i k 1 n g 8 t o n tvbspay ptiukiinr 26 181 r york february 13 ymkrthiy a rjepn- talioj fi l lwjfc of ulembly ivaiud on his excellency the lituteiujftf governor and prtfuitcd the iolkwiiiv addrets ft excellency francis gorj y vy ttctii 1 nt gei j 77 or of the province cf upper canada may it pkilc your excellency we hu majfcftys moil cituiful and loyal iubjecls the comcacivi of the province of upper oinath in parliament ail em bled being anx ious skilfully to difcharge the im- ortant talk we have to perforin beg leave humbly to requeft your excellency wffl be pleafed to di rect to be laid before this houfe asfoon as convenience will permit copies of the certified accounts of all fines which have been collected and paid under and by virtue of the feveral militia laws now and heretofore in force in this prov- ince and to what purpofes the fame have been applied signed saml street s comment houfe of afmhly monday xih feb 1u to which his excellency was ptealed tojnake the following ply gentlemen of the houfe of ajfcmm i ihall at all times be ready to pay every attention to the repre- fentation of the houfe of aitembly of abufes that may exiit which properly come within their invance co 2th february 181 1 uu minifler frm great brit an a jet- vtl tfogl u wtm i- if limliiy in wnfbiujjton roatmiler in philadelphia fays the latl dclpatchra from mr pinkney to government via the pallas at new york mentions the name of the new rainilter from greatbritajn to the united slates ascom- inuoicnred by the marquu wclkfky to mr pinkney extract of a titter from norfolk to a gentle man in baltimore dated d feb lalt evening arrived here a french minifter general serrurier he is a young man with no family but a fecretary ami two fcrvants he is direct from bayonne which port he left the 30111 december in the american 1iip commodore rogers which has a number of american captains c on board who have left their vellels in france a captain of a fehooner fiom baltimore owned by mr kennedy has returned in her the writer has had fome c nverfation with him he rates there is no revocation of ihe berlin or milan decrees as to neutrals and no relaxation in the vigilance of the pri vateers in capiuring every veffel they fall in with general maftena is dated to have re treated to the frontiers of spain where ii is believed he will wintet v slmwkrries a rmsdyfir th wj mifrs editors t hofr of rrmr readers who arc ffi iccl with that dredful malady will be rejoicecj to hear thai die celebrated lintifta derived givat relief under its at lacks from the if of strabenic fo a fit unufiially violent winch p vnucti him for the fpaeeof a laimhi from taking the leal innuiuwr itpu j f t a p ate nf strawltirci was accidentally brol 10 him of thefe the only article that was at all grateful to his palate he ate twice aivl toe tq i lowing mormnjr was well enough t have his bed enthflyfreeyiom pain the difodec returned fr four fueeteding ytar at the fame feafon was at each time remo ved by the fame means and by continuing to cat of this fnrt every fnmmer it ceafel to recur fur nea- iy twenty years the pa- per from which this extradt was made adds wor do we bad that linnaens experienced a reiuru of gout even after that interval f c ftck pci to driiih coffee it haa been therefore ordered that the apotheca ries may fcljcoffte on the certificate of a pltyftrimi but nct exceeding one ounce at a time 1 for sale 0 y ours c 7 here is a failor at wajhivgton ivho ms very firny accounts of congrifs ive extract tic jvlujjingfrom one of his lafi letters jack rattle to a brother tar george- town jan 18 1 8 1 1 i told you i would write to yon again in my next fo heres at you infl a3 tinners conw uppcrmoft i dont like this georgetown very well its fuch muddy walking but then they fay the ireets are paved but what good does that do when theres fo much mud that you cant gei down to the pavements without digging for em lad monday bill and i went to the n- vyyard theres white marble ftatues there predicated on fome of the boys that flipt their wind like brave fellows among the tri- poli folks and algerines we thot congrefs put em thre but it was not twas done by their comrades not them that was killed ey d we sixt why congrefs did not do it and the told us congrefs was a niggardly gang an j guefs they are too for they dont pay the old foldiers nor dont pay for the horfe i told you that lied his blood in the wars and whits worfe tom they let general wafh- tng toils bones lie and rot at mount vernon becanfe they wont build a monument to put vm in old one arm nelfon was a brave fellow and what did the eirgjilh do to make folks remember him i dont doubt but what it- true that congrefs bent much for they look like no great things so when we come from the navy yard we bore away for congrefs 1 knowed the way the fecond time we got a fnilg berth in the gallery that i told tou the fame old admiral was in the high feat they fays hes a great man aud i dare fay he weighed 250- they faid fomething about hofpitals for teamen in foreign countries we began to like em for folks told us they did not care a damn for failors and you know they puffed an embargo to ruin the merchants and do nobody no good they talked about having new orleans and loni liana come among us and join our company and all the mulattoesand negroes there was one was again ft it and talked like the commander of a fquadron not a bit afiaid of the whole of em says he if you let