spaniii poit fuone the conventionalilts of florida and the united states cf america the fubfcrlber be- ing duly authorized to collect tlie debts due john adams of frederickfburgh elack- jmith takes this opportunity of informjn thofe who are indebted to the faid john ad ams that unlefs immediate payment be made their accounts will be put int the hands of an attorney richard robison napane mills if february 18 i i o 5w store7 whitney has juft recciv- eu and is now elcrincr for tale a very extenfive affortment of fall winter goods also li of which he will difpofe of wholefale nj retail at as low a rate as can be purchaf- hardware weft india goods and groceries ail an j retau j at as low a rate as can de p sd in montreal or quebec he moll cor dially invites thofe who are in the habit of purehafmg by wholelale to call and exam ine for themfelves kingston 1 d december 1 8 io 1 1 if 97 t o r s a ll a confignment of barrels onondaga salt cheap for cafli at the store of john kirby co kingston 1 4 jan 1 8 1 1 1 2 2 baltimore january 15 cnpt night bt 1 nk vt ie lilcin ule 10 un of the fchooner sarah ladloa arrived here ui uioiiiiitg i t day fm lifonm i term tnat the french ttaci received a rein- islands of ice tanning curpvying uie fubferibers inform their friends and the public that they carry on the tanning c5 currting buuneis at their works kingiton and pledge them- lelves that their work hall be well executed they will tan hides upon hares for fuch as may defire it upon liberal terms hides will be received at the houfe of m rogrrs ad joining walkers hotel morocco and other currying done at fhort notice by a workman lately from new york moses rogers john ellerbeck kinguon january 1 181 1 ictf the fubferibers have juft received a eonugnmenr o sixty sides of albany soleleather which they offer for fate cheap lor cafn jan 1 18 1 1 abbot baacofil ed at windfor at 9 o elooft m the morning received a report f om the phyljeiaas of the fttc of his majeflys health and fmmediate- lv returned to town when a cabinet coun cil was aftembled at 3 oclock another council was held at the foreign office lall night it was unariimouily at tended at that council it wan determined that a rivy council ihould be fummoncd for this day to which all privy councillors fh mid be fummnned for the pmpofe of examining the phyhcians reflecting the hate of his majef- tys health the council chamber at white hall was fixed ojpn to take the examination thecouncil aflesbledat half pall 12 oclock and had not doled its proceedings when our paper went to prefs the report will be laid before both houfes of parliament to mcrrow it is probable that a committee will as in 1788 be appointed in each houk to examine the phyficians never wa there known a more numerous attendance of members of the privy council the three chief juds of the kings bench common pleas and exchequer at tended in their robes there was an im- menie enwd of fpevfcators round the treafu- ry and whiteh id extending from whiteh all to downingllreet so grejt was the prcf- fure that it was with dim uity that the privy council could get from their earrire bonaparte is exterd on the coaft he is nothing i- more tenihie to the navigator lately met by a vejel bound to newfound land on which were 6 or 8 dead bodies it was fuppofed their veffel had been wrecked upon it and that the ere w had there perifhed either with cold or hunger v notic fci fa gi 1 all u lclwd to -5- he further informs that a packet arrivedl there on the 13th from england he faw englilh papeis to the beginning of decern- ber the britifh kinfj continued very ill the prince of wales had been appointed regent newyork jan 22 party virulence ha s as at length fucceeded in deftroying the u itates bank in the houfe of representatives a majority of 1 7 have dared to decide this great national jaeflion contrary to the wiftu es of very many honejl members of their party and in direct oppofition to our gieat national intcrefhs this voc will fill our cities wit immediate and overwhelming dib efs a fcene of fufiering wliich in the end muft tranfeend ail calculation has already cum- menced in this city halifax nov 21 his majenvs trig plumper lt friffel returned hereon won- 3 l the latenefs of the feafon having prevented her getting to qnebec with the recruits for the ill batt 8th regt which flic had on board nafal appointment rear- admiral herbert sawver to fuc- ceed sir john warren in the command at halifax died in england her mod ghriftiari majedy the wife of louis xviii brother to the late king of france and claimant of the throne several communications rec eived- too chain bridge i e fir ibis p hartford con jan 9 there hat lately been erect rd by john templeman efq of the diltricfc cf columbia a chain bridsre over the merrimack rivtr near new- biivport it con fills of one arch of 244 