Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 4, 1811, p. 4

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poetry tawkeb phrases as found as a nut oer the plain i of late whittled chock full of glee a hanger to forrow and pain as happy as happy could be as plump as partridge i grew my heart being lighter thn cork my lumbers were calmer than dew my body was farter than pork thus happy i hopd i flinuld pafs sleek a greafe down the current of time but plcafurcs are brittle as glafs although as a fiddle theyre fine jemima the pride of the vale like a top nimbly daned oer our plains wilh envy the lafles were pale with wonder flood gaping the fwains she fmild like a bafket of chips as tail as a hay pole her fize as fweet as molifles her lips as bright as a button her eyes admiring i gazd or each charm my peace that would tiouble fo fon and thought not of danger nor harm any more than a man in the moon but now to my furrow i find her heart u as hard a9 a buck t my paflion foiever unkind though of love i am full as a tick i fought her affcflion to win in hopes of obtaining relief titl i like a hatchet grew thin and ihe like a haddock grew deaf i late was as fat as a doe and playful and fpry as a cat but now i am dull as a hoe and lean and a3 weak as a rat unefs the unpitying fates with paflion as aidcot flnu cram her a certain as death or as rates i ioon hall be dead as a hammer give a legal fanluon to fuch an anti-so- cial nonintercourfe the complainants in this caufe had forgotten that our ftfcn-in- ttrcourfe extends only to the fubjecls of great britain not tothofi of france napoleon w loves the americans and it would be end indeed not to reciprocate his affcion with his loving fubjefls alas how grudgingly fome of us diichnrge our debt of gratitude to trance shall individuals then as well as republic- become ungrateful heaven for bid no frenchmen are to be taken to our arms as lovers and friends u vive lempereur diversity singular law case reported l strati of a letter from mildlebury to a frffl in windlor vt dated mar 26 u vic had a fmgidar gaiius here lately a mens la p who was travftiing to montreal bad been but a few months in america and could not peak a fentencc of englijj he chanced tojtop at a houfe on the turn pike to warm himfclf and feeing a pretty girl quite alone thought him- filfin france and took the liberty of kissing her after which affection ate ceremony he forthwith proceeded on his journey and i dare fay would never have thought a fy liable of the matter again had not the friends of the young lady fuppofing her im maculate purity contaminated thot proper to remind him of it by arrefiing him for an assault in vain he reprcfented that he was innocent thai he knew nothing of the charge thefe people probably thought from bis drefs which was fplendid that he muji be rich and that they fliould get fomething of corfequence for the itolen kifs nothing would fatisfy them but monfieurs coming to jail fo to jail he was brought where he remained about fix weeks his prince ly appearance and manner won ihe favor of his jailer fo that he was al lowed the liberty of the houfe where he was honored with numerous vifit- on fome from fympathy others from mere curiofity he was the mofi ma- jeftic commanding figure i ever f aw his manners were pcrfeclly graceful and though he could fey nothing in engl if he could exprefs a great deal he had his trial about a fortnight fince verdict not guilty c oft and charges to be paid by the j late so much for a harmlefs kifs gentlemen take warning he left here lift week en foot for boion remarks whatever may be the chagrin experienced by the ffrienek of this unfortunate girl from their defeat on the above trial we are confi dent the la dies generally will be fattsficd with the refnh wt hope our courts how ever corrupt are not yet fo ungallaot as to 1 t 1 et vive toujours le baiser ivafhingtonian french officers who ivcrc all failed the eagle was then borne off in tri umph by the gallant pk general graham charged twice at the head of that regiment and had two horfes killed under him id so great has been the defperation produ ced among the french prifonens by the i ure of the negotiation for a cartel that vntll- jn thefe few day three of them jumped o- verboard from the bienfailant and hcar prilbnfhipsat plymouth and were drowned one of them was an officer m drnew goods ooo0aoo thf svnscswjsr ttjs just vszcrirpjy a fresh supply of goods hi amongst which ae black worfted hofe caipeting veftigs brown hollands checks c c all of which will be fold very low for cafll or country produce b whitney kingston tlth march i3u charleston s c may i the unit- ed states fhip wasp captain jones arrl- canker worm as the fcafon is arrived for the hi- ved yelterday from a cruile to the lomhwai j j mmtmvm on the 1 51 h ult off st marys he fell ia fiss whub produce the canker worm with the united states gun boat no 1 61 to quit their wintry abode and ajcend with the united states gun boat