poet tit following heailful lines are from the pen of montgomery aid extracted from his tilth celebrated work entitled the ifestindies the roses addreffed to a friefd on the birth of his jirft child two rofes on one flender fpray in fweet communion grew together haild the morningf ray and drank the morning dew while iweetly wreathed in molly green there fprang a little bud between throclouds and funfhfne dorms diowers they opened into bloom mingling their foliage and their flowers their beauty and perfume while foftered on its riling hem the bud became a purple gern but foon their fummer fplendour paffed they faded in the wind yet were thefe rotes to the lad the lovelieil of their kind whofe crimfoned leaves in failing round adornd and fancliried the ground when thus were all their honors fhorn the bud unfolding roe and hlufhcd and brightened as the morn from morn to funfhine glows till oer each parents drooping head the daughters crowning gluiy tprcad tiles i could not but love abfalom aalvt was the eldeft of my friends his father was poor but he gave abfalom a good com mon education and then bound him appren tice to a refpeable waggonmaker of the town when i faw abfalom lad before my late vifit to appleberry it was his birth and wedding night juft 23 years old he had married blackeyed sufan as we called her and he might as well be called red lipd sufan for i never faw cherries redder he had taken a fliop for himfelf and having got a journeyman from new york had added the making of chaifes to his old bufinefs abfalom was induftrious abfalom was frugal above all abfalom was temperate grog and 1 he ufed to fay are fworn not but now and then he would enemies take a glafa of wine or a mug of flip with a friend but he drank fparingly they do fay though that one 4th of july his eyes fparkled a little and he could not fay she- boleth for the foul of him but thats nei ther here nor there he was a foher man and what do you think was the confe poverty poverty is no dilgiace unlefs it be brought on by extravagance difiipation and folly homer whole memorials of genius will remain forever was poor and often expo fed to the inclemency of the rude and mercilcfs ilorm for want of covering uied to refort to public places to recite his verles for a morfel of bread john milton the immortal author of par- adiie loll was obliged to fell that work for 10 pounds being too poor to print it on his own acount otway the celebrated poet is faid to have died in want or as related by one of 1 he went out as is reported almolt naked in the rage of hunger and finding a gentleman in a coffee houle aiked him for a hilling the gentleman gave him a guinea and oiway going away bought a roll and was choaked with the riril mouthful shilriffs sale ib a gs bet lown innkeeper to me directed t feized and takeuin execution wrm the faid andrew johnfon thafjfj no 9 in the firft concefiion of is fe of erne ft town containing by a- li nient one hundred acres be the lo 01 lefs together with a framed he rave died m want or as iwoicu uy y- oaru uicicuu ticctcu x ju ucicdv jveiiq is biographers by fwallowing after a long t t t rbovementioned lot c laud aft a piece of bread which charly fupphed v lie buildings and appurtenances there more barn thereon creeled i do hereby fvr 1 1 ti my friends in youths romantic prime the golden age of man like thefe twin r ofes fpend your time lifes little iesning fpan then be your breads as fai from cares youi hours as innocent as theirs and in the infant bud that blows in your encircling arms mark the dear promifeof a rofe the pledge of future charms that oer your withering hours hall mine fails and more fair as you decline till planted in that realm of rift where rofes never die amidft the garden of locft beneath a ftormlcjfe ficy your flower afrefli like aarons rod that bloflwd at the fight of god the mole hill- st james montgomery 3 thro all this hillocks crumbling mould once the warm life blood ran hce ihine original behold and here thy ruin man met h inks this dull yet heaves with breath ten thoufand pulfes beat teil me in this fmall hill of death how many mortals meet by wafting winds and flooding rain from ocean earth and fky collected here the frail remains of numbering millions lie what fcene of terror and amaze breaks through the twilight gloom i what hand invifible difplays the fecrets of the tomb all ages and all nations rife and every grain of e3tth beneath my feet before mine eyes is ftartled into birth like riling mifts the fhadowy forms through the deep valley fpread and like defcending clouds in dorms lowr round the mountains head ft oer the wide campaign while they pafs their font heps yield no found nor fhake from the light trembling grafs a dew drop to the ground diversity from the gleaner from the dff of poor robert the scribe a giu a day the thing is clear rwentythee gallons makes a year in- j t t ow this would buy a cow and keep hr wo fuits of clothes a fcore of flieep or wenty good thingg than brandy cheaoer or dy cheaper rpu- ozi robert the is a pleafant little village which ftnd on the borders of a fmall lake in the 0 r- at on j one town krpt at the fign of the o oe entertained the paffine ftrc and