Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), March 5, 1811, p. 3

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ii i i mtxl colli i tnfs umjckri miliimlirm w cttmpatry i1v tktti thl ik m nhlorl i jaio rtvwvl bcvmiii ti com nnicunent of in iikiy ail 1 drafttww io ddccnd foin batirti iwiure and touch ar every fwth- nk n oi cuiictjiipicr to cnilii any diltir- gupcthat may arife fwrr or i up the chief itifin- nus lie qy tw in inquenee ot this affair oaverfhjt cluhori hid tmltted itut the hsle siiiiria of new orleans into imme u- irvef and forhidd any male ikvi l p ij te ilrctsatli 6 oclock in flu wur fem bhgmpjicai sum 1 mllar m rlj y the ihmily name ofihc krnneci- nad o is don juan martini the o washing row ciji ji i a on 1 liv of ri 1 sunday i abnr eirthnae was very feuhhh j t u- and its viciitity iiie houie cuntittued iiu- kiimoil mail one rritii e lvti it from llncf philadelphia feb i r the fall fail jngb h oimio captain whcldm arrived ac ivw caftle lift cvning in the remarkable hod pahage of 19 days fion rochellc and 430 bouv9 from land to land the fuper- cargo informs us that all vdhls in the ports of fiance under amedsan colors whether fioffl the united states or cot whether the cargoes be american or colonial pro duce are put under fcizure and their papers tent to park in no inlbucc have they ben allowed to difpofe of their cargoes what would be determined on after the 2d february to which time the uioceeoiris of the council of prizes was fuiverwjed was ve ry doubtful even if the britifa orders in council hould be repealed agnomen being derived from the vuhgfctf which he was the moll diftingaiihad inhabitanthe k of honorabhj prentage m before tne aaaeidduution of his country bv its nrefent invaders lie was en abled horn the rent of his eftate to live in a ftylc errcipondjnt to his birth he is about 45 years of age his countenance is noble and cluiraclerifdc of his mind he is not above the middle itature but has devoted him on tile invailon of spain lie de clared his refolution to maintain 1 ii pgupic atknowieorc jefos onill i tjur only km and oaiov they pniy tliat rod wopm blefa tiiem for chnils hike obfeve th- sabbath have pviells who biptile their children and admia- liur the faemment o the fupper they hav many church books but know not the meaning 0 them they believe in a future jiidgmerit they are had hime of thcrn to labor under derp convictions of fin and to pray nhht a- d day they confder their peiervation and the prefervation of chrirtian- ity among tlum a a miracle they innoc- ulate their children for the fmall pox have gardens encloled with ftone walls and abun dance of fruit and live in harmony and com- fort this is an oifteiai document from tlierev mr drnntous letter from karais tartary february 1b06 a paris paper of dec 1 4 ftates that an american veffel with pro- vilions had been taken by a french veffel and carried into st andero she had 2000 barrels of flour and 3000 of corn which adds the pa per will be extremely nfeful in pro pitoning our armies they have hitherto boafted of their plenty at montreal mr 3 f mi ornecaan aged 3 1 a native of damif oot- c laud j fi atgananoque choaked to death mr ohi gju of cornwall at saratoga springa jfa fc er t mmdlebury vt attorney at fo tfsubfcripiions err advert ifenients r tlns pabsr isdl be received ly the editor of m canadian courant montreal sme- jrood efq eliahihiwon s surkvood ejq augujla iv e gates efq join- tozvn ifai alla efq st gxorrx or mr j camfhon printer tork mrylu- drhiv heron niagara and mr p xhkr- maif iv alert own n tj phe leliecs of the crown nd a- cle jry refervcs and thole who have licenfes of occupation in the midland dl- rifi aie requeued to pay the arrears f rent due by them rcfpeively to th fubferiber who is legally authotifed to receive the lame and grant receipts c stuart sheriff sberifs ojftci 2d march i 8 i 1 2 when lachn bonaparte and fa t niwyork feb 14 we learn by the arrival this forenoon f ikr flih pijpatch tens new orleans tbat ttu brigands had nfen on the white mhalitai of thai tcni- to general hampton wii the uited states forces wne in puroitt of them governor claiborn had oidicuout all tlc hmutiaj and forbid by proel nnacion all the ffi blacks from going at large a feveie bailie had ho n founht at ms- l ico between tlie ronveniionalilis and the bpansards tue former veic defeated with great leis k no st on 2 tuesday jit men 5 llh tijjfln iofifijuehce ij an earlur departure tj a flads than lifital tee htivc atuicipaled the cilhvniry day of pubhttior we