no 161 commanded by mr grayfon who gave lh following account of a melancholy accident which had befallen him the day before on the 14th about 2 p m a fail waa defcried to windward at 3 lie bore up and proved to be an armed fchooner under en- glilh colours mr g immediately cleared his boat for aion at 4 the fchoonei pafled to windward of him and mr g prepared to tack to the eallwnrd as he had lugged into a very conliderable ground fwell while in the at of laying the boat gave a plunge and his gimj a 32 pounds fetched way mi g immediately ran for ward where everything that prefenred llfetf l his eyes teemed to be replete with death and horror his gunner lay dead with ha heid mafhed into atoms one of his bell hands flood transfixed wilh the fluke of the anchor which pafled juft below ihe fmall ol lus back and came out through his groin and another excellent man lay with his legs which were mafued into a jelly under the butt of the gun the fcene itfelf was fufficieiit to have damped ihe feelings of the molt callous but rendt red much more poignant by the cried of the two dying men one of whom begged mr g after finding it would take form coitfiderable time to extueate him to chop his legs oft with an axe they were at length extricated and furvived about 55 minute after having their wounds drifted why clear for action curious sporting mr editor should you deem the follow ing curious circuinliance worthy of iuleition in your paper it is perfeftly at your fer- vice and you may depend upon the truth of it as james deeding efq and myfef were hooting in his grounds in yorklhire we ob- ferved a large bird in the air at fome dis tance which when we approached we dif- covered to be a hawk with fome trouble we contrived to ihoot it and on examination the craw was found to contain in addition to numerous bones of fmall birds a large piece of blue cloth in which were fewed up two guinea pieces a feven fhilling piece and two fixpences from whence it came and by what means the bird became poflefled of it are confederations which have involved the neighborhood in wonder and amazement quit the apple trees it way not be amifs to publijh a few obfervations and exper iments made on ihe fubjeft a neighbor of mine obferved an ar ticle in the papers of laji year advif ing to inclofe the trunk of ihe tree with a narrow bag made with linen cloth filled with fine fait but he not hav- ing any cloth f tillable for the purpofe ufe das afubjiitute what the farmers call fwingling iqw which he uinftcd into a large firing and long enough to go round the body of the tree putting in fait as he iwijicd it up fo as to in clofe the tree with fait about two feet from the ground this tree was load ed with fruit in the fall of the year while the other trees in the orchard appear as if a fire had pajfed thro them which experiment i think goes far to eiablijh the fad that thefali ufed in either way will preferve the trees from the ravages of the canker worm the caterpillar or bag worm i am covjidtnt may be prevented from injuring iht jruil of the apple tree by placing a turf in a crotch of the tree i tried it in a number of trees in my or- r fb hul tyttfftni itul fifwia zvir wnt f hi worms tt he fern on them through the fummer hut one tree which i negleaedy 1 found when the cvorwf wcrc about htf grown was like to be injured by that pernicious infeb i then def troyed as many of them as i conveniently could and applied the turf and in afeivclays there was not one to be feat on the tret gopd- h n tori p yo ux c d the jaundice has prevailed in kentucky for fix or feven months paft in an extraordi nary degree it is thought that more cafes have occurred in the laft fix or feven months than there have fince the country was firft fettled or for 30 years hence it may be conlidcred as epidemic summary punishment a couple of men being apprehended on tnefday week atbriltol in the aft of heal ing feveral articles from the llables of the white hart inn wete hauled into the yard by two ftout fellows whither the whole fra ternity of the curry comb were immediately fummoned the long beards of thefe difei- plcs were then ftuck together with pitch their hands being previoufly tied together behind them and while thus face to face a piofufion of fnuff mixed with hellebore waa adminiftered which caufed them to freeze in iuch a manner that by the frequent and vi olent bobbing of nofes one againft the other a copious ftrcam of blood htued from either noftril while the enraged culprits were kick ing and capering about in all directions and it was not until they afked forgiveoefs and vowed never again to commit depreda tions upon peoples property that they were releafcd from their delegable lituation by cutting their beards afunder with a pair of flicars london paper in the aslion of barrofa the whole of victors fiaff were either killed or wounded the french eagle which has been taken was fur rounded bv fix a divine in the county of briftol vir ginia about three years lince while