foreign intelligence qtbfta tar luc z o the bm1 tvark fe nrivc it c i with fgiir kfllltuiia of jolars anflvcuty mlllumr mnrtnue ffe n- jy expend ircni mjd the brfirjyer f cadiz h fuocfed 1 ir tlirowing w f v gre nades irtn the town hut we arc hapy to hear tnt t y iviu done io can a pretty lae loin or tnrv mid a tvttl inri- tify of powifiuns ivitvy be i rnvrci hum the feat i gwrniwte8 to av lis ivhe fevcrai th uland raieti are diy exreiled aapthcr very fnjhvn iin was fonerht atlilau in the suv of rorb on th- rth iaftant between a uujtlui of oiaujrtftee two hundred ana odd and about tw itttt- fand french troops tfes brave poiois although furpriftcl by the emmv ni tin taint d their ornmd iratu they had exvuhed thcr ammunition and then refolntciy force their way through the tanks of the enemy vhwle lofs was much more considerable thai tbir owa an inforreflion is reported to have hrok en out at madrid which for n time menaced the life and liberty of jofph bonaparte the military frotn the neighboring provin ces fnccecded in fupprefimg it but napo- leon hid in conference relolved to recall his brother aud annex spain to the french empire transitions from french pagers to farmery zcj rsecwsd ni bfct the rveadi papers a much occupied yiih th- oebatea and proceed in he buv iih pariarent on the fumvd of the- regen cy winch queftlon appears to have excited confiderablc inureil in fvnncc there are many extracts in the jvemrh pa pers from the american plinth wore efpe- cially thoc which make perfonai attak on tt french emperor and thofc which de fend any meafure of great britain- nothing is given in the french gripers r- pefting the affairs of span fme extias from the enghfh papers ar given gceots- panied by notes of lv freruli nimii1u the papers contain a dardfh de ree dat ed at copenhagen 2oh itccfmbtf 181c containing additional prohibkito ipirg engljlh merchandize all hlid of meixlnn- and every parcel of linglhh meicjiandc are forbidden to be fold ot ny of the kuvp under penalty of confifention and rht fucrs and purchafers to b frd brfide paying double the amount of the coififeated gond on the 29th dcembrr lianaparte iifned from the palace of tlie thuillerics a decree relative to the cultivation of tobzeco within his dominions the repudiated emprcf jofihine lived at her chateau i in the vichirty tf prif fouch having been ftifpcfi d of giving in formation to lncien bonaparl of the inten tions of his brother napoleon had jttdtknly difappeavhu talleynnd w- at paris thouh not in any public htuiiion but the emperor was fo far reconciled to him a to fee and tt was believed to coniult him it was believed that 500000 men had been marched into spain fince the commence ment of the war- by a decree of the emperor of the 4th january the mint eiialvlifhed at utrecht wis to be continued for the coinage of french money on the 20th december the emperor if- fr m n i ondon a6er ivapoleon is f 1 i to hive ordered l 1 oj all the trcts in france which produce fruit cfthed voire d anklerre alhrdietng hat rtwy are of englifh oiijm the penclonf captain brown now ly- ijat dvpiferd- has mad- a voyage to the wttfl- todies and bade again vjhout ihtf ufe ofnnycdtdae whatever execptmj oy tie rnvruug rtggiej ie cables and all the lland- ivg rsiiiiig beiiicr mat vrtirely of trow rf carjfi of fngars expeflinoto have reached lit vj yk before the 2d februnry but was blown off and meeting iviih a vcftel from uhih h obtained a fmall fupply of provif- nmn he made for the vincyafd in diftrcfa there the veffel vvis lcied under the illegal proclamation of the prefident his paflenger ai- j en v turned afhore a flatemeut of th6 circufiuiaree hi gone to wnfhiiigton from the untied states kingston tufsdw march 19 1811 o m m ivailllkgton ffi 21 this day nn morion of fr eppes the hoofc took tp the bili fiipplifteentary 10 the nonintefceisrfe at when mr e pei moved to add ie ij1 iwsg fens to he bill sfct i- tht n cafe gvat britain fli1 fj modifv he edlcv hot they stall inafeto violate die neutral commerce of the u s the prefident of lift u s hull de clare the fait by prccjaniatfcdjwhich i hall be bdmitted us evidence and no other evidence hall he admitted of fueh revocation or mod- iiicatiaa in any fuit or piolecution which tray b inthroted under the 4i1 feftlon of te adt to which thu is a fupplcment and the reftrtiofts hnpfed or which may be impofed by virtue of aid aft hall from the date cf fuch proclamation ceafe and be dif- cjnrinud svc that until the proclamation afoicfhid fhall have been iffued the feveral piovrlo3 of the d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9h roth and 1 8th irflions of the ac entt- menia m the non the objeft ilcd an al to jntmlift commercial inter- of whivh is immediately to r jvot courfe c fliall have full force and be am- lntercqu aanfl great britain and c3the prefent number of the kingston ga- zeti completes fix months fince the com mencement cf a weekly newfpaper in this part uf canada cjgraeiul for the encouragement already recered the editors afture the patrons of the gazette that the courfe hitherto pur- ftted fhall be ftudioufly perfevered in to render ii intelligent entertaining and vfeful sinct the arrival of the new french min- iftcr cngrcfs begin to do bufinefs