Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 18, 1811, p. 2

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incumbrances- and belonging ex eiusbefy to the oa upier a farmer in theft cinumftahces did be duly cjli- iiate his own lot in life would fie a hundred reafons of gratitude to one for complaint a practical farmer ikofe livelihood fends upon this calling jhould make it the pinnacle cf his worldly ambition to excel in it if he neglect his firm imofl any thing elfefje is generally a lofer both in interefi and credit solomon the wifeji olferver of men and things tells us of his difguji at as for a jight of the lands of a fiovenh farmer i went by the field of the fiothful and lo it was all grown over with thorns and nettles had covered the face thereof and the fione wall thereof was broken dawn own er where art fhast perhaps dozing away thy time in fi umber and in f loth- perhaps f pending it at the tavern or perhaps dreaming of promotion or en gaged in the bufinefs cf feme petty of fice better mind thy own proper bu finefs elfe j jail thy poverty come as one thai iravclkth and thy want cc as an armed man a farmer on hand who keeps his kinds and his flock in excellent order need mt be afhamed even were solomon hint m pffg by eller nofopmr eafis his eyes over fuel a farm than he honors the proprietor ik hi heart tweet the fhip under my command and l britannic majeilya hip of war the lifv belt command d by capt bingham the re full of which has given me much pain well on account cf the injury he iufuimj as that i fhould have been compelled to the meaiure that produced it by a vetltl of her inferior force thecircumiunccs are as fel lows on the 16th inil at 25 minutes pt meridian in 1 7 fathom water cape hen7 bearing s w ditlant 14 or 15 leagues a fail was cifcovcrrd from our mail head in tlie eall handing towards us under a prefs of fad at i paft 1 the fymmetry of her upper fads which were at this time diflinguifliable from our deck and her making figtrig mewd her to be a man of war at 45 minutes pill i p m hoifted our enfign and pendani when finding her iignals not anfwered lie wore and hood to th fouihward b izg dclirous of fpeaking her and of afcertairlmg wlnt fhe was i now made all fail in chace coe- th other pptr part ot ner item uegan to mew men above vie horizon the wind now began azd continued gradually to decreafe fo as no prevent my being able to approach her f fi- ciently before funfet to ditcover her acruil force which the portion fhe preferved duir- ing te chace was calculated to conceal or to fudge even to what nation fhe belonged as he appeared ftuclioufly to decline ihewinr her colors ait 15 or 20 minutes pail 7 m die chace took in her rtuddirig fails and foon afier hauled up her courfes and hauled by the wind on the larboard tack fhe it the fame time hoifted an enfigh or flag at her rrnzeu peatc but it was too dark for me to j- every paffrng trav- 1 lie proprietor moreover is fare to receive for his pains fome- thing more f olid than mere honor a comfortable decent livelihood fior which he is indebted lo him only whofe is the earth and the fuhufs thereof li is not the abundance of land but the thorough and jkilful cultivation of it thai fills the barns with hay the cribs with corn end the manfion houfe with plenty far one to crave a lar ger farm than he can cultivate to profit ii therefore an expenjive folly for wha fever a neglected field is worthy the intcrejl cf that capital together with yearly taxes will at length eat the field up if a farmer neglect his farm his ctjc the car elef nefs will wafie and lofie what indufiry gains he muft be ceo- nomical and frugal elfe his outgoes exceeding hi to s incomes he is fare finally below in hcmtiji always mind to do every thing in its fieeifion elfe he will have double work and half crops finally he muflfludy agriculture as a pradical fcience and make ufe of the means in his power to increafe his in formation and fiill in this bi finefs elfe wm he neither mm in his calling calling nor reap the profits from it which he might and which others aclually do farmers venerate the plough the hoe thefcythe and the fickle- if m exchange he implements of hufbandry j or otoer weans of livelihood you vei lure m a lottery where there are fev- rrt blanks to a prize lookovr pur lauds and fee what parts may he activated to more advantage how you can raife more grain and flax keep more cows and fheepat more tie fill more beef and pork and titer articles of produce study arri- zffuru carry it to the greatefi per- if m it is the befis of our wealthy v manufactures and of commerce washington city may 28 opy of a letter from commodon xgcn to the secretary of the navy u sfrircte prefxitent cfsandvl em zd may hit j sir rfg- extremely being under the cthtyoj fepefcnuiar to you anient that my order ii this inflate however faltho they proceeded alone from motives of human ity and a determination net to fpffl a drop f blood anneceffarily i had in left than fo r minutes fome reafon to regret as he renewed iistireofwh2chtwo ponnd hot cut oiff cue of our fouihrouds and injured our fone- mait it was now that 1 found myf if undicr thepamful neccflity of giving orders for a re petition ot our iircagainll a force which rry forbearance alone had enabled to do us amy jnry ui moment cur for waimrcordinim 1 renewed and continued from 3 to 5 mimjtefl longer when perceiving our opponents g ft and colors down his maintop- ail yard uron the cap and his fire filenced altho it was lo dark that i could not difctrn any other par ticular injury we had done or how far he was in a fituation to do us further harm i nev- erthelefs embraced