Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 17, 1811, p. 1

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ingston vt ii kingston upper canada gazette tuesday december 17 1811 no su lund for sale rtl i followim vilkimi lot of land i in the townihip of 1 dorckfiurgh arc offered fur ale hv tin fuhfeuher i t ot number fix in the fcrft cnncefhou aid it tun il let number twcnivfive in the fourth craeesuni i us nunbt two and livce olhcrwifc cam lts number twenty fix and twenty feven in he third cones nwn nt the lore richard cartwright dee 3 ion 3tf sheriff s ajxt mimj dimihl dv v tunc of a writ of ws j i feat i flu e d o u t of his majeftys court of kings bench at the nil of peter grant of the town of kingllon mrchint airainll the land and tenements of sjujci role late of marylbnrgh yeoman to rile directed j 1 have fcized and taken in execu tion a belonging to the fid samuel liok the welt half of lot no 2 in the full concef- iion of the townfhip of m arj fbui gh welt of the fociwi coutainiiiir by aduieafuiement one ninidrcd acres be th- fame more oriels i do hereby give n mice that die abovemen tioned lot uf land with theappurtcuances thereunto belonging will be fold and adjudg ed toihe higheft bidder ac my office in lire town uf kiigllon on tuefday the thiid day of march next at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon at which time and place the onditiuns of fale will be made known charles stuart shrift and every perfonor ptrions having claims thebovc dtfeiibed foi of land bv mort- rugeci other right or incumbrance are here by dveniicd to give notice to the laid sheriff at h 2k hls ice in the town of kinellon previou thereof ojhct 24 match 1 8 i 2s ml 11 sheriffs sale m blflrul qy virtue of a wi it of jj fieri paths iitued out clhs faip cniirj sk hvh txj ivit of irfttloj kobittb 1 the town of kiihtoi kiiwircamil tbv uradl udtct- n auvy ef the townihip of kmihu yeoman to me directed 1 have iai in excculwiu as belonging to thi laid amos atdlry the nuth hall of lot v 1- in the feeondcjnccllijn of the town ihip af kinguvn containing by admcafurc- otcn one hundred acres be the fame more or j together with a log houlc famedbarn thcretm erected 1 do hereby give notice that the above mentioned lot of lnd uith the buildings and appnriefmiees thereunto be longing will be fold and adjudged to the hudidt bidder at my ullice i the town of kingllon on tuefday the third day of march next at the hour often oclock in the fuxe- jqoii at which time and phfee the conditions of fale will be made known charles stuart ervf and every perfon or per fens having claims on the above defet ibed lot of land by mort gage or other right or incumbrance ate here by advertifed to give notice to the laid sher iff at his office in the town of kingllon pre vious to the fale thereof sherds ojiee 2d march 1 s 1 1 28 cwill1st0n iff co have lately received a new supply of slock and nozu ojjir for fdle on gobd tertusy anaflbrtmcnt of gentlemens add ladies saddles which are warranted to be well made and of a fupcrior quality also harneffcs bridles and various other kinds of work in their line repairing done on flxort notice and ev ery favor cheerfully acknowledged kingston nov 15 l b 1 1 new goods 000000 jonas abbot is this day receiving from montreal a new fnpply of fail winter goods which he offers for fale at his shop in ktngfton viz superfine broad cloths for re it cloths hunters do swnnfkin fluifrfngs kerfeya and caffi- meres baizes flannels velvets si corduroys thickfetts and drab biomiwck cord pelice cloths bath coalings 3 point blankets black cambrick mulbary do slate do co ord do silk chambrard cotton do cambrick muflins black silk barcelo na hankerchitfa silk c cotton ma- drafs do cotton do do red turkey do girls leather do do bandannas do childrens lea her 84 64 table morocco boot ecus cloths ladies silk habit loaf lump muf- gloves covado bugars white cambiick do tea coffee choce- kid do late braver io jamaica cpfcits do fitted tlo st ciojx do gentlemen affolted ioit wine milld mitts childrens ftockrngj european tippets fancy fames scarlet comforts white blk laced veils fancy flowers cambrick prints iff calicoes from yd to 29 per yard gentlerens nlk wa ter pi oof hats caltcr roram jj co dies do youth childrens feit do ladies be aver furr bonnets mens fine shoes boys do do do coarfe do womens double lea- therd do do leather flips do morocco do do kid do p- do gm bhrub plain whiic fdk flecves coffee cordial tamborddo do do noyeau do cotiou do do annie