he was delivering his fermon perceivtd that the greater part c f the old people in the holy ieats were for fome icafon or other the miniftcr may guefs what indulging theai- felvcs in a comfortable nap and that the children in the gallery were indulging them- felves in playing to the no fmall difturbance of the congregation upon which the pai- fon made a long paufe and looking up in to ike gallery with a ilem and folemn voice faid boys be ftili if you make fuch a noife up there the old men below cannot fl e ep what is the reafon faid one iriftiman to another that you and your wife are always disagreeing becaufe replied pat we are both of one mind jhe wants to be matter and fo do 1 a gentleman not much verfed in literary affairs once aked a fiiend what was the meaning of polhumous works zounds ex claimed he dont you know that why they are books which a man writes after he is dead to be f ure a french gentleman apprehending him- felf on his death bed earneftly entreated his young wife not to marry an officer of whom he had been jealous my dear foul faid ihe do not dillrefs yourfef i have given my word to another a great while ago a wanton gentlewoman reproached her brother with his pafii n for gaming which ihe laid was the ruin of him when will you leave off gaming fays she tu him when youll leave off coqueting oh un- happy man replied ihe filler then you are like to game all your life time z for sale at this oblice blank deeds vemorials bills of exchange half pay bill biils of i ading note books saroiasodfec for court of keqngftfcc 2r earthen glass ware hphe subfcrlbers refpeftfully inform x their fiicnds and the public that they have received by the late arrival from liv erpool a general affortment oi earthen ef glass ware which they offer fale wholefale and retail at their store no 50 st pdtil street lately occupied by jantcs dunlop efq en as good terms as can le had at any llore in this city ware packed in the beil mariner and 2 liberal difcom made for cafn ffj country merchants and others are requeued to call 1 green h eaton montreal july 18 to 26f j sheriffs sale midland dflriaj q y virtue of a writ of viz j o fieri facias iftixd out of his majeftys out of kings brach at the frit of james robins of the town of klngilon efqmye ajrainfl the lands aril ten ementjvof amds anfley of the tovvnfliip of kingllon yeoman to me dirced i have fcicd and taken in execution as belong j to the kid amns anfley the north half of ljt no 15 in the fecond conceffion of the twn- ihip of kingllon containing by admeafw- ment one hundred acres be the fame more or lefs together with a log houfe framed urn thereon creeled 1 do hereby give norc that the above mentioned lot of land with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be longing will be fold and adjudged tlt highelt bidder at my office in the rown rf kingllon ontuefday the third djy of mcn next at the hour of ten oclock in the f- noon at which time and place ihe conditions ot iale will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every pcrfon or perfens having cla on the above jelcnbed lot of lahd by m-rt- gage or other right or incumbiance ar iierl by advenifed to give nonce to the faid sher iff at his office in the town of kingllon i1c vious to the fale thereof sherds ofice 2d march 1 8 1 7 28 she riffis ale midland dijlrlu ny vhtne of a writ of w j x fieri facias ffficj out of his majcfta court of kings btach at the luit of ooftor asa f rld of the town of kingllon again i the lands and ten e meats of andrw johnson of erneft- town innkeeper to me direcled i have feized and taken in execution belcnrrjngto the faid andrew johnfon the eaft half of lot no 9 in the firft corciition of the towftllrnj of erneil town containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres be the fame more or lefs j togcthci with a framed boufc and barn thereon erected i do hereby give no tice that the abovementioned lot of land with the buildings and appurtenances there- unto belonging will be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder at my office in the town of kingllon on tuefday the third day of march next ul the hour often oclock in the forenoon at which time and place the con ditions of fale will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defciibed lot of hind by mort gage or other right or incumbrance are here- by advert iicd to give notice to the faid sher iff at his office in the town of king ft jn previous to the fale thereof sherds ojire 2d march i bit 28 such perfons as maybe difpof- ed tocontutctt for building 3 bridge over the little cataraqju river on the second conccifion road are rcqucfted to fend their propofals in writintr tu the fob fcriber richard cartwright kingston may 21 j 8 1 writing and wrap ping paper for fale at this office tt rprktfl ann ir uhtd by ciiarlj kndalu by whom sutifiripwin asu adwrufmetts jsr this paper wtli be ineivul and orders fir printing prcrptfy perf mud

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