Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 2, 1811, p. 4

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44 4 a m44 not remain unaffected when he re p 3 e t r y f ram the kentucky gazette the discovery my landlady knocked at my chamber this morning i whos there 2 i have come fir to give you the warning that the ladies have lent for you osr the mayhap wl the ladles have fent what the d 15 to my 1 know not faid flue but theres a ball a book or a party i know not at all sen compliments back tell them 111 be in when ive feverd the bridles that fprout oil my chin to a man who has lfvd to fee to longyeais and would marry whenever the right one appears to be fent for by ladies when juft out of bed ti8 no wo der fond fancies fhould fly in his head how a fellow in filch a predicament feels notwithftanding i drefsd me from head to my heels then in capapie order trippd over the way to hear what thefe nymphs of kentucky might fay my reception fo early was rather too coo i talkd fome i walkd fome but felt like a f go after waiting an hour in awful fufperfe i took up my hat and was coming out thence when one of the ladies fent out for a beau who inltantly waited her orders to know i have only to tell you faid fhe tis my rule on the fir ft day of april to gaze on a fool how they laughd at the fellow he tumd to retire swore hed not call again fhould the houfe be on fire then t like a ninny difcoverd my cafe and the laugh was rekterd five times in the piree but the wit of it was that the ladies for mc never lent twas the ti icfe of my landlady d so that when i retuind he was laughing all hi- gi to think what a fool he made of poor i april 1 1807 divers itt extract from 5ill1man s travels you have heard of the duke of bridgwaters canal and will of courfe conclude that i have viilted fo intercfting an object it was cut for the fake of bringing the dukes coal to this town the canal con- nects manchefter and liverpool nd in the diftance of 30 miles be tween thefe two towns there is one lock the canal proceeds on a level or nearly fo and to this end it perforates hills and croffes val- lies and rivers on arches raifed for its fupport it even croffes the riv er merfey and at the fame mo ment boats may be ken palling un der the arches of the canal along the river and other boats floating over the arches and croffing the river as if in the air a river over a river near manchefter the ca nal paffes under ground a quarter of a mile a root is neatly arched with brick and when i placed my- felf at one end and hallooed the found was reverberated with a deep rolling echo dying at length to the other ench by means of a junction with other canals a water communication is opened between liverpool and hull and liverpool and london of courfe between manchefter hull and london british museum with fimikr emotions i beheld collection of arms found on the place where the great battle of can nae was fought and fuppofed to have belonged to the parties who contended on that memorable fpot there is alio a collection of rings and other ornaments for the fin gers and ears which are believed to have been worn by the combat ants at cannae in fpite of the difpofition which is felt to ridicule an enthufiaftic and extravagant admiration of antiquity one can- cx alizes that thofe rings have been worn on roman fingers this hel met covered a carthagenian head and that fpear was thrown by a ro man hand in the prefence of the victorious hannibal similar emo tions were excited by the nume rous roman vales the amphone in which their wines were kept md especially the relics of the un fortunate herculaneum thefe confift of u tennis vafes goodsc nd among other things are the very hinges of the doors by the fight of thefe authentic remnants of this illuftrious nation a power ful impulfe is excited towards the fludy of their antiquities i was delighted with a fight of the original copy of popes homer in his own hand writing altho the lheets are now bound together from the dover n hj sm we are informed that jacob odell cf burbam m this ftate has obtained a patent fo an ironing machine which will in hall attended and worked by one per- bn only iron as many clothes as two wo men do in a day and the procefs is without fire cr heat the public will be family benefitted by this valuable machine i w we find the late official paper from pans is figned duke of majfa in abbreviation f maflachufetts of which portion of amer ican territory he is probably to be bona- jjaries prefect salem gaz n in the form of a book the work appears to have been written on loofe bits of paper often oil the blank oaes and co a company of trolling players were per forming pizaro in a city in scotland when taring the recital of the hymn to the fun that luminary took fire in confluence of the lights being placed too near it the manager vvho was officiating as highpriefii after