v 1 this yue rrrlitdyaslliedaugll who livs f flirl j an twufoid and lingular faft r s j j ter rf -mrs- b mooncy eft and rentable 1 be old he y has ben better days bat of late ho ctarafler was deitroy ekibr chysj w of late i convert carsiheius depended upon far no- unfortunate mary- ldutryior fuhhftcnce an y ftmp wbcreforcjj dear mils b let us have our aneclions in common oftzoo far bo it from me to jferriw the cctijtigt thougf i i am not the idettdaugh j v7 tta tow utflmth j w rj- ildmtaifd c there is a brook tfet from its lource hih in the rocky kt poura oer the phinits inped comfy to pay to tejos monarch force its tributary rill which in the peaceful tummer tide the fwarihv fhejsksri fits befide anlwtenng pours his ruftic cong in ciidence as it roils along c not of o v or pious cli iunt or tale of krfght or giauj gaunt and lady captive held or drain not fabled of die war where she gisstt chrmpiw of bivar the moonvn pagan quelpd but now no ftroherd bitera there he flies with ah w fleecy care to ohhiitmtns htglj and fir and lares and breithkfs flops to hear borne on the breeze and to his fear seeming a eviiy gjift more nsr the diiuct raar of war her prudent mangement her little family has been kept from want maryann was hero ter and favorite ehiid ska w w wlddmfcrphkfj the rnothei had endeavored to hifti into her children the prmu- pies of moral reitude and to ate them to purity of conduce the wants of the family rendered a frequent intereourfe vvith the town indiipeniab e and maryann was often lent to procure neceff- ry comforts with the ayalls of the family induilry in this employ ment flic became acquainted with a young- man whole polite atten tion made way to her imfufpeu- al tsisssts bchddlr m hfin fecond nor the wed tote palidvilage inrd that have iouated you to ffot ixs it nrk- nifr evc be for and hor vndl taring s rcfetitment and empmg her in her aims cried out o pv ciihd my child my loft and ruined child the kene which followed lanruane could not dci- be fuhjiintrvvc to this love 1 pre- fumeyou will not be in the imper dtlvc vvhilft i pais from the optative to the potential and that you will permit me to make a conjundion of my propria qua mribm ynxh you t hpmfcniu this will make a rtnd the tears of the bene vc- m in pmf sfesieswtohad thus again park of ha ppmeferfu rjeafe fcious of the feelings fee had ex cited and at times would afk the carafe of the fortow ihe feemed to ler nov on the ftreamkts marftn greertj other thai hi hvvus unoarc icen al founds ic- h rtdtic long the troubled ciritcnt rolls along when of the cooling wiwc to taile trm eiher holt the warnnrs hate with bofy tread and hum you would have thotthat frreamlct bound wre ldd eeld or facted ground where baitle finight not come so late m advcrf conl i lried odp in recent carnage dyd co si ijal ho tiuy coninl their mutual fates nor fhri k to throw the cap and jiclm afide as mimded oer the narrow tide they buv their heads to drink or natures feverilh warts lupplied uoanrm nouarded iu by ce safe in the fodicrs faith and pride they relt them on the brink they foeak not in each others plirafe un oiiud but yet the thoughts of uraife and reverence to unfold theheavt has utterance of its own ad ere the fignal trump was blown and ere tnc drum had rolld the honcft gafp of manly hands that common link of diltaut lands that fjlfn which nature understands the generous feelings told the high and fscred pledge it gave that both were true and both were brave and ibroething added of regret at parting when fo lately met and not developed quite some dubious hopes of meeting yet f as heaven their devious paths might fet in fiiendfhip cr in fight sut lhort the truce thar hey can keep for now the rlgnals flirill c sc tions her innocent and unrc- ved encomiums uron tills pcr- fon induced the mother to at ten j her daughter in the difpofal of the next roll of homepun fee had to part with the old lady more ex perienced than her daughter thot ihe difcovered fomething in tha manner of her cujlomcr thnt 0ie could nca approve of and that her favorite was venturing upon the brink of a fatal precipice from which he ought inftantly tof iardi her as fom therefore as the doth was difpofed of ihe told her daughter o her dangerous iirua- tioivand forbid her ever again vi firing the fttirt tlve poor g inlpectingonly gencroihy vyoc neivoi one w ho appeared tohc ail perfection thought her moth v fears unfounded and her prf- hibition unreafonable but con fiderlng it a duty to be as me ira ever been obedient flic endeavor edto conform herfelf to materna directions after a while howev er mary- ann was miffing froii home and her mother with ten der folicitude and anxious forebu dings for many days fought btt forrciwing found witntis and then declared that flic was happy very happy indeed r r she was then told that he muft ing heart and foon icciired her ncav p ar comfort her mother undivided and unalier able alfco fcut picd o no 1 cannot iiay here 1 rnuft go to my friend my dedreit friend i cannot flay with any one elle she would then cr- and rave and run and exhibit a moft deplorable fpeclaje of mifery and inianicy and frai tic wretchednefs to be a lawful concord with the cnitive my whole income fhail be a dative to yon for the prefm nothing ihdl be accufavrc againft you for the future and your dear name fhau be my vomiim till death the great oblntlvc of all things part yours infinitely caleb scrawl us r delerium in a few days mcrea- ed precious mrs h- mr hxfon alrh from a london paper on a long nose leavens what a nofc forbear to look wheneer you drink in fount or brook tor as the fair narcfftus died when hanging oer a iountams fide yoi too the limped water quaffing may die my woithy lir wiili laughing diversity from the aitffujla herald died a few weeks fmce in a frateof detraction mife iiaryann pvtooney aged 2 1 years ihe cir- cumftances attendincr the death of tjtis unfortunate female are pub- hfljcci as a w miner to the unre- fiecimg of her own fcx and as an vi id and folcmn admonition to incoruderatc of the ether at length the was at a houfe not far froth town and under the protection of the peribn flie had been inilrucrcd to avoid dieffed and ajbioft diilracled the mother fpent her days in ceafeleis fighs and unavail ing tears her child her darling child fhe faid was loft and loft forever sobs and tears fopplied the place of words and in the et- cefs of her anguiih the old lady feemed as if her hearts bleed would flream from her eves soihe fliort time after the vr- fon whofe afleccion and fricndihjp maryann fuppofed flie had pe manently fecured and who he faid had promifed to make her hfs wife became indifferent towards her and by avoiclincr her feciel called forth all the tender fenfibiir- ties of her foul and filled her mil d with incxprcflible agony se fouffht her friend m town but wis unable to obtain an interview wnh him and without innocence to prop her fortitude her menial powers were overcome by diliip- jointment and ihe became od and frantic some female acquain tances of he family kindly under took to return her to her mother y ana rran- it was at length found neceilary to confine her as led to perfcel niadnefs every ray cf reafon extinguiihed ihe would tear off her clothes bite and mangle her ficfh and prefent fitch a dreadful fpectaele of horrid dif- traelion as has feldom been equal led perhaps never exceeded in this condition ihe continued for forae time occaiionally calling out for her friend her deareft friend her beloved hufland and then again would rave and tear her fooulders and arms with her teeth at length death the friend cre of the friendleis kindly came to her relief and her luifcrings and her life clofal together and may the angel of pity confecvatc her memory this plain and unadorned nar rative of facls may fuggefi fome ufeful reflections to the youth or bom fixes for whole fake it is published to one it mews what all experience conirms that no dependence moud be placed in a- ny profeliions of regard which are accompanied vuth invitations to depart from duty and to the o- ther it pfefents iome of the confe- euenccs which may follow from an imfeeknjr triumph over unfuf- and a matrimonial dialogue mrs byon i with you would take a trip with me to the springs this fummcr my dear mr hyfonl had much rather hot m jack mm and why not m hvc mn h beeauie i dont ehooie it myjhcrct mis ii not choofe hv dar jvfr ii i cant afford it my why not aiuhu it becaufe it is much too expenfife mrs hvfon mrs hexpcniive why there is neighbor jenkins and hnmly propoiefpendingtwo wholemontlis man mr h neighbor jenkins is a fool and his wife no better than hie mould bccman mrs h i think howeveryou need not ahufe my friends fir r r r j a i t i 1 hhal not imitate the example of your friends ma am mrs then it you wont go izcil hats 107lufbanj and if you do go you wont have a penny from mc thats fo z wife mr ii for the pecang innocence cotrfidcratioii of both it nnrr be added that at the dread tribunal of impartial jnftice and before a judge who is no repeeler of per- ions the injured and injurrr the betrayer and tine betrayed rmtft hereafter appear and happy will thofe be who are mcparedfor tl eventful interview c a you ng m an mc r a n oted for vanity than for talents was boaft- ing that his advantages had been fuperior to thofe of other literary men as he had received his educa tion a- two univerfiticambridge and newhaven whew a ihrewd ok gentleman in the company re marked that it reminded him of a calf he had feen which had fuck ed two cows and what was the coricquence f faid the con- cded jwng r confe- e win reolied the old gentle- linn i he zcy to be a very cucn lovelctterfrom a school mqfle to a young lady par miss b if there h no prcptfition towards a cwjnnfhn with you ie plcrifed to accept of this interjcclim of my pretences for i do fremitus adverhum that i defire to be adjtrlivc o yu in all cafes and i fofrvcv duobre th it compnrtitivcly peaking i fhouhl be vrcat cjj a coccops t1 a inrnrocmir tlvb l a noi 1 be 6i vt mi iitcr llv m no fir fflw tliv bm jlmt if youll i-w- d i ii i l tr us stephen mil- a iv euoi iui f v r ft r r- having placed her in a carriage fupcrltfiivclj hajpy luihi 1 engrn- they went before to announce u der with you in all mods wnicicn the old lady the object ofihdrvi fit i hope y will not think nu 7 mjy yr t i c si i m 1 n