Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 25, 1811, p. 1

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vkvo gte col v j kingston ffpp2 7 cy wadaj ruesday jcw 25 1811 no 40 montreal lt warehouse at the 6vi of the miitisy hr no 54 t did marl place jrvbezd de witt tfc qstfefpelfully informs the public jjf x thrt he s on hand n mail extenfive l n altovtnent cf mats hat t 1 r x a s f txt o o vlvliuun r ac ivc sirjs ivhlh are ilvil fupeth mi itary hats with orna- iriits complete- gcntlemes mojl fajlaonable beaver rata do buvvccas do ixt yecman crowns do do x bri cuperfiae green under do o drub do do do cc do black do extra large brims do drab do do il bkdc water proof jslk ditto green under do do drab do do do green under filk do caitor roram do plated do geutps vavniihed leather hats for travelling servants ditto do boys morocco hats of all colors do cans do boys tine cordies common do do wwol hats of every defcription gold and iiivor tinfel cord bands common f do do white anil yellow tinfel cord binding coarfe and fine bow firings morocco of au colors fuitable for hats fancy tip paper dv do beft and common glue logwood copperas verdigris aqctalbrtmi oil of vitriol clothiers jacks haitiv do raffing cards hat bruiherf cf ail kinds in ufe rickci c a cc l dies r fiiibl v bciv flats bonnets tiz wiihc do ivtaula do oc children do inew goods 0000ooq till wsseribsr mas 7 vst rkckirfj a fresh supply of goods amongst which are turnitureandprintedcalicoesshk x shawls cotton do ladies plain and figurd silk sleeves leno ditto kidgh bwfcworfted hofe carpeting vcitiga brown hollands checks c c all of which will be fold vjry low for cafh or country produce b whitney kingston lth march 1 8 ii 25 original mi3cellant for the kingston ghzettl reckoner no 25 pmrs nulla fdes juilxal akbar had iuft entered upon the sctti 3j yeai of his age when he was ordered by the mollall shedi to vifit the holy caaba in obe dience to the dictates of the divine prophet do d do do do do do mena lih do hair biown 0i purple clue do do do do do uti do do do do d- do do do do do do tappan sewall no 65 st paut street montreal 1 ave received by the thetis al ex- tenfive and choice aflbrlment of english india goods sclefled particularly for the canada maket by a partner in england calicoes fvrti prints deamg sills fknya fflindfot pavillhn cotton sewings wellington and other broaa cloths of wry ffhionable cords defcription jennets nankeens hunters cloths hrfyt grandureh velvets krfeymeres plaits thiclftts p iveteens flannels lomett tahhy cords d unities point and rofeblmhts saiinetts vftcrleits siva f downs catlings gallon hollands carpeting cotton shirtings white brown jjnens camhrichs 9 halrcords pcnfjs ejf ummtqs black and coloured jmsfj fringes camhrichs topes y bobbins shawls handkerchiefs bindings ferrets ilofsryy gloves buckram illlbons a large of bandannas iseinjee forimznt romalh and oiler silk mtf satins gauzes handkerchiefs pcrfrn crapes hy the brothers from liverpool adduiows aic irxted and by the thp bfj w in the river forn london with other a 1 tic eg poresblvic sz white zafta and mbmoodjes ffall vvhfeh arc for fale by package or piece on the nfual ternr a font real may 6ih 1 8 1 1 36 hat trimmingsvi pin gieen linings white do pine do peryd bpk do ft 16 i 039 do do linings ked do oransc do yellow do and green do hat covers of every kind tn life bindings bell military bindings for cocked hats black galloons from lofiq 3oper groce beft drab do com do do 1 bell black and drab bands common do do white and black woffled looping common white hat bucklea fleel do yellow union ditto white do do cords and taffelsl ofalifica colors for fancy trimmings ladies bonnets extra large cords for ladies ptlifies fafh fancy trimmings for do bonnets plumes of all colors for ladies childrens j all bf which will be fold at the taoft reduced prices for cafh or fliort and ap proved credit montreal sept 10 i8lo l tf erne ft town academy- he fubferibers hereby inform the ftfogfy of learning that an john frotkigham sf co no 65 l pauistrert moutuat t5 ave received per the thtth -k- a general and complete aitortmeit 0 hardware goods in the different branches f cutlery sad dlery and cabinet avares aijqk quantity of nails tin- plate wire shot se lead sheet ir anvih vices steel shovels spa fiymgpaus- sadirons brafs kettles crh cait k waggon boxes improved lstll cvoflcut saws sickles and scythes a few money chefts large and fr 11 scalebeams weights watchl e clock faces sc furniture a few giecea flair seating for chair bottoms and a dozen herring net twine may