Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 11, 1811, p. 3

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il i litt i i i i 1 l h v aprl ntnihj sgof i the mniiuiii tf l la yth ypril pu fh tl an ictmhtw f tftt ft allena job hduumuis al c l i i o on the mauh the winy is eireeiu w hav been illi t ui iiii ml i vnir cciva in y py i v tu nnnuh i i account fays that on the 231 cbr my the foragers from adidance id 20 leagues no longer bta jn any ihifl london apiil 17 government had hot at a lie hour o jay any cifjpaches f a later die f m od welintm than the 27th ut courier the 1 5 1 t battalion 60th regiment 1000 tlongi the icth royal hilda s and 6sth light infantry are going immediately on foreign lerviee a gentle inn j u il arrived from paris fetes that the retreat of maflena was known mthatcaintil and that it vva believed he jad ordc s to gvacua c pertu al entirely for theprcrcit the war miifin the duke of fell- had ilfiud oietxm the cufcnpis of the fcvvcve clejartme r hu themfdves fareadineft to march pu the 12th iiit their rute was bevieved 10 be for geimauv glasgow april 20 m load n wed jefday eve hull p ill 7 we aeafitiied frota the bell autlioiiiy ilrat 0111 tietciitions with the united slater of america will very fon aflame a far citereiu fiiape from thofe which have of late uen ofeferved hi- majeftys minirter huvin tried every r eans to adjuft all diucreactj on ihe moll amicable footing and having bad ry o hst return than that of equivocation scot npa led with new and un- expeled demands are about to adopt roeaf- ures or a very d ik rem complexion from the united states gvnaval engagement 7v1 new fork way 24 on thuffday morniiijr the united mates frgatc prefi- dent com rood ore kcge iw a trance fail at a ge t diibnee e etnhltn a slip f v r and imirudiaclv it od fo her about 9 ochck p m came up wlh ihe fliip d hailed hr gi enquiring uh ihr tra the commodore received aider he again inquired who and what lhi ihe wns and ie- ccvvo ivy j i 1 r w one of whi h woimcc i one tl hi feimeiu commodore koeis upon this icitifned a iia- glelhkt which w- autverc by a hi hrurid- fide the convtlrc n t t be hrhm u ljod wuh iii timtagroai mtunnd a b ad- qde from the piviidiut vbivh f 011 icrni a- cd tlu coitcll cm ri trcis retprtiitftl hv the vrftd until jorurigi w en he lent ii- v a mi board and w4s inf mrd that ibc was his brjtaunic maje fi p of war litie ii t captain bingham of 28 tlvtrtytwo o njers on a cruile that during the ctiae 0i t he lod 00 nvcn ki bd and leral wounded and that his fliip wts ve y uch ihrittced the f captain of the littl belt furlur dtedtlat he had fa op- ie the pelidet to have been a frtnch f igatci and rcgiettcd vtry much i that he ha 1 firtd into he commodore ro gers offered lxe cnpiain of the licile let everv aflitlance in hi pnver which was not accepted as ihe c p ain ilated he could go to halifax and reptit the prdirient has uceivd no iijuty and had only one boy wonncied lightly- the piefident anch red of handy hook yefterday about 12 oclock and commodore r diijatthed to sices to this tity from whom we received in lnbllance he abve ac count one of them piocceis to wafliin toiuhi- morning wiih the c ifieial account of this affair 71 ich rr the n york evening pofc ftates c that when commodore rogers baited the iloop of war to know who me vas and where from the commander of the iloop anfweredby afking who and what the frigate was commodore ro gers c uiceiving himfeif entitled to the firft aniwer hailed a fecond time and inilantly after received a fliot which ftruck his mammall facts admiral sawyer has given pofitive orders t- every liiitih ffueron thi- itation not to wiprefs an aroencaii if any naval officers deviate it is on his own ief that he will violate th- commands of his fupenor v amlijm vcnimtit having been m formcl of the vcv timjullifialj i npreltincnt grimptcffmcntr uff new tork ha under date of anrdjv iftth may demanded the caoaion by a umpiteh from the fecreta- y of llaic to the b ri- iftl charge dea af- fol mr mnr tliefefaas we how 0 be ae hated hjttmor pup r yt government wt nre corrcfluy l i py4the iiltinmc k-n- z i uiat a letter mtmm from mm i ibcrf the executive 1 vw pfiiivcotth to farch fu- i iitc demand the impredl mtt i- as on boird if cimcd to take tl by force the above may be relied upon kino sto n toisda y juur ii itil i iemi r he following is an extadl of a letter frm a v y efpeadble cntieiiian in philade phia 0 li corripoudent here datfd oil the 2 id there was a great noife here velletiv occl n d by ticanjrton fi the iatim re k simj liipublica nfjecting the frigale preli lerit but we row k- ow by a letter 110 n the f crclary of the navy that comuv dure rogers of the prefident has orders only t go in fearch of te uritifh frigaie an demand the man imprcflej but not to life fjte a gentleman juft arrived from wafllinff ton tiifvrms ns that he was officially inform ed that mr barloiv would not fail for frsftre