uwderftand that a letter of a late date w been received in town from londuu latin r that the regency had gone into ope rati 11- mt erettnan s jounud safes of american veffehn france the fales took place at liayoime 15th december when 19 amean ittips aucl ctponers were fold for the aggregate fm of 254500 francs equal to about fifty jhoufand nine hundred dollars a letter from bayonne dited december jg f the american fequeltered and confiscated property fold in thia port only amounts to about fevetoen millions of francs about three iidiiuns fwr hundred thou- and dollars treaties are faid to be on the carpet in germany for the nruriage of two of the daughters of the emperor of auihia one to frederic william of pruffia and the other to ferdinand 7th of spain from wafiinglcn february 14 the new french miniuer has arrived and new means are to be reforted to by this dif- ciple frefh from the fchool of napoleon to widen the breach between the united states and great britain and draw this country t nearer fo france agaiajj the folemn declaration of the french upetor in auguft laft the berlin and milan decrees remain inrepealed altho the prefident ruflied forward with zeal to meet the overtuie all that is done in france is the mere fufpenfion of the proceedings un der tjgfe decrees on our property feized fwceiirft of november laft a meafnre difclofing at once the genuine fruit oi french intrigue step by hep we are to be drawn nearer to the vortex into which fiench ambition is drawing every thing on the european the- atre4j few days will unfold the new pro- jeft with which the miuitler is cfeaiged by his mailer letters have be n received here this div bating that major cufhino is rctrcithg bc- f fnperior 1 i i th and spni fn force 10 the caufe of his country or to die in her defence and he fpurned every offer that was made to ieduce his attachment the threat was at length uttered of putting his fam ily then in the power of the french to death unlefs he took the oath of allegiance to the corli- can kin fofeph and as he rcfiftcd the menace it was literally carried into effect and his whoh family put to death on this horrid and moft barbarous occurrence he vowed eternal vengeance apainft the 1rencli name and nation fwore never to iheathe his iword until his country was cleared of her in vaders the vow has hitherto been carried into effect with a moft dreadful rigor and the lives c thousands of his enemies haveno yet atoned for the murder of hi kindred the corps which he command is entirely compofed of chofen mei and amounts to 3000 comprifin infantry cavalry light artillery no perion is admitted into it un lefs recommended by the firff peo pie of the diftrict from which he comes from its competition the movements of this legion are ojf uncommon celerity and its oper tions of the moft fatal and certain effect the terror which it ha impreffed is felt even within the palace of madrid and the walls 0 the efcurial devoted to his country and th obfervance of his oath the empe- cinado refufes all pecuniary emou ument and always yields his owj portion of the booty wrefted fron the enemyto his gallant followers in the event fo devoutly to be wiihedof spain eftabliihing her independence it is believed tha the talents and fervices of this tr ly oreat man will be honored by the htgheft ofiices in the gift of his country the gratitude of whicl has been already repeatedly manu fefted in nominations to office which he has conftantly refufed determination to purlug that plan of war which he ha rendered fo deftructive to ins bafe and cruel enemy were recently made prifoners of war the pro- apartc ana rami j y y made pnloners of war the pro perty they had with them which was very confiderable became as a matter of nvht and cuftom prize to the officers and hup 3 company of his majeftys mip pomona capt liirrie who commanded that ihip informed liis officers that he did not for hi pait in tend to make any claim to it his officers alio agreed to wave their rights and the faiiors naturally enough followed the ex ample fct them lucien however wilhed to make fome little courteous acknowledg ment of the liberal conduct of the men and begged that 3 or 400 pounds might be dif- tributrd amonpdt them this fum was re- turned by a deputation from the fallors headed by the captain of the foreeaftte faying they would have been devlifh glad if they had come along fide of them in a fiigate that they might have fought it out as it was however they could not think of taking any money from them lucien defired to know if