the earliell moment to hop our fire and prevent the further effullon of blood here a paufe of half a minute or more took place at the end of which our by a canopy and pucvided with a n feflc the king of rome preceded bv oihcers was earned by his govern themafhaldkeofcongli end f his mantle the galltries nf his mcufy wa receea1 churchbyeini advei chapel wire iilltd by the perfons be 10 the coutt the gate of the church by caidiral grand almoner w prtfented him the blelttd water he was feated twixt the altar and the bluftrade derma faiy not hewing a further dffpofition to elby of white velvet a land of granitefj mounted by a magnificent vermilliun v port diicovcr wlrt nation it reprtfei ted co for the firll time her broad fide was prefentcwl to our view but night had fo far ptogreffed that altho her appearance indicated fhe was a frigate i was unable to determine her ac tual force at 15 minutes before 8 p m jtfing about a mile and a half fiom her the wind at the ti every light i direded capt ludlow u take a pofuion to wi dward of her and c the fame tuck within fliorc fpeaking dftancc this however the commander of the chafe appeared from his manoeuvres to be anxious to preve t as he wore and hauled ly tm wind on diifereivt tacks four times fucceifivth between ihit period and the time of our a- riving at the pofitin which i had ordered to be 1 ken at 15 or 20 minutes pall hi being a little forward of her weathrr bean flnddiflant fiom 70 to ico yards i hailed what fhip i thu having afked the firft queltioi i of courle confidered myfeit enti tle by the common rules of politenels t the firll anfwer after a paufe of 15 or 2s feconds i t iterated my firll inquiry of what fliip is that and before i had timg cifi crn a r in 1 to take the trumpet from my mouth was an- farm will neglect mm 1 he hub and- f n 1 c a n 1 1 ir 1 1 iwtred by a met that cut ofi one of oup man mifi firfi laoor elfe be partaketh maktopmall b call back flays and went int not eft he fir tuts he mufi be vigilant our mainmafl at this inllant capt cald well oi marines j who was handing veiy near to me on the gangway having obferver fir flit has fired at us caufed me to paufe for moment jufl as i was in the a6t of giving an older to fire a fhot in return and before 1 had time to refume the repetition of the intended order a fhot was aclually lired froifi the iecond divifion of this fliip and ws fcarcely out of the gun before it was anfwer ed from our affiimed enemy by three otiie in quick fiicceflion and foon after the red of his broadfide and mulketry when the firft hot was fired being under an impreflioi that it might pofiibly have proceeded fioi accident and without the orders of the con mander i had determined at the moment t fire only afingle hot in return but the ir mediate repetition of the previous unprovol ed o trage induced me to btlieve that th in f 11 it was premeditated and that from oij adverfary being at the tithe as ignorant of our real force as 1 was of his he thought this perhaps a favorable opportunity of ae quiring promotion altho at the es pence of violating our neutrality infultino- our flan- i accordingly with that decree of repugnance incident to feeling equally determined neitfi er to be tht aggreftor or to fuffer the flag of my country to be irfulted with impunity gave a general order to fire the effccl of which in from 4 to 6 minute- as near as i can judge having produced a partial filenc of his guns 1 gave oders to ceafe firing discovering by the feeble oppofnion that h mufi be a fliip of very inferior force to what i had fuppofed or that fome untoward acci dent had happened to her fire i hailed and again afked what fhip is that 1 learned for the firft time that it forming the baptifmal font thettrof was a fhip of his britannic majedyb but fors were the archduke grand duke of owing to its blowing rather freltjjfcf than it wurtfburg uncle of the emprefs and prince eugene the late emprefs ton on the right of the altar weie the caidinals on the left the bifhops in their robes and ratchets- all having taken their places the cardinal grand almoner fang the vera creator t ac companied by the rnuficof the chapel af ter the hymn his eminence approached the feat towards which his majefty advance with the child and the fponfors andprefenu ed the child to be baptiicd this ceremony was followed by te devm fung by all the ran fie of the chapel during the- tedim the king of rome carried by his governed and attended by hi flate officers byaa a id decamp of the empeior four cham berlatns two grooms and a mafteroftk ceremonies preceded by four pages w carried back to his apartment m toe count of lacepeele grand chancellor of the legion cf honor and m the cutirit of marefcalehi grand chancellor of the or der of the iron crown after having received the orders irorn the emperor earned the grand cordon of thefe orders to die km of rome during the ceremony a beautiiul difplay of artificial fire-work- and the molt brilliant iluminations throughout the wiioie city fiitiffied the public joy on the 22dof march the emperor being on his throne funoundcvl b ihe princes of had done i was unable to learn her rame after having informed the commander of the name of this fliip i gave order to wear run under liis lee and haul by the wind on the flaiboard tack and heave to under topfails and repair what little injury we had inflamed in our rigging which was accordingly exe cuted and we continued 1 ing to on different tacks with a number of lights difplayed in order that our adverfary might the better difeern our pofition and command ouraitdl- auce- in cafe he found it necefary firing the nrvht- at day lieht on