cinnamon ladies gentleinens cloves do silk hofc pepper o ginger worlled do pimento cotton do almonds lambs woolj hofe kcillus woriled do do currants galloon c ribbands bottled muftard silk cotton ferrets rappee cephalic c5 sewing filk allotted scotch snuff nuns 1 hi cad patent do platillas india cottons tow sheeting and bed tick apron chcckd striped cottons pigtail plug and lmoaking tobacco segars lincecd oil white lead do do ground in on g black brown green spauifhbrown do do leaa drab bora- patent yellow do do bazettes prufuan blue brown holland umber copal iif dimities gum hell lac imperial common 8d iod i5dji3 tapes nails blk velvet ribband shingle da do silk do do cut brads imperial tt common 6x8 7x9 7jx8- shiit buttons 8x10 glafs milld icarlet caps putty jf englifh glufi worlled cotton lin- iron steel ed do blackfmiths anvils dutch knotted gloves vices milld woolen do sheet iron lambs wool do screw augers aflorted with a general aftortment of hardware if qrqckert to be sold the one half for if left fuits the pureha- f r the wnc ul ciu- ialuatill yiuae mill h mjrvjbur wiin two run i itutj b i duiinvi on faiicrftnc and two coromun bu and 0jf in urcd acres uf land with aoouc 30 acics injprwved 0- the prcmisnear ihe mill a od d vrhh dine iuoxn and a kitchen on tnt irt ftwor kfd a ctiftv- nient houlc n- oily a-join- iv an alloaiiiblcanl uiieihoj bi- golkf fftjft nfihe ihic fktrr van au- 1 i4 rrvc f t tm ftraaiiun i lu w ii knuvi n i ifatr 3ttijjtu3u 10 dcnu uniicidai y i v a i j w ul puichnir wn plcale lu ap- fkm an va adoihttuwn k u van hlmint r drugs esf medicine v i as ufaal a mono wh spiiiis tuipentiuc salt petre crem tartar aquafoitis gf oil vitriol sweei oil caftor co glauber salts camphor arrow root pcail baruy 3 ch are the following turlingtons baliom of life dalbys carminative chmches cough diops hoopers female pills aiderlons do aimatto lamp blak loty do blk load elallic gft bffuhs ef lemon flor sulpher roll brim ft one nutmegs to cloves barley and sugar candy magneiia jefuits drops camels hair pencils if refined jliuorice logwood camwood cinnamon 3 mace steers opodeldoc godfreys cordial britifli oil haarlems do wheatons itch oint- copperas ment allum do jaundice bitters blue vitriol lees billious pills nut galls coits do do indigo fig blue also at pfter davies in erneft town a general affortment of dry goods groceries hard ware and crockery all of which will be fold at very rednced prices for prompt pay conltant attendance will be given orders executed with def- patch and goods put up in the belt manner and the fmalleil favor gratefully acknowled ged kingston november 16 1 8 1 1 for sale by the subfcriber excellent coniac brandy h c thomson nov 23 181 1 2 hphe fubferiber having obcained letters j of adminillration for the ellate of the late dcclor john gamble of kingllon deceafed requells all thole who have any claims on the laid ellate to render their ac- eount properly authenticated on or before the full of june next in order that ibme ar rangement may be made with them and all uioie indebted to faid ellate are requetled to jay the fame to the fubferiber that file may fee prepared to lay a ilatement of the ellate before the creditors isabella elizabeth gamble administratrix kingston november 151811 1 tf for sale a lot of land in the totf n- fhip of hamilton diltvid of newcaf- file being lot no 29 in the fir ft conceffion fttandfomely fit ua ted two miles welt ot the courthoufe and containing 200 acres 40 acres of which are under good improvement amd well fenced with a good loghouk 18 by 24 a logbarn nd an orchard ot 100 ap ple trees thereon a good title will be giv en and the terms made known by applying to isaac hagerman hamilton augujl 2 i i s 1 1 50150 dcheap goods the fubferiber informs the public that he has jult received an ex- tenfive and well chofen allortmcnt of dry goods groceries which he offers for fale at his store next door north of mr patrick smyths at the molt 1 educed prices h c thomson aclingfor mrst george oftotk jkthe higheft price given for all kinds of country produce in exchange for goods sept 16 1811 new books just received from montreal and for tale at the gazette office addifons works mfarlands view of hereiies life of jofeph pleafures of reafon seafons in england ira and ifa- bella a new novel character of george 3d porneyb french spellingbook french vocabulary childs spellingbook worlds displayed portenss evidences of the chiifiian religion bibles- teflamcnts watts plalms and hymns pfalteis childrens books