n w c io r ti ato the miiuwou caadfs for her hiucj a nan of 1 idrrsci c fc ii3 fc was hppf in hfi choice f1 lit i voting lailic will he who are di- icvj fry vihu ad lirouieje and wfeoex- i- uii thtjf own eyes a well as with lottfc of their parents ths folidity oi ihepie- tvna of fe whogfpneto tie their hui- tas2s attentive to the duties of a wife wtku 3 mother meliifa h now declining into tile vale oi years but berhappincls is inctea- ij and nt dmitiiihed she is beloved by er hiibami beheld with the tnoft under af- rcon and levrreuce by her children endear- j to her fknds hv the kindnrfs of iur dif- ptihtrin her felicity appears daily loinocale 1 1 i he tcldlhac this aloft resectable la- cv adi hv her acquaintance tot her in- 1 rmatign good fenfc and hum of 9 is dot ct fku inomeiu in the enjoyment of greater 1 lea dire tfran when lie wa in the pplfcioo oi dll the charms of youth aud beauty iniili is the intimate connexion of the vari ous periods of life that they ttkc their com- viexiou from one anotliei it youth he nej- iccud manhood will be dull uniform or wivked and od ae peevifli obftinate and m retched the jadic who fhal innta e me- iiifa in her youth will experience the happi- iiels of her aee but they need not hatter themfelves with the hopes of future plealure it they fend the morning of their days in attending only to drefs and fnyilous amufe- jfems or rending licentious books which fill the mind with romanno ideas and el range it iomntue the old age of inch perions will be ipet in tyrannising over their de pendants caltttit if racing their neighbors and eitibittering their own lives as they have town fo they lhali icap foreign intelligence the prince regent is ex- for the kingston gazette m fditor oj peruhug the piece figned g inyosr jaft paper 1 was much disappointed to find the ccnclufion io little in unifon with the eomcuencemeiit and that the folemntty of the exordium which ponncd fomefage mor al oi political reflect ons o at lead fome af- pniti ur- at rfntttudc i lite govcttiftieftl uu- rer which tve have fo eminently proipeied fiouj be merely nuroductoi y of an execia- t in again ft the roads tlele indeed are bad e ough and m fuch wcatlut as we have had during the auturaiij no roads can be g oj that ours might not be much better ihan they are 1 will not pretend to fay but a lung as the people will choole for road ivjallcrgtj perfons who liom indolence or in experience are wholly unqualified tor the tr ik nu great improvement h to be expced yet it ny old fiend g- and others of his f lidmg would w hen lmnmoned to perform heir liatuie labor fend m their places men v ho are able and vvtlling to vvoiki inftead of atiendtn thmielves and keeping the whole party occupied in listening onjj to their lung lories they would find fcwzr obftrncuans in tleir way to church or to villi thcr fiietidh iili your correfpondetit g mends in this paftieuiar he aught to be more moderate but be this as it may it is indeed lamenta- u that what is fo materially the intcrcit of every body fnouid be io ihairefully nrglcc- icd viator malnto of a 74 with vihicli the victory appears to be clofely enga ged in the nitches two britilh ieamen wit implements of war and navigation hear with deep concern the fate of their hero the following inicription is from the pen of the right honorable richard brinfley sheridan hobatio viscount and baron nelson viceadmiral of the white and knight of the moft honorable order of bath a man amonlt the few who appear at different peiiods to have been created to promote the grandeur and add to the fecuruy of nations inciting by their high example their fellow mortals through all fucceeding times to purfue the courie that leads to the exaltation of our imperfect nature prov idence that implanted in nel- ions bread an ardent paffion for renown as bounteoutly endowed him with the trarnfeendent talents neceffary to the great purpofe he was deitined to accomplim at an early period of his life he en tered the naval fervice of his coun try and early were the initances which marked the fearlefs nature and enterprize of his character uniting to theloftieft fpirit and the juiteft title to felfconiidence a ftrict and humble obedience to the fove- reign rule of difcipline and fubor- dination riling by due grada tion to command he infufed into the bofoms of thole he led the val orous ardor and enthufiaftic zeal for the fervice of his king and country which animated imown and while he acquired the love of all by the fweetneis and modera tion of his temper he infpired an untverial confidence in the never- failing refources of his capacious mind it will be for hiftory to re- i 1 1 i t j x 1 improbable there may be a broil late the many great exploits thro li r 4uu a 1 r r- r i j on the con unent 1 his country which iolicitous ot peril