Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 9, 1811, p. 4

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i a a p 0 e t r thk old maid s i d v c p propitious heavefl oil lend an ear give ji k ad aiifwcr to my prayer i 3lo iits 1 c me wit 1 1 due iabmiiiion anil hlmubfy offer my peiicion t affc iot honors wealth or fame trifles iik in iv i cannot name not fltfijslfj divfs or rich attic r iens of ihefi i moil admire my riavr fs fhort ch giant it then f but a wc j- jflvtf iuc a man o nor w lad i wiih to pick and choofe j tiiv v hois fct im not refute r not riie gay the rich the brave the hero beau or prlbn oravo j id ie extent im fine i can with r7y comcii worthy man lily beittiy switfjj my llom decay i vivafi g timgks plougft icy i h f 7 y i uinid plkrtjjjl grow pale ana war 1 curoi vet obtain a mam vimil vtma bloom ofh in my fdee and ev it tongue pro ouned my praiie to me ey fuitor made their comt 13 v t noe could move my uatiglity heart ye h py days bow arc ye paft aii i am irt a maid at i a it audjvdtly ic o for ive negletsed r h e whom i lif to have refpectccl orjve rehavin mv teais fhalj tell tt rruws in my hat i tel i v wt propitious cye my griefs aiiij feud a man to my relief ll fjjid io a yming jlajy onfcswg a jp r jyjjrih in her kofotoi j ssrid wiih ne m rtje if you would permit me lkr nj i tie fjri in ynu bofnnti t lie yn clctv than myitis id pna if yaud i troe aad ncci like the myrtle wuld ianguih and die n by icjvvi a bofom f tender adoningj n t a cf pat a twig but woum i flarvly glow a i lie w fciiyiips like ihr dew of the morn f 1 pnk for s moment new mfij wm bftw dp fsmtm paopujtss c gjiltse a turkish audience fltri8 fa lflrrfrvmq nilman at cm- i was fyjkd by the britffh miikr jm in bis ceremonial vit to li uiiiu s r r ad i avaiicd myielf i rca ericnfs of xliis unexpeded pio- piuiio ve aif msed af lie brit lb pal- ac vctlrrday jdornin at 4 o clock and at 5 vve dcv rfd the pioe iiim confided of aniltaries and o tncn of the palace v va thy were liceecdd by the ui ij thr jlnht 7 e ho was in hh full dhii by ftc mi liters and fccrearici tiie bii jini- in uniform a d by the crcr- c a d draip rs under enstlifh orot c- ti mi rauuiited an turlfh horfes we went th h tliiu rh the two ciiki of pra and gal alia to ih vvater where we left our hories lere embarked for the ciljr ofconllan- tinople tieie e l uid other hoi fes pre pared a- d are reotuoeticed our expedition in the fame maimr as bfon about half a mije fm ihere we m t the v and all his tia wh joined us an j we then con- timnd c tlu piac- up n our arrival within its walls wt difmounted and after fome delay we wl- intiujucrd into the dl- vnn vhre th vizvr uaj tcated with his a feat was itere given to a id lure we were iiucreded 2 1 cllu i tt0t to flior ns how to eat there were ipoons but no knives forks or plates the filft dih was a loup compofed oi rice vith cinnamon c our turk put his fpoou in- all the pravity of a ife to 1 he dim with man that i m of the cad i followed his example and then the others another omcer ibood between us to hand on and remove diflhes seventeen other dhhes fucccedcd then were fifh then preferved quinces tluna halh made of meat and onions then turkies nd chickens and prefuved apples c but they were all removed with o much rapidity that it afforded a mod laughable kene ami i fhould have bnrft forth but that 1 knew the grand seignior was looking at us atter tailing the foup 1 turned to a gentleman behind me to tell him how good it was and eant to breakfalt from that dim a- lonc but in turning again to the table ic had vaiihvd the fowls we tore apart with om hands and in the padry we ptt our tore finger and thumbs and brought with them as much as pohible after this a bowl of her- bet was introduced and from this we drank with our spoons we then returned to our place- and a lave brought in fome perfum ed water which he fprinkled on us and a- nothcr iome aloes burning which he paltcd under our nolee yen thus lee how the chrifiiaos were i wimed one of the orders had been