they wilhed for any thing elfe they had no objection to drinking his health now he xxlftwgto eagwltd and accordingly when he landed at malta he feut off a hare of london porter to each man butter cured with one half ounce of common fait one fourth ounce of falpetre and one fourth ounce of moift fugar pounded to gether and ufed in the proportion of one ounce to the pound of but ter will on trial be found to keep any length of time and have a much finer flavor than when faked in the ufual manner all the teeth of a certain talka tive lady being loofe fee afked the chevalier rufpini the caufe of it who anfwered it did proceed from de violent hocks her ladyjhip did give them with her tongue a french chemift has recently difcover- ed that from the flarch of potatoes quite frefh and warned but once a fine fize by mixture with chalk might be made the ftucco pladerers of this country have benefit ed by the difcovery and they find that this kind of fize is particularly uftful for ceilings and for white- warning communication furens quid fern ina poult to alcander tour lines alcander will not do the poet centers not in you truth in your lines you cannot prove am i the work becaufe you love t james robinson infpeclor of pot pearl afhes respectfully informs the deal ers in pot pearl afhes that lie now occupies a part of the ilore near his rdi- dence belonging to richard cartziright where allies will be infpeded with the great- eft attention ard difpateh kingston feb it 1 8 1 1 tzd lost a pair of spectacles framed in filver and were in a fteel cafe the top of which was broken off they were toil about the 26th of january laft probably on the road between mr pe ter grants houfe and mr cummings whoever may have found them and will quaint the printers of this paper where the owner may obtain them will be handfomely rewarded feb 19 ac- for sale a farm confiding of 258 acres be ing lot no 6 in the lie concedion in pittfburgh lituate 6 miles from kingfton 10 or 12 acics under improvement with a good log houfe on the lame and a good marfh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle foi particidara apply to iiaug-h- lih mintyre hip carpenter pittlburgh february i 2 1 8 1 1 2 i tf northrop wolcott iff abbe have removed from no 54 st paul street to no 102 one door north of mcflys bellows gates co where they have a general altortment of dry goods on hand which they offer for fale on reasonable terms v n w abbe montreal 10th sept 1s10 1 tf the fubferiber in- forms the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he intends carrying on the masoning business fuch as brick laying lone work and plaitering he will be ready to perform any buhnefs in his line at fhort notice and in a workmanlike man- moses drake 1 firfl dooi south of walkers hotel ner vircu 05 in th 3 wefuftotid ami thit the itiilttia were drrcdout to rvinfonv ciateg the awe itditcl iiudtlie uiifirinatiwi lw alpriwcnt ah c the sommsvwa- from tne notes at- tached to dr morfis sermon befoie the society for propagating the gotpel among the indnand others in north amenc u rk which has be n much appred lof and c be too generauy jjd admred l the cancafian ifaaittte ta from the black sea is a people called son f om their country of this name amouu wo spotted fever several towns in the state of vermont are at this time vifited with this fatal diforder in brookfield williamf- town barre and woodftock it is faid to be very alarming longetitr a woman named holl died lately at sunderland at the advanced age of om hund red and fix her twin brother died at the age of one hundred an lived to the advance the fubferiber be- ino duly authorized to collect the debts due john adams of fredericktburgh black- imiih take this opportunity of informing thofe who are indebted to the faid john ad- ams that unlefs immediate payment be made their accounts will be put into the hands ot an attorney rtcjurd robison napane mills fl february 18 ft ixfence per bufhel will be given for good house ash es at the store of cumming hamilton january 21 181 1 lslf joseph t barrett tnforms thepublic that he has formed an eablihment in the city of montreal lower canada for the importation of india european piece goods ironmon gery hardware he will constantly keep for fale an affortment computing every arti- le in the above branches cf bnfneis ashe eight i k om o died m ktvw inhabiting 6q at elizabethtown mlfi catharine car- i ab f rh e c villages iiwc chafers c st francois xavir stnct w montlial taw 10 1s11

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