it far beyond icpow- rli lltucai 1 fsc fi connecticut covranf faftf great it is not a litiie remarkable that among all the men in the wo id whole names by common eouient arc honored with the addi- rvn i he term gnat freely any ot them h v berc reuelaibrs to the human race wttttjf peaking they have been murdcr- en on i large fcae the cutthroats 3c butch- m i if their pvn ipecics it may be worth while to call to mind fome half a doz- itj infants of a hctlc rrci- diftihguiaco m bn frre natronizcu and lanaion- vy sel we begin already lo enjoy as s of the vo4 have icft c owned wtl literary honors and wtb the ir jj in turn bfcan r plrfucr8 soult h frii 1 6 to 20000 men frevtp o lucludnvr 2 coo cavalry tnc horfcr are in good condition ooult hatloa march 5000 men in this ur r thele honnrabh of ih earth and to no- tj e how divine providence brought them 13 t ihsi d 1 1 ft- d and cniflied their ambi- r 533 po fcts at iat i alexander the raz he was the fcgrifc defer ibed in the h chapter of the prophecy of daniel the vail extent and the ado niiliihg rapidity of his conquefts- the torrents of blood he used and the imjnenfe defolatibna he wrought in the world gave htm an undiiputed right to be called great 2 pompey the great he fpread the terror cf ihe roman arms eill and weft and north and fouth he took jcrufalem and defiled the holy temple aha and africa as well as europe trembled at his name and fuch wis his power over the republic of rome that he ufed to boa it that he could call up legions by the ftimp of his foot j the great julius cafar he was co- temporary wiih pompey and exceeded him n cverv man elfe who thin was or ever had been in fltedding blood- to his own confcition the conqueft of gaul him occafioned the lofs of one million two according have mentioned that is to far fee pff their talents their ambition their good for tune all their vice but none of their virtues like alexander except in spain and 1 or- local where he has proceeded wtb flow halh hisconquelb have been made with a t jnifhing vapidity like pompey he can call up legions by the lamp of his foot not up on the continent of europe only but poiii- bly too on the wettern fide of the atlantic like ofar he was once a flaming republi can and then a ufurper and like cxfar he will at lalt if his friends at home and a- broad can have their wifh he will at laft make out the full complement of twentyfour hun dred thoufand bloody victims to his own am bition finally in point of temper and all the ferocious qualities of the heart he can out be rod herod himfclf the remarkable fall of greatnef3 comes next under confideratiou alexander while yet the vafl work pro jected by his ambition was not half done died of intoxication and all his family were murdered by the captains of his hofts thofe inferndl bandits who had beon employed by him to fnbjugate the world pompey after all his fplendid victories and proud triumphs was a fugitive and a vagabond and murdered by laves his headlefs trunk lay unburied on the fllores of africa the storm urday evening vereft gales of r nlrcd thoufand iwts t and it was thought julius cxfar admirable for h3 talents and thnt tho rvna war in which he was encracr majbantmitv which but for ins exorbitant that the cruel wars in which he was engag ed deflroycd an equal number two mil- tiers feur hundred iljov find cujlroyed ly one man it were impoflible the world mould e fo ungrateful as to grudge him the title ci rcci 4 herod the great he had the title raiher from hts wellknown difpofition to de luge the world with blood than from any considerable achievements of that nature for confined to the little province cf judea he could manifelt his greatnefs only by his cru el rie at home it was he who murdered the iflfants iti and about bethlehem in point of morals he was a contemner of all laws iuman and divine a feet took his name herodiant who were the faflllonahlc infidels of thofc times holding with epicurus the origin of the world from chance the mortal ity of the foul and that pleafure was the ul timate end of man his temper was gloo my fufpicious and cruel above mcafure and he exceeded aimoft all men in the greatnefs of his vice his government wa3 a yoke of the moil intolerable kind j and he drew up on himftlf the averfiofi of ah not excepting his neareft relations fome of whom partic ularly his wife mariamue and ieveral of lii own fons he put to death all this iho he was no conqueror was enough furejy to give him the title of great y frederick the great i confefs he ought to be put in belter company he was a coiifummnte ftatefman as well as fol- dier and notwiihftanding his temper was cruel and vindictive yet in moft instances he governed the nation over which he held the royal fceptre with much wifdom and e- quity the following maxims are extract ed from an eflay written by old frederick on the forms of government and the duti the firft magfrate ought to have a conftant attention to agriculture to promote plenty to encourage indutfry and commerce the magiftrate is the fer- vant of the late it is expected of him that his forefiglit and prudence mould form con nections and choofe allies aiofl conducive to the intereds of his people there mould be joined to this a due application to the pe culiar ituation 01 the country he is to gov ern and a thorough knowledge of the geni- 04 of the nation the prince mould be conftantly on his guard not to diftinguifh