that they fliould have been waflied for my light hand was ornamented with the marks of turkey bones and apple pies and onions tins ceremony being o- vrr we prepared for the great object o our j mniey we left die divan and proceed ed through the courtyard to fume feats where the fecond imperial oider was to be executed vv let the naked be clothed for the talks think europeans are inde cently elad or rather not at all drefled in their ufual garments here the minifter was pitlciued as well as his fuite with a fupcrb peliffe and thole of us who were to be admit tc j to the royal prelence were clo thed wih a fort of ordinary rtbc vhich tea attociate iud-e- 1 jo the rami tier b remarking ther manner of coaductiii theii the nidiil buli iefs and by kitaving that gvvd seigni r was at a clofely latticed wmdw above ohferviivg us as we regarded ey- y avyr b ait ns after ivaiting fome ti ae the fecrvtary of the vizier wrote a pe tit 3 totlwi grind seignior in fiver if the chrilli ru w- did ttpt hear it but it con- tnifs were that the hms hungry and nka d tired to pre lent themfelve before hi auguit perhu- thi was dffpatched by one of the pcat pfcxrsj who had a gol- ceu cane and in a quarter of an hour we herd the found of hk liiek the flgual of his approach on his appearance at tlie door of the iian the vizier arofe from his lofa an me hi a eo receive the aniwer it was nel ped in a mnfli haudkerehkf with the grand seign f the vizier on re- cuvig i- 1 pne and returned towardd fiii feat tie then oened it and yl d upu thelinatuef in ralter and chd mary to the ftet as only a few were allowed to nter and as more thai ilrt number were picfeat moil of whm in hg enjrliili had a liroujrv right to this favor than myielfj my hi art bear vviiii joy wluen mv name was ponounced and when tlnie tuik put the gown upon me i never was f much oka eel with a valet dc chximbre aid r never felt divlfed info aave lle a maimer before we tlun entered the innrcont ace 5 then between the gentiemen of the palace vo weie fyii of turkifh lords then through rows of laves and dwarf- and v a we were enter ing the pretence a flave tok each of us by the fhoulder ctl we mould not make beifance to their fovereign and thus were wc idhtred before the sultan the minifler and his fuite made a low bow with tluii hat on but the left of us not- wichftandinrj- our fiiends on our moulders made no obeifanee whatever and kept our hads covered alio he was feated on his throne with the vizier handing below it and ti wards us a few of the flaves peculiar to tie palace were placed the sultan re garded us as we entered and during our whole viiit the minitter addrelted a fpeech to him in engliih this was tranfiated by the dragoman the izicr leplied in tur- kiih and wis anfwer was rendered in ng- lifll by the fame interpreter the throne is very large and was em broidered and literally covered with pearls r he room though fmall was molt fuperb- ly adorned but 1 merely looked at its or naments for i was wholly engrofed by con- ternpbthg the monarch of io many millions of people feated in fplendor on the throne of hi aneedors he is a fine heroic look ing man and his countenance is faid to be truly expreflive of his character his eyes ins beard his mudacdioes are black and his looks fo piercing that i felt daunted when i thought 1 met them thefts form a fine contrail to a fiiow white tin ban adorned with feathers and loaded with precious dories by his fide laid his fword fparklincr with gems and every thing indicated the magnif icence and nches at lead of the king our fuperiors at parting again fainted him and we returned to the britifli palace in the lame way in which we had cone i can g yon no idea of the gratifica tion i experienced in this vlfit nor the varie ty of rich and apparently giotefque cudoms aldwa nvlied to attend it ixpence per buflcf wffl t estessfti that it did m fol- 5 given for good house asr low that i ihould fa grand 8m but that i might make an addiuon to the ftowin goinjr uthout havog thafincceed- ig grat i felt