and re- gardlefs of wounds he became lh glory of his profeiiion but it be longs to this brief record of his il- london sept 29 a privy council is expected to be holden at the treafury cham bers on tuefday next for the fur ther prorogation of parliament till the 1 3th of november to aflcm- ble then for the defpatch of pub lic bulinefs the urgent neceffity of additional fupplies is flated as the ground acknowledged by min- ifters for the adoption of this mea- fure peeled to prefide in perlbn at the council the weftindia coffee planters would be very materially benefit ed by the adoption of a meafure which has been fuggeftedby their agent for the confideration of min- ifters namely to direct the gene ral confumption of coffee in the navy and to grant permiflion for its exportation from the colonies in neutral slipping in return for fupplies imported in fuch veilels our port letters of yefterday we regret to ftate furniih a mel ancholy catalogue of fliipwrecks caufed by the fevere equinoxial gales which have prevailed during the laft three days within the laft few days the fol- owing arms and military ftores have been fent from the tower to be fhipped for malta and spain 1 5000 hand of arms 3000000 ball cartridges 3000 bils powder 50 tons lead one fhip load rock ets 2000 piltols 94 pieces brafs ordnance sooofabres and 20000 pii kcs extract o a letter from afcn- angel dated sept 1 1 to a mercan tile houfe i n new york to judge from appearances it is not il y it is faicl have 350000 men un der arms on the frontiers and if napoleon has jeiiure from spain and portugal he will in all prob- from a london paper berore equalled yet afterwards furpailed by his own laft achievement the battle off trafalgar fought on the 21ft of october in the year 1805 on that day before the concluflon of the action he fell mortally woun ded but the fources of life and fenfe failed not until it was known to him that the deftruction of the enemy being completed the glory of his country and his own had attained their fummit then lay ing his hand on his brave heart with a look of exalted resignation to the will of the supreme difpo- fer of the fate of men and nations he expired the lord mayor aldermen and common council of the city of london have caufed this monu ment to be erected not in the pre- fumptuous hope of fuftaining the departed heros memory but to manifeii their eftimation of the man and their admiration of his deeds- this teftimony of their gratitude they truft will remain i the conqueror in hlent grief as long as their own renowned city leplores her loft the recumbent hall exiit the period to nelsons fame can only be the end of time tjti j7 jd u7 jt ttl in rhe lift of fublci iptious in a late lon don paper for the relief of brftiih piilon- crs in fiance is the following a further iubfeription of feveral mem bers of the society of friends in different parts of the counuy per win berbei k ami win allen looo fterlifig total amount of fubleriptjon to the end of july laif more ihaii 6oooc lurliug or dolls 2666666 iultrious career to lay that he com- ui r j 7 a 1 ability attempt to enforce the lame manded and conquered at the bat- a- ymiyhw in w rt v j n 1 m earn res 111 ans counuy in which ties or tne nile and copenhacren r rll n a i r l he haslucceeoed 111 almoit ail oth- victones never berore equalled r i o r ers of the c ntxnent and as rut- ha will fubnit without a conteft wc may die the termination of the prcfent jeace whenever spain or portugal ihall be evacuated or lord nelson s monument in gutzbmall the pvramid in the back ground js to be the tomb of the immortal ncllbn decorated with naval tro phies the fruit of his victories while the female figure in the cen tre perforating the city of lon don in grateful remembrance of 1 he iignai fer vices rendered to his country perpetuates the memory ot his great actions to pofterity nnd imiihes with admiration the record of his laft glorious acrneve- britannia on the left fupported by a lion the lymbol of unfliaken courage is peniively mtiling over a portrait ment offtrallsar figure in the fore ground repre- enting the ocean roufed by the lame of his heroic actions partici pates in britannias forrow and re- vt for the heros fate the naval action in front of the pedeftal exhibits the fituation o the feet towards the concluflon of file hartle when the hero vas inor- ly wounded ly a fhot from the fubdued capt anderfoti arrived at phi ladelphia from cadiz informs that on the evening of the 24th of sep tember an embarkation of troops took place at cadiz and under the efeort of i 8 gun boats had failed for rota a french poll about 7 miles north of cadiz and before lie got clear of cadiz bay he heard the action commence but did not learn the iffue nciu torly kovemler 23 interesting ext rati of n letter from kingston