t2 rr u it has ten contrafiea villi die rrndv re loner 3 book calculated for the ufc oflhofc whoare ipmat of num bers and which on all common occalions prefects them at once with the anfvvef want- id i mnfl confefs tint if there be any wit or ikiiculc in this companion it foils to give irieany tmeaftnefs for it were well that all rny readers could give an account of their time then tilate and their progref in virtue were they to reckon accurately in thefe three priticulars to prefent a juft flatement of tlen with every item properly accounted fur they would find it a moft agreeable en- j loymcnt thofe wlio have given them fdve the tiouble to inquire into what true iilicity coifilis have found thai it wa- the alance of plcrifure above the aggregate of piiis whn by pleafure we mderlland ev- ev fiifaction or agreeable emotion of the riiij aid by pain every uneaiinefa or diitur- biiiie now it is exceedingly manifetl that it we be bad reckoners that ivj bad arith- raetieiuns id the article of pleafure ii we are incapable of keeping an exafi account of one days enjoyments fo as to compare it with the balance of our next in fine if we are no as correct as in our money receipts and difburfements we are fure to fall into er ror and to raife the balance in favor of pain whn the late capt gtofe of celebrated memory was afked how he came to lofe fo much troney when he was captain of a com pany and pay m after of the regiment he an- iwcred becaufe all the account i kept was receiving hi one pocket and giving out fiom tr oliver had he reckoned a little more accurately it would not have contributed to fa diuvstage that debtors lo money or t good morals fiiould be difpleafed with the name i have affumed does not furprife me tlv perhaps fomeof my good neighbors here in the bwy who were filled with gold en dreams 1 it year would not have fared the wuile had thy poqefted the fjbriery and iiceuraev of the rc2c0ner but this name appears to frnell too much of ihe americans triily that enterpriiing and induflrious peo- pit are fmetoie5 out of ihcir reckoning in ihtir van in fpcculafcions but a good lng- bih v does e become contaminated by i h sir ufc of it a reckoner is a reafoner and it u no more neccftary thithfs reckoning mould b always about money or i is tavern bills than that the tikt fhonld always pore over the farne idea thofe who are an gry at my name do not imderftand the real nijnig ff he word they do not know rhat to reckon is to eitimate to thiek with oui felvis to collect as by reafon or argument we are am reckoners this is moie cafily rfroved than the proportion of dernocritus rht we are all mad which nobody pretends urw to difpute- prjscilla juft turned of twelve reckons up he time when he u allowed to appear in company to dance at the affembly when to hav a lover when to be married avarus counts 2 days of his ckrklhip the profits of his fhop when he 0311 be rich when be able to retire cut lay the ladies cold rea- fonng fuitsrtl with that warmth of feeling which it was expected you would indulge alas quick feasibility may enhmce our joys a- id enable us to feel what would not touch another but it adds pungency likewife to our vexations and expofes us to many unfelt by perfons of duller appreheniions when therefore the advantages anl diladvantages arc reckoned the balance is fuiall i do not know a title fo well fuited to my defign it is iynonimous with reafoner of this ail wri ter hi logic have been lb much convinced that they have taken the bed illuiirations of their fruit rorn the more appropriate lludics of the reckoner no peifon therefore can find fault with my name who is delirous of ac quiring any knowledge in morals literature or bifine who i dehrous of obtaining thofe fi itierinrr diitinctionc claimed by fuperiorun- derhndings or of avoiding the difgrace at tached to ignorance and ftupidity to reck on is to nafoii ad to reafon ii the glory of human nature they who defpife my name defpife themfelves for we mud all be reck oners a we have all at laii an account to give in law of upper canada an act fur granting to his majefty a certain jiini of money out of the funds applicable to thf ufc of this province to defray the expen ds of amending and opening the public high- iwiys and roads and budding of bridges in the fveral dijfrits thereof patted the i nh of march 1 8 1 11 most gracious soverlicn whereas it would much advance the general profperity of this province if the public highways and roads were amended aiaj it pleafe your majefty that it may be e aftd and bt it enacted by the kings mult e lent mijeily by and with the advice i co dent cf tlie legiflative council and af- raiesand duties already raiuj