for the gent cmen who continued outfide the palact naked and i find that they are enraged that one from the new world to ufe ther own ex- preffion mould be felefled i find that i owe my good fortune to madame who being well acquainted with the head drago- manof the palace and knowing my great 2 fire to ee the sultan interefted herfelf to they ever have been fo a in tins country scue me the favorbeing an amerfcaa t w5fei i otherwife never ihould have entered 11 pre ference to real englishmen who were csdn ded es t the store of comming ha january 21 181 r romeo vadswqblth has itccrctdby the late arrhalsom land and liverpool a frtfb j apply of dms medicines which he offers for fale on better levins than 1 i ra t 30 lb outn ijlvirh r o 15 there is much good fenfe in the prac tice which tiled to prevail and perhaps ftill prevails in fome paits of switzerland if a married couple wifned to be divorced no objection whatever was made to their in tention but they were obliged to fubmit previoufly to a clofe confinement in a fmall room during two weeks while thus con fined they were only allowed one table one chair one plate one knife and fork one fpocn one tumbler one bed and that nar- row in order to make them dependent tor comfoi on amicable arrangements between themfelves if after the termination of the above mentioned period they it ill perfiftd on being fepaiaied thev were divorced with- cut further difficulty but it general y hap pened that they agreed t live together new afiociatiuns were farmed during the c jiimement port ioiio storytelling a traveller who like baron munlnufon dealt much in the marvellous related that tn portugal there was line fport in hooting at pigois which he faid at times fivw in iuch large flocks as to darken the air did you k ill any of themafked hia friend when you iiretl at vm 4 no faid the traveller i did not kill any becaufe i fired too low biit i brought down about half a peck of their legs joseph t barrett tneorms the public that he has formed an cllablimmeut in the city of montreal lower canada for the importation of india european piece goods iromaon- gry j ifiirjrjrare he win conftanily keep for fale an aftbrtrncnt cojnprifmg every arti- ele in the above branches of bufmefs as lie fiiall import diicdly from the manufacturers he will engage to fell on the oli favorable terms either for cqjh or appfeved credit a liberal difcount will be made to cajh pur chafers e3p6m 20 st francois xavier street a 2 j montreal jan ic 181 1 ti le 1 y icrioers have jnft received a conlignment of sixty sides of albany soleleather which they offer for fale cheap for cafli j alfo a few barrels of unseed oil- feb 26 abbot bascom for sale at the kingston mills boards and plank of all defcriptions at the ufuai prices n b no credit will be given but produce of every kind taken in payment at a fair valuation jan 22 t2fj he lefiees of the crown and clergy refcrves and thofe who have licenfes of occupation in the midland dul- rid are requeued to pay the arrears of fct due by them refpcctively to the fubferiber who is legally authoiifed to receive the fame and grant receipts charles stuart sheriff slnfs office 2d march 1 8 i 1 24 h bagg pi a gar ave jit received from london and ofr tor ale at their i remarked as wellas the iiugularity of man- ft a c ners i the people webferved the break- tldt olotc tff tt remy was fid to be let the- fumpt 7 tf and he naked be clothed and then j tlcm b adudttcd t my pnluee i dice to rhefhit part of thh command wne li for nw the mirilter fat wmn ih- viic d refl of u in fwu par- f a umcs ch of which a tur ki mjir weiiv 1 prefumeand fo will fait being an affair of ftate lam told is a per fea pattern of the meals of the higher orders of turks we had the robes on du ring our ride back again to the palace and you cannot imagine with how much relpect the turks regarded us as they were pi oof that we ha feen their fovereign and had been well received by him 1 pre fume i law in the palace and in the treus throng ed by cu bilty at the baft turks