i mcal school under the fuperintendance of an experienced preceptor is opened in ernelt town near the chorch for the btimm of youth in enjjlilh reading fpeakin gram- flop c vvllliston k co have lately received a new supply ofstoel a ioiv offer for j ale or good terms a n aifortment of gentlemits l- and ladies saddles whi- are warranted to be well made and of a fii quality also liariiefe bridles and various other kinds cf work in their line repairing done en fliort notice ad ev ery favor cheerfully acknowledged kingston april 15 181 1 fjey havi removed u the op two doors fouth of walkers lloiel mar and compofuion the learned languages jenmanfliip arithmetic geography and oth er branches of liberal education scholars bending from a diftance rray be boarded in good families on refonablc terms and for iftedi hillings a year can have the ufe of a aluable libiary to be sold thou art commanded my fon to make a pilgrimage to mecca do rot delay this proof of thy devotion and thou halt rejoice in the blcffings of mahomet and the approbation of allah the days of akbar were labor i- ptw but his nights vere pleafdnt as the jn- tenfc of sheba occupied in rural employ ments he was freih as the downy peach and ftrong as the lion of jaroama cbeoint 10 his aged parents and z ijncere believer in the koran care had never diilurbtd his jleps nor had forrow darkened his foul content with htafituatton he had no dejires to grat ify for he had no wants unwilling todif- obey shedi whofe fanftity was revered thro the plains of tehama he confulted his aged father th devout habid who enforced by his authority the counfels of the molalu akbar took a forrowful leave of his par ents and his friends it was llifc fiir forrow that had penetrated his heart he began his journey with reluftance for he had nev er een from home when he came in fight of the holy city he proftrated bimfelf on the ground and offered up his prayers to allah and mahomet this at of devotion ircngthened his foul and he entered the city with confidence and joy akbar had now carefully performed au the ceremonies enjoined upon pilgrims by the koran and was preoarinjt to return on the following day when the found of cluneal inilruments announced the approach of the caliph ke was induced by an irrefiible conofity to delay his joucy ihat vc bu t behold the commander of the faithful and join in his devotions at the caba- he fnw the famous haroitn alrafohid walking w fiiii ftet bare ami in mean apparti ft fro t4j ti ed by numerous guards in the moll fplemlid habits but he was more forcibly llrnck with the magnificence of the attendants thun the humility of the caliph and more difpoffd to emulate the fplendor of the vizier than the devotion of alrnfchid as akbar had never feen any thing fo brilliant as the robes of the vizier and the guards new defnes a- rofe in his foul from viewii their fein- deur be inferred that they were happy and he wiflied to leave his humble dwelling and to become an attendant on the caliph he now curfed his lowly fitualion he defpiivd his former employments even his frieods and relations became defpicable in his eyes sleep fled and he wifhed a thou land times that he were as rich and powerful as the vi zier having repeated this wifli in all the fervor of devotion a fudden light shone a- round him and a man of larger than ordina ry lature fiood at the fide of the fofa on which he reclined he appeared of a very advanced age with a white long venerable beard a tut ban of a large frze on his head and a robe with large folds that reached to the ground he fmiled with a complacency on akbar that revived his courage young man faid the geniu i am the an gel of forttme i have heard thy wilh and thou llialt be gratified rife up and follow me akbar accompanied him towards the caaba a the gate of which his aged con- duftor difappeared aftoniflied and bewil dered he was routed from a reverie intd which he had fallen by a cry of diitrefs that iffued from a neighboring houfe akbar naturally brave broke open the door and ran to the afhflance of a mn in the habit of a merchant whom two pilgrims were endeav oring to bind are you not afhamed to a- bufe a fimvant of the prophet in this holy city and thus to difgrace the far red raft ments in which you are clothed we caught gratefully affift him in any tiling that ic might rcqucll of the commander of th fiih- f akbar cxprdfed his wifli to become one of the guard and this the merchant promifed to procure isarly in the morning akbar repaired to the palace of the caliph where the merchant promiied to meet him in order to prefent