levied and col- lefted or hereafter to be railed levied and collced to and for the ufe of this province there be grant- io his majefty his heirs and fucceflbrs the fum bt three thoufand four hundred and fifty pounds to be itfucd out of the funds now remaining or hereafter to come into the receiver generals hands unappro priated and arifing from fuch rates and du ties as lafl aforcfaid which faid fum of 3450 pounds hall be difpofed of appropriated and applied in repairing the roads already laid out and building bridges in the feveral dif- iris of this province i t and br it further enacled by the author ity afircfaid that the faid fum of 3450 fliall be appropriated in the following man ner to the catiern diftrict aoo which faid fum of 400 fliall be laid out and expended on the following roads commencing at sutherlands creek in lancalter from thence to the point au bodet 100 and 74 16s and iod to be laid out on the aforefaid u at is now in the commiffioners hands in the ealtern diltrict and 100 in the county of dundas 50 to be laid out in building a bridge at captain mcmartins and qto build a bridge near muurows mills acrofs the crtek and 100 to be laid out on the poftroad to commence at john malices in the townfhip of cornwall and continue on faid road to the province line county of prefeot on the front road of ealt and weft hawkefbury beginning at the lower can ada lin from thence to the weft line of hawkefbury near alex grants 100 to the diftriift of johnllown 400 county wliy of the piovioce of upper canad a he of grenville on the bridge in johnftown 50 to build a bridge over the river ri- deau from lot number 26 in the townfhip of marlborough 10 lot number 5 in the town fhip of oxford 100 from james hum phreys in edwardfburgh to lewis grants bkbij z ios from johnftown to gide on adamss efq z 10 on the bridg es between thomas frafeis efq and johnf- town 2 20 on the front road leading from adam coles in elizabeth town to charles joness miis m the townihip of yonge and 100 on the road leading from the aforefaid mills to the eafternmoft boun dary of the midland diltiict and 80 oir the road leading from the iron works in lanf- down to stephen walhburns in lanfdown aforefaid thence to solomon conleys thence to abraham randah thence to nathaniel brown v thence to abraham coons on fuch pait of the aforefaid roads as fliall by lht fold co yimiflioners be deemed moft nccelfary to the midland diilriet oo which fun fiiali be expended on the roads a follows that is to f iy from the eaftern boundary otf the townihip of pittlburgh by the kings mills to the town of kingftou the fum olf 100 from the eaft fide of collinss creek in the third concelfion of the townfhip otf kingllon to the road pafling thmtigli tho foiuth concsion of erneft town 40 from the weftern boundary of the townfhioj of richmond to the caftern boundary of tho townfliip of thurlow 120 yo to tht bridge to be built or repaired on the feconui concefllon load of the townihip of kingfton g 50 from townfend carmans houfe toj the carrying place in the townfliip of a- meliafburgh 20 from the weftern boun- dary of the dilbidt of johnftown on the roadl leading from the iron works in the townfhip of lanfdown until it inteifefts the road in the townihip of pittfburgh near the kingf ton mills to the diltria of newcaftle4oo that the faid fum ball be laid out as follows on the road leading from the canying placa at the head of the bay of quinty to the mills on lot number 34 in the ift conceffiom of the townihip of murray 100 on the road leading from the river trent to the eaili line of the townfhip of cramahe 100 om the road near the line in front of the 2d con cefllon of the townfliip of cramahe 40 on dundas ftreet leading thro the townfhips of clark and darlington in the county oif durham igo provided always that if any part of the above named roads in the diftririt of newcas tle and the diftridt of johnftown fhall be al tered agreeable to the provilions of an a paftedin the 50th year of his majcllys rergn intituled 4 an adt to provide for the layinsr out amending and keeping in repair the public highways and roads in this province and to repeal the law now in force for thatt purpofe before any of the fums above gran ted fliall be expended on them it hall audi may be lawful for the faid commiffioners to open and amend the faid road foalte any thing in this a6t to the contrary notwith- ftanding- that the fum of 600 appropri ated for the home diftridt be expended a follows viz 150 on the road from the eaft ern boundary of the home diftridt on dun das ftreet to the bridge over the river rouge or men 200 on the road known by the name of the middle road from the