vol i kingston upper canada tuesday february 12 181 1 no 2 montreal hat jva tthesgn of he mirtr j kr iiit no 54 old market place jabez i de witt mostrefpectfully informs the public that he has on hand a moil extanfiye lad corrfplcte aftortmcnt of hats hat trimmings c c amtmgst which are moft fuperb military hats with orna ments complete gentlemans mojl fafhlmaue beaver hats do be 1 weens do do yeoman crowns do do doblk fuperiine green under do do drab do do do do black do extra large brims do notice is hereby zbou 0 all perfons indebted to the eftateof alexander mcdonald baker late of the town of kingdom deceafed by prom- iitory note br ok account or other obliga tion that unlefs immediate payment is made to the fuhfcribeis who are duly authoriied to receive the fame and gle acquittances their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney for collection all perfons haying any claims again ft faid efiate by prom i tory note book account or other obligation are requefted to produce the fame for adjustment on cr before he 15th day of march next to the fubferibers ax exr maci6nellv jannet macdonell kingston i oth jan 1 8 i i 1 7 tf abbot bascom llave juft received and are now opening for fale at their store in kingston a vert geuekal assortment of fall and winter goods among which are the following uperfinefecondj black raple fhtcbot- miscellany l a t for the kingston gazette reckoner no 7 jurfkal do do do do do do do do do drab do do bcft black water proof iilk ditto green under do do drab do do do green under filk do caftor koram do plated do gentls varniihed leather hats for travelling servants ditto do boys morocco mats of all colors do do caps do mens boys fine cordies do common do do wool hats of every description gold and filver tirfci cord bands common do do white and yellow tinfel cord binding coarfe and fine bow lungs morocco of all cohru fuitalle for hat fancy tip paper do do belt and common glue logwood coppcia verdigris aquafortis oil of vitriol clothiers jacks hatters do railing cvds hat eruihes of all kinds iii life romeo wadsworth has received uy the late arrivals from london and liverpool a frefh fupply of drags medicines wmch he oilers for fale on better terms than they ever have been fold in this country among which arc tie following articles z toufc alium 200 ib antimony crude arnateo aiocs aquafortis nicre fbiti gum camphor caiiihaiides cftfin cloyes 3 tons copperas 2 go ib crern faiur q o lb t bit sulphur co ico 300 100 ioo s 400 zoo hatters iron pickets foe v sc stampers runners down f fitlfjiftn h 7 t ft v ifrliet- 300 50 75 50 40 5 30 60 28 25 30 flur chamonjilfii fol pigiulis gum ammoniac gum arabic gam aflafcetida gun ben2uxn gum elemi gum galbanum gum guaicum gitcgamb gum juniper 30 lb oura myrrh jc gum scammory aleppo gum thus gum tragacanth mice magndfia manna nutmegs opium peruvian kark jalap powderm rhubarb sago in grain do in pnwder 3 tons glauber salts 75 ib spermscem 60 tartar emetic 2c solubil jo vitriol 56 tapioca 30 vermacilla 300 vitriol roman alb 112 5 5 2co i50 ioo 50 200 ico 212 led 75 i7 white do iliiv do sc light fawn drab do- hair brown olive purple blue and green 1 1 1 1 lien do 56 du gumstcd lac 3000 salt petre gum imvlac 300 pearl barley paten medicines do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do hat rpjumingsyv pink linings green linings lied do white do orange do blue do peryd yellow do brkdofr 16 1039 hat covers of every kind in ufe bindings bed military bindings for cocked hats black galloons from 10 to 30 per groce bed drab do com do do beit black and drab bands common do do white and black worded looping 5 common white hat buckles iteel do yellow union ditto white do do cords and tafiekt of all fizes colors for fancy trimmings j ladies bonnets extra large cords for ladks peliffes falh fancy trimmings for do bonnets plumes of all colors for ladies childrens all of which will be fold at the mod reduced prices for cadi or fhort and ap proved credit montreal sept 10 18 10 1 anderiws pills baliam of honey rtfllam of gilead bateniansdiops bollocks elixir bowdens illue plaifter briclh oil cephalic snurt corn plaifter court fticking plaiftet daffys el xir dalrys carminative earls remedy for the hooping cough eitence cotsfo9t do peppermint do pennyroyal effential fait of lemon do do vinegar colors blue black white chalk red do czrmine fiake white irankfort black indian red indian ink ivory black lamp black giafies magncfia godfreys col dial gowlands lotion hoopers pills james analeptic piu do- fever powder jefuits drops liquid true blue do nankeen dye loacngestoiu magoeiia lozenges ormiknk medicine refined liquorice steerss opodeldoc soughtons elixir tina back huxhe turlingtons balfam ettenceof