Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 18, 1811, p. 3

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ufii ftcti1 pwit h jkiiiilli line an j m ewtffv vvim ivpull d viillti- biufy ol the iiu myi troops has i a tie it n jtppramnec in the tcitfhbui hnodj f ij iiioalu aluimil the inlnbituut- wh a inal have loulit ptoudion under the cau- kiou of the imtlcfs rxfnsditfohi to die imcrloriutbat which had one againftthe porfcu- gacle had been repulfcd from the united states vm and give him a mow which fevered his head almoll in rwo u p leyer- hmg car- ncl hnn in that conditio hi- fojj a rsqe loaded his pill is ran nj ihe h ufc of jjoden and ftiyt him dead ifcfc o clamation v ctjfopit i know how deep was your grief h ufjiin i of the infdinous iurrendur f foruci i 1 hkcuiie know liovv sleekly tli philadelphia may 29- the brig fanny roberts left madai l 1 it il coming out boarded a fltip for- lflb n and luu the perofal of lifbon paper i the 1 6th kingston tuesday junf 18 t8u torti10 i 1 likevvlfe know how deeply the apnl thev contained an ac of the 7 i r ft l vart my of all jrmd patriots fet and how nuilmnuvf badajoz by maril brrdtord y tjv c ou1 m dcny afh- niioi viil feel wlun knows ufo had iummonrd it to firrmdtr vvlurlt l 6 haj knocked off by that rufa lias fallen int- the hind of the french iunut it has been delivered to ihffn by its treacherous gavcrnor count de aiacha si criminal f hafe a d red which excited j11 every one ofyn a jull and ttrciig indigo nil ion ptviniiy at traded my attention as foon as 1 affunui the command of this ar my and province i ordered an inquiry to be made into the eircumftances of inch an jufimuus furre uicr in confequenee of which and 3s a pr per puniihnienfc tor fo execrable and pe fidious acoiineil of war com- poitd ul general i iiiecrs yeiltrday ientenced cruirt ue a cha upon the ginnds mention ed in the iviuen e to be beheaded which oviu 10 his being abicnt ill all he executed n citify tonxorrow at 3 in the afternoon x catalans on the fcff id and the gallows tlhuil traitors fatally end their lives to what ever giafs they may belong th country is iu danger and it mult be favtd in order completely to obtain this the law mull be allowed t take its colirfb it puts us ail on a h and in order to irs pn-vilions- fhall i pal a fewtenrecm culprits and on every in famous wreuh like the count who hall gie up one inch uf ground of the prrncipali- ty altho it were a ikiert let no hope be birlt upen nrj clemency no one wo calls himeif a spaniard rrafce the attempt for lc fh 11 feel the eftccj of rry indignation the country ha- a right to claim every thing fro v us and when ts falvation or welfare is at ftakc regard and attentions ata out of the quettioii i will gladly lay down my li far it and ft long as 1 hall crmmand in the province no me cy shall be hewn a y cne thrti betrava its intjieiis tarragona jafl- 25 18 li sigred ho had iummoncd it to f irrndtr vvliieh had hem twice iduicd by the french tie esfyul of i liter from one of ihc mojl rtfpcfiahlc mcrthams 1 l tork dated ijl aprils i3 i t the people are returning to their ruined irabittons nd a ids never was iuch a feeue rituefftd w this woiic iome rfour arueri- tattr would h trdly b icvc that the great maifeia would oiw his hack and commit fuch horror- in difgraceful flight the laft accounts arc up to tlc 2otii ult fronj the field the letter i faw wa written between pombeira and argaiiih in the mountains to the edhvard or coimbia there wan a partial aonwun briides killed and wounded 600 priloners were taken and a whole battalion drowned in crofllne he river as the bridge was blown up it is r fair chafe and doubt- lef fonie will get off to guarda and almei da tut as an army it is frittered away they will want atleifl i 00000 frfh troops to recover their poll ion before this place the village of codeixa is burnt and an officer write ne 1 taw on ihe mad a youug w- man with hei throat cm and ten others cruelly rnurdeved under circumllance- too hot rid to mciti n the writer wfthes he could found thw in tlic ears of every ameri can yet all this is a bagacie to what they the french have done they have ruined the noble convent of alcobacaaid batalha and tore up the body of king jchn the hi it which they deliryed the towns pombal kedinha and city of leiria aie burnt up and their inhabitants deitroyed with many other places la fey from monte video by the arrival at baltimore of the hip sidney in 63 days from monte video we learn that the governor of monte video march ed it was fuppofed aqainft buenos ay res the day before me failed with 600 men and was to be join ed on his march by 400 more and had fent to folicit troops from the portuguese government paraguay was conlidered in a ftate of revolt tion buenos ay res was clofcly blockaded and no vellels of any nation permitted to enter the forces of the junta at buenos ayrcs were fuppofed to be a out 2000 molt it their troops had been on was acco f making preparations to ftorra it and meant 10 i fack it iy the bfeacli tlnongh which the french entered