em join us twill break tip the company and youve no right to and the yankees will be off and then you may fhiik foryour- felves he didnt fay yankees but they fay that was what he meant well what does a fcrubby looking fellow thats got the tonnage of the united states accor ding to- the lute report of mr gallatin in december 1s09 was 1350281 tens of wlueh 820763 tons are owned noith of the hudfon maflachuluts owns 463044 tons agreeably to tonnage the five iirft cities of the united states rank thus new- york bolton philadelphia haiti more charlefton oo provincial parliament ofl canada feb i a petition from feveral pilots for and below the haibor of quebec againft the granting of branches to mailers of vefiels was received and referred a petition fromjofias stiles and afibciates praying for a licenfefor his ftage was re ceived and referred to the com mi tee on the provincial poll houfe bill mr secretary foy prefented at the bar purfuant to an addrefs of the houfe to his excellency the governor in chief fundry pa pers relating to the propofed bridge over the montmorency a menage was received from his excellen cy the governor in chief with the public accounts to the 5th jan 181 1 feb 2 the houfe went into committee on an amendment to the montreal jail bill which committee afterwards reported a refo- lution referring the confideration of faid a- mendment to the firft monday in auguft in which refolution the houfe concurred feb 4 the three rivers jail bill was read the third time amended at the table pa fled and ordered to the leg council the public accounts were referred to a committee of live members mr papineaujun prefented according to order the bill granting a further fum of mo ney for the completing of the montreal jail which bill was twice read and referred to a committee of the whole tomorrow to fill up the blank feb c the houfe in committee filled up the blank in the montreal jail bill and the report of the committee was received the houfe went into committee to confider if it is expedient to continue th duties under the act of the 45th geo iii which commit tee reported a refolution for continuing the lartue fariilicnited time for eltnhlilhiig a fund to aid in defraying the civil expenditure of this province in fuch manner and form as lhall be appropriated by the legislature and the quellion of concurrence on the faid refo lution was ordered 10 be put on friday feb 6 a petition from john molfon of montreal for an exclufive privilege for his learn boat was received and referred the committee of the whole houfe on the hill permitting the covering of houfes with mingles reported progrefs and obtained leave to fit again on monday feb 8 an engrofied bill to grant an- harnefs c a credit of three months will be given apply to char lis smyth kingston zfh feb 1811 23 4w a few barrels of linseed oil for fale at the more of feb 26 abbot bascom for sale a farm confiding of 258 acres be ing lot no 6 in the lie concefiiou in pittfburgh lituate 6 miles from kingiton eg or 12 acres under improvement with a good log houfe on the lame and a good marfli affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle for particulars apply to laugh- lin mintyre fliip carpenter pittfburgh feb ruary 12 3 b 1 1 2 itf for sale at the kingston mills boards and plank of all defcriptions at the ufual prices n b no credit will be given but produce of every kind taken in payment at a fair valuation jan 22 129 northrop wolcott b abbe have removed from no 54 st paul street to no 102 one door north of me firs bellows gates co where they have a general alfortrnent of dry goods on hand which they offer for fale on reasonable terms n w sc abbe montreal loth sept 18 10 1 tf bagg hagar have juft received fiom london atd ortr for fale at their hat store fabory no 100 sr paul street montreal next dcorjoutbof meffrs belotus gates co a general afforment of gentlemens fine braver hati j iilc water proof leghorn and willow oo ladies and childrens beaver and ftrnw bonnets of the latevt faions and beft quality also mntaiy rdidihg hats elegantly trimmed ha rrmmings fecc which were imported upon as good term and wnl be fold as cheap or cheaper tuan can be bought in the country they have alfo a variety of hats of their own make which rhey are willing ro warrant to be as durable as any ever offered for fale in canada orders from the counrry thankfully recovdand ftricllv attended to montreal nov 20 1810 cashpuidfor furs 10 tt houfe building and painting teie faciei ib n s b xeb give aoucf i the inhab itants of kingfton erneftown adolhutown and other adjoining placer that they intend to em loy the nxt feafon in this vicinity in painting it t mi- f houses outfide and infiie patent painting of other fum of money to finith the building ot r anrf the bufmefs of house cap-pen- the emperor napoleon has prefented a box of fplendid engravings valued at 50000 francs about 10000 dollars to the socie ty of the fine arts at philadelphia alender wolcott efq of connecticut is nominated a judge of the fupreme court of the u s in the room of mr lincoln de clined the common jail for the dixrict of montreal was read a third time palled and ordered to the legiflative council the queuion of concurrence was put on the feveral amendments reported from the committee of the whole houfe to the bill to continue and amend the act to regulate pro vincial pott houfes and they were agreed an additional claule was then moved to the faid