the 17th he was difcovered feveral nrile to leeward when 1 gave orders to ber up and run down to him under eafy fail after hailing him i fent a boat on board with lieut creighton to learn the names of the fhip and her com man- der with dtrcdtjiis to afecrtain the damage die had fullained and to inform her comman der how much 1 regretted the rieceffity on my part which had led to fuch an unhappy re- fujt at the fame time to offer all the affiit- ance that thefiiip under my command afford ed in repairing the damages his had fuilain- ed at 9 a m lieut c returned with information that it was his britannic mafeilys fiiip little belt commanded by capt bing ham who ii a holds wamier declined the aceptauce of any aflillance faytng nt the fame time that he had on board all the ne- ctltary requifite3 to repair the damages fnfii- ciently to enable him to return to halifax this however was not the moll unp leaf ant part of capt binghams communication to lt creighton as he informed him that in addition to the injury his fliip had fnftained between 20 and 30 of his crew had been killed and wounded the regret that this information caufed me wa iuch you may be fore as a map mg lit be expected to pel ttftit gui pride is to prove without allentaton by ev- erv public as well as private adt that he pof- jfeites a humane and get crous heart and mih thefe fentrme ts believe me fir that fuch a communication would eaufe me the moil acute pa dating the remamer of my life had i not the confolrtion to know that there was no alternative left me between inch a lacrifice and one which would have been flill greater namely to have remained a paf- five fpedtaor of irfult to the llag cf my countiy whilll it was confided to my pjo- tertion and 1 would have you to be con vinced fir that however much individually i may previously have had reafon to feel in- cenfed at the repeated outrages committed on our flag by britiih fllips of war neither my paifions nor prejudices had any agency in this affair to my country i am well convinced of the importance of the tranfactiou which has impofed upon me the neceffity of making this communication 1 mult therefore from motives of delicacy conuefled with perfonal contiderations folic it that you will be pleaf- ed to requefl the prefidentto authoiiie a for mal inquiry to be inilituted into all the cir- cum fiances as well as into every part of my conduct connected with the fame the injury fullained by the fhip under my command is very trifling except to the fore and main mails which i before mentioned no per fon killed and but one a boy wound- for further particulars i refer you to capt caldwell who is charged with the de- liveiy of this communication i have the honor to be with great refocct sir your obedient fervant signed john rodgers lion paul ham secretary of the a his family and all the great officers of sto an addrefi was prefenud to him by theseft- ate in w hih it itatcd that the m nefs of hi- people was his grit object j emperor replied thus the teftimony of france g direaiy to by heart thegw ddfttny of my fon wjji be aca pliihetl with the lovpof j french every thinvili be eaiy fj mentis you exprcfc the council of state was ptcfottfk the piince arch chancellor of the em and made a fimilar addrefb mi ytf replied jv ei i have eagerly defircd providence has granted me jl ion will live for the happinefsanl glory of france our children wil devote themfelves for her happi nefs and glory i thank you for the fentiments which you exprefe 1lt0n a intelligence 000 000 baptifm of the king of roms on the 20th march at q in the evening the king of home was chriflened iu the thuilleries chapel his majefty the em peror accompanied hy the princes princeff- es and great digiitarics was fallowed hy two wit nefles of the ceremony the great ofaetrf mmiflerk the grand kngics fthe legion iff honor militaiv offieerh pages bearing flaibenx and the hini3of arm tl chapel had been prepared for his nhj- eay he emperor with tifauteml uninounud from cadiz papers of jp g elvas march 26 in theacrion ofyef tcrday between campo mayor and bdajoz 500 of the enemys cavalry were killed and they left 24 pieces of cannon the army of marfliall beresfbrd hare rot pjiffed the guadiana but preparations are msde for i cadiz april 9 the council of re- geiicy wed fstisfied with ggnalfcrvktirid merit of the general officers and men who with equal obtlinacy and valor have given to the country one of its ptoudeft days lm manifefted its eytraorilinary plealmc aud gratitude to the allies and fhe does the fame to the spanifh armv and it lias ordered that tht necellary information rnav he collected refpediing- thole who diftfnguifhed thcrn- felves in order to erant them the rewaids which are due the ireneial and extraordinarv cortes be- ing info med of the valor intrepidity an good order wih which the officers and fol- dies of the uh at my fought the eneffly the 5th ult declared themfelves fali hed with their military conduct and requefttj it may be figninvd to them by the council of regency and has ordered it to be p li fhe d in orders of the diy finally the counei of regency li w will latisfati oi the liib trardn itted by i general in chief and 01 hers in cnnuraiu w commending the officers of every clai8 gcsitfts corporals and loldies vfho pt particular metti in this bittle and fiwf view lheteof vdl attend to them m due tiff oifiriltar march 30 a civi about c jo nen oi and hore fiom cd bay on the i8tiifl wd the next duv 1 1 wiupc it was luff ed they would iniik a i riucu btalleio and fnbepenily mmli hnu 111 oil fcieville uu tw u ton hi id vleltm i w

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