his requeft to the chief of the faithful but the merchant was not to be found after wailing a long time akbar was returning to his cafayanfary mortitied and difpleafed with the condudl of his new acquaintance when he was accofted by a black eunuch and informed that the caliph expeed him in his cloftt akbar followed the eunuch in great ffear and when he came into tie pretence of the vicegerent of the prophet he proftrated himfelf on the ground hatoun alrafchid who was as remarkable for his condelcenuon and eenerofity as for his other princely virtues defired him to iiie and to examine whether he could aoain recoie the merchant who had been delivered by his ieafonablc interpofitiort my great power continued the caliph fills my bofom with perpetual anxiety and care i therefore u quenily difguife my elf and go round th city to retrain injuilice and oppreflloq to re lieve the dltireflcd and to drfpenle ihc-feblef- cngs which the piophet hath placed in my hands lad night i had traverfed feveral liets dclisfuled to ft id fo many of mv iub- jed employed in afts of devotion and was approaching my palace with joy when one ot the men from whom thou reiied me cime out of his houfe and defired me to walk in i followed him and had no fooner reached one of th inner apartments than the o made his appearance they firft robbed ms often thouland fequips which i had cirriea with ine 10 relieve the poor and after com- mitt ns thl3 crime they detcrmiiied to ute the bowftrtng upon me that it might be the better concealed thsy are condemned to perpetual liber in the cariah of th- tigris ut an an it pov- few31fis ir cntvo rvvva vou kc cording to your merit having thus i k he commanded the hahrt of a favontrj i le upru akrr puiciittd biti with fcniy tbouiand dinars and appointed him d place among his dally atendaij akbar now found himfelf in a different ftation v ilit vices if his heart bean i opjs ar he had bee virtuous becaufe he had never hem expofed to temptation bm no iooner are vicious ociires awakerea taar he ha to gratif them inltead of gladdening ihe hearts of iim a- ged parents with accounts ot his oood for tune and providing fuitable protection and comfort for the evening of their days he leaves them ignoiriht of his fate pining in furrow at his iotig ablence and at length mourning him as dead he carefully con- ceals hu birth and the humilky if his for mer occupation lives as magnificently aa hia fortune will admit aud enters freely into evirv kind of dlfllpation to he continued for tkz kingston gazetjr mr editor nothing perhaps fo focn prejudice us aguinft the good fenfe of individdal a that hameful difregrd of pronunciation we 6 often obiervf io he company of either fex particularly from the fair who owe it in a great mcafure to their education in which vay little more than dancing and dreffing are nowaday confulted few things can win more upon our idz- nnd cfteem than the appearance ot a gd underftanding and well cultivated mmd nei ther of wluch can be faid to belong to a yolliig lady- who is ever telling corapau that ihe learns t dance rkincvsts and difgullu r olomon johns tepvi rmrflild k robert mcljowal 1 bfnja fairfield wm fiufifld s s wm villcox samuel netl80n oeokge raker j irucfi tuwi 1 uh march t co o 1 1 is 27 the one half or rfgg vg hm m thcy in haram and thou dolt l ltz1tnfto7z wrong to refcue him from our juit rclert- lxnmar g the machant nccufed ihem in hs turn thev have robbed me of ten thoufaud fequins and but for thy timely afliltanee they would have taken away my life ak bar fattsfied of his innocence by the confu te of his ndverfaries was fo much rejoiced at relieving him as almoft to forget how it had been occalioned the merchant tnaik- ed him in the moil afledionnte manner ior his generous aftdhnce told him that ke was a particular favoiitc of the ciliuh aud vvjuld 1 r r rwrt ctmnt n dti ana f f ots us u s their ears wiih her cfold- bjr far tains and howfomdsvcrs arid a thoufand imilar iol- tionsof the krnliih tonpue mrs p who now md inen inviia rne to dine on tl an agehorte if beef or fuj on a nicely broiled plate boe of mutton told me la ft sunday u her dauher was prodigioufy txanfmogrifisd fince i nff her and tn order t make me fcniible of ic prefently called mluin to vmnnch a gu6 vhj could not h wiver drink i drap wtfi us her mama told me u he had ijcehth night before to the daneingfcho and l i ladlv fcrougeiif and that her edd ww i 1 worlr than it wm b it notxvithfutuli the ffood lady would not be iw i jfi into her garden to gathei tu a iwug 1

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