catechifms c miscellany for the kikgltoii gaz7 l reckoner no 4 1 for sulc at this office sermon on the death cf the rev john stuart d d preached at kingllon 25th auguft 1 s 1 1 jv the rev yens tvf d jj a this days entertainment is contributed by a friend who fometimts fmiies on the la bors of hie reckoner among fuperficial people it is very com mon to confider old age not merely an evil but even a reproach and tho it cannot be averted a thoufand artifices are employed to conceal itfs pretence or retard its approach to fmooth a wrinkle or to hide a grey hair is fuppofed a matter of greaer importance than to difguife a vice or to reform a bad ha bit this with the fair fex is a mofl ferious labor they behold the marks of age with the greateft horror and are peculiarly feli citous to ccuntetact its operations and 10 far have they contrived to get the general o- pinion in iheir favor that to hint to a lady that he is growing old is an offence of the deepeft dye for which the guilty wight can expect no forgivenefs a gentleman of my acquaintance who had not mixed much with the world was once introduced to a lady of a very advanced age but neverthelefs of grcac vivacity and wit it happened that they were left for fome minutes in the parfor to gether and the poor man after considering trith himfelf what to fay the weatner c having been already difcufled and becoming afhaired at the protracted filence- at length faid madam i perceive that you are very md the lady replied sir i perceive that you are a very young man this an- fvvcr difcomfked my poor friend who durft not addicts her a fecond time this horror at old age would be the more cxcufable as well as the folicitude to conceal its eftects were this period of life totally deftitute of its peculiar advantages which place it at lealt on a level with any former portion advanta ges which it properly appreciated are not in ferior to thofe which accompany the ardor and bloom of youth it is true thole whtf have no rehfh btu for perfonal attractions jtnd frivolous accomnjifbrreois have eat rea fon to wifh that time may hand dill and may be allowed to turn with horror from that unwelcome vie when the hollow check and glimmering eye take the place of the rofe and the lightning glance and when the anxiety to appear young from the ufeoffafh- ionable drcis becomes ridiculous and con temptible to fucb per ions age brings no advantages and to fuch we do not offer any confolation for the ick of youth and beauty but when the mind has been properly culti vated and the conduct directed by morality and true religion age is fo far fro rr being aa ohject of dread that it is beheld with de light we are plealed with ihe trarrfient bloom of spring and the growth of sum mer chiefly becaufe thefe two feafonslead the maturity of the fruits of autumn the means are always valuable but not fo much fo as the end propofed we have lived to little purpote if the experience we have ac quired do not make us more ufeful members of lociety and if to this we can add the con- feioufnefs of a wellfpent life we mull be happy hi arid has long fince pafted the meridian yet he is cheerful and content be loved by his family ana friends and refpeed by the public he appears much more hap py than during any former period of his life lho not dillinguilhed by any fupcriorifcy of talents he was in his early years careful to cultivate his mind and to difcharge his duly with diligence and fidelity the reward is now his for his friends and neighbors look up to him with a deference refpeft which joined to internal peace afford him pleafures every moment not to be equalled by the muih brilliant enjoyments of youth meltfta was followed in her teens by the faihionable and the gay and tho not indif ferent to the lighter accomphlhmencs which fet oil youth and beauty to advantage ihe had acquired from her mother a talle for fe- le not pfofnifcuous reading this habit gradually improved her undei landing ail confequciuly dilcovered the folly 01 the u- mnfementa fo eagerly fought after by he friends and companions she difcoversd in their eagernefs a greater anxiety to avoid pain than to reap enjpymtiit it was not be caufe they were really happy in tailing thefe enjoyments but becaule they weie mife table if left alone and he verified bvherov ex- per ten ce the maxim of a philofpphcr ij they who cannot fpend occafionally a day 3 lone with cheer ful nefs iievef can be happy meufta having acquired a 1 i or tl v 1

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