the kenate ias quathed the bill for renewing the charter of the u s- bank eppes has re ported hill to repeal the 10th fcaion of the law incorporating the flockholders of the u s bmk the objeft of which is to pre vent bills of that bank being received in pay ment of debts to the united states lyon introduced a refolution for laying additional duties oj imported card wire hemp leadcot- ton anj on all manufaftures of which either of thofc i the principal material eppes has proofed two new feflions to hisfupple- one cr itvcf famlia who home ban prevailed upon ly a pecuniary reward to hztmiulnsed with it which vnlefs immediately fupprrjjitu will fprcad the natural way became genet al and cwfequently vsryfrious there is however a plan in contemplation which ijhall here omit mentioning ha wis m my opinion if put in pratlice is the mcam of preferving many lives but that the public may not be under the neceffity of putting it in execu tion by finding that ihefmaupox will not it til- lowed to fprcad any farther is tin fnzcre wljh of their friends and humble fervants hoaefty policy co to c0rreprvt the reckoner and v d came too late for this paper atticus is under con icration mediately carried into cileft agalntl great biitai her colonies dependencies c provided h wever that any veffel or rnerch- an ue which may in ptirfuance thereof be leized prior to the fct being ascertained whether great britain fliall on or before the 2d feb 181 i have revoked or modified her edicts in the manner above mentioned ihnll ncverthflefa be reftorej on applkaufan oi the prrtivs on their giving bond with iaretie to the united stated in a fiun equaj to the val ue to abide the decifioti of the proper courts of ihfi united stares vnd any inch bond ind be coufidercd as iai5ed if great brit- before the 2d feb 18 it revoke or a house to let apply to f x rochleau kingston march 19 181 1 26 notice the copaitnerfhip of mower ken dall printers is this day dtflolved by mutual agreement all perfoos having any demands again i faid firm are defired to exhibit them j and thole indebted are requeu ed to make immediate payments nahuim mower charles kendall gazette office march 19 i s t r lewis lyman f co druggists have jitfl received jlndfor je ooo botts c ptcflfed castor j oil equal in flavor to sallad oil 50 dozen lees bilious pills 90 do coits do dj thefe pills have been long eftabkw us a mild fafc and fovercign remedy for bil- the remains of the fhip florcnzo from fo fever dropfy yellow fever acid liverpool f bofton which was lately driv en afllofe and wrecked upon cape cod to- dawlon hs reported a bill authorifing the prcfidtlrt to accept the fervices cf volunteer companies to the amount of 50000 men somstmijg ferns to be brewing salem giz fin ii a modify hredctsas above meiitioned mr mumford moved he following proyi- fo providetl that nohg heieiu contain er ha he co lirucd to afiefi the cargoes of 71 pw a4 m v y s 6rt tifi- zen9 of the united state which had clea ed oit for ihe cape of good hope or ay port beyond the fame prior to the loth november 1810- qw motoil of mr goldfborough the bq with the amendment were oidcrcd to fee printed and were refrred to a committee vf iht whole and made the order of the day for tomorrow french privateer boston february 21 the duke f danvic french privateer is hill off th southern coal and belide the canton hq feied funk and burnt feveral other amei can vefleis she is a fat failing brig moun ting 14 eighteen pound catronades and by the dedaraticn of the captain is to cruileqjf cape calcavella for fuitner prizes gether vjih the few packages of goods faved have ii conformity to the pledge which has been made to bonaparte been seized by the officers cf government this outdoes all the moonsurfing we have ever heard of in this country ibid it i how 60 days fince we had any news from liibon or the aimies in its vicinity- capt l who left that place on the 29th thifjdoui kiij thu th rrtifii rwadwi were preparing to g off toulon the fleet blockading that port having been difperfed by a gale repertory the prefident of the united states on the 21ft olt nominated john quincy adams efq as a judge in the supreme court the senate unanimouily concurred 00 the britifh lords of admiralty are pro viding all the fignal ftations on the englifii coafti with captain manlys new invention for faving the lives of hipwrecked and foun dering crews it confills of a mortar which throws a 3 inch rope attached to a hot o- ver the veffel by which the crews reach the land and has already in the late heavy llorms faved many lives stomachs jaundice indiellion bilious cholicj c anderfons pills jefuit drops balfam honey batemans drops boflics elixir britifh oil cephalic snuff court plailler daibys carminative lip salve earls remedy for paregoric ehxir the hooping cough j refined liquorice eye water japan ink jaundice bitters itch ointment lockyers pills lozenges tolu macaefia effcnce pennyroyal lemon burgamottc lavender godfreys cordial hoopers pills james do rheumatic tincture se1 pigint steerss opodeldoc salt lemon3 tooth powder tuilingtons batatn worm lo7entes vormfeal oil together with a very extenfive affortmentof drugs k medicines shop furniture vihu afforted gaily pot surgeons inllrumerts c montreal