Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), November 26, 1811, p. 4

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c tc poetry p are none ry jorv bvl 7t jrrc prcaipfrrs w vv ow optttithn file colli v thefcmawngfing tem fears cftflm with a frcnswn fi relation can cour bonaparte and commerce pon ap arte who ait tloti with front fo bold mv impeual will rpj ofing caitiff ha then nor been told im all portsagainfl thee doling i mifcreant thiik not to evade my decrees and fdvreign peafure war is now my oftly trade terror my compuliive ireafurc fer not tiieffi to pcrifli they of mine laid the ftern parent u i will never prefs them in my arms they flxall never fit upon my knees i will foiler no more ingratitude let him who begot them take the fpade and the mattock and get them bread no office is beneath the affection of a parent when children have not been ungrateful i am yours no rr commerce tyrant ive been often told of thy malice fury madnefc but to hear thee rage and fcold neer hall link me into fadnefs thunder then thv fierce decrees be thy barbarous triumphs vaunted 3 while britannia miles the fens vandal i remain undaunted bonaparte death and h 11 what do i hear varlet fcoundrel robber ruffian off or from this fill thy ear shall receive impeual cuffing bring me faggots bring yne fire coffee fuga broadcloth iullian pil d in one commingled pyre i devote now to com bullion commerce burn away my bullyrock burn away the goods are paid fr quick confumption of the itock merchants knew i crood their trade for yet 1 pity the poor haves who mull always pay the piper when the fiery paffions rave o thou rnoll malicious viper more this was the fatal dialogue be- tween the father and tiie daught er in the porch of his houfe for flie was not admitted no further he fhut the door again ft her and retired to his chamber the wind blew and the rain beat hard and flic dared net encounter the tern- pell ihe remained in the porch preffed her fliivering babes to her bofom and hoped that the morn- ings dawn would bring mercy a- long with it but when the morn- 5ns dawned flic was no more the fervants found her a claycold corpfe and the two children weep ing beiide it when the father was called to fee the fpectacle he funk down on the floor 5 life indeed returned but peace abandoned him for ever he loves the children but fays heaven in all its ftores of mercy has not one for him wftdre in the lid of his fcuffbox r he young lady who found her- felf moll ienfibly touched by this confcffion took the firft opportu nity that preferred of fnatching hisbox mi of his hand hefeem- ed defirous of recovering it but finding her rcfolved to look into the lid begged her that if fhe ihould happen to know the per- ton flic would not reveal her name upon carrying it to the window ihe was very agreeably ilirprifed to find there was nothing within the iid but a little looking glafs in which after ihe had viewed her own face with more pleafure than ever flie iiad done before flie re turned the box with a fmile tel ling him ihe could not but admire his choice 1 m rf fc home reflections if ezr impelld by adverfefatc we roam to diftanr climes arid wander far from home whether by fortune led we bend our way i o diilant lands through unknown regions bay or if fedued by gold we rove abroad miilakinor affluence for enjoyments road if lurd by pltafures falfe yet flattering charms y kave the wifes embrace the parents aims whatever be the caufe the unwilling mind relnftant leaves the native foil behind the fee nes of youth 3traet the eager light which once afforded exquisite delight and llill fond recollcrflion loves to trace some darling feature of the well known place rfmighiy power whofe home no fpace can bound nor heavens vail height nor hells mod deep profound direct our wandring lep whether we tlray through flowers or tread afflictions thorny way whether our baik on lifes deceitful feas are tempefl toft or carelefs drive at cafe in every danger keep us fafe from harm guide us becalmed guard us in the ftorm be thou our fafeguard wheefoeer we roam and bring us fafe at lail to our eternal home diversity the unfeeling father does nature refufe to plead tfor me faid his daughter kneel ing before him or does flie plead in vain r m you broke the facred bonds of nature faid the old man when you left a fathers fond protection and a mothers tender care to perfue the fortune of the only man on earth whom they de- tefted a heavenly father xclaimcd the daughter m forgives the fins of his children and fliall an earthly parent deny the charit able boon a repenting child de mands ot him to that heav enly father then replied he i recommend you my doors are no longer open to receive you i have made a vow which fhall ne ver be broken let the friends of your hufban d protect his darling you are mine no more but thefe children fir alas what have they done leave me to the cru- 1 fate which awaits me but fuf- from the mifcdlaneous companion maxim3 and thoughts human nature is ever prone to error and to look with a dan gerous defire on the path of un- happinefs the needful warfare of the pac fions which is fo proper to early life though it may change the fecne often in the roiirfc of many years is rarely if ever to be dis continued with fafety that fife- ty feems to ftand in the conlinuancd of the warfare and no fooner do we relax in the difcipline of ourfelves and clif- continue the advanced guard of our hearts than we mud expect to feel the preting advances of the enemy of our fecurity but early habits of watchfulnefs in the caufe of virtue are ever fa vorable to a happy and billing con tinuance of them and thofe who have the happi- nefs of knowing that they have furmounted many difficulties and have been delivered from many temptations into a love of