Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 5, 1811, p. 4

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the fubfcribcr begs notice is hereby given coiling his books and meagre was hi look celibacy had worn him to the bone and in his filent parlor hung a coat he the which the moths had usd not ms than pour chairs one table and an old bsir trunk made up the furniture and on his dishes a jrreafeclad eandkfock a broken mug two fimblerssj and a box of old cigars kemnants of volumesi once in tome repute vjrre thinly fcatterd round to tell the eye of trying tanger this man had no wife bistatterd elhw gapd ro8 piteoufly and ever as he turnd him round his kin id through his lockings peep upon the day noting his gloom unto myleif i faid snd if a man did covet fingle life recklcfs cf joys that matrimony give here lives a gloomy wretch would fhew it hfm jr fuch mofl difmal colors that ihejkrem orjhfy or idiot or tkzgofftp jpoufit were each a heavn compaid with fuch a tone w8b and p if i was fuch a one fay a youtfg man ma m cotton handkerchiefs camels t would not marry fuch a lady for depend fcfr s common ditto leno jaconet on it fee 1 make a xantlppw7 feeded and book muflin cottan ferift 1 am fore i could not love hen giwin chamhrav inft linen starting if i rife a married man fay an old cottons brown holland lace bailor i would govern my children or spirits wliilky tcneritte and id know the reafon why there is neigh- p wncs gugaf tea tobacco snuff bur fuch a one who fotftrs his children to do all manner of mifehief and if a word of re- rkp hrtle fdlovva laimh til proof is uttered the little fellows inn his teeth bachelors children are always well governed- what a pity that fince the world is fo bftd this mi who is fo wife and benevo lent cannot turn into every body and correct every bodys vices and follies then change from every body into again and correct ps own vices and lilies prompter the anil and bellows life tf diversity o hints to the ladies it has often been remarked that the ge nerality of females have many admirers and at the fume time few or no lovers and they wonder at it but the reafon is obvious it they thought but thinking w become quite nnfafhicnable ah laid a venerable vir gin a lamenting the degeneracy of the afre courting is nothing to what it was when i wftsvoubff the olirts novvadavs make the fellows co fancy that there is hardly to be found a refpedrful lover the cbfervation wasjuft the women of the laft ae were more refpectcd becanie they were more reserved for want of a proper rtferve they are treated with an u differeree which is nearly allied to contempt they mrks themfclves too cheap to keep up their conftqnence without which they can never be rcfpecaable to fpeak philosophically a woman moil repel before fhe con attract all this ad- rice may found oddly to a female ear but he who laughs at it pays no compliment to her tmderitanding ovid who k iew human nature tolerably well difcovered not a little pn rt rat fori when he made daphne fly io fail born her laurelld lover for his pafiion was incrcafed by the purfuit our modern daphnes are quite ano fort of people in read of flying from they run into the arms of their apolios and are afterwards furpiifed that they grow cool to their charms lovers are like rportfmen to whom the pofteftion of the game is noth ing- o the oltafure of the chafe if women would lludy lefs to pleafe thty would give more pleafurc this is a paradox which ihofe for whom i throw out thefe reflections cannot comprehend and till they carr they will never make their fortunes by their faces the rofes cf youth are not long in bloom and whn time has torn them away theres an end to love at fir ft ht and on that they feem by their manner of letting them- ielves off chiefly to depend to be flared at a few feafons then neg lected and in a few more to fink into ob livion is the lot of a thoufand ihowy girls who have only external appearances to re commend them without prudence and dif- cretion even the mofubftantial ornaments though they excite admiration will never procure eftcem prudence is fuperior to pearls and there is no kind of comparifon between diamonds and difcretion foos may be caught by tlie fhell but a man worth having will make the gem the object of his attention a splenetic blackfmith who fancied h iffl- felffick would fiequently teaze a neij boring phyfician to give him relief the phy fician knowing him to be in perfect health yet not willing to offend him told him he mufi be very careful in his diet and not eat any thing that was heavy or windy the blackfmith went off jatisficd but on calling in his mind what food was heavy and windy 2nd being ignorant back he polls to the doctor who being out of patience with his patient faid dont you know what things are heavy and what are windy no an- fwered the biackfmiib why then i