in tiie evening- we dined with the minlter and being very hungry rej iced tint the dunes did rrof difappvar aa they did ui the a r i bellows gate t co j mtztf s w d fiarn bommbtiof tfee ucct fmons and beft qualify ai u mr folomg hats eegantly trllmea u t te which were irl tz 3 tod as zlor z upo tctms h country chc can be bought th have afo a variety of h r nf iu which rhey re wlmng zrl m at it vihis joo 300 ioo ioo 25 400 200 50 5 200 150 ioo s 200 50 50 jog 75 50 40 5 30 60 28 25 3 20 ioo jalap 112 pow jerd rhubarh ico sago in giaifif j c do in powder 3 tons giaub4kalts 751b spermaceti go 25 50 56 tapioca 30 verrnacilla 300 vitriol komaa 5 du ab salt petre pearl bute 3000 tons a mum joo jb aaumony crude 50 af natco aloes aq iaforris nitre fortis gum camphor cantluiides caifia coves 3 tons copperas 200 lb cieni tartar jo 30 lb fkr supnur 300 fior chamonjile fol digiulis gum ammoniac gum arabic gum aflafcetija gum beriz m gum lmi gum galbanum gum guaicum gutcgamb gum juniper gum see j lac g au liril ldc gum miltic pa1ent medicines aaderfons pills biilain oi hmey baiiaoi of giiead bateinaiio diupa boitocfcs elixir bwdens iiluc plainer hrt h oi cephalic snuff corn plaiftcr court ftickiog plaifter diftys el xir daloya carminative lars remedy for the hojn cough e flcacc cutbtoit do pcppei mint do pcnuvroya eflenlial talc of lemon do ju vinegar colors blie blaek white cbiilc carmine fakti white frankfurt black gum scammony aleppo gum thus guratiaaacamh mace magucfia manndk nutmegs opium- peruwidfi bi i iartai emetic solu uriw 300 i f i i t i t 1 itlaiics ivlagnefia godfreys cwdial glwiands lction hvjopeis pi i is james anatepiiepibs 00 f verl jefoit dips linij true blue d niikendyc loergi s tu jkuneii h zeroes oi nikik- mrotcine rvfineo i icjuurice strersv- opodjidoc tina u ic huxhfinj tuiing ons d ia efi nccol multaid indidn lujc ivor i3iack lamp black er anchovies qujice fuuee sjuce royal cavice l iiiigc yfw ochre ijiunutno j rule pink pumice siuiic rottltl o fi iii biown vermillion spaniili wlme s attcms r ee baucc india y muihroom ketchup wndries f v ri fyringej viai cvrka beetle rj wafers juperfine wax fealnjj faprdfac dr w ti whircleathei skins ap apothecary fcales ana weights camlhair pencils gallypots in fort3 gold jeaf ivory syringes loztriges peppermint pa en t corp p mortars pevier ounce jvkaiures wndior also ioo kegs white leac chocolate g found spermacetti candles 1 50 do spaniih brown do do oil 50 green do cak raifms 50 yellow 50 block box tio 200 b- xes window g afs figs olive oil all rtea 6x8 7x9 currants almonds 8x10 7x8 wraoping writingpa a general dlwrtment of per afforted fliop furnituie vialsaf mefs prim pork forced a variety oflur piug pigtail tobacco geoni instruments pepper alifpicc on hand coffee loaf fugar gunoowder terher with a general h y teas afforrm 1 dvis juff press hapers tin- ter fiwijcs jacks c c c t commission business tranfaftcd on the ufual terms and caflr advanced on any kind of produce and other property left with him f montreal sept 15 18 10 ctt to be sold jat v ub ihno fii a merchant rrtav- j krnkeeper in the towifhip or frederick- burgh bordeing on the litile creek near bradliaws mill the propertv confifrs in a neat dweliing- houfe painted spaniih brown fortyfiv feet in length and twentyfix feet wide including galleiy in front which runs the whole length of the boufe j tke walls and partitions are all built of found burnt brick j a good brick chimney with two fireplace there aie five rooms on the lower floor and one bed wsj on the ivconh likowife a good lug itore houfe and a horfr tab an1 nwar f two hundied mod excellent land bounded em the fide- by the little cirefc and on tin- ealt 64 w eatihajfof lot no 13 extending from he king highway four her ly down acrnfs th bg crtk for tu the particular h to josbh fob sytt efa k itb no 1 810 771 www minnp n n i a m r by charges kjnpall w6 sulfrripthms and si dvern f j this paptr mu be rerrhvd tutu 0w for prmttng pimupth perfnrtiw

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