in the winter evenin ranger write we held our dance wa- the place f om robert ufed to dance in hi yotegtt day j vcl he merry evenn have el j- lne p arro ut adnwreand whole g0 da and vir the fon of a celebrated jew was lately on nna vvnai uo yuu uiiim waa 411c luiutv quence why when i went to appleberry the point of marrying a young chrijttan la- tell otiober who houldl hear em talk of dy his father made no objection to the but the good squire active and deacon adive why he has money to lend he owns two of tjic bell farms on thefouth fide of the lke the poor ail blefs him he now tides in his coach on which is painted a bee an jnt and a glafs up fide down with this motto industry frugality tem per a n c e by thefe i ride edward eafy my other friend and com panion received from his father a fortune oi 5 cool at the age of 19 he took his de- jrrre at yale with lingular honor the pro- feffion of the law fuiting beft his capacity and inclination he ftudied this fcience under the mod approved ma ft era and at 22 he appear ed at the bar i neve fhall forget the day when he made his firft pica all apple beiry went down to hear him for edward was a favorite of the people and well he might be for there was not a iingle one iu the village but could tell of fome good and kind thing he had done the caufehe plead was for a poor widow woman you may remember her it was old mrs rogers who fold gingerbread and beer jull above the flocks and whipping pod north of the mectinghoufe she had only one daughter a fweet little rofebticl juft 1 7 who was the folace and delight of her life an unfeeling landlord demanded the facriftce of mary or threatened her ruim well the court was opened the witneffes examined and it came edwards turn to fpeak he rofe o i he was a haudfone man but now his cheeks lookd pale his lips trembled and his white hands fhook my heart trembled for fear he would not go on by and by his voice rofe his cheeks relumed their color he railed his arm mod gi acefully and his eyes fparkled you might have heard a pin fall he in one moment did flir up the feelings fo again ft the hard hearted landlord that every one was in a rage and then he painted the fnfte rings of the widow and orphan in fpite of me i cried like a child i never loved him half fo well m my life our parfon i remember faid that the oil of eloquence was on his tongue and the honey of perfuafion diltilled from hisjips i left him juft on the eve of being marri ed to eunice heartfree she was worthy of him he danced delightfully fuug fweet- ly could fpin fifty knots a day and the parfons wife was heard to fay that fhe made the bed pudding of any one in the vil lage except herfelf now until the 4th day oflaft october i had not been to appleberry for eighteen years juft as the old town clock ft ruck 4 i entered the village my heart fluttered i looked anxioufly around in hopes to meet the welcome of my friend a gloom and folemii ftilhiefs feemed to pervade the village prefently the bell tolled a funeral procef- fion approached i alighted at the inn and immediately inquired who was dead alas the day exclaimed the old tavernkeeper who did not know me there gees the remains of a man who eighteen years ago was the mod promiiing youth in all the coun try fortune education genius all unit ed to render him every thing but the morn ing bitters the noontide dram and the evening fling have withered the fined fl ls 311 1- b i tl intended wifes religion but was greatly dif- fatisfied with the match on account oi her fmall fortune in confequence of which he refufed his corfent the fon who was del- perately in love threatened the father that he would marry her without hta con fen t and the father in his turn declared he would not give him a diillihg the young jew anfwered he would force him to it and that it tie refufed to divide with him his fubttance he inould get himfelf baptized to enjoy the benefit of the englifh law which afligns and eives a few child becoming a chriftian the j- o 1 vv r- f 1 1 r c r 1 r if me directed i have feized and taken in execu- halr oi his lathers wealth ephnum was i 1 a- c osl rt turn as belonging to tat laid bamim koe the weft half of lot n in the full concel- fion of thetowidhip of maryfb 1 gh welt of dmcafuicnieit one or i els unto belonging will be fold and adjudged to the highdi i der at my ofbce in the town of king fton on tueiday the third day of march next at the hour often oclock in the forenoon at which time and place the con ditions of fale will be made known charles stuart sherjf and every perfbfl or perfons having claims en the above defctibed lot of land by rrort- ffage or other right or incumbrance are here- by advert lied to give notice to the faid sher iff at his office in the town of kingn previous to the fale thereof setjf ojice 2d march 1 3 n 28 sheriffs sale jy virtue of a writ of iltued out fuit of peter grant of the town of kingllon m s ierchmt againft the lands and tenements of amuel rofe late of via ryfbnrgh yeoman ta confounded at this anfwer he went to a cer tain lawyer to know if any fuch lawexilted thebarrifter told him it did exift and was in full force but added he if you have mind of making me a prefent often guineas