will tell you faki the doctor theres your anvil is heavy and your bellowswrt windy do not eat either and youll do well e- h fort 0 soap raifms ch6colate black and purple moiocco skins seal st ruffet ditto shoes sufpenders olive oil sioughtons bitters camphor turlingtons balfam effenee of milliard lemon bergamot peppermint harlserr britifh oil opodeldoc arnatto wfndfor soap nails hardware of various defer ptions also the following books t mrs clarks memoirs junius letters ameru can lady charles twelfth elizabeth c celebs enfields speakerschool bibles tenements webftcrsspellingbooks dil- worths ditto befides feveral articles too te dious to mention the whole of which are of n excellent quality and will be fold at the cnoft reduced prices for cafh gr country produce taken inpayment h c thomson 7 ming for mr g st georgh torl j kingston dec 1 8 1810 1 3 tf yll pcrions having any r again ft faid efcate by promiitorynotei book account or other obligation are requeued t0 produce the fame f oradjuliment on or before the 1 5th dayof march next to the fuhferibers alfxr macdqnell adkr jannet m acbonell adm kingston 1 qth jan 1 8 1 i 1 7jf romeo wadsworth ceivsd by the late arrivals from london ind liverpool a frejb fiifply of has rece an drugs medicines which he offers for fale on better terms thart they ever have been fold in this country among which are the following arjidti a tons a jura 30 b ban myrrh 100 ib a uiooony erude 15 r arnatto aloes aquafortis nifte fortis- gum cjmuhor canrhaiides caifia cloves 3 tons copprafl 2c0 b ciem tartar 50 jco 300 ico ioo 25 400 a 00 inezu cheap goods s bartlet informs his friends and the public that he has this day received and now opening for fale a large supply of noug goods 5 50 100 75- 50 4 5 30 60 ax 25 30 20 112 50- 5 200 150 100 5 200 100 i 12 ico 75 gum scammony aleppo gum thus gum tragacanrb mace magrefia mannjp nutmegs oiiiin m pertivtd n bark pojeijrhubai 30c0 ib flor bulpur 300 flrrchinjoaile ico s3g- in grain fu digitalis 75 do in powder gumamrrrniac 3 tons glauber salt gurrr arabic 75 lb snemacetu gum aftjrcciidiho tarta emetic gum bernini 25 solubil gum eiemi 30 vium gum galbirfum 56 tapioca gum guaicuin 30 vomacilla qjttgimb 300 vitriol rumaa a tailor having a quarrel with a fellow in the ftreet was obferved to exprefs him- felfin the following terms r 111 trim him a dog til pick a hole in his coat a fcoun- urel gentlemen i dont value him a but ton not a ihred ill bring it to a fuit he hall have a lone doublet does the rafcal tfeftik tirit t jrrt a gnofc lie has cut out what thouoli my for- i consisting of dry goods hard ware crockery and glafs ware liquors and groceries saddles iffc c which in addition to hw former flock will jffiafee hi vttiti wotw jwwiise s tjttr whole of which will he fold at the montreal work for himfelf vvnt g v r f cahi or a kind of produce tunc is a htt e overcafl i am not fine drawn i lnfinft u rj uiir ie a ds lie is now clolinff ais iaiiineis s he is a cabbarrc fed blackguard 1 ve a o m this ptace no credit will be given and trtjodi will be fold lower than can be pur- ciiaiej in the province and as he i- deter- mined to fell all off earncfllv solicits his friends and cullomers to call and examine his goods g cash and the higheft price paid for produce n b jill tbofe indebted either hy note or book account are requeued to male i m mediate pay meni kingston 0 staler t fso 2 good bottom nobody can fay im with out a ftitch to my back he may be as ffaai p as a needle u he will but he ihan break the thread of my difcourfe it is well he jhearedeft or i would have bafted the fcoun- drel london p a phyfician and his apprentice my father defired me fir to ax you faid the phyfical difcfple to a certain emin ent pharmaropdifl that i might attend you to all your patients as you know fir it is the laif year of my time you mall bob you fnall replied the matter come they entered the fick mans gum juniper gum see lac buni lh jl lc tsuiu muiic paejs7 medicik anderfons fills balfam of hmey balfam of glead batcmins wopt boitocks elixir bjwdena iiiue plaiver jjrith oil crphalic snuff conn plajjfcn co nt flicking l daftys ei x r ljaloys carmi native earls remedy fur the hoopiug cojgii etcnce coltsfo t do peppermint dw p nnyroval eflentia fajt of lemon do do vnegar colors blie black wnite tehark red do carmine wake white frankfort blaofe indian red 56 do aid- 3000 salt petre 300 pearl parley ms tialfes majnefia godfreys coidial gwiands lotiun hoopers pili9 james analeptic wb do- fevtr powder jefuits drp3 liquid true blue xlu iktit ljre toaengi s tou mayoella lffctncs orroikhk medicine refined licorice teer5 cpd iduc sthughoin eixir tinct bak hjxhcrn iorlingtoofl balfatn eli nee of muiuid tf sheriffs sale midland diitria to wit 7 tit virtue of j n of fieri f iv it a acias if- get your hat chamber and the ufual ceremonies occurred