till after the arrival of the efhx and tint his departure hen would depend npnn eircumflances n 2 guz tl i he horizon pitts has palted up the cheiapeake having o 1 board the furniture and baggage of mr foiter britiili miniiter to the united stat distressing fire mm 2i on snndjy forenoon between nine id ten oclock a fere brcke out ni a bacli building uei the corner if chathaitt and dancbects and the wind being very b jn in lefs then three hours upwatdb of luq buildings were coninmei and an im- neufe quantity of property dellroyed lliatharq ftreet is burnt cjbtli fides fiom mr ja eways live proof hi tile to he houfes actjojiiiig mr jlorillards about 35 hmjfc in thi dicet are dellnyedbefideo back bnild- dnanerreet 1 burnt on l th fidzi from iugidlns to lai hnnvihoet and on one fide frott cfaatliiqb to n il ii-ileet- about a c ln huule arc deilroved in this ftreet be- gdc lick bnildinx h riiatnllr there were about ado7cn tuuvci iiiiil lliij imit oi lticw weic old vv o cii building cf little value and occupi cd by couvuied people in a uulnjsiitet a number of houfe v jeft oed but tucy u chiefly i4j wo den buitcii is to give a delcription of the fcene and the diliels whit h it 0i cafiuned w uld be impus- ijbc all the lower part of the city as f is t the battery was threatened with d1 lmcion as the wind fcattercd the blazing ihihge- in evey diveftion and feveral bnilj ingj were lei on fire in different and vey diilant parts f he town but fortunately n cl mage was cuftained except in the llrci 1 etioted above among the buildiig which took fire from the flying cinders vvc the heepl- of the brick church ihc scotch rrefoyteri in church debtors prifon t ite a h uife 14 broadway st the houfe d mr wm tough naflauftreet betwe beekman and annftrcets the fire took the fteepte about 150 feet from the grouil fo high that no engine could ieach it frfl beow but it was kept under by a faiot b ihe ri7me of knappwhoafeended the ligh ni ig rod and with water handed to him by a fiiipmate on whie fiioulders he itood he w eualded to keep the fire under until a fmgjl portable engine was got up into the fpij and the leader was brought fo as to play upi the fpot from the belfry beh v- the amount of property dellroyed cant afeertained but as moft of the buildin were of wood and many of then old it pr bablfi that the lofs is not fo great as tl ocrafioned by the great fire of iso4wh the old coffeehouse was confumed cut the diftrefs occalioued by the prefent fire mneh greater as moll of the buildings bu fit weie dwelling houfes and many of th contained feverl families fome of which h ioit their all we are informed that a royal lyger which was confined in a cellar in chaiham- itrcetwas burnt to deth the owner daring to releafe him from his confinement kit he might do mifchief 1- 1 abcut one oclock on saturday mornilaftthebeweryof bleffil veftus of poughkeeplie was dilcovered to be on fire and before foffcfcnl affittance con d be procured the building was lo completely under the control of the devouung e emet as to render all exertions unavailing 1 he building with neatly the whole of xts con- tentswas burned to the ground the fee- mprofed to have communicated by aecuhut the lols of property is etlimat at d i 7000 r cvmm adv be capt lcilk of the lion arriv ed at quel ec from aberdeen wis informed on his paffugethai thir teen iail of vcffels had been loll a- mongthc ice on the banks of new toundland a fuhfeription fromlndividuails was on foot in england at th h tcil daicsfor the relief fiiffermg britifh prifonersin prance about c6oool was iubferibed and it was ftill going on the jews of gibraltar have raif- ed a handibine fubfeription t v the relief of the widows and e iidrcn of the brave fellows who fell in the aclion of barrola who belonged fo the 28th regiment and the sank companies of the 9th and did re giments which formed part of ihe garrifon of gibraltar e y the london star of the 10th apt it now in the hands of the editors of the n yoik gazette contains a letter from an ofscer n lord weuinqtonns army dated march 30 with the following heartrending particulars to uvcrt back to rhe fudden move- me- i of the freneli i bad been for weeks in view f santa em and taw jt lal with great plealure frre ii dieation- of their aband n- ig it the fift was fetting fire to one of he principal convents in the upper town and part of thtr lower town the volume of moke was immenfe foi th ee r1ays on the fourth morning ionic information to be de pended on reached us and the bugle of at tack roofed us from our pillows th has of the mmninor cidtinfr up we could eriii perceive the out centineis vere men of itraw and prove 1 qute paffive in fact a better managed retreat was never executed not a veiiipe of a dollars worth remained be ing at the enrolls with the tuh dragoons and j ft royals 1 entered wih them and three nilerable defertc-r- who had hid tlum- feives were wuh one mo ill to move the on ly cm my to be found