jamaica to a gentleman in this city dated oct 20 sometime igo a itifpicious frenchman was taken up hre who could give but an iiu perfect account of himfclf and who was very flufli in money after leveral examin ations it was f unci that he was an emiilary of riband at t domingo came here on fome feeret buiinefs at the invitation of col la point a frcneh royalilt a rclident here who commanded a black rcginent in our jei- viee the laft war the trangcr was liberat ed mid fent ori ilie illand and eol la point made a piijomr m ins plaoe his lory limply this 1 tt mr shaw a merchant of this iflaud lately returned fiom england apprized him fa point that he was author- ili d by lord liverpool to concert medures wih the foeadg of ihc factions in st donnn- go 10 induce tiicfn 10 place theinfelves under the projection f gieatlii ilhi la point accordingly wrote at mr shaws mllance to riband to feud a eonftjcntial perfou hiiii- fi that vsis iii pcifub takjq up and no 7 fent off a criminal profecution is inflitu- ted againft mr shaw in the courts of j tice here for eland e line conefpondence in affairs of government uuamhonfed by the executive power of this colony and la point is kept a prifoncr till the caufe is de termined the gentleman to whom we are indebted for the preceding extracts has alio favored us with the following martinique 0c7 17 181 1 on the 10th inllant were executed at a polence alanglois fifteen piincipals 11 mulattoes two ol whom were haytian gen erals and 4 negroes in a plot formed for the iiring of the town and dellruclion of all the white men and fuch of the white ladies as were not deitined for a worfe fate oth ers of the chiefs are in prifon and fume few of the fame call not yet taken fo that i am in hopes or feeing another log ftring of fuch u dukes and genoata foon tuck ed up the plot had long iince been form ing and was on the point of commencing when it was accidental y discovered by an old mulatiref confeffiny to her piiclt her name is rdigioujly kept feeret some oi the chiefs had indeed usually commenced by demanding and fejzmg upon the arms ot the neigliborirr planters and but for the timely information received and the activity fliewn by the troops which checked the biig ands in the commencement of their hoiud career there would not perhaps in halt an hour been one white man ahvc to foil the difmal tale marlliall lav ins been pro claimed though from the rcltoiacion of tran quility it is confidercd hardly oeccury lnftirreftlon at guadeloupe by the arrival this fotcnon of tlie brig albiona captain waffon in 18 days from st croix we have received the fuliowing intelligence pojl st croix 0a 3 1 the st thomas packet has juft arrived riere and brings news of the difcovery o aa intended in furr eclion at paint i etre guade loupe the plot wi difcovcred abul an hour before it was to have been put ii execu- turn by adilpnte between the irrtenoed civil and military governors it is reported iliat ii infm gents had been fupplied with 5000 lands f arms from merchants at st bar tholomews the ringleaders had bteu fceu- red the man who whs to have been the civil frovernor was a moif davite a mer chant of confideiablc note at poiutpctie 1 he military commander was one ot einoupa aids and formerly an officer f erigineers name not known both thefe men had bccll allowed to remain en the idand on parole thty had not taken the oaths of allegiance to the biitili government from the united states newyork 9 nov 9 the rorged c er t1fic a tes it may be rcincmbcied that we- not longrfijice mentioned that two certificates of iix per cent flock one for 30000 dollars and the ci ther for 15000 dollars on being preicnted at the treafury were dis covered to have been forged that the regifter of the treaiury recol lected that fome years fince he had milled ibme blank certificates and that a certain clerk who had been difcharged from the office who had gone abroad was iufpected this fufpeccedman arrived at this port laft evening from liverpool and as the officers of government had long been upon the lookout and had difcovcred he as to land here they were prepared for him accordingly marfhal curtenius took the poffe with him laft eve ning boarded the fhip sc arretted his prifoner but alas this man had figured away in fuch ftyle in liverpool as to entice a beautiful c accompiifhed girl to marry him accompany him in his voyage to defcribc her diftreis amaze ment or his haute and guilty ap pearance is beyond the powers of the pen he is lodged in jail extract of a letter from a ienihcr of congnfs d tted j yt we have today reached ih ftid of the voluminous documents aecoinfianyinii the pi cfidt tts nuinc willi ulprlt to the correspondence between cireatbtiiain and the inited slates tttiilt piulellionsul liiiud- ihip ail esiwclfi ms oi d uacfv a- exehar