it charleston s cmay 18- the united stales gun boat no 1 57 y kt john kerr coaimander bound to st marys in artemptin to beat out at the fouth channel yeherday morning milled flays and drifted upon the fouh break ers the wind being ftrong at ear and a heavy fea upon tie bar ren dered it impasible for ajy boat to approach her and the fcnafl boat which they had on board havinjr been dafhed to pieces by a fea im mediately after ihe flruckthe crew had no other altematire but to cling to the riffdiig in the hope that lomethingmiglic corje to their relief it was about 8 oclock in the morning when the gun boat frruck on the breakers and at 10 her mail having worked out of the ftep ihe inftantly rolled over and the whole crew 22 in number were precipitated into tae waves thole amrng them who could fwiiu got upon the bottom of the veileh where they remiined for fome hours and about 2 or 3 o clock when the wind lulied thofc w j had fuilicient prength remain- ig iwym about 70 or 80 yards to fume iiihirg boats which were on the lookout to fave them but who co dd not approach the place where the vefiel ftruckwitiiout a certain ty of baring in their fate out of the whole number of which the crew was compofed nine only were refcued from a watery gru kkw york june i a letter received from philadelphia dated on tu fday cou tais the following poftfeript the fi ern mail ratei tht arrival of two frigatg j the cbeapeake the elfex with mr k ney and a biitifh fiigate with mr foll board seat of with it is now fome days pncc ave havt had any direct accounts from spain and portugal by the laft accounts it ap- pears that the power of bonaparte in f kingdoms was rapidly on ihe decline that unlefs fome extraordinary exertions here roaje it ivtiulffl loon entirely ceafe 3ome bffi of opinion that he will for the pref abandon the attempt to conquer thol re gioiis this iahovvever doubtful it is i tlmn probable that he will make one ijiore defperate effort m the courfe of the prefect fummer to fubdue thtfe nations he can not confidently with his plan of univu empire fuller them to be independent he muil deilroy them or they will in timc d flroy him it is likely therefore that the spaniards and portuguele have the wojj g the war yet to come but there is one tii in their favor they are now more abl to beai it than they were formerly thei- in vaders have taught them the art of warfo and if thur leaders can refill the intrigues of the creatures of the tyrant they are i no great danger they can never be conquer ed except by treachery should bona- parte as has been luggeficd march at the head of his bdt troops into the peninfula the people will indeed have much of fufferiog to undergo but the invader will have more he may march hi armies into the ccuntiy but he will never march them out like maftenn he will be glad to get out of a fitu- ation where nothing is to be gained by a warrior but mifery and difgracc a terrible tranfaftion we learn has oc curred at norfolk some difpute taking place between meffrs boden fome fay bou- dtiiwt arid meyers merchants of lhat place the latter attempted to cane the farmer in the muvkethouie when boden kized a clca- an if pound cannon bli and loon after a mufket hot puffed through it nothing could intimidate him or his illudrious band anecdote during the laft expedition a- gainti different parts of the coall of spain a party of feamen ithi hfeen trained for a day or two in military fsicsj snc pp frtiall num ber fif admonitory precept were bellowed upon them by a military officer as to the neceffity of obeying urh promptitude the words of command however in the attack of a f rr the word ic inirline to ihe rfjarht having been given the jacks pufhed on in the fame dirciftion as before and appeared to care for nothing but the enemy in view to wards vlum they were rufhing with their ufual dauntlcftncfs a naval lieutenanr ke- tog the error immediately rufhed forward in front of the party and bawled out star board my boys an exhortation which was initantly acttndea to with an aye aye by the whole daitv pany 1 very excellent imprihptu is from a late glafgonv courier the french in militaiy ternn have made a great improvement what once was caltd retreat or flight is only now a movement such movements may they oft renew whilli britons what their arms can do clofe fokowingf miike them feci be this the warhnop they llv cry or wellingtons or grahanrs not jiffy my lads but steel john bull jrfflmty rewarded we learn diserent- ly from a 1 former reports that the ftaman who fcaled the fteeple of the brick ineetrng- houfe in the five on sunday is stephen m coirnick a native of newjerlev with an aied mother and two lifters dependent on him for fupport a that the truilee of tlie ch r- h have rewarded hi exenions with a be ictaction oi three hundred dollars- avw york paper curracoa the ifland of curracoa in the weft in dies which with all its inhabitants hipping c wa funk by an earthquake on the 9th of february laft formerly belonged t- the dutch it was 50 miles long and icmilei broad and contain d one of