feet in length with two paffage ways fuu pended by ten chains of 516 feet each pafl insr over uoritrhts of framed work which land on abutments 47 leet long and 37 the upngits are covcd b to joseph t barrett prcferve the timber for cheapnf of conftruclion durability fubferiber for curding wool ci drejjmg cloth that unlefs they fettle their account immediately they will be put to trouble and colt daniel kingsbery npane mills jan 191811 2 2 writing and wrap ping paper for fale at this office 03 to be sold that valuable land for a me chant or tav ernkeeper in the townlhip of frederick- buiiih horde ing oj tho ltde cretk near braofhiwii mill the property cot fills in a neat dwelling- houfe painted spanifhbrow frtyfive fet in injrth and ivencsfix hr wide including a gallery in t onc which runs toe wliole length of the houfe 5 the wa is and partitions are all built of found burnt bit a gnod brulc chimrey vvith two firplaces there are five rooms on the lower flo ami one b xbonx on the fecond likewile a good log ov hojfe and a h rfe oabe and u wards of two hundred acres of mod excellent land bounded on ht welt fide by the little jreek and on the ealt fid by the eatifcalfof lot no 13 extending from the king highway fouiheru u down acrofs the bigcreelc for fu thfr particulars applv to joseph for syth efo k0tonorto t e fubfenberaf hiurl itbnw ivio james mcnabb tsubfcripiioiis of adveriifcmcnts for this paper will be received by the editor of the canadian courant montreal ashkr- woodyefq elizabeth town wu allan y efq or mr j cameron printer torh mr an- drkfv ffsmtft niagara and mr p shrr- mj ivoiertowih fiv- t baqg hagap ave juft tectivd from london and tor fale at their ofifer hat store ft tcet nign to vigt bologne dunkir ami oend re- nd g g nppertamcc it is thought ui quifitions have been feat to different towns exctf very f all other brieve archite on the fliores of ihe baltic to furnifh iearn n for the french fhips of war iveptntious are makfnjr for fome great exnclition the french burning decree ta been put in force at varu thirty nine vvaegoii huds of britifh tnanufactlires made the firit bonfire v tar ui otucr dtiuug drcnilccture heretofore attempted in new england kingston tuesday february 5 l8ii r nov 70 the following bulletins were wed at st james this monin i nov 29 8 oclock i lvl hl5 mj rilj ft not quite fo well this evening as he was ytfterrhy nov 30 hi fvtuhy c mwhies much flie fanic 10 day is he uo ytrilculftt- ye eruay ritu iimjjijs cm piiviuuscnt laftt to lj irmuciit and ibf svpotts ot fotky comj on ui c luiinatii c tfxe bw excellency the governor in chief has been pleafcd to appoint frederick wil ham mrmatinger efq sheriff of the diftrift of montreal vice e wgiay efqdecealed the fhio pallas an ived at new york from livpooil him brought defoatches from mr tinkney to the american government but their contcnto have not tianfpired our accounts from wafhwgton are to tb- tnforms the public that he has foimed an ellabiifhment in the city of montreal lower canada for the importation of india si european piece goods ironmon gery hardware he will conltancly keep for fale an afibrtment computing even arti cle in the above branches of bufinefs as he hall imoort directly from the manufacturers he will engage to fell on the moll favorable term either for calo or approved credit a liberal difcount will be made to cajh pur- chafers eom 20 st francois xavlsr street iv 27 montreal jan 10 1811 no ioo st paut street montreal next door jouib of mejrs bellows gates co a genera aftbrtment or gentlemens fine beavfr bat j ck water proof leghorn aid willow co lades and children beaver and ft raw bonn etsof the toteft fafhiuns and belt quality also mj if ary folding hats elegantly trimmed j ha trmmiugs ctscc which were imported upon as good erms and will be fod as cheap or cheaper than can tre oouhc in the country they have aifo a variety of hats of thetr own make which thy ae willing ro watanr to be as durahte as any ever offered tor fale in canada orders from the country ihmicfully received and fcritf ly attended to cash paid for iurs montr eal nov 20 1h10 io it wanted young man about 14 or 15 years of aire to attend in a ft ore good re commendations will be reqnred the printers jan 15 inquire of tf houfe budding and painting ftohe fu ictioeis h-i-b- gvc not lc v he ilihab j iranci of k r git m ecncitowi a- nhotoo aia other adjoining pucj that they tnfnii t em thr next feafon in th vanity in pa1n1wq houses outfiacancl iifide pnr patatiin f romsc aim the gfaefs of houss caxpe- tm8 and joiners their wife wu exe cuted witn neataiisand difatch apficaion m y ui made a the dwell utghbttfe of mr stoucbyow innkeeper in itingftan my jhn bsit axarf- towos or mrs douglas mnkoer in a hu own nathan whlbr pv zo i3ii akdrkw pick 1

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