nr n r r c 1 v r rr fued out 0 his majefiy s court of ktng s b nek inch as feeling the pulie et cetera aiium- j j jj j ing an appearance of profound thot the ven- indian i ic ivory black lamp black eit anchovies quince tiuce auucs royal cavice litnargc yellow ochre pruilian blue no t rufe pink pumice scone roitn 00 tfpannh brown vciaiillion spanifh white if i was he der of galenicals told the wife of the fick man with much gravity that her hufband was in extreme danger and that fhe had con- trihuted to his malady by giving him oyflers the woman in much confufion at laft own ed the facl when they had quitted the houfe bob enquired with much earneftnefj of his mailer how he could poffihly know that the patient had eaten oyfters you foolifii boy replied the other 1 faw fome hells under the bed the next time bob went alone and returned to his mailer with a ghaftly vifage and told him the patient was dead by eating a horfe a horfe bob rejoined the efcul apian chief how do you know that p oheafy enough fir 1 look ed under the bed and law a fuddle and bri die p and to me directed againjl the lands and tene ments of doctorprindlf at the fui t of bryan craiufordefq i have fixed and taken in execu tion the eaft half of lot no 3 fecond conccjfion of the townhip of frederickfaarh in the counties of lenox and addington and dflricl aforefaid containing by admeafurement one hundred acres and an improvement of thirtyjive acres he he fame more or lefs which will be ad judged to the high eft bidder at the gaol door in the town of kingston on monday the 22d of july next at the hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon and any perfon or pcyons ivho may have any claim to the above mentioned premifes by mortgage or other wife are reoujled to make the fame known to me before the day offals charles stuart sheriff sheriffs office 1 ph nov 1 8 1 o tef sauces cherokee sauce india sny mufhroom ketchup sundries apothecary fcajes aua weights pcwttr fyringea teeth bruihes viai cnks wafers luferfine wax foaling fuperfini do for wine white leaihsr skins ah what if you was why i would do fo and fo no sir under the the fame circummances you would do jult like him or worfc if i was a miflifter fays a well mean ing parifhoner and had as litte to do as molt miniilers have i would ft tidy my fermons better i would not come into the pulpit without a ferrron and have to make one as i go along nor would i preach one of u if i was a lawyer fays a farmer i fliould not have the face to a fk three dollars for a word of advice but fuppofe fir you had fptnt five hundred pounds in quali- fiog yourfelf to give that advice if i was mr fuch a oie 1 would not be plagued with law luits as he is i am furc he mivht avoid it an arch boy belonging to one of the hips of war lying at portfmouth having purchafed a magpie from one of his play fellows took it home and was feeding it when a gentleman who had an impediment in his fpeech thus addreffed him i well ttt tom can your mag tttalk yet yes he replied better than you or i would wring off his head ixpence per buihel will be i j given for good house ash es at the store of cumming hamilton january 211811 1 gff camelhair pencils gailypots in ions gold leaf ivory syringes lozenges peppermint paenccomp maitars pewter guoe ivicftlures wind for joap a l s c jed kegs white leid chocolate ground permacetti candles 150 d spin ill brown do do oil 50 oreen d- caflc raiins 50 ycllnw 50 bjafj box do 200 brxe window gtafs fig3 olive oil affined 6x3 7x9 currants almondi sx10 7x8 wrapping writing pa- a general hftonrnent of per aflorted ihop furnitine vials af mels prime pork juried a variety of fur plug vc pigtail tobacco gecnv inftrumerrs pepper alfpice on hand coffee loaf fugar g tin powder hyfn yuiig hyfon hjf n fkm hylon chulm teas the fubferib ll re- turns his fmcere l hanks to ills friends and the public for pt favors and informs them that he has on hand a tertje auantttv of together with a genetal aflbrtm ofdyestuff ppess papers ten ter hoks jacksi c ac sec joe nip commissi on the ufual tei ms and caih advanced on any kind of produce and other property left with him i montreal sept 1 5 j 810 i tf on business tranfacted for sale at the kingston mills boards and plank of all defoliations at the ufual prices b quantity n b no credit will be given but produce of every kind takin in payment jan 22 2ij at a fair valuation boots mens womens and chtldrcns shomtsok and upper leather a few pair of giftiron v lmlgii8 floes and a ertneral ajrtment of dry goods and groceries which he will kli at a very reduced price for cadi oj prolure richard smith tpngilmtt m ivio 1 tf gttiuhih if p ur gypd p cash paid for rags at tllf printing ofktcf klkktok ptllntbd and iini sited bv mowkk t kendall iriiirkkoics canh uandmhj h rd cxtchu at ft ftotuf

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