such a f ene of horror mifcry and def- olation fearer ever falntc 1 th- y s of man smoking ruins the accumulated filth of months horfes and human bodies puuid to luffocation nearly caufed t many a vomit- nip vhhoufes unburn with icarccly a vtilige oi wo d doors winch ws ceilings roof burnt and where the fick had expiied there lift to decay the number left was great everv church deoolifhed the tombs opened for inarching after hidden plate and the effluvia fo offenfive as to defy defcribing in fome gardens the mifeiabie heads unde- cayed luck up like fcarecrows in fome well- a body floating down a piecipice to which we were invited by profpect to look the human and the animal carcas mingled in decay repulfed our lenfesand hudcieiing- ly vibrated the f nil at the favage horrible diabolical ads of the french army i mult here notice one giand precaution the hof- pital was guatded immediately from entrance and i bilieve no fericus illnefs proceeded from the abominable fituation in which the french left it but to fee the country is to weep for the horrors of war such horrid excefles i never law before every town village or cottage de llroyed the growing nurfcry and the wild grove each havocked for deftruction fake the pot that refined the oil broken the wine prefs burned for burnings fake the furniture unburnt thrown from windows and with carriages c made a bonfire of the large libraries ftrewed over the land in remnants of paper the noble con vent in aihes and the poor unhap py aged inhabitants unable to flee hung around as ornamenting the wabs ten twelve in a place to bear the femblance of a female was to be tortured to be an in fant to be a crificft one circum- ftance aimofl beyond credibility to be committed by human beings in the heart of europe and the nineteenth century a convent of eleven nuns with two priefts were efcaping in a boat unhap pily they were too late j and over taken n ir villa franca the prl were one fho fnc c nc only of ihc nun wi iniuntly violated t rdl k tlic old wa no defence agalnft thefc s iheiever nam were 1 treated fucechivdy i num a confined uctij dileafc n temloathfometotlehclh ounds cmlelves whcn a flag oi truce introduced thtm to us the mt flocking kvery t tried to comfort them and to die immortal credii ofcmiitary ayl- iey they were conducted valada by water witii all the com- hrt and corrfolation that war and iivjation could pofebly ive a thouiand more like thefe 1 could recount no a no foand three unfortunate female 78 to 80 years of age they were literally naked as on entering the world finding to conceal them- ielves under fome ruflies ftraw reipcct in one convent i 49 none nphe copartnerfhip of marvin a and baker is ihi- day ditlvcd by mntual agreement all dem mda a ainft the 1 all d to farm will he fettled by g bakfr mu thoie who ae indebted to themac delire c me to art tiwmediate fettlcmeut wiih g baker who is anthorifed to adjuft the ac- cutints and ailchargc the fame elias marvin george baker ermjl town zzth m 181 1 sheriffs sale midland drstrici by virtue of a writ f fu ifltied out of his maj flys ciilnvt c iurt dirvqcd to chiles stuart tq heriff of the midlatid diibict againli the goods and chattels of abel gate tire imr of thomas c01 k i have leicd and tak a one to of bfockfmiws ts which will be fil at public auction st the gaol dor in kingfton on thuhsdav the 20th day of june inii at 2 ocum k p vt james adams june i d 1 8 1 1 deputy sforjf tappan k sewall no 65 st paul street montreal t ave icccvd by the thi ns m ex- a 3 tenlive and choice aftovtme- 1 cf english india goods 9 sclcdlcd parriciilarly f the canaja market by a partner in ealancl cr 1icoes 8c furn prints sewing sills tvjiis jriuifor pavilllony cotton sewmgs hellityrton and other broad cloths of every ftifimnalk curds dzprtpitoh jftanelsi nanhetu hunters cloths kerfeys graxdurm velvets a t rjymerts plains thiclfetts velveteens jhpind dometts tabby cords dimties point qndllofeblanhets soiietfs fijltrhtls snuanfdowrs coatings cot ion hollands carpeting cotton shirtings while o hrowm linens camhkfo hair cords paraoh iff umbrellas black and colour d trjfjs fringes cambridis tapes bobbins shawls fhindkerchrfs p ferrets noiery gloves buckram ribbons a large of- bandannas leinge fortmeht romolfs and other silk mods satins gauzes handkerchiefs pcrian crapes by the brothers from liverpool additions are expired and by the hope m w in the river f om louden with other articles 11 bales long cloths salem- poresj bine white bafta5 and mamro lies 0au which are for fale by package or piece on the ufnal terms montreal may 6th 1s1 1 y for sale at 771 is office blank deeds k memorials bills of exchange h ilf pay bills bids of lading n te books summonfes for court of rcquefl s c a house to be let a lso three excellent rqo ms in e the houfe ni v occupied by iht b- tenber for terms inquire oi john ponce kingston d jura ll u

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