tinging the words o power supreme in the iifmolt confternaton called out to the hge ieper 4t the funs on fire then proceed ing with the hymn o power fupieme pat out the fun 1 fay the fun however hazed t he m a n ager co n t i n u ed tojing and jzvear whilft the audience were convulfed vith laughter romeo wadsworth ters of his friends not unfrequent- ly the lines run acrofs thzfupcrjcrip- tion and alexander pope efq twickenham is feen glimmering through homers iineft itrains there are thofe who impute this to the poets parlimony while others confider it as a proof that he made the belt of his time by writing down his thoughts at the time they occurred on whatever fcrap of pa per happened to come firft goldsmiths garret ers of the let- has received ly the late arrivals from london and liverpool a freh fupjiy of drugs medicines although mr had been here before we fcarched for fome time and went into a number of houfes before we could find that in which goldfmith formerly lived it was a very ordinary indeed i may fay a very poor houfe and the poet rcfided in the very garret his chamber was lighted with a iingle window in the roof and its antiquity was fufficiently evinced by the diamond form of the glafs which was very fmall and fo low on account of the hoping of the roof a to leave only a few feet where one could ftand upright we fhould not expeft fucha place to be honored with the vifitation of the mufes yet it is faid this garret witneffed fome of the fined effufions of a mind which has left much to delight and inftruct the world his chamber is now inhabited by a poor woman who feemed not to be very confeious of the honor of being dr goldfmiths fucceflbr for when we afked her concerning him fhe faid fh nothing of the matter though fhe had heard that fuch a man once lived there when we inquired whether fhe had any thing of his in her poffeffion fhe even feemed wounded at what fhe appeared to feel as a reflection on her honefty during the late war when draughts were made from the militia to recruit the a- merican army a captain gave liberty to the men who were draughted from his company to make their objections if they had any a- gainft going into the fervice accordingly one of them who had an impediment in his fpeech came up to the captain and made his bow what is your objeion p faid the captain ica a nt go anfwers the man becaufe i ft ft itutter stut ter fays the captain you dont go there to talk but to fight ay but theyll p p put me upon g g guard and a man may go ha ha half a mile before i can fay wh wh who goes there o that is no objection for they place fome oth er fentry with you and he can challenge if you can fire well b b but i may be ta ta taken and run through the gn gu guts before i can cry qucjuquarter this lafl plea prevailed and the capuin laughing heartily difmiflcd him c knew o which he offers for fale on better terms than they ever have beer fold in tins country among which are the following articles 30 ib gum myrrh gum scammony aleppo gum thus aparitfa mace 2 tons alum 130 lb antimony crude arnacto aloes aquafortis nitre fonis gum camphor canthandcs caffia coves 3 tons copperas 200 lb crem tartar 500 ib fjor sulphur 3 50 w so ico 75 50 100 300 ijo 25 400 15 112 50 5 2go i5o igo 200 gumtag magiiefja 5 40 15 30 ho 28 25 30 zo flor chamomile fol digitalis gum amrmniac gum arbic gum aflafcetida gum benzoin gum elemi gum oalbanuoi gum guaicum guttgimb gum juniper gum sed lac gum uvll lac manna nutmegs opium peruvian bark 100 jalap 112 powderdphubarb ico sago in grain 75 do in piwder 3 tons glauber salts 75 ib sermacetti 60 tartar emrtic 25 sojuiuj 30 vitriol 56 tapioca 30 vermacilu 300 vtriol roman 5b dr alb 3000 salt petre 300 pearl barley gum millie pjitent medicines anderfons pills balfam of honey balfam of gilead eatemarts drops boftocks elixir bowdenmifuc plaiftefr brtih oil cephalic snuff corn plaifter court fticking pjaifter daffyoe xir daioy carminative ears remedy or the hooping couga efience coltsfoot do peppermint do pennyroyal eftential fait of lemon do do vinegar colors glailes magntfia godfreys cordial guwunds lotion hoopers pills james analeptic pills do- fever powder jeflllts drops licjiiid true blue do na ikeefl dye lozenges tou mancfa losenges ormlkiik medicine refined liquorice steer ss opodeldoc stooghtons eiixi i tind bark huxfeems turliag on baiam effsace of muitard blue black white chalk red do carmine fiake white frankfort black indian red indian ink ivory black lamp black eft anchovies quince fauce sauce royal cavice litharge yellow ochre puilianbluc no role pink purnice stone rotten do saanilh browa vermillion spanish white the iubicribers have juft received a cendgnment of sixty sides c xa 3 z a tce 5 chetckee sauce india siy mufhroom ketchup albany soleleather which they oiter for fale cheap alfo a few barrcrfc k linseed oil feb 26 abbot tf bascom h bagg hagar