bill and the houfe adjourned f g the orders of the day which were loft by the adjournment of the houfe being revived a bill to amend the act for the better regulation of pilots and hipping in the port of quebec c was read a ie- eond time and committed to a committee ot the whole houle the houfe then fat with clofed doors and ted states bank ilg secretary o the treafnry i otates has add re fled to the mr gallti secretary o th of the tjnited chairman cf a committee of the senate at their requeft a letter refpcing the charter of the bank of the united states the re- newal of which he warmly recommends the committee have reported a bill to re new the chartefor twenty years the cap ital ftock is to be increafed live million of fuch a harp face that youd think twas on ly made to let the wind go both fides of it what does he but jumps up and tells tother to hold his jaw and axt the old admiral if he was not faying what lie fhould not and then there was a dozen ipoke all at once and then there was another that lookd like a geneial but they faid he was only a ma- adjourned till monday next jor he wanted to know what buiinefs the frarp faced man had to bother people when they were talking the old admiral faid the yankee man was wrong with that he taid hed have i out and let the houfe fay fo above half the whole crew on em took fide againft the old fellow and the yankee man went on so when we feed things go right again we come away iied in waterford ireland trufe dick- fon he was in his defk and baa jaft giv en out as his text iv e mitft all appear before the judgment feat of chrifl when he fell tiown in his pulpit and initantly expired ters and joiners their wo k will be exe cuted with neacnefsand difpatch application m y be made at the dwellinghoufe of mr stoughtoti innkeeper in kingfton mr john bell in ernef town or mrs douglas innkeeper in adolohuf- town nathan wheeler nov 20 1810 andrew pickens to be sold the one halt or if neit fauw the purehfer the whole of that valuable stone mill in maryfburg with two run of ltones fit for bufinefr otie fuperrine and two common bolts and four hun dred acres of land with about 30 acres improved on the premifes near the mill is a gnod dwelling- houfe with three rooms and a kitchen on the lower floor and a conenient houfe nearly adjoining for a miller alio a itable and horfrflied belonging tc the eftate of the late peter van alstineefq deceafed the fituation is fo well known that it is thought unnecefiary to give a further dftriptin thofe who may wifli to purchaf will pleafe to ap ply to thomas oakland elq adolphuitown cornelius van alst1ne fxi george wmeyres s february 11 1811 i fracas at wajhmgton after the adjourn ment of the houfe of representatives on the 2 2d lilt as the members were rething wil lis alfton kicked john randolphs dog and obferved in johns hearing that puppies would omctime carry their points alluding to johns killed initantly at mary burgh by the fall of a tree mr nathan hale dollars making the whale amount of capital fomctim d i themtot of the uii jut having earned a motion or adjournment r contrary to willis views immediately up on this john began to lay willis over the ik ad ith his cant- and a fight enfued the iubje has been before the giand jury of columbia dittrict and john is fined ten dollars this is the price of caning a member of congrefs trenton fed ted states is to appoint annually with the advice andpufent of the feflitte a certain portion of hedireciors no votes for li- ttors to be given by proxy the fum to he paid by the bank as the price of the char ter is left blank i general wilklnfon ha prrjktl agamft the tight of congrefs to rnqniie into hi mil itary conduct 01 bib iiaj ers cci the phyficians of vienna reprefented to te government there that it is neceflaiy for candles the fubcriber has jufl received 75 boxes dipped and 16 boxes mould candles which will be fold low by the box or lefs quantity also a few pur caps weavers reeds clover seed and a complete aifortment of dry goods liquors and groceries crockery and hardware which will be fold as ufual at the montreal prices and all kinds of produce received in payment jajh paid for mojl hinds of h roauce s bartlet kingston february 26 1 si i 3 crto be sold that valuable ftand for a meb ch ant ortat- ernkeeper in the townfliip of frederick- burh bordering on the littlecreek near bradmawa mill the property confifts in a neat dwelling- houfe painted spanih brown fortyfive feet in length and twentyfix feet wide including a gallery in fiont which runs the whole length of the houfe the walls and partitions ae all buiit of found burnt brick a good brick chimney with two fireplaces there- are five rooms on the lower floor and one bed room on the fecond likewife a good log ftoe houfe and a horfe ftabe and upwards of two hundied acres of moil excellent land bounded on the weft fide by the little creek and on the ealt fide by the ea half of lot no 13 extending from the kings highway foutheriy down acrofs the big creek forfu ther particulars apply to joseph for- itthefq kngitonort3t fobfenberat tburlow i 1810 james mcnabb advertisement the subfcnbcr has uunhiled of john size the lot whereon he now dwells w tb fundry articles of houfchold furnitnre and five hunjred acres of wiid land any perfon having claims upon the fame by mot gage or otherwise are requi- led to make the fam known without defavj to joala him van ds htvem kingtton ibtb feb jsix i- 3