i will put you in a way to frudrate the hopes of your fon and the ungrateful raical will not be able to fliew caule to get a fmgle farthing thefe words fpread joy and cofifolation through the jews heart 5 he inftantly paid down the ten guineas and begged our bar- rider not to keep him in fufpenfe no no this moment my advice fhall dircl you what to do iu the cafe and putting the guineas into his pocket faid you ned only 10 be come a chriftian yourfelf and the law will jive nothing to your fon a country man having bought a barn in the rock containing by hundred acres lae the lame more or his i do heieby ge n nice that the abovemer- tioned lot of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging will 1 e u id snd adjdcg- ed t the highed bidder at my office in i town t f kiugilon or tnefday the thi d ty of march next at the h ur of ten oxlorl the fore 0011 at which time and place w conditions of k will be made known charles stuart skrf and every perfoii or perfons having clai n the above dcfciibed lot of umj by moi gage or other right or incumbrance f at 111 office 111 the town ol ki to the fete thereof h p pru tnermip with a neighbour who neglected serifs ojle 2d marh g l to make uie of it plentifully ftored his own z l part with corn and expodulated with his partner on having laid out his money in fo ufelefs a way adding you had better do fometling with it as you fee i have done as to that neighbor replied the other 16 every man has a right to do what he will with his own and you have done fo but i have made up iny mind about my part of the property ijbahjkt it on fire a corregidcr debating to what death to condemn a man who had committed a great crime becaufe it appeared to him that hang ing was too little for the offence his clerk who had a fcolding wu faid had ue not bejl marry him l sheriffs sale midland diftria 1 virtue of a jjj to wit s of fieri fac fuedoui of his majelfs court of king oj richmond efqmre agitinfl the lands j lady lane was prefiding one evening at the card table when her rufnes caught fire of the candle lord littleton intending to be witty on the accident faid he did not think her ladyfliip fo apt to tkefre nor am i my lord from fuch afparh as you sheriffs sale r midland dilriz jy virtue of a writ of in natures garden p him edward had been 00 r eafy lowers god reft intemperate in- ineisp m wretchednefs followed b ut h scon rcfledd r on to country p by grog died a bcg aft ve 7 r rate ifeclar y frfei urn en truth they fay b in a wclf for my part fad a wlt j th ht truth to be no where vtz ju fieri facias iitued out of his majedys court of kings bench at the fuit of james robins of the town of kingllon efquire againft the lands and ten ements of amos anfley of the towndiip of kmgdon yeeman to me directed i have feized and taken in execution as belonging to the faid amos anfiey the north half of lot no 15 in the fecond concefiion of the town- fnip of kingfton containing by admeafure- ment one hundred acres be the lame more or lefs together with a log houie fiamedbarn thereon ereaed 1 do hereby give notice that the above mentioned lot of land with the buildmgs and appurtenances thereunto be longing will be fold and adjudged to the highed bidder at my office in the town of kmgdon ontuefday the third day of march next at the hour of ten oclock in the fore noonat which time and place the conditions of fale will be made knowti charles stuart sheriff and c pei fon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land by mort gage or other right ur incumbrance are liere- io the faid doctor princie the e eft half 0 no 3 inthefecond concejion of the tozvnfcp of fredemzflwrgh containing by admeafuj oe hundred acres be the f more or u i do hereby give notice that the above mention lot of land with the appurtenances thereiinto k tanging will befoul and adjudged to the him bidder at my office in the town of kingston m monday the 2 2d day of july next at the hour often oektk in the forenoon at which time end place the conditions of fale will be made known charlfs stuart sheriff jfyj emery perfon or perfons having claim on the above defenhed lot cf land by mortgage or other right or incumbrance arc hereby advertifd to give notice to the faidjhcrf at his ofce in the town of kingston previous to the fale thereof sheriffs office 1 pi nov 1 8 10 8 p l 1 earthen glass waft fl he subscribers refpectfully inform x their friends and the public that they nave received by the late arrivals from liv- ci pooh a general aflortment of eirtheh c5 class ware which they offer fi fale ivholefale and letail at their store no co st paul street lately occupied by jarho 17 iq on as gocd terms as can be picked di i count made for cadi pi country merchants and others are requeded to call green eaton mont f rob july 1 bio if iunlcd h- had at any ftore in thicity ware in the bid maimer and a liberal p h i t h d a r r k i f h t by charles kendall price fifteen jhwirgs f m annp in them 5 s infix iuomh and i at the year exeivice of hdh louffht the uroperry of by adveniled to give nntice to thelaid sher- i ln kmgdon pe- bltltk nofcr n j ildidlhm vious to tlic fale thereof sheriff offer id march ih r 28 hnndfomely cwcuud ittjhrt