town off york to the river credit 250 for build ing ot bridges ovei the rivers of h umber and credit near the mouth of each river ref- peively on the line of road called the inid- d road as aforefaid to thedittu of nivg- a the fum of 45 oh from vanderlips thro the grand river fwamp to alexander wcft- tyooks 125i from bradys tavern thro saltfteetto the fortymile creek 50i on tl new lake road from the forty mile creek r the beach at joness iol from the for- tmile creek eaftwardly to shipmans tav- e at the twelvemile creek 60i fmm hipmans on the middle road leading to ni agara until that road interfcs the lake road 41 from shipmans tavern on the road fading to queerifton rol from william steeps in humberfton to elijah doanes in crowland 5 oh and that the commiffioners public highways for the diftrid of niagara 8ft hereby authorifed and required to apply 01 the building a bridge acrofs the outlet of burlington bay being on the divifion line between the home diftiift and diltrict of niagara iool to the diflridt of london tie fum of 400i the money in the diftrict of london fliall be applied on the public road leading thro the townfnips of burford ox- frd and delaware town in the following banner that is from the now dwelling houfe ot john yeighs in burford to the junftion of the roads on a wefterly courfe about one nile from samuel kineys 2cl from the wdl part of the pine wind falls to the coo- it place 30i from thence to the townfnip lac of oxford 45i from thence to capt canfields 85i from thence to hafkinss 3kj fiom cortwrights now dwelling houfe to reynoldss mills in dorchefter 40i fom thence to archibald mmillans in we it mi niter 60i 5 from the weft fide of the river latranch in the wildernefs 90i to the weftern dillrift the fum of 400k from the moravian village to amherllburgh 2 50k fiom amhetftburgh to john cornwclls i cob from the moravian tovrn on the del aware wildernefs 50k iii that at any time from and after the pafling of this a it fhall and may be lawful for the governor lieutenant governor or perfon adminiftcring the government of this province to appoint one or more coin- lnifiioner or commiffioners for each and every liilridt of this province for carrying the pro vilions of this aril into execution which commiffioncr or commiftioners fliall have full power and authority and they are hereby re quired to proceed to repair and amend luch roads and build fuch bridges in each and ev ery difnidt of this province as herein before deferibed to which he ct they fhrill be ref- rwiwtty nrpoiihjnili fott r vmtmfikn er or commiflioncrs rcfpeistrcly fhall caufe the work required by this act to be done or performed between the ift day of may ainl the lit day of november iv that the faid commiflioners fcf- peelively appointed by this aft fliall once in every year on or before the ift day of jan u ry tranfmit to the governor lieutenant governor or perfon adminiftcring the gov ernment of this province a true account of the expenditures of the money by him or them received under and by virtue of this adt in detail with proper vouchers accom panying the fame to be laid before the legit lature for their infpettion v that it fliall and may be lawful for the governor lieutenant governor or perfon adminiltering the government of this province to direft the money appropriated and apportioned as aforefaid for each and every dilirrtt thereof to be paid to any one of the commiffioners for fuch diltriit or diftris applying for the fame vi that before any commiflioner fhall proceed to carry into execution the fev eral powers and authorities by this at con ferred he fhall take the following oath i a- b do fwear that i will faithfully and im- paitially to the beft of my fkill and judg ment perform and carry into execution the feveral powers and authorities in me vefted in and by a certain ac5t of the legiflatnre of this province intituled here follows ihe title of this acf without favor or affedtron to any perfon or perfons whomfoever andlftrill duly and faithfully account for all monies which fliall from time to time come into my hands for the purpofe of carrying the provilions of the faid adt into execution fo help me god which faid oath fhall be taken before any one ot his majeftys jufticcs of the peace in and for the diftridt for which fuch cominiflioner fhall be appointed and a certificate of fuch oath the juftice adrniniftering the fame is hereby required to tranfmit to the clerk of the houfe of affembly of this province with all convenient fpeed after fuch oath fhall have been by him adminillered provided rteverthelefs and it is hereby declared that nothing herein contained fitall repeal or an nul any of the