1 i 1 ill i tin f ii t f ihr il f- ithr il ll v i llu hi itltlv ili 111 ul luhytnie tlrllii lilies to ik lave i lin ffiitir it it illllo 11 i ill i imnd i- i l i a jiiiiiu isiixioill uilpoed it i k i i i i i i 1 1 i lt lotijiru hivc lccii given a- ltnl r ol lulljic lutinc mr fuf- of a 11 the officers of the american jhip and of others whom it was proper to fummm cