Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 12, 1811, p. 4

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4-4- 4ik 4 44 a ia a p c p o e t r y for th kingston gazitti a r fy 2yizy s 0 mr alcasdr i your p ail oral s a wonacr o ad the you ng luub in town j f they knew you as well as one 1 could tell frown you would then fay theres death lu their youve the fame frorv oer told dozens before with intent female pride to increafe speas lefs of our beauty teach teach us our duty and with wheedling and flattery ceafe if you aim at hearts pray do not take darts inilift that u ill rankle with venrin the wound they chooic a different fubji ct and make it your object henceforward our foibles texpofe relric o tiih iiigtnmty diiary proficiency in fo fliort a time he lvo to hi young a piece of workmanfhip yf his own performance being a white twi bfkel which for many years after became 3 general fafhion among the ladies by the nam of dreffmg bafkeis brought hither to eng land from germany and holland to complete the fingulafity of this rela tion it happened fonte years after this no blemans maniacre that he and hu father-in- law fhared in the misfortunes of the palari- nate were drove naked out of their eftates and in holland for fome years did tlie foung lord maintain both his fatherin lav and his own family by making bafkets ot white twiffs to inch an unoaralleled exceilen- cy as none could attain and it is from thirt young german lord the hollanders devivt thofe euiioiities which are rill made in the united provinces of twigwork balance and extras to her huiband but uafortimate- y the old man who was alnioll deaf had miftaken the bars for the horfewhoufe itfelf and as the old cheap stove p whitney has jufi iccciv- u cd vnd is now offering fur ale extcniive aftortment of fall winter goods ieacons rencountre witn bis also to correct the miltakc the lid hardware weft india goods anj nrlnr1ikr nvrecled iirft- frorerits lady happened not to be preiem a deacons rencountre with his fon was unluckily cor the niiftake was laughable fays the reader yes rah if he thought fo a singular stratagem a r the owl and parrot- mx rlter f2d4 an vl fell defpvately in love poor foul sighing and hooting in his lonely hole a parrot the dear objeifl of his wilhes who in her cage enjoy d the loaves and ftfotsj in hort had all fhe wanted meat and drink wafhing and lodging full enough i think squire owl mod mofically tells his talc kisoaths his fquezes krfles fighs prevails poll cannot bear poor heart to hear him grieve so opes her cage without a u by your leve are married go to bed with raptured faces rich words and fo forth ufual in fuji cafes a day or two pafsd amoroufly fweet love kiffing cooing billing all their meat at length they both jslthungrv- whats for dnner pray what have we to eat my dear quoth poll ci nothing by all my wifdom anfwerd owl i never thought of that as im a linner jut pnll on fnmetbing i hall put my pats what fayrt thou deary to a diih of rats f rats mifter owl dye think that ill eat rats at them yourfelf or give them to the cats whinca the poor bride now burding into teais well polly would you rather dine on moujef 111 catch a fw if any in the houfe thou ihalt not ftarve love fo difpcl thy fears 1 wont eat rats i wont eat moufe i wont dont tell me of fuch dirty vermrr dont o that in my cage i had but tarried polly juoth owl im forry i declare so delicate you reliih nut our fare you fliould have thought of that before you married crime room gentleman recently ironi bofton relates the following lingu lar affair which he fays happened juft before he left that place a perfon had been taken up and com mitted to prifon for palling coun terfeit bills shortly afterwards a negro was taken up for fome and confined in the fame but was taken fick in a- bout a week and died next day a coffin was provided and the bo dy of the deceafed depolited in it as people of color are generally in- terred in the evening by thole oi their own complexion the coffin was fuifered to remain until night in the room with the money ma ker after the jailer and thofc who accompanied him had left the sententious remarks an idle man is a bolder for the devil he who will take no pains will never build a houle three lories high every one has his cricket in his head and makes it firig as he pleaies speaking without thinking is hooting without taking aim- idlencfs buries a man alive mother in law and daughter in law are a temped and a hail ftorm groceries ail of which he will difpoie of wholefalc but afe o- an retail at as lew a rate as can be purcbaf d in montreal or iicbte he moll cor dially invite thofc who are in the habit of pureiafig by wholeiale to call and exam- inc for themielveu jttgsfobf ijt decern er isio iltf the fubfc er begs epitaph in the church yard of glmmivgham