Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), June 25, 1811, p. 4

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y r v f v r t v t f v v p 0 e t r y vfhen i fee a dafmnn young fel- low d r zv death kd j illccfhis black nwn to him wd rfi from th philadelphia repository to my father i do declare ma nnnord fur rab bunri ha let rre a on ore to iing to thee wi scotiaa lyre an w i fail it nt becanfe i dont defire 1 may prevail jf i fhony fcil theres no remead the tiicn c i fing oia excufe will plead fur furely that tis true indeed lfu wee yc ken m icp and gratitude exceed all words ma rrien i pray the mighty god to fprcad a through lifes i homy path yc tread hib aieikic bounties owe yourhad la fweet array an keep you fra among the cle d tor many a day my h ary fire fa wcl i ken the times when ym ha bcci my fr cv 2vloit needfu in my youth twas ihn you watchd my years an calnvd my ifit terrors when wi meikle fears w fpcodiog much of his time in imm r c or at crds fclkug lately w w finds and pnrfuing no regular f t m employment i would advife the oatrtmbb agsfe m girl h anient i would advift the j f tjt zfcbrmr makes love to to remember 11 r hi rlarh bs may make miftan6 rm ot my grandmother f f aart m y helms a fme gkfs depend t tah poor ctffcf the laying ot tjo- he has a jin he want usealr well a scnileman once obferving that singular traits the charactlh of the american indians ty linlc breafi tiitnltuous beat you nurd me m the fummera beat an well i ken you f und a ieat id winters ire ii a iveet lame coirrpct an neat well tlowd wi tire jctnrtodc is meikle keen more fharp beeaiife it is not feen bet ved i ken this eoity hen i h t ira nc a fili gratefu heart 1 ween i hi fsr thee 0 1 rn that fad an awfu day thii fate flu 11 ea my fire away alihovh las noital bedy may im in rhc ground or fi eoy uiimber to decay in vaults profound apcrfci famous in the mijicth iah ld a iury abandoned if u ays rolled a wag the zutole tenor of his life has been bafe to be let from thefrjl day of september next that elegant and convenient bouse vuhouthoufes and two lots ficuate in king street in the town of york now occupied by mr james koch any perfon wifbingto rent it wil find it fr revenge yet as the mnarenwere his advantage to make early application feuti and not able to provide for their as its fttuation for ay kind ofpubjfc bulkefs lfa and themfihes hefir j sspi osfis main deaftoihefe calls fr a wbtlc end jo left i hem belonging k the fme iribe they continued io live foci au ly together until the cldeft fon of the murdered billed a deer in huntrig one indian happened io bill am t her the brother of the deceafed called upon the murdered and feeing a ioman end children in his ktf aficd ehofe they were the murderer declared them to be his family the other then fiid though his brothers blood called vet as the children were despard a york who ias for salf a few brrels of old whisky of an excellen quality june io l8ii- yvhr e die joyful ttumpet crie- and i the fleepera no arife wi tee t faint wlu upwardfiles may ht be found oms rrr hie w the fldes j i liod prailc o found r r kri v so fon as the brother of the decaf cd was informed of tbis he again called on the murderer and told him that his brothers blood called fo loiu thai it mufi be obeyed cfpecially as us fon having killed a deer could j ho or l the family the murderer f aid he was r fo long a delay and children broke into tears murderer reproved them for their knefs and particularly his foil faying to him did you jhed tears when f you faw ah oir wp fir me who am willing tofjfz vhat the cupom of our nation re hue a a hojse to be let hsoithree excellent rooms in ichouie hav occupied by the lul- fcriber ox terms inquire of joiin poncet king rn y june ltfii notice 7 he eady to die and thanked the other fir cnpartnerili of marvin son a delay on which the mp an bauer is this day diffolvi by nuunl agreement all demands agaiu ft the tin will be fettled by c baker and all tolc who are indebted to them arc dchtcd to ome to hn immciiate fettlement witli g jjoker who is authorifed