r w4 hw vol ij kingston cupper canadaj tuesday april 2 181 1 notice nphe copatncrihip of mower ken- jl dail printers is this day uiffulvcd by mutual agreement all cumshmwg any demfnds again fid firm arc defirtd ta exhibit them j and thofe indebted arc requeli- cd to make immediate payment to c kendall nahum mower charles kendall gazette office march 19 13 11 no 28 rom- account or ether obi sv- ear then slg la s s iv a re 7fhe subfcribers refpecifully inform x their friends and the public that rfeey have received by the late arrivals from liv erpool a general affortment of earthen glassware which they offei for fale wholjbie and retail at their store no 50 st paul street lately occupied by james dunlop efq n as god terms as can be had at any ftore in this city ware packed in the belt manner and a liberal difcount made for cafh tj country men others are requeued to call green eaton notice is hereby iven hpoall peifons indebted u the rftateof jl alexander mcdonald baker late of the town of kingfton deccan id by p iffory note book tion that urilcf immediate payment is made to the fiiblcribets who are duly authorifed to receive the fame and give acquittances their accounts will be puc into the hands of an attorney forcolkction all perfons having any claim again it faid edate by pro mi dory note book account or other obligation arc requcdedto produce the fame for ajjudment on or before the f 5th day of march next to the fubferibers alexr macdonell admr jannet macmmlujjmx kingston loth fan i8ii 17 if 3 for sale 2 61 l montreal july 1 8 10 lewis lyman co druggists have jitji received and for sale qoo bottles cold prcfled castor oil equal in flavor t sail ad oil 50 dozen lees bilious pills 9isjdo coits do do thefe pills have been long eftablimcd as a mild fafe and fovercign remedy for bil ious fever dropfy yellow fever acid stomachs jaundice indigedion bilious cholic c jefuit drops japan ink jaundice bitters itch ointment a farm confiding of 258 acres be ing lot no 6 in the 1 ft conceflion harits and ln pmwtgh fituate 6 miles from kingfton icor 12 acres under improvement with a good log houfe on the fame and a good mar hi affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle for particulars apply to laugh- lis mintyre hip carpenter pittfburgh february 1 2 1 8 1 1 2 itf rrto be sold a good hand for a tavern l -a- heretofore occupied by the fubferiber confuting of a good two dory dwcllinghoufe horfe flied and tables together with 6 acies of land being a part of lot n 12 in the 2d cone lfion on a crofsroad in emelttown for tei ms of fale inquire of john bell zun march 12 18 i 1 25 frntft tv anderibns pills balfam honey batemans drons boftivs elixir britifh oil cephalic snuff court plaifter why cn r jr in 3 1 i v c lcckycrs fills lozenges toiii m up sal e asrnefia fcaits remedy for 1 paregoric eiixtr the hoopingcough y refined liquorice eftence peppermint eye water elfence pennyroyal lemon burgamotte lavender godfreys cordial hoopers pills james do rufpinis styptic rheumatic tincture set poignant steeles opodildoc salt lemons der turlingtons balfam worm i wormfeed oil northrop wolcott iff abbe have removed from no 54 st paul street to no 102 one door north ofmeflrs bellows gates co where they have a general aflbrtment of dry goods on hand which they offer w jiiuc vj jrajvoaalje terms n w 2c abbe montreal ah sept i sic i tf loocli low oenges together with a very extcnfive aflbrtment of drugs k medicines shop furniture vials aftorted gaily pots surgeons ln liniments sec montreal march 41811 6 8 new og0oood- the subscriber has just rkcfirfd afresh supply of goods amongst which are furniyurfiandprintedcalicoesnk shawls cotton do ladies plasi and figurd silk sleeves leno ditto kid gloves black worited hole carpeting veilings brown hollands- checks c c sheriffs sale all of which will be fold very midland diftria 1 ot virtue of a writ low for cafh or country produce to wit 3 of fieri facias if b whitney fuedout of his majeis court of kings b nd 25 sheriffs sale midland dijhitl t y virtue of a wife to ivit jl of fkrl facias iff ed out of his majeftya court of king bench and to me directed againft the lanq and tenements of james north at the fuit fcf james robins i have feized and taken fa execution lot number twentyfix on wt bay in the townfliip if maryfburgh county of prince edward and dhiriel aforefaid con taining by admeafurement two hundred acre and an improvement of about 40 acres be th fame more or lefs which will be adjudged t the higher bidder at the gaol door in th town of kingdon on the 16th day of aprft next at the hour of ten oclock in the fore noon and any perfon or peifons who may- have any claim to the above mentioned pren ifes either by mortgage or otherwife are re quelled to make the fame known to me be fore the day of fale charles stuart sheriff sheriffs of ice oaober 9 1810 jtf kingston i lib march i 8 1 1 the best kind of albany inlpecled sole- leather jnft received and for fale at 14 per lb a the store of march it s bartlet erne it toxm academy- hphe fubferibers hereby inform the friends of learning that an aca demical school under the fuperin ten dance of an experienced preceptor is opened in erneft town near the chureh for the inftructaon of youth in englilh reading fpeaking gram mar and compofuion the le lmed languages penmanfnip arithmetic geography and oth er branches of liberal education scholars attending from a diftance may be boarded in good families on rcafonable terms and for fifteen hillings a year can have the ufe of a valuable library robert mcdowal 1 benja fairfield wm fairfield solomon johns steph fairfield wm willcox samuel neilson george baker ejl town iith march 181 original miscellant fur ths kingston gazfjjb reckoner n o 13 7 j 27 montreal hat warehouse m cfor ale a pair of still 0nta1ning 180 gallons ror ars inquire of paul trum- marc h particul our efq of adolphuftown mar iz the fubferiber in- and to me directed again the lands and tern ments of doctorprindlr at the fuit of brya crawford efq i have fized and taken in execu tion the eafi half of lot no 3 fecond concejfion if the townfiip of frederickjhurgh in the county of lenox and addington and dilrid aforefaid containing by admeafurement one hundred acres and an improvement of thirtyjive acres be the fame more or lefs which will be ad judged to the highefi bidder at the gaol door i the town of kingston on monday the zzdcf juiyuexuat the hour of io oclock in the forenoon and any perfon or perfons who may hav claim to the abovementioned premifes by an memoriam ncflri habent alruntes animfficut el fancli angeli funt memores athanasws we cannot indeed defcribe the various occupations of the heavenly holt nor can we form any adequate conception of their felici ty for st paul faith eye hath not feen nr ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man to conceive the things which god hath prepared for thofe that love him athanafius makes a curious diftinctionwhich 1 think rather whimfical as he does not fup- port it by any folid reafons he admits that the faints know each other in heaven but the miferable do not in gehenna what congrntulations what rejoicings when we meet with our friends in maven what tender rccolleclionsof the pari will rufn upon our minds we had begun life to gether we had overcome the fame difficulties and dangers the gates of death are pad and we are now together in the realms of blifs no longer liable to infirmities or expofed to temptation we are gratified with the moil delightful fenfations the turbulence of paf- fion the allurements offalfe pleafure rafh opinions the bitternefs of guilt and the norms of adverfity are all unknown in the happy abode to which we are admitted separations from thofe we love no longer rend our hearts by breaking afunderthe mod tender connections alas we have hardly time to begin friendships when they are broken we have hardly tailed the exquifite enjoyments of the pureft affection swhen they are diltolved by death today we rejoice thinking our happinefs founded on a nxk tomorrow it is gone we ate left to mourn ye who have been called to follow to the grave the parents whom ye have venerated and loved who have feen the early compan ions of your youth dropping around you who have watered with vour tears the tomb beheld your tender babes in the agonies of death and caught their departing fptrits what a glorious confutation is here the kingdom of god allows of no lofs of exift- ence your farrows are at an end you are all met in that region of purity where there is joy for evermore nor will our happinefs confine iifelf within the circle of thofe whom we have foimeily loved in heaven ftlfifhnefs can have no place but being purified from every thing bafe and wicked we hall rejoice to fee many of thofe whom we had thought debarred from all hopes of immortal