Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 3, 1811, p. 4

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poi r a v rwa lztujonp fir- r 3thek to hj child 7 lvmf iiou lit tic dimpled imager j c0 t mv mad embrace i reward of pain and danger s e prcik thy elierub face ee f many 3 mingled feeling i low j i i dread yet willi lice here v i q uipi rd fear in uihis prevailing icryd bui to vender rjee more dear h j v w o low m my euu villi ex ultit ion lnu lii iiiius feat ol care vuen fi h ry voice of iupplieauon stole fweetly 01 ty mother s car what words could fpeafc the bright eroolioo that i- iilied in thy fathers eye vviirn 10 iis fond paternal bofivni lie proudly piciod bis darling boy i o s that tvou nvsvir fiveet bate mbcrtt each virtue to bis heart mo ft dear his msrtly grace bis match eft merit is hill thy doatmg bothers prayer while on thy downy conch rcpofinjj to watefa thee i my tendei toil i mark thy fweet black eyes unclofing i fondly hil thy cherub imik smile on fweet babe unknown to forrow still brightly beam thy heavenly eye iiicl may tlw daw of every morrow sheu bldiiocfg o rov darling hoy st acnes well a ftory there runs era marvellous well near fair f oversee city lo travellers tell to st agnes devoted and very much noted for is liical charms in its waters that dwell wi h all new married couples the ftory thus whichever dhaks firs of the fitting that lher be it hufbstnd or wife that ore ffcalli tu life p- the ccher t u- fffuljdijhn tffipofe young cijikic led claudine to the church as hs bride and wedocks hard knetina twinkling was tkd but the elerks nafil twasjj ic anion icarce had rancr when the bridegroom elopd from tie good womans fide aviv like a we from the iwnincjs ftarted he lill reaching the well dropping plump to his knee dtar st acrne be cried let me drink of thy tide and the nt ht ol the breaches eftablilh in me ii quaftd till ftjgh burfting again tunrd to quaff till the bride in purfuit leachd his fide with a laugh lifting briiky his head to the lady he fit id vmjirfi f the zvjly spoufe fo bow to the fluff i the dame to her hubby replied with a fneer w that youre ft ft at the well after marriage i- clear t put to lave fnch a tnh i liipd afmall ftajk and iwh it to church in my pochci my dear diversity from the gleaner in tl he icio cvv ivc from the fpliere ln whicli nature inteiided her to move i iliall accordingly addrefs a few olcrvatiorks to tlicm by way of hint or inuendo finccfely hoping thatthciource from whence they are derived will entitle them to lome fmall iharc of attention my aunt tabitha whom i have often mentioned is a line old lady it is enough to do ones heart good for one to lit and hear her argufy any interelkng topic although not much killed in the lore of metaphyfics aunt tabitha is an excellent rcafoner and i dare lay that even if that fhrewd old fellow john locke was now alive file could prove to him fatisfaclqrily that her blue ftockinss were not while without a fingle argument a fortiori or a poller iori aunt tabitha has three or four fine ro- fyficed daughters upon whom he bellows her conftant and undi vided attention she loves them as all parents ought to love their children and with unwearied dil iffencc is employed in render in s them happy and contented iot long fmce as is my cuftom every fortnight i fpent an evening with aunt tabitha when among other topics of difcourfe flic dropped a word about bringing up girls and as i veil knew that nobody was belter acquainted with a fub- a tectt of this kind 1 defired her to give me her mind freely upon it the pood old lady immediately put herieif into her accultomed talking attitude with an elbow on each knee and a full pipe of to- baecq in one hand and after fomc half a dozen whiffs be c girls iays flie require much more care and attention in bringing up than parents general ly fuppofe some people tliink it fuuicient if they can get their daughters early introduced into what thevenllirood company make them acquainted with ail the new- eft fafhions and teach tliem a kind of flippancy of tongue and crt- nefs of manners but i am of a very different opinion i never found that girls were generally ef- teerncd for any of theic tlnfel arts on the contrary i have almofi al ways found that the kind of affu- mina forwardness which belongs to fome females renders them dif- guiling to their afibciates while a meek modeft deportment as of ten lnfures to them a general cf- n from the deft of poor robert the scribe i shall dedicate what few re marks i have to make in this num ber to mv fair readers whole in- tereft i have been extremely anx ious to con fult from my youth upwards i have been an admirer of the tender fex and never better pleafed than in feeing them pur ine the path of rectitude and hon or there is something in the characrcr of a fine woman fo truly ellimabk and fo furprifingly cal culated to enchain the feelings to charm the heart of man that it would fcem next to impoffible ior her fo far to undervalue her rv good name as ever to depart young lady teem and refpecl it has always appeared to me as one of the grea- tell misfortunes that can befal a to be called or to be thought the belle of the town k to be furrounded by a cavalcade of languiihing admirer i fcarce- ly ever knew a lady of this char acter who did not meet more than her lull iharc of public reproach the lips of the malicious and en vious are ever prepared with ican- dal to endeavor if poffible to bring fuch a perfon down upon a level with thcmfelves in the pub lic eilimation beudes girls that are conilantlv furrounded bv a titude of beaux are not in a fituation to place their attachments fo judicioully as thofe who are more reclufe and confcc have more time for fober reflection i have known many young ladies captivated by what i fiionld con- fider a very