z- ny but men ofhierit thefewere fome of fredericks wife and practical maxims in purfuance of which he raifed prufliato fig- nal honor and profpeiity among the nations i might here ju ft mention that louis 14th cf france trove bloody haid to get the title ofpyat and even to gain a fort of tmiverfal empire without provocation he laid wafte whole countiies with fire and fword and zt one time landing on the top of a lofty building he had the fupreme delight of be holding about feventy cities aud villages i i remember right all in flames thefe were glorious doings but at the very nick of time when his expectations were at the high- e t all his conquefts flipped out of his handa and lie ended his life in difgrace and in mental mifery equally deteited and deteft- ing theieforc his name has not been en- lolled in the catalogue of worthies 6 hpolon the great here lam loft ambition might have rendered him one ot the bell of rulers julius casfar after the fhort reign of five months was altinated in the fenate houfe and by thofe too whom he thought to be his bed friends 0 mighty cafar t dfl thou lie fo low are ail thy conquefts triumphs fpoils- l shrunk to this little mcafure fare thee well a m mi a was net a human being tven of his own houfehold but deteited him and wifhed him dead frederick had he foreknown the fpeedy extinction of his royal houfe and that all his immenfe hoards all the fruits of his inceflant toils and cares would go to enrich a corfi- catt upftart had the great frederick fore known this he would have hated all his labor which he had taken under the fun f laftly napoleon yet lives what will be hi exit or the termination of his glory as refpects himfclf or his family time will bring forth historicus governor gerrys fpeeeh to the lcgifla- ture of maffachufetts t 1 8 1 o faireft promile ct tuture worth with the greater truth and propnety therefore may the inhabitants of this dittncl repeat what we had formerly the pleafure to ftate to your excellency that your gov- ernment has been only known to us by afts of thepurelljuftice and the molt pleahng rondefcenfion and feeuevolencc peeply imprelted with thefe feritirmmts your exeel- leucf s adminiftration will always be a fub- ject of the mod plcafing recollect idn our bed wifhes for the happinels of your excellency and your amiable lady accom pany you to england 5 may the approbation of our gracious sovereign fmile upon your return and confer upon your excellency a fuitable reward for your meritorious fervices in this province signed ly 1 04 perfons egoocoo- quebec 0 sober 24 this city was viiited on sat- the 19th in ft with the fc eaftly wind which has been experienced here for many years the wea ther in the courfe of the day en saturday had been unufually warm for the feafon with the wind wefterly end fome rain to wards evening it became almoft calm and the furface of the ground was covered with a fog apparently riling out of the earth n fcout dufk came fuddenly from the northeaft and continued to blow with the greateft fu ry till late in the afternoon of the nevt day when it changed to the weft from which quarter- it blew very hard th whole of the nivhti the daniage afhorc is but trifling but iri the harbor confiderable the following u as far as can be colleded at prefent a lift of the large veflels which have fuflbed many of the fmall craft have alfo been injured or left but without any perfon or board that we have heard of having periflied lift of square rigged vifftls iamaged ship winchfler flranded and muft be de livered to be repaired ship sir j henry craig much damaged mikerva hut both anchors aild cables brig britannia much damaged brig cangaroo total wreck brig jane loft one anchor qu d otwrwiye much damaged sty tm br- icrs not materially damaged wiu ham much damaged brig mcrtrjt keel broke and otherwife much damaged null be deliyeredr james and david nightly damaged brig concord one cable broke sc otherwife damaged brig catherine much damaged in the bottom arid tiggmgjbrig brednibare ftranded and muft be delivered to be repaired ship lord middleion loft both anchors and cvables brig margaret not materially damaged o7 neptune ftran ded and muft be delivered brig minerva not materially damaged omissions p cornwall gth oclober 1 3 1 r to his excellency francis gore efq lieutenant governor of his majeftys province of upper been drowned canada a fmall loop is afliore or the rocks rp- ofite three rivers with her ftern beat in she had come down as a lighter from the lake st peter to the fhip glory three of that fhipscrew were unhappily on board of her when flie drifted who with the maf- ter of the floop and his failor have ail five of kings we the inhabitants of the eaftern dif- trfct of the province of upper canada hay ing j u ft learned that your excellency is a- bout to return home ha ten to exprefs our fincere regret on the occailon and to prefent our grateful acknowledgments for the many fubftantial benefits which we have derived from your fhort but wife adminiftration during that period we have feen with the greateft fatisfaction the molt 00 unfiling fettements extending rapidly in all direc tions and the general profperity of the conn- try incre far beyond our mod fanguine p anticipations we have ceeii your excellency mod anx- ioufly careful that the loyalifts and their children fliould obtain with the lead poflible trouble the very liberal bounty which his mod