hi the county of norfolk bug sacred to the memory of thornas- jackton comedian who was engaged de cember i 1 75 1 to play a comic call of characters in this great theatre the world for maiy of which he was promoted by na ture to excel the feafon being ended his benefit over the charges all paid and his account clofed he made his exit in the tra gedy of deaths on the 1 7th of march 1 798 in full alturance of being called once more to rehear fal where he hopes to find his for feits all cleared hid call of parts bettered and his iituation made agreeable by him who paid the great dock debt for the love he bore to oei formers in general ieneriffe and room h diversity bethought himfelf the prelent would be a moii favora ble opportunity to make his ef- cape and thereby avoid the pun- iiliment that awaited him the wicked do not fo much care what arc the means if they can but ac complish their defies when all he that has a trade has an miafe franklin nothing more betrays a pride graft ed oa folly than to defpife labor nothing leads to more ruinous confequences than to bring up children in habits of idlenefs and diffipation riches are fo uncertain and fo frequently cliange owners that it is a point of neceltaiy prudence to educate the children even of wealthy families in habits of indus try and economy otherwife they will foon clilfipate the foi tunes which their fathers kad hoarded and will become ten fold more wretched than the poor man who has been accultomcd to earn his bread by his daily la- l j 0 dfaionary records a very r 8 i when they arriv- remarkable ftory which ufed to be told by george the firft it is recommended as a pro fitable lefton to young people and to thole parents in particular who attach the idea of was ftill and fcfe he took the corpfe out of the coffin and placed it in his own hammock got into it himfelf and turned the lid down carefully as before in this fitua- tion he lay anxioufly yet fearful ly waiting the moments when he ihould be liberated fjrom his loath- fome confinement in the evening the coffin was taken from the prif- as neat a newfpaper blunder as we have litely feen is in a new- york paper which in advertising a property for fale recom mends h as a capital ftand for carrying on bufinefs upon the mod expenjve fcale in- dead cf extenive so ncceflary is it for us printers to fee that even our advertiiemeuts are right to a x new cheap goods s bartlet is forms his friends and the public tiiul he has this day received nd now opeiiing for fale a lailoe supply of goods 1 leave to inform the public that he has juft received and has for file at the store lately decupled by mr a bolton the following r f a articles vj2 broadcloths kerieymerescoan hg filk and cotton velvet dimity cor- duroy swanfdown and patent cord veiling white and printed cottons bandanna ro- mal and cotton handkerchiefs camels hair shawls common ditto leno jaconet feeded and book muffins cotton cambrics gingham chambray irilh linen shirting cottons brown holland lace spirits whilky port wines sugar tea tobacco snuff soap raiims chocolate black and purple morocco skins seal ruftet ditto shoes snfpendeis olive oil stoughtons bitters camphor turlingtons balfam eitence of mniiard lemon bergamot peppermint harlem si britihi oil opodeldoc ainatto windfor soap nails hardware of various dtferiptions also the following books mrs cwks memoirs junius letters ameri can lady charles twelfth elizabeth ccelebsenfield speaker scliool bibles teftsments webftersspelliugbooks dil- worths ditto befides feveral articles too te dious to mention v the whole of which are of an excellent quality and will be fold at the moil reduced prices for cafll country produce taken in payment h c thomson f 7 aingfor mr i st gsoxgk tori j jo uu urn ncc iiu 1 3 tf consisting of dry goods liquors nd hard ware g rocencs saddl c c on room by four good lully ne- gtoes appointed for that purpofe and folemnly conveyed to the bu- meannefs to all kinds of manual labor 5 and are more intent on leaving fortunes to their children or giving them a falhionable rank than on learning them to be induitrious pru dent and ufeful members of fociety about the year 1615 there was a no bleman in germany whole daughter was courted by a young lord when he ha made fuch progrefs in this affair as is ufual by the interpofition of friends the old lord had a conference with him afkiug him how he intended if he married his daughter to maintain her he replied equal to her qual ify to which the father replied that was no anfwer to his que lion he defired to know what he intended to maintain her with to which the young lord then anfweied he hoped that was no queition for his in heritance was as public as his name the old lord owned his polteitions to be great but ml afked if he had nothing more fecuie than land wherewith to maintain