march 4 1 8 1 1 63 demand fued a decree for adding 25 senator iimm the new department beyond the iidet ana thole beyond the lefcam to the conferva- tive senate fo that the whole number of senators may confiil bt 150 the jews the journal of the empire contains the following article cuflcl december 20 in 10 th jews within this kingdom enjoy at prefent all the civil rights which the liberality of the emperoi napole on has beftowed upon them they fufcm a part of the national guard lately eilabbfh- ed here and in the kings guard there are feveral officers of that denomination a vaft number of jewj have been fent to spain in the army who have been promoted as a reward for their fervices iiaclite appren tices are taken by the mehnies oftbfc coun try and the jewiih merchants are now per mitted to buy and poffrw proprty whether inountry or town witniu the kiudotn of weftphalia including the country a lian- over the number of jewsaminint to i3oco they eftablifiied at their mil rpence a confiftory and their fchoo i very nume- tous and a kind of lminary for poor vys drawn out by lot who arc to be rjht de ferent pvofvflion on every sahh rth mr jcobfon iiiori oiiheconfiltoy w oih- mcmbei dcilvn fyetoh nu pibi dt- ties and tvider infolent fes 25 a letter from washington re ceived at philadtlphii fitys is reported here thai the french minifler serrurier is flrured to dhmantj that we should iij terdictj ojr vessels fitom going to cadiz or li3bo nothing is more probable than this report what then will be the refult the french emperor once demanded tht the american commerce with st domingo fhould be immediately interdicted the difgraceful event cannot be forgo ten the inf thing order of bonaparte wfg inflantly obeyed no national affembly n the centre of paris were ever more prompt in yielding obedience to mf commands than in this tnftancc were the american congrefsl yes lef than forty eight hours obtained for the interdiction a vote of both houj ofcongrefsy and the ftgtiaturc of the prefulenit death of the king of england march 4 capt childs of the brig triton arrived at new ywrk from cadfe reports that he fpke on ilie 14th cf feb ruary the liritilh fohooner union 13 da fiora martinique for newyork the captain of which informed him that in coming ot diftrefling sicknefs the accounts from stanftead lower ca nada and the neighboring towns of the rav ages of the spotted fever orfome other un known malady are truly diilrefling we have not the particulars but underftand that nearly whole families are taken with the dif- eafe at once many of whom die after a fhort and feverc illnefs it is faid to be equally diftrefling making the calculation in propor tion to the number of inhabitants to the ravages of the yellow fever in philadelphia and newyork about 14 or 15 years fince barnet and peachamare likewife vifited with the fame malady in fortie inftances three have died out of one family vermont p communication a fhort hint to the itinerant vend ers of mercury c in the diftridt of nevy- caftle there are now meffrs editors no lefs than four of that kind of people who brin a reproach upon the name of u dot or in the towrfiip where i now refide going about and a it were feeling whom they may devour they are by far worfe than highwaymen for they not only rob us of our property and take from many of the inhabitants the bread for which their chddren are offering but their lives alfo nay worfe if pojiblel know an inflavce of of the harbor he faw a britifn packet goir two young men out of one family being reduced 11 with her colors half waft faid to be in co- to afctte of hclpleffnefs and many others jome oj fequence of the kings death- whm by paying the dolors fro enormous char- earthen glass ware the subfcriben refpetfully inform their friends and the public that they have received by the late arrivals fron liv erpool a general affortment of earthen bj glass ware which they orter for fale wholefale and retail f at their store no 50 st paul street lately occupied by jjme dunlop efq on as good terms as can be had at any lore in this city ware packed in the belt manner and a liberal difcount made for cath dp country merchants nd others are requefted to cat green h eaton montreal july i h 10 z6f whereas sidi mywhe lacope4fr mv bed il board w iuc jstt cuf am perkni nz jorbici harboring or tr tiling hr i m- a cunc a 1 will pay no dtn of her contrartinj acir ihsdate oel culver hnfitton march 1811 c brigandage cap moacbe of the englifli bri m- gaet arrived in town aft evening from tl vi cvaih he felled fom dsmcraa with ha6s now no way cf f up porting tbemfches lul by the munificence cf we public and to 0for sale a pair of stills containing 1 80 gallons for particulars inquire of paul truh- pour efq of adolphiiftown march 12- 0to be sold a good ftand for a tavern here tufore occupied by the fubferiber confuting cf a good two ftory dwclsiighouiv horfe filed and babies together with 6 c of bud being a part of lot n 12 in the 2d concefliou on a crofsroad in erneft tow for terms of file inquire f john bell erncjl town march 12 1 s 1 complete their fia acliois they havcjujlbt- p a e u n p 1 d f o r a g s van to fprcad the fund pox without the confim cr know cd- cf a f the hbahitsnls txet tt t 0 c f bih m