mustard c ij row pried broadcloth frei cluchs huntcifl co scarlet d krieys cflimccs liaizcs c flannels carpeting kjuihings sc blankets pain sc twill d velvets tiikkfccts genoa cvrd blue drab terfey knit svvanfdovvn worfied cord toilinctt sc merfailles vtfting salifbury flannel china blue furniture chincz do ditto fringe si 8c colon bandanna handkerchiefs black liuied silk do linen cotton pocket do silk cotton shuwis printed sc plain bornba- c zeftes catimancoes cdurants wildbores silk lambs wool worfted cotton hjfe iambs wool gioves worfted do red and bue caps robe patterns fancy ginghams calico dimities colored sc white muflins japanm feeded dctd figurtlk te white do lenues laces cotton sewings white colorm thread tapss ihirt buttons bjack purple blur pink brown buff and llate col or d cambricks hite cotton striped fccheckm do cotton shirting i lirown holland silk sc cotton umbrellas satin luftrings tafrlie8 sarcenets hk twill black blue fcarletdrat peiite cloths ditro cords tie green pefut velvets jamaica spirits 3t croix do french brandy holland gia port wirct l- p tencciife do shryfe rlvlbn hyfonilcin fin- glo tas pepperalli sc ginger mufccvado fugitr raifins sc figs almonds currants tamautods honey indigo fig blue starch soap plug roi sa racking tobacco cigars and rappee fnuff upperjleather morocco do calffkins mens fhoes coarfe boots blk blue purplei red printed morocco fhoes 5eledted books youths he childrensdo a general aftortment of hardwahecutle- ry crockery and iron hollow ware bar iron anvils vices blifter crawley fteel hrje pocket piitols shovels fpades frying pans nails 6xs 7x9 7x81 and 8xzo wndowgufa thermometers paei firs gua powder snot bar lead military silk water proof falhion beaver caftor mens he boys ielt do do in fine cordies leather caps for children haticiews lawn hu covers beit uviucd filk do ladies falhionable beaver bonnets ditto low pried prima mlhi deles ammi lona to the reckoner sir do not think it a degradation to your rrfpeuble paper that a prodigal foil requefu room to make all the reparation to a world juflly offended by his conduct that his prefent mifcrable fituation admits if fictitious ftories incite to virtue how much more the narrations that are true my father mr reckoner was a refpea- ble merchant in london trading to the w indies who had no fori but your unhappy correfpondent tins circumflance proved my ruin for my parents foolifhly refolved never to contradict me he has no brothers or fillers they would fay to entertain him let us not then abridge his little enjoyments with abfurd reftriions even the inou ne- ceffary difcipline may be difpenkd with a9 it will be very eafy to bring him into order when his reafon begins to open by thele fage refolutions my childhood was guided and tho they intended to make me happy they were far from being fuccefs my temper became every day more and moie turbulent and was not only vexatious to all our domettics but a continual torment to myfelf years pafied rapidly away and i had not acquired the very firit elements oi knowledge the fchool i conceived a mod intolerable rellraint and the more odiqusbe- caufe inflead of being treated with diftino tion i was expofed every hour to the molt humiliating companions when i contract ed thefe vexations with the unhcunded in- dittovtrimmmgs a general affortment of drugs medicine among which are britifa oil cinnamon harlem do steers s opodeldoc ejfence peppermint mujlard cephalic swiff refined uiquorics sel poinent saltpetre windor soap litharge yellow ochre pruffian blue no i rofe pink pumice stone rotten do spaniih browa vermillion spanifh white sauces cherokee sauce india soy muihroom ketchup 3 99 burgamot chinas worm dejlroy- gold leaf ing lozenges silver do godfreys cordial jefuits drops -w- w ivory black black lead churchs cough drops anchovies eit anchovies quinci fauce sauce royal cavice sundries apothecary fcales and pewter fyringaa balfam honey hoopers female pills jlnderfons scotch do james analeptic do li x bilious do coifs 5 wheaton s iaun bitters barley sugar teeth inftruments crown lancets common do ketchup pink root court plafter sugar candy flor sulphur gum camphor dulgences which i received at home i con trived numerous excufes of abtvnce which very eafily fucceeded with my fond parents left entirely to myfelf i became at length fo troublelbme that even my father began to doubt the propriety of the plan of indulgence mats to w he had fo rigidly adhered but un- willing to make any alteration he obtained my nioiucf t cob4 lnij leafi aae t ejc able public fchool in the country he was in hopts that my diftanee from home and the ftrift difcipline of this celebrated feminary would produce the moil beneficial amend ments it is