Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), November 26, 1811, p. 3

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jilie hanfit almarcz and there are no ene- ween the gaudiana ami hli the lipnxa w mma u itbn of badajoz is com- bv viic iupci i it y of arm bis pofed of 3000 men amongft whom u he wrpuwi to tsatc holland to g to banfc tuwlii and aufciion spjrrri fttttt indeed c imht t ilk of giving him fcek hu colirtiies i rvcn then what aurtv arnold we have thai he v ho has no regard fn treaties would wj again fcize hol- hstl and ite bnfc tovs the moment af- jer he had n colonies bolides cves he rot fv tiul we hall havt nothing to do with the frte of the continent if he pro- ceeds nponthi piineiplc where is his cqiiv- tleit at the eflion of the french colonies every decimation he makes every deed he iocs ontv convinces us more and more that mace hnonbe fecure peace with him id imyfacliablc jrnclon sfijid 26 a general belitf prevails in france that kqntaa and alexander will fliortly tttkz- ure fwords on the ruffian frontier toulon fleet the paris mumteur contains a long ng- irarole about the gallant mancevrcs practiced by their toulon fleet t ihe mouth of the harbor while an erigvin fleet was anchor ed a few league off and ifcht the engliib praifed a number of arts to induce mons emcrian to fail intovwf water but in vain after difplaying a few infhorc evolutions the admiral took pood care to return fnug to port before night fall it is adds tire moniteur a magnificent fight for the inhabitants to fee thefc fqiiadrons which for s days have been watching each ether the mlvily of his majcllys fquadron prefenti a moll mpofmg fpeacle iotuhm sept 9 several very threatening loiters have been j to he brother of louis xvi now refi- jwft in england the briiith governinent c offered a reward of zon foi the dilcov- y of ih author one of the letters fays iinc has tigered dutchv for your head h m hav aw n c t0 le a polt f i- gjkaslauguir awl even lluhitf pieces was on suur- luimrbf b the minfiohhoule having fc on friday night at the poft-of- fice mtbcutilic cl tin dover mailcoach londojti ufptftrjhr 10 2pttk w iflucj u hcrce relative td frnchtvcit fa fotlhgn eounttfe they cm- boibft natwiuxcd in foreign countries with- ontblssisthoilty but even whea they arc fo naiiralied ihsftf cmmtrn are to be cort- fijctj a dieusri frenthmroi naturalized a- brtttd without fain permiffiou flrall incur the bfs of their property in france the a- bove regulations are profpcivc thole who have already been nnt orafized abroad are to have then naturalization confirmed within a period prefcribed no frenchman can en- ler the fence of a foreign power without penriflion and even then is not allowed to bepv arms againit france bnt mud leave the country herald that country go to war with france they cannot be accredited while in the feivice of a foreign power without per- lnfficn they are to be coniidered as having borne arms againit france september 1 1 the little belt hoop of war is arrived at deptford at which place he is to undergo a thorough repair captain bingham has had fcveral interviews with the board of ad- raitahy and the secretary of state relative tohiscng3gcme1t with the prcfidcnt are vaft numbers of tick and i great many die daily the troops are difcontented at being kept on half allowarfce and hive hot re ceived pay for many months the number 5f the enemy which ire- main on the left of the guadiafta amount to cjobo men we have letters from cdrunna lip to the 3d irritant which ftatc that an ehdiftl- frigate had failed from that port with arms and ammunition for the 7th army it is reported that the fixth army has occupied benavente and that the enemy had evacuated leon cadiz sept- 10 by feveldl letters received at catalonia we learn that general lacy had entered the french ter ritory and that part of the french force that befieged figueras had gone in purrait of him which had weakened the enemy very much brigadier don francifco bovi- ra taking advantage of this cir- cumilance introduced provifions and other neceffaries into the im portant fort refs of figueras and brought out the priibners and a quantity of arms we have jikewife been inform cd that dfeut col don jofcpli mario hra obtained many advan- tages over the enemy and that he now occupies mphtferrat which was abandoned by our troops at th time of thicaptjre of tiivl- gona the third army in confcqucncc of the late events which have oc curred had retired into murcia occupying the pofitions of palmar imcantarilla and la anora cov ering that city they write un der date of the 17th of laft month that according to the ftatc of af fairs and the difpofitions that were taking it was believed the army would be put in movement and was to march againit the king dom of grenada tranflated for the philadelphia freemans journal valencia de alcantara aug 30 the angloportuguefe army has departed from caitiile and occu pies a line along the left of the a- gueda to the number of 3000 men lord wellington has fixed his headquarters in the vicinity of ciudad rodrigo his advanced pods extend as far as tamames and has thus cut oft the commu nication with ciudad rodrigo the garrifun in that place coniiils 0x 1500 men and arc ihort of pro vision it appears that marmcnt had c- acuated phcentia and general oy truxillo it is a fact that from the united spates from newyork oct 14 u stqten jjlandy saturday f 3 0 clock f p m several fchooners have arrived here out ward bourid among them is a longthcavjfh looking fchooner full of men called the mtf- reugo a french privateer her boat liasjuft come afliore to the health oflicer to aflc permiftion to fend feven wounded men to newyorli the privateer has had an en gagement with an englifli letter of marque near jamaica which flic took plundered her and then let her go after difcharging her wounded flie goes to amboy the crew boaft of having made their fortunes and fay they are coming on fhcre in this cafe it is intended to get a new crew here there are feveral americans on board i have feen a man from her who fays there is a 11 great deal ot fpecie on board 5 oclock thirty teamen fix wounded are gbne up in a hoop to the city each of them has more or lefs fpecie the marengo has according to her own account tken four englifli merchantmen on this cruize the marengo failed at day light yefterday morning for amboy where it is fuppofed fhe will refit and prepare fur another cruize in the engagement with the englifh letter of marque the privateer had ix men killed feven or eight wounded v i w the 19th briguiitt morrillo london september 20 we learn from st peterfourg that the emperor napoleon has demanded perempto rily of the emperor alexander the immedi ate payment of the dutch loan letters from cadiz fay the spanfflt cortes have agreed to embody 30000 men to be trained by britifii officers but only one third of the officers are to be englifli the french have 25 fail of the line and a great number of frigates at and near flufh- ing ready for fome expedition three ob- jefts are fufpedted one a dafh noithabout to the loughfwilly ration another attempt northabout to get into cadiz and a third to join the toulon fleet and make art attack on sicily the admiralty are taking meaf- ures to defeat all thefe projeds fliould they be attempted an extra number of fhips are ordered on the loughfwilly ration off the scheldt admiral young has feventeen fail of the line and is to be joined immediately by admiral durham with a fquadron of even fail of the line more btfldes frigates vice- admiral strachan and rearadmiral ferner have alfo flags in l his fleet the lad gazette contains the official ac count or the dafhing exploit of the diana semiramis frigates entering- the caronne bordeaux river under french colors and capturing the teafer gunbrig of 14 guns and burning the imperial brig le piuiver of 16 guns and taking fix galliots and coalt- ers laden with fhip timber ro7in wine c with very little lofs r deception was fo well praftited that the french taking them to he french frigate felt pilots on board who were fecured and after laying there fomfi hours the captain of the port came on board to offer his fcrvices and was not undeceived until he had afcended rhe muarter deck the gtiztfshnve all arrived in port extract of a letter from a refpcsalh mercantile houfe in liverpool to another in netvtork dated the 1 1 th sept 1 8 1 1 the only political ihcihent of importance which has lately becurred here is an order in council which has j 11ft been iffued impefing new duties upon certain articles imported in to the pritilh weftindia i lands from the united states after the ill of december next we obferve that wheat flour is to pay fix uiillirigs and eight pence per barrel and flour made from any other grain than wheat three hillings and four pence per hundred pound red oak laves will be required to pay 20 billings and white oak 15 hillings per thouland newtori november i louis bonaparte it was ilated in the london papers received by the fhip triton laft week that louis bonaparte late king of holland had fuddeniy difappearcd and it was fuppofed he had emigrated to ameri ca this morning the poll matter of this city received the following letter from the poll matter in philadelphia announcing hi arrival at baltimore iuith four millions of dol lars in gold philadeipl ia 0 sober 3 1 the following is a copy of a note i re ceived this morning from baltimore robt patton corv m it 3 currently reported and believed by many that louis bonaparte ha juft arrived at the fort and toas with him four millions of dollars in goj kingston i tuesday november 26 181 1 cj the mail from montreal due yefter day had not arrived when this paper was put to prefs we underfland a frenchman but a fhort time refident in the united states has been appointed by the prelident american con- ful to fefidc with the spanifli pat riots at buenos ayres it is laid feveral americans with excellent recommendations were candi dates bofton palladium the emrjfefs of france is vifibly advan ced in her tecond pregnancy she has for bidden louis bonapartes wife her prefencc she is the daughter of the emperors nrft mvife and fufpefted of an improper intimacy with him on the 18th september mr badger an american meftcnger proceded from london r paris leal of the united j hk patent he fay i fin t6at lhee6 lkins can be tanned in i or l hours calf ficins from abot 2 to 50 hours after being deprives of their hair upper leather from 3 to days and foal leather from 5 to 15 or 20 days according to the thicknefs of the hide he fays this time is generally allowed for a cold folution of tanning but by being heated will tan fometbing fhort of that time his leather has been tried and is faid to be of the very beft kind he ftates that his method of tanning is calculat ed for a great faving of labor and other contingent expenfes in his method of tanning he is hot at the ufual expenfe of finking vats in the ground which is very expen- five he tans either in large tubs or quire vats fixed oat of the ground from a late london paper the following is an account of the wars between england and france with the terms of their duration fince the one which com menced in 11 10 and which coniitied two years t 14 1 one year 1 161 twentyfive years i2ci fifteen years 1224 nineteen years 1294 five years 1339 tventyone years 136s fiftytwo years 1422 forty- nine years 1492 one month 1512 two years 1521 fix ears 1549 one year j 1 557 two years 1 562 two years 1627 two years 1666 one year 1 689 ten years 702 eleven years 1 744 four years 1 756 feven years 1776 feven years i 793 nine years and laftly in 1803 which till fub- fill making within a pfcriod of 600 years 256 years of war fpra reward of one hundred dollars i of fered by the mrgiftrntes of kirgfton to any perfon or peifons who will deliver up tojuf- tice and profecutc to conviction pcrfou of perfons who murdered the young mail vhofi body as found in the water a little above the town of kingfton on the levtnth leg and his lltull fractured kingston 1 pj november 9 j s 1 for sale 33y the subfcribrr excellent coniac brandy ii c thomson nov 2d l8l t 2 iphe fubfcriher having obtained letters jl 01 adminiftration for the eftate of the late doftor john gamble of kivgfton deceafed reqiells all thofe who have any claims on the faid eftate to render their ac counts properly authenticated on or before the firit of june next in order ihat fome ar rangement may be made with the and alt thofe indebted to faid ellate are requefted to pay the fame to the fubferiber that lie may be prepared to lay a ftatefoent of the eftate before the creditors isabella elizabeth gamble adinwijlratrix kingston nbntler 151811 1 tf for sale a lot of land in the town- fnip of hamilton dillrift of newcas tle being lot nd 29 in the lirft ccncefuon handfomely fituated two miles weft of the courthoufe and containing 200 rrcre 40 acres of which are under good improvement and well fenced witii a good loghoufe j tf by 24 a logbara and an orchard of 100 ap ple trees thereon a god title will begiv- t and the terms made known bv applying to isaac hagerman hamilton augufi 211811 350 s2h4 m fttpm the bennington vt news letter tanneps take notice it was mentioned in a benning- u on paper about 6 year ago that 2a new method of tanning leather qjf all kinds had been difcovered iln this town the principles of this new fyf- f of tanning was difcovered by alex h avery for which he has lately obtained a patent under the cheap goods i the fubferiber informs the public that he has iuit received an cx- tenfive and well chulen alio tmesvt of dry goods groceries which he offers for fajf at hu store nert if door north of mr patrkk smyds at the mott i educed prices n h c thomson affingfw ast george of ri sthe highest price given tor all kinds oi gcuwfy produce in exchange for goods sep i6 i si i

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