to adhtft the ac- we counto and difcharwe the fame 1 elias marvin george bajvek emefl town 2tb may i8n from tfrn zsanfia from the defk of pock robfr t the scvibe it has afnegluf but it woil wear well my comiin jacob you mull know n fpn p the good old cuftom of keeps u ms ancellofs of making new years prefents to his family so on nrft day of january a- t i according to im ii0rial u preciiely a oclock not a rninnf a minute later r called his family around him in the parlor opened his budget and gave to each one the prevent he had provided the whole family were ma right good humor ja cob well knew how to hit the fancy of every one of his family ad no one was cliflatisfled dollys new gown was the neatcft it was lecefary with an undaunted court lance he then tailed on the b rot he f the deceafed tojlrike and died ith- oul a groan i a poor woman once heard a rfihj in whsh the ufe of dijhomfi weights and meafures was expofed itb this jhe was much cfeclecl thc day as was his cuftom the mirfter called on the woman among t bereft of his hearers and enquired wht jhe remem bered of his fermon have a bad memory replied jhe bt one thing i remember remembted to burn my hujhcir j for sale at this office j lank deeds memorials eilla of exchange half pay bills biil of lading nrte books summonfc3 far court of eeqiiebc right k mould be for dolly was to be mailed that day two weeks iy grandmother who was try- ing her new ipcebeles which had oceupresaited to her hearin- fo an officer of a d banded regiment applying io the pamafter of the for ces j or his arreav3 told him he woa in the moji extrene want the treas urer feeing him of a jovial and ruddy afpeel told hi that his countenance belied his conrlaint tor heavens notice the leitees of the crown and clergy refcrves andthofewho have licenfes of occupation in the midland difr- ric are once more requcited to make imme diate payment of their arrears of rent to the fablcriber who is author ifed to leeeive the fame and grant receipts fgptbofe who do net attend to this notice jhall he relumed as defaulters charles stuart sheriff sheriff office id june 1 8 1 1 24 67 ass iv t a re ie suhfcrikn rcrpeflf it flinr fifcu w lie pttuictwt have ffceived by the hue arrivals f 1 crpool gt n ral affortmeot of edrtlhi glass- wars whijr they r 1 lif i fate wholefale and retail at thir store v 50 st pcid street lately occupied by u dunlop efq on as gord terms as can 1 hud at any ilore in thlk city- ware pack in the in it manner and a liberal difcon made for eafb cr cctrntry merchants ar others arc requerred to call grken eaton montreal july 1m10 26 mfcal line mk sherii 5ts sale j r y u out of his majeuys court of kinps bench at the fait of doclor asa f rfid of the town of kingdom againfl tre lands and m emtnt5 of andrew johnson of eradj town innkeeper to me dlreed i 1 feized and taken in executions belonging tc the faid andrew johftfori the el hfefot no 9 in the fir it con ceffi on cf the townftia of ernell town containing by ad-neafure- ment one hundred acres be the fame more or lts together with a framed houfe and barn thereon erected i do hereby give no tice that the abovementioned lot of land with the buildings atid appiartenances there unto belonging will be fold and a4jn5gei u thebigheii bidder ut ny ofiiee in the tow if icmgftoit 01 tnt day the third day 0 mai eh next at the hotr often oclock in ife forei mi at which rime and place the con dition of fde will be made known charles stuart skrl and every peribn orpcrlon- having clalflfl on the above d- fciiocd lot o land by rwrft- or other ikhi or jrcumkrance ae hew fatdshct on preyiotts to the fate there sheafs oificy id jlardy rsli sheriff salk gage or thcr light or incumbrance ae n by advuuicd to pvg notice to the fa id si ii at kis olhce in the town of kbgfi 2s m loui tin til 1 11 1- j 1 u y vwuii 1 1 1 iiittnf 1 gtanuvftetmvu il kilw3 ucrir n- 1 u- in- arid reiiemtt sninucl rofrute of ivlaryib h rrotbaft t meductvd 1 live lei cdanl i tion a inlipni id lv im stu1 i the wi4 hilf ul il mo i in the fiirci 11 il writ le reck ccnnn- by auim hundred