probable that thefe good con- fequences would have followed had they not been prevented by an indulgence no lets com mon than pernicious viz a liberal allowance of pocket money o mr reckoner tell your readers that if boys have money it mud be expended and if it be more than fuffjeient to purchafe toys and fwectmeats it will be fpent to their deftruion no forinefs or attention on the part of the mailers can guard againft the evils which pocket money intro duces here the parents act in oppofition to the teacher and they become the corrupt- crs of their own children my wealttwena- bled me to become popular with a certain clafs of my fchool felloes who not only kept my fdlenefs in countenance but confokd nve by their flatteries for the difgraces to which b 5 sale y virtue of a writ of fieri facias iffif- weights camelhair pencils gallypots in forts gold leaf ivory syringes lozenges peppermint parent comp mortars teeth brufhes vial corks bottle do wafers fuperflne wax fealing fuperfifie do for wine white leather skin midland difirid to ivit j ed out of his majjlys court of king s bench and to me directed againft the lands and tenements of james north at the fnit of james robins 1 have ieized and taken m execution lot number twentyfix on weft bay in the townflrip ef marylburgh county of prince edward and uiftricl aforeid con taining by admeafurement two hundiud acres and an improvement of about 40 acre be the fame more or left which will be adjudged to the highed bidder at the gaol door in the town of kingilon on the 1 6th day of april next at the hour of ten oclock in the fore noon and ail peifon or pcifons who may have any cluimto tk- aboe mentioned prem- fet cither by mortgage or gtherifc are re queued to rmiki- the lame known to me be- fcretheday of file charles sruart sfctjj pewter ounce mealures windfor foap jf l 0 0 chocolate spermaceili candle 1 50 do spanifli brown do do oil co green do ico kegs white lead gtound geon s htrj i ojjit october 9 iq f calk railins j yellow 50 black box do 00 bxe window glafs fi olive oil altorted 6x8 7x9 currants almond uhllpb wrapping wnong a- a general affotlbjerit of per attorted vop furniture vahaf- mefs inftrunents pepper almpice on hand coffee loaf fugar v together with a ue punpowder aogeuci 6yf n lfuag hyfon hf n km gyfoa cbulan duchoog commis5iom btrstniss tranlaaed t m the ufual term and odh advanced on an ynvl of produce and other property tett mi mwtetah sept k j- jmperialtooth powder lipfalve nutmegs cloves they have lewife rented the new store belonging to mrs finkle in ernelioivn where they are now opening a general affortment of drt goods groceries hard ware and crockert all of which will be fold remarkably low for prompt pay only cafh pot pearl allies wheat plour poik furs butter and cheefe re- ceived in payment w 0 conftant attendance will be given at each place ciders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the fhorteft no tice and medicine put up in the belt order november 13 1 810 8tf uced northrop wolcott abbe airrcmofdv j v rem from press papers it te40 tfa hooks jacks sec c c if no 54 st paul street to no 102 one door north of mcflrs bellows gates co wlure they have a general affortment of dry goods on hand which they offer for fale on reafonable terms n w sc abbe montreal 1 t s- 1 3 e 1 tl my grofs inattention daily expofed me they paid with praife for the pleafitrei which i procured the m havingbeen convicted of feveral trefpaffes and private admonitions failing to product any amendment the reor of the fchool in formed my father that i mull be removed or that he mould be under the difagrecable ne- ceffity of expelling me with difgrace on my return home my affeverations of inno- cence joined to plaofible falfehood ind my credulous parents to believe that the rec tor had taken a rooted diilike to me for fomc trifling matters unworthy of his notice their fondnefs did not allow them to per- cive that the head matter of a refpedabie fchool in england is incapable of any thing mean or unbecoming 1 had by this time become a reat adept in lying for 1 co niid- cred it a ufeful qualification irom the time that my xcufes to fiay away irom my firft fchool fucceeded fo well i was now removed to a private academy where i lived in perfect freedom 5 tlie mailc had become popular by bis extreme wsdul- gerrce he profeffed to teach wttfcmit pqfl- iments and his hcufe was filled with tpotl- ed children here i learned new methods of deftroyiug time and tome nev vwrcs but being am feventeen and poffcffiig good natural parts i condefcended to give toms attention to arithmetic and account l tie fpecimens however which my matt r esho- ited with fo much parade to my tathvrwcre principally done by himcdf a circuuuuncc