trifling accompkih- ment in a young man wnttc at the fime time they would neglect the overtures of one who in every refpecl was vaftly his superior now i cannot account for this in any other way tlun from an ror in bringing up had they been early taught to prefer the fub- ftancc to the inadow to admire folid rather than fliowy acquire ments it is not probable their judg- ient would often lead thcin a- liis ieonfiderit alib very im- proper for a lady to have any par licuiar gallant continually dang ling at her side mouth after month without his making any advances of love or even triendihip if a vou us gentleman is really fond or a young lady and willies to make her his wife his intentions ought to be made known and it 5 moil unqueftionably ihc duty of the young lady to difcard him if he o not make proffers of attach ment after a fuitable acquaintance have known the characters ot many young ladies fuller very much from an inattention to this particular to prevent girls from form ing improper attachments i know no better rule than to learn them to be ddmefiic girls that are fond of home will feldom if ever be troubled by the officious gal lantry of a conceited fop they will be likely moreover as i ob- lirved before to make proper dii- tincdons between the truly valu able and the artificial s between the man of real fenic and of im- pofing oftentation it has always been my plan in bringing up my girls to endeavor to make them pleafed with home and to furniih rejources of amufement for them under my own roof and i think 1 have fucceeded very well as cv- rr other parent may do i have nen desirous of rivitii tlicm a fob id rather than a pecious education and have taken care to make them well acquainted with houfehold af fairs at the fame time i have ne ver wiiheei to debar them of ra tional amufenients abroad but iiave always wilhed to make them prefer home to any other place here aunt tabithas pipe went out and her fpeech was brought in a dole ol courie ri swift lite peculiarities ot swift in regard to dorneflic concerns are the more remarks die beciuce they ieilcn his dignity as a man of let ters as he expected punftua ready and implicit obedience he always tried his lervants when he hired tjiem by fome tell of their humil ity- among other queftions he always afked whether they under stood cleaning shoes becaufe he laid my kitchen wench hasaicui- lion that does her drudgery and one part of the bufmefs of my groom and footman is conftant v to clean her shoes by turns if they feiupled this the treaty wa at an end if not he gave them a farther hearing his kitchen wench however was his cook a woman oi a large size robuil conllitution and coane features wliofe face was very much learned with the fmallpox and furrowed by age this woman he always diftinguiflied by the name of sweetheart it happened one day tba sweet heart greatly ovcrroaflcd i he only joint he had for dinner upon which he fent for her up nod with great cookiefs gravity sw eet- heart fas he 6 take this down and d it leifi into tlxe kitcnen she replied c that was irripoiiible c pray then said he if you had roalfecl it too little could you have done it more v 4 yes fee iaiu c flie could eaiily have done that why then sweetheart repeedj the dean c let me advife you it you nuiil commit a fault to coni- mit a fault that can be mended arly rising xf the celebrated natural buf- fon was in the habit of riling with the fun but it was not without great difficulty he conquered ins natural irdoieace he thus relates the manner in which he accom- plifhed it in mv youth i was ex- tremely fond of sleep and that fondneis robbed me of much time my poor jofeph a doineftic who ferved roe sixtyfive years was of the highefi utility to me in over- coming it i promifed him a crown for dvery time he should make me get up at fix oclock he failed not the next day to roufe and torment me i abufed iron he came the day following and i threatened him friend jo- feph faid i to him at noon you have gained nothing and i have loft my time you dont know how to manage the matter think only on my promife and never ieed my tlireatemngs the day following he gained his point i begged entreated then abufed and would have turned him oik he railed me bv abiblute force had his reward every day for my ill humor in the rnomeiit of wak ing by thanks and a crown an hour after 1 owe to mv poor jo- lepn at leak tencr tvrebe volumes of my work bon mot a gentleman who had raifed 1 1 i in fe if into notice b y b t a i n i n g a large prize was extremely anxious to acquire the character of bein thought a man of tafce and a- mongll the different methods he pracliled to adopt it was that of riving private concerts very frc- ouentiy to his friends though lie knew not a note of eiufe he was fond of handing by the per formers and appearing to under- iland every thing they played y when obfeiving one with a violin under his arm he angrily demand ed why he did not play the man pointed to the book before him laving there were fo many bars of nl 6 reft he exclaimed what do you mean r i pay you to plav lioc lcxl two mechanics not long unce converfmg one of them oblcrvcd that he could not work at his qc- curationtn the winter feafon con sequently he devoted a considera ble part of the winter to reading manvan hour f continued he have i fat by my lire and dozed over a number of huge volumes 66 arc vou fond of reading hillo- ry said the other or do you pre fer novels novc antwered the wife gentleman cc have read almrji through and think it an excel prrtfd aad pubmed by stephen miles a few doors eaft of walkers hold prrc ffir hillings per inn s inriivan s- itijix iwmthsi and at the rfcj fofite year 1 jivr f pojty tpt ki ti y blank nokucani hmtilhtft i irjlfla i v j iff fhort mfhw i

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