provilions of any exifting act or acts of this province contained for railing or levying the iates thereby impofed or com pelling the labor by fuch adts or in any of them required to be done and performed on any public highways and roads comprifed in fuch adts but all and every fuch act and acts is and are hereby declared to be and continue in full fore- provided afo thuc rolhing i 2n former jaw or fhiutc cf fen province crrtaircd actl fnm ard after if pafling cf ihis 6t be held or ccaftrucd empov er or authorife any magiltrate or ov feer in ary fuch law or itatutc trentiorud i any rranner to inteifeie or give diredtionj touching or concerning sny loadohhighwai to be laid out or repaiied under and by vi tue of this adt mvertticlefj the faiagjr t rates and overfeers and every of iwtn and are hereby authorifed to carry into ere cution all and every luch power and author- ity as by fuch law or flat ute they are veiled with in all cafes in which the executing futh power will not impede or interfere with the powers or authorities given in and by vittue of this adt the remainder of this and the folloivwgfecticn repeals that part of a for my a which direcls that u 50 be appropriated on the road leading from the iron worls in lanf down 1 to kingston to commence at levy hatchhvjfes in 1 eeds thence to continue oijm the eaflernmojl boundary of the midland dfljm and direds that the faid fum be laid out on the road leading from the aforefaid iran worts to tb eqflern boundary of the midland frl8 vi u that the money hereby grant ed to his majefty fhall be paid by the re- ceiver general in difchargc of fuch waftnt or warrants as fhall for the purpofes herein let forth be iftucd by the governor lieutem ant oovernor or perfon adrniniftering flft government or this province and the receiv er general fliall account to his majeft his heirs and fucceffors for the fame thio thk lords commiflionerri of his majtftys treafury for the time being in foch manner and form as his majetly his heirs and fucceffors- fhall bcgiacioufly pleafeci to diredt ix that each and every commifton- er appointed under the authority cfany for mer adt or adts cf the parliament of thin province for laying out amending and keeping in repair the public highways and roadtt in this province in whole hands any balance remaining unexpended andwhoihali not be appointed a commiflioner under and by virtue of this adt fhall on or before the ill day of may next pay over every fch balance trto the hands of any one conimil- fioner appointed under and by virtue of ilm act n their rcfpeive diftndb h which fuch eornmiffiontrs heretofore appointed may refide and the faid balances the commillioner or commiflioncrs appointed under or by vir tue of this adt are hereby aaihoiifed and re quired to expend in their feveral dillridls w by the adt of the 50th year of his majefty s im mmm mm pp to be let y he house now occupied by a mr samuel howk carpenter for further particulars apply to the fubtcribefiy aiexr macdonell kingston march 26 islf 27 c andlest nphe fubferiber has juft received j x boxes dipped and 16 boxes mould candles which will be fold low by the box or lels quantity 1 also a few fur caps weavers reeds clover seed and a complete affortraent of dry goods liquors and groceries crockery and hardware which will be fold as ufual at the montreal prices and all kinds of produce received in payment d cafo paid for mol kinds of s bartlet produce kingston february 6 i s i i 23 tto be sold a good ffcmd for a tavern j- mil heretofore occapsed by ihe fubfciiber confifting of a good two lory dwellinghome feorfe fhed and ftables together with 6 aciea of land being a part of lot n 12 in the 2d conoefllon on a crofsroad in emelttovvn for tanis of fale inquire of john bell emefl tonvn march 2 1 8 1 1 2 the fubferiber in- forms the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that he intends carrying on the masoning business fuch as brick laying tone work and plafttring he will be ready to perform aiy buiinels in his line at thort notice and in a woikmanlike man ner moses drake firjldoor scuih of walkers moid cash paid for rags at the printing of fcp kjnotn houfe budding and painting t k fls lvu d 1 s ht r b tvr none t the 5flhb iait ol krpgatta eimflown ado htion and oclitr adjoining plc thai tl cy intend i rfrf ih n xt icafor m tlti vicmitx in p ultlg hcvsush outiidc and irfme iaeri ivmcik f k mnsc nnd rp k fmtfs of louf cjvji n ters aod jqjnehsi thw wuifc win ik tx cuico with notmland fifatcl apjiicatiftfiiny w majp at tin- ilvelhmghoufc 0 mr stciugituk ijjakecperi in kingtoi mn davy in erntl- own ur mi u- itanny inekfoitt in atwhlttf- towh natmam whfktexi 23 iin n hchiinb