acres be the fame riore us 1 do hereby give bjftice that the aha tioned lot of land with the a thereunto belonging wul be rl andjjvj edtc the highett bidder at my 01 town of klogftoa on tuefdny thcth cf march next at the hour of ten occi the fcreoor at which time and conditions of file will be made knowr charles stuart and every perfon or perfoag havw a n the above defcribed lot of land r gage or ether right or incumbrance are hr by advc- tiled to give notice to the fadsherf at his oihee in the town of engfc prevf to the rale thereof sheriffs office zdmarehu s heriff3 sale midland didnct ib vn sheriffs sale b f d fued onto hx mrjeffs court f kinfs brl ai tbefuii of bryan crcwford offafcunf of riclmod ffquirp agmnjl the lands m tenements of doctor plwblz of the hvnfii of frederic ldvuri yeoman to ms dindcd have feized and taken in execution as month to the faid doctor prirjie the eajl half of i no 3 tn the feczd cmceffim f ih tsmnmp 0 frederilbiirgh cnntmnifig by ddmeafurtmn one hundred aces be the fame more or ms ii c n if j i5 1unc but r landlnrfv r fnr jho iir tr n j c r 7 tf hereby pive notice thai the alow mentin nidciof douy new gown beg v ss sss fr to liave ifawirfr4toifai 5j to look at it she isanrettv w otutedlitbts twelvemonth wdandtaken m executon as belonging loll fid cwd adjudged to tk fake my lord fiiid the officer cle not mijlahe the vifage you fee is ns 7iunc but landlady i for fhc has out of his majeftys com t of kings bench at the fuit of james robins of the town of kmgfton efquire againit the lands and ten ements of amos anfley of the tbwnfhip of i t 1 1 k mrewd old hdy and lias a manncl feying ftrewd things winch hm one remember them lock- ng at the chintz fa a fne ghjf laid fhe itowtf it itruck me very forcibly d i have often thought of it when i fee a young girl finely circiied bnt very indolent who curls her hair and cuts a pigco w m tjre neweft ftyle and yet o could not drefs a fowl or i moth she has a f bui vfttit wear dld a hn a cerain bijbop being at court and obfervug a lady who was mend her hufbands ftoddnw emt help thinking ivianiycta jtt ftfi prince bowtger cf wales and at the otucr end f the room a very genteel youth both of whom were utter fir angers t bin he addreffed himfelf to ihc yowvg gentleman with a very infutuating air after feme compliments he ajked him if he knew who that far soys was who was in difowfe with her royal highncfs yes my lord replied the youth with great modejly thai fdtjbw is the ambafjadrcf ofsue- den and mother to the little jtg who has the honor to peak io your tordjhipd to the laid amos anfley the north half of lot no 15 in the feeond coneeflion of the town- ftip of jtingftun containing by admeafure- ment one hundred seres be the fame more or lefs together with a log houfe k framed barn thereon treated 1 do hereby give notice that the above mentioned lot of land with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be longing will be fold and adjudged to the mgheft bidder at my office in the town of kmgfton ontufday the third day of march next at the hour often oclocs in the fore- nooiwat which time and place the condition ot iale will be irade fei own charles stlart sherij and every perfon or perfens having clairoa on the above defcribed lot of land by mort gage or ohe right or incumbrance arc here by advertifcl to give notice to the faid shct- at his office in the town of kinjrtw pie- vious to the fale thereof k uerjjs office 2 march 1 1 t 2 r 9 i 3 bidder at my office hi the town of ki j monday the 2 2d dry ftjuly next at thslw often oclocl in tin forenoon at which time at place the condkiom of fde mlllemodemm charlm stuart shaft rind every berfon nr perfors hewing ctahnsi the alove drfcrled ht of land by mertgegt other or iricuwlrcjicr are hereby adverttji to gue rode- to he fddjheijf at lis ejieei the fasm f khwfompn vkus todcfeklia shrfijfj h nov islo p u l n teh a n p v it v l k h ft by charles kendall s infix rnlku tmd c- nt n- il year exclifvr off blank notes card lit l ruj jniudjbwly ex

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