the hugeft and cleanlitlt towns in the weft indies the public buildings were numeous and hand- fome the pi kate ho u fea commodious and the magaziies large convenient and well tided with productions from aii pans of the world all kinds of tabor was there per formed by engines and fome oi them were fo well contrived that fhips were at once lifted out of the dock it was a place of very confidtrabie tiade diftant 25 leagues from the continent of south america extraaed precautions agahifl drowning when a boat has fprung a leak and is in danger of inking from l the weight of the pallengers the only way tn keep her up is for them to lie down in the water within the boat the fpecific gravity of ihe human body being lets than that of matter the body will of courfe float and the preflure of the paftengers on the boat the can fe of finking will tiius be removed every thin heavier than water muft of courfe be thrown ovei- buard and nothing left handing above the level of the boat thefe precautions will prevent the boat from linking till ailiftauce can be procured bonaparte turned tobacconii bonaparte has eftabliflied a public manu- faory of tobacco and snuff and has de creed that it ihall be carried on by a particu lar committee for the benefit of the public cheft or in other words for his own benefit and that no private individual hall in future he concerned in the manufacture of thefe ar ticles his committee are to manufacture no tobacco but of french growth with theex- ception only of one fifteenth part foreign the growth the delivery the valuation are fubjeed to regulations and no manufactured tobacco is to be imported not even from his loving iubjes oi holland nor is any indi vidual allowed to have in his pofhfuon any tobacco not manufactured at the impend manufactory to obtain the neceflaty fup- brujfl bniwrya letter puhlilhh in the aurora fpeaklng of the hctfett art of ply of foreign flock lhr kmpcror hao j all the vfficrrui trthacco in hn p which li- probanly conliden a tii b and iioft txpeditioui netlio3 of fupolj his infant macufafl bomy with ncutrat frindi e plcaadj hat lirdty cncii i feizd intending th i without njke at their expenft to muft and fmoke j a late new york pnpr cnrtama ipo ac- vnifcients of infoiv dt debtors cjaiminl t- lcnciit of a late bankrupt act of that sate estimate of life it was acuftoni amoiiff tlie thra- clans every evening before tfecv ilep lo throw into an urn or- quiver a white pebble if the day had pifled agreeably but if not a black one and at their death by counting tlie pebbles their life was judged to have been happy or un- h- g iiils cuftom was admirably adapt ed to afford a true efthnate of the value of human life let every one try the experiment and he will have a bttter opinion not only ol the beneficence of provi dence but of his capability of en joyment than he will acquire from the querulous complaints of debili tated age or mere querulous cast ings of disordered mindsfie who is truly feniible of the goodnefs of his creator may enjoy it and he who is difpofed eternally to com plain will yet in fpite of himfcif enjoy much even in the pleaiure o complaining slander aflgufttve had u v liic- rrftten on lii table iiti iitfn that whoever at cksi iv chomet of the abfeut were to be cicuded- what a phy inch a motto not more pq isit at prefent llanricr is the common tabl talk bijw tn london mr unwin a clerk in th i zih m a qftsi c w uu s caufed hva oundturc n hi rier oecafioi cd by catching at a penk ire wliile fallinc foi a deik the accident occurred 01 the 71b and tfee ineifio made by the penknife ws io frail ihat hardly anv uehirce o blood t k p ace he cirti ued to atieud u buifinets niifl the lath and on the igh dec he was cmed off by a mottificati n which had prcvioiifly taken place mr l7u- win avas only 18 ye vtt old in the bloum and flower of youth land p to be let from ihc fir ft day cf september icxt 6 hat elegant and convenient ijousey with outhojfrs and tvo lot fituate in king street in the i w of york now occupied by mr james rch any perlon wilhin to rent it wfl find li t his advantage to nake early application as its itustiuii for any kind of public bulineis is equal to if not furpaiettg any in this prov ince for terms pply to gren despard zt vork who has for sale a few barrels of old whisky of arl excellent quality june jo i8m- a house to be let- also three excellent rooms in the houfe riv occupied by the ub- fcribcr for terms inquire of john poncet kingston d june 181 1 for sale at this lank deeds memorials bills of exchange half pay bills bills of lading note books sumrroris for court of rcqapfts8fc 8 tie leffees of the crown and clergy referver and thofc who h ve licenfea of occupation la the midland djl rid areonje more rvqnelud to miikc ifttme- diate payment of their arreaisof rent tv iie iubferiber who is anthoiiied to receive the famtr and grant receipts othofe who do not attend to this notice j hall he returned us defaulters charles stuak r shcn shwjp ojji 3 june 1 8 1 1 24

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