ave juft received fiom london and offer for fale at their hat store faclory no 100 st paul street montreal mxt doorjwtbof mtffhi eilovs catet co a general affbrrmeut of gentlemens line beaver ijatj blk water poof leghorn and wiliowdo- ladies and childrens beaver and rfraw bonnets of the iatefi fafliions and beft quariiy al0 military foining hats elrgatitly trimmeo j hat trimmings xccscc whicn were imported upon as good terms wnl m f o d as cheap or cheaper than can be bou in the country they have alfo 2 variety of hats of their own make whch rhey a willing to warrant to be as durable as any ever offered for fale in canam orders from the country thankfully iccciwd and ftrictly atrended to cash paid for furs montreal nov 20 1810 10 ifc t oto be soli hat valuable ftand fur a merchant ortav- ernkeeper in the townfhip of frtderickf- buigh bordering on the little creek near bradfliaw mill the orooerty cofifts in a neat dwelling- froufe painted spanifhbrowo fortyfive feet in length and twentyfix feet wide including a gallery in front fthieh runs the whole length of the hcule the wals aid partitions die all bit of found burnt brick a good brick chimney wih two fireplaces there are five rooms on the lower floor and one bd room on the 4 cood lkewife a good log bore houfe and a horfe rtabe and uwards ff two hundied acres of moft excellent landy bounded on she weft lide by the lkrle creeic and on the eali fide by the eafthaifof lot no 13 extending from the kingf highway foutherly dwn acrofs the big creek for fu thcr particulars apply to joseph for syth efq kinglloa or to the fn bfc- iber ar thurhw htbniv 1 8 10 james mcnabb houfe building and painting the fuofcribers bercbv give notice to the inhak irants of kmgilon erqeftown adolphuilown auo other adjoining pup chat they inteod toen thr npxr feafon in this vxinity in pasntwg houses outilde and infije pafert pairtin ff rooms see anh rhe bifmefs of house carpen ters ara joiners their work wll be exe cuted with deatnefs and difpatch application my be made at the dwllinghoufe of mr 5touchtont innkeeper in kingftou mrs day in eroclt- town or mr o rannv ionkreper in adoldbul- town nathan wheeled nov ao 1s10 andrew p kens whereas sibyelmywite eloped from my bed and board wiihut juft caufe all ac per ions are forbid harboring or trulting her on my counr as i will pay no debt of her contracting aftel this ciate joel culver ham ltoh maich 15 xsii 68 to be let a dwellinghouse with aeon lx fiderable improvement of land- fituate on the cornet of lot no 9 adjoining the 3d concefiion road and the crofs road be tween no 9 and 10 running through the 2d conecfiion of the townfhip of icingfton i convenient for any public buiinefs inquire of john youilex march 26 18 1 1 for sakp at the kingston mills boards and plank of all deicriptions at the nfual prices n b no credit will be given but produce of every kind taken inpayment at a fair valuation jan 22 sundries apothecary fcales and pewter fyiinges teeth brumes weights vial corks bottle do wafers fuperfine wax feating fuperfine do for wine white leather skins camelhair pencils gallypots in foita gold leaf ivory syringes loze ges peppermint paent co np mortars pewter ounce maures windfoi foap also too kegs white lead chocolate giound sperm ace tti candles io do spanifli bown do do oil 50 green do calk railrns 50 yellow 50 black box do 200 buxes widow giafs figs olive oi afrred 6x 7x9 currants almonds 8x10 7xf wrapping writing pa- a general alibrttment of per afforted ih ki furniture tiftisftf mfs irlmelork fortcd a variety of fur- piu sc pigtail tobacco geons infrrumerts on ha1nd he leffees of the crown and j- clergy referves and thofe who have licenfes of occupation in the midland dljl- ricl are requeded to pay the arrears of rent due by them rcfpeclively to the lubferiber who is legally author ifed to receive the fame and grant receipts m charles stuart sheriff sheriffs office 2d march 181 1 h writing and wrap ping paper for fale at this office c ash paid for rags sail cloth junk gunpowder hyfiiii 1 youiij hyfon h fn ikin h fan chulan soudi teas pepper allfpice coffee lof fugar together w a general a to r t m o f d y e s t u v f press papers ten ter hoks jacks sec c c crsubfcribiions or advcrtijlments for this paper will be deceived ly the editor of the ganuhai courat montreal lstier- koon ffq elizabethtovjii s shekwooi efq aidla iv f gates efq johnf- pjwn iv m allan efq jj st gkorgr or mr j cameron prirustf tori j mr an drew jeiwv niagara mid mr p snf ta4 ivalcriown n t com mission business trail ibed on the ufual tvertrss and cafi arivanccd on any kind ofprodiuce and other proper v left with urn montr cah sept 15 gro i itf primed a mi pthntqfti bv charles kendall by vhtm supjcrpiioni end adicrtfw nts jot thu papir wsill ie rativrd and or den for priititig pi unpiy perjarrud

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