his daugh ter the queflion was flrange but ended in this j that the father of the young lady gave his pofitive refolve never to marry his daughter though his heir and would have two fuch great eflates but to a man who had a manual trade by which he might fub- m if drove from his country the young lord was mailer of none at prefent but ra- ed at the grave the coffin was fct down with great care and one of them was about to make a fpeech upon the death of their compan ion scarcely bad he time to utter one word before the lid of the coffin flew open and the money maker jumped out and made his efcape while the poor negroes af frighted amoft to diftraciion ran with great violence in every direc tion fcreaming de debil ce debil de debil l the miftake crockery and glals ware which in addition to his former ilock will make his afforttnent very complete the whole of which will be fold at the montreal prices for cafh or any kind of produce as he is now cloiiree his bufinefs in this place no credit will be given and goodsvfillbe fold lower than can be pur- chafed in the province and a he is deter mined to fell all off ear ne ill v folicits his friends and cu homers to call and examine his goods fj cash and the mghcft price paid for produce jv b ail thofi indebted either by note or book account arr tequfled to mail immediate pay me i kitigstotiy oclofcr 1 1810 2 tf the fubfertberfee- jog duly authorized to collect the debts due john adams of frederickfbargh black fmith takes this opportunity of informing thofe who are indebted to the faid john ad ams that unlefs immediate payment be made their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney richard robsou napane mills jl february 1 81 1 o cur r id to me airecieoy agaayi we tancu and ten- eats of docicrprrndlf at the fuit of bryan raivfordefr i hame fined and iahn in e -ecu- ion the eafl hdfoflot no 3 frond coricejfm of hs tomiijhip of fredfrichjbui gh in the counties ir was not difcovered until next day and the perfon had not been heard m of lince for sale comment of q 7 barrels onondaga salt cheap for cafh at the store of 1 john k1rby co kingston t 14th jan 1811 ttz vermont pap the consequences of deafness the fubferibers have juff received a conhvnment of sixty sides of albany soleleather which they offer for fale cheap for cafh jan 1 18 j 1 abbot bascom came the i the he fubferibers inform their friends and tner than lofe his mirrefs he requelted only jonah had compelled the maic to a years te n which he promifed to ac- leap over a fet of bars near the jonah faid a newengland deacon imperatively to his foh come here what made mare over the his father fternly jonahdeniedit aur cay on t what feid the old man with ifu fti 5 warmth as he fmote the lad with pled2e his cane will you make your mother a liar v the cafe was this sheriffs sale midland diftria to v ft j of rien facias i fited out ff his mccffs court of kings bench and to me directed againft the lands and ten- c ii th of lenox and addington and diflricl aforcfaid containing by admeafurement one hundred acres nrd cm improvement of thifyjiv acres h the fame more or lefs which will he ad- judged fo the highefl bidder at the gaol door in ir town of kingston on monday the 22dof july next 1 toe hour of 10 oclock i nth c forenoon dad any perfon or perfons mho may have any claim to hie above mentioned premfes by mortgage or pthefifs are reqveled to male the fame h i to me before the diy of fale charles stuart sheriff shvifls ojfxe iph nov 18 10 8 s ixpence per bufhel will be given for good house ash- es at the store of c um m tng if a mi lton istf january 21 18 ii jou jump the young horfehoufe faid tanning currying c a s h pa j d for r a gs 9 1 at the rinti1 office kjkgtwc p quire one 5 in order to which he ket maker the mod ingenious he could meet v ith and in fix month became marter of hn tiadc of baiketmrking with far n irprovemcnii than e hia teacher himmf- got a bal l which were called lor the fake of diftinftion the horfi- houfe bars his mother had feen the mifdeed and had complained giton ara pl- felves that their work ihail be well executed ihey will tan hides upon fares for fuch as may dehre it upon liberal terms hides will be received at the houfe of m rogers ii- joraing walkers hotel morocco and other curryin done at fliort notice by a workman lately from new york moses rogers john ellerbeck kiagilon januaiy l rgij jf tsubfcripticns or advertifemadt far this paper will be received by the editor of the canadian co rant montreal asd- trobdefa elizabethtozvn im all au efq or mr j cameron pnntr york mra drkff heron niagara and mr p suit man ivatertovn n tj printju and pvbiishjl by mower kendall rfifcf tnrren shillings pis avsim1 blank notes cards ilindfdhc- handfomefy evented at r

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