excellent majefty the king has gra ciously affigned them and extenovng your be nevolence in the moll delicate manner to thofe who had fallen into difficulty in their land affairs either from their ignorance or inadvertancy or the errors incident to the quick fettlement of fo populous and import ant a colony above all we have feen provhiori made for giving the youth of the province fuch a liberal education as may not only quulify them for the learned profefhons but eftab- lifh firmly in their minds the purcll moral and religious principles principles which fball enable them to give the mod falutary direction to the general manners of the pro vince and revive that ardent patrioiifm for which their fathers have been fo honorably melancholy accident on friday laft in the armoury hop of mr gofelin a labor ing man by the name of pcitra about 48 years of age was morally wounded from a diftol which was fent there for repair the young man that carried it vas iho wing one of the workmen what repair was wanting mfftook the piftol for its felbw fnapped it when it went off and fhot mt p a by-ftand- er through the body no aiminality is at tached to this accident but t is hoped that a relation of it will create a caution in other can alt an couratit foreign intelligence gibraltir augufl ijf letters received at algebras confirm the report in our laft of a battle having been fought on the 10th between marfhal soult and gen freyre near the jorders of gren ada they acknowledge that the right wing 3000 drong of the spanidi army was pierced by the french but fuch was the refiftance of the spaniards that the en emys lofs was double theivs and general freyre having fucceeded in uniting his rout ed wing with his left the spaniards retired without the jcaft difpeiflor to within tlrree or four leagues of grenada where they of fered soult battle but wlich he declined and the spanifh cavalry nade a charge on the french and killed job of them an other fkirmifh fubfequeiitlf took place be tween lorcaand las veriientea the rcfnl 1 of which was that the french abandonee the field commerced a repeat and ih span t 1 france and pruffia bonaparte is faid to have demanded of king of pruftia the rurcmider of sihfia the fortrets of colberg and gfrairdeatz tli demand was inftantly and indignantly reject ted his pruflian majefty reply jug that hi would fooner rifle the confequences of a war than give up sililia or his belt ftrong holds couriers were it is added immediately fent off to st pcterfourg and to the r general on the polifli frontiers who had in confequence advanced with his army toco operate with the prolan troops the king of pruitia conferred the command of his ar- y on general blucher who diflinguiflicd imfelf fo eminently in the laft war this able general immediately if hied or ders to collect the prulhan army itrength- ened colberg aud grandentz and enabled them to ftand a long gege while with the red of the troops he fell back towards the ruffian army in order to effect a junction with it more fpeedily paris a tint ft 1 9 yefterday mr theotoki and duke de looz prefidents of the deputations from the lonion illcs in the adriatic of which corfu is the principal prefentcd addref- injrratulation to his iviaief- m h fes of congr ty the emperor 5 who was pleated to make the following reply ct gentlemen deputies u i have caufed great works to be completed in you couiitry l have collected a great number ot troops and ammunition of all kinds i do nut regret the expen ses which corfu has coll my treat- ury it is the key of the adriatic i will never abandon the 111- ands which the fuperiority of the enemy by lea has placed in their uyvul iu tauii in america in the mediterranean every thing that is arid has been french jhall always be fo conquered by the enemy by the viciliitudes of war they ifiall return into the empire by the other events of the war or by the ftipulations of peace i mould always confider it as an e- ternal blot upon my reign if i ev er fanctioned the abandonment of a fingle frenchman anadjrefs was alfo prefentcd by the de putation fiom the new department of la lippe in wedphalia to which his ma- jelly gave this re pl t gentlemen the town of mtinfter belonged to an ecclefiaftical fovereign de plorable effect of ignorance and fu- perftition why fo any more than under a military fovereign rj you were without country pro vidence who willed that i mould reitore the throne of charlemagne has made you naturally enter with holland the hanfe towns into the bofom of the empire from the moment in which you became french my heart made no difference between youlmd other parts of my ftatcs as foon as- circumftances fliall permit me i fhail feel a lively fatisfaction in be ing among you english remarks on the above from the london courier aug if bonaparte in- his answer trr the ionian de puties has taken occaiion t date to us the terms on which he expects to make peace he is to get back every one of the french colonics e have taken from him but a- he is not likely to retake them by the other events of par what does he mean to give us as an equivalent for the ccfiiou ufthvrn for he dues not of courfe expccl th it iw ffij cede them without an equivalent i he can give in inch nothing that belonged tii ttj for he has taken nothinff from us does le r mean to make the dutch make all the ceu lion for in illfrvcs he ifnut hinde wlj tirely to h thing that i iuu1 hi t