ielicity with what pleafure will they who have fpent much of their time in the acquisition of knowledge look back upon the clouds which obfeured their light and compare the fmali progrefs they made with their prefent illu minations thofe doubts and uncertainties which had diilracted and bewildered them are now difpelled and the difcoveries made by the moft admired geniufes are only as a drop in the bucket to what they now com prehend but if we can look back upon earth will not the difficulties the forrows and the dangers of thofe whom we have left behind throw a gloom over our felicity they are hill in tribulation ftill expofed to allurements which they may not be able to withftand the goodnefs and juftice of god will now appear reconciled his tendernefa and mercy will prefent themfelves operating in full force and the very puniihments which he allows bringing about fo much good not only to the individual fufferer but to the orange do blue do peryd w creation as to prevent any diftreffiug yellow do lk do fri6to39 feelings the moral government of god ijat covers of every kind in ufe will appear directing all things to the gtner- b1ndings a good men will indeed be feen ftruggling bell military bindings for cocked hats do do do do do do do do atjhe sign of the military hat no 54 old market place jabez d de witt gstrefpectfuiiy informs the public that he lias on hand a moil extenfive and complete affortment cf hats hat trimmings ftc c amongst which are mod fuperb military hats with orna ments complete gentlemens rnojl fajhionable beaver hat3 do between do do yeoman crowns do do doblk fuperiine green under do do drab do do do do black do extra large brims do do drab do do be ft black water proof ilk diito green under do do drab do do do green under lilk do callor roram do plated do gentls varniihed leather flats for travelling servants ditto do boys morocco hats of all colors do do caps do mens boys fine cordies do common do do wool hats of every defcriptioti gold and filver tinfel cord bands common do do white and yellow tinfel cord binding coarfe and fine bowftrings morocco of all colors fuitable for hats fancy tip paper do do bell and common glue logwood copperas verdigris aquafortis oil of vitriol clothiers jacks hatters do raifing cards hat brufhes of all kinds in ufe hatters irons stampers runners down pickers c c c ladies mofl fajlncnable beav hats bonnets viz white do maids do childrens do light fawn do drab do do hair brown do olive purple blue and green do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do hat trimmings pink linings green linings red do white do any form the inhabitants cf kingston and its sheriffs office ipb nov 1810 mortgage or offerwif are requejled to maketh fame known to me before the day of fale charles stuart sheriff 8 ciryiug oil the bn c he will in line vicinity that he intends masqtjinq business iudi laying ftoue work and pwienng be ready to perform any buliiel t fhort notice and m a workmanlike mt- w moses drake firfldoo south of li jus s tlr it ixfence per bufhel will bt v y given for good house ash- esj a the store of g i8n cummin january 21 hamilton 1 8t black galloons from 10 to 30per groce befl arab do com do do bed black and drab bands common do do white and black worded looping common white hat buckles deel do yellow union ditto white do do cords and taffelsl of all fizes colors for fancy trimmings j ladies bonnets extra large cords for ladies peliffes fafh fancy trimmings for do bonnets plumes of all colors for ladies childrens all of which will be fold at the mod reduced prices for caih or ihort and ap proved credit folly but it will be an affectionate in- ent anxietv a kindnefs of feeling which with difficulties but they are the fteps ot their improvement the trials of their virtue the emotions of tendernefs and piety may- perhaps be excited by their wanderings and their diligent cuiahl tends rather to increafe than diminifh the fum of our happinefs 1 wifh not to conclude though 1 have de tained you long without a more direcr ap plication of this mod comfortable dcrine to our prefent date avhat is human life without the profpecr of future blifs it is a pafiftog hadow a dream but an unpfy and turbulent dream which admits of little folation montreal sebt 10 8lo itf it neve and this con- the darknefs which ovedaadowj fcpted ora r gives way til heaven is pftfented is is a remedy which delivers us frooc