fcri- oufnefs and truth may often tak comfort in a hope that they fliall not eafily depart from the guide of their youth and the captain of their falvauon renew t c ntohcii of marriage but if the virgin had an affection for him though at the firft run ning hard to try the truth of his love flic will without atlantas golden balls to retard her fpeed caiuaity 1 n 1 make will honeycomb diverted us laft night with an account of a you no fellows firft diicoverino his miftrefs the young lady was one it feems who had long before con ceived a favorable opinion of him and was ftill in hopes he would fome time or other make his ad- vances as he was one day talk ing with her in company with her two lifters the conversation hap pened to turn on love each of the young ladies by way of rail lery was recommending a wife to him when to the no fmall fur- prife of her who languiihcd for him fecretly he told them with more than ordinary ferioufnefs that his heart had been lono en- gaged to one whole name he thot himfclf obliged in honor to con- ceal but that he could ihew her pretend fome cafual a voluntary halt before he comcth to the mark or end of the race thus none arc compelled to mar ry againft their own will ar this is the caulc that in this poor coun try the married people are richer in their own contentment than in other lands where fo many for ced matches make feigned love and caufe real tmhappinefs 3is from a philadelphia paper a nc way of paying bills a young lad who is generally efteemed an idiot and who with out either friends or relatives by means unknown obtains fubfift- ence lodged at a public houfe in wilmington and in the morning having breakfafted called for his bill which no doubt to his fur- prifc exceeded in amount all the money that he was in poitcflion of finding he could not defray it he aiked his hofl if he did not want a barkeeper and was replied to in the affirmative he then of fered hunfclf for that ftation de claring at the fame time that no perfon could poffibiy bit better ts he had the power of drawing livo kinds of liquor put of one keg the landlord j anxious to be ac quainted with fo apparently prof itable an art invited him to walk towiain fem cxlhv wucv fad calk of wine and making good his allcrtion which if he fucceed- ed in he ihould receive conilant employ the youth complied boring a hole in one head of the a perfon went to confult a law yer how he might vfcly carry off an heirefs you cannot do it at ull with fafety faid the lawyer 6 but i can tell you what you nuy do let her mount a horfi and hold the bridle and whip dovoa then mount behind her and vou are fafe for flie runs away with you the lawyer was however fuikcientiy puniihed for his advice when next day he found it was his daughter that run away with his client 1 some time ago a failor iiappcn- cd to be in a tavern in londoiu when the bells were rinoinir for church aiked what it was for 1 for church ahavered the land lord i bdieve ill so replied the lailor but how miift i be have v you muft fet down in the firft vacant leaf you lee ahd not fpeak until it is out or ihey will turn tou out he walked up the iflc leading to the pulpit and teats himfell along fide of the clerk who as ufual when the firft part b the frrvc i5 qjqf cki rotft amen 6 hufli huik fliipmate whifpered jack c or theyll turn u8 both out d i 1 with r johnfon was in company cah- venucftcd the expectant hoil vel flkativc ladv of to hold hh firmer thereon he then w h appeared to take httlq notice eie in pique laid to him why doaor i believe you are hot very fond of the company of the ladies you are iniilakeiu the g bored the other end which landlord by fi retching his arms to their greateft extremity was ena bled to cover in like manner the idiot leaving him in this disagreea ble lituation laid he would and 2ct a couple of iboih hut to tht aftorifhment of his longing friend did not return who was compelled to bellow luftily ere any one arrived to relieve him from his uncomfortable polture 000000 txri madam replied he i like their delicacy i like their vivacity and i like their file nee a gentleman fpeaking of thofe ho marry pretty wives faid that in fix months a beautiful woman became ugly to their hufband and what was worfe flie continu ed beautiful to others a lapland wedding the following account of th method of deciding on a marriage between young perfors jn lap land is detracted from fullers worthies of furl and here let me infert a paffage of a cuftom in tliis barbarous coun try from the mouths of credible merchants whole eyes have be held it it is death in lapland to marry a maid without her parents or friends confent wherefore if one bear affection for a maid upon the breaking thereof to her friends the fafhion is that a day is appointed for their friends o meet to behold the two ybuns parties to run a race together the don francifco deftuniga fiid of a lady who was juft married and who though very ugly had a great fortune that her hufband had taken her bv the weight and paid nothing for the workman- fbip rates of advertising exceeding tzudve lines yroung j4thertifennls mi tyaube inrted three wxs for s and confirm e i a further meat id xr in fjr each infer thn la adisrtifimcnfti 4 ptr line fir th ff ffifrlm and id mr lnefreash coniinn- clhn m jfdwiifcmerjs ml etzermtj drd ctklziis coitru forbid 1 maid is allowed in ftarling the ad vantage of a third part of the race to that it is impoffible except wil ling of hcrfelf that flie ihould ev- bv 3tephen milts a fvv irs eift oi vvauktr- hotel maid is er be overtaken if the maia tv verrun her fuitor the matter glided he mult never have her it being penal for the man again to prl jrijlih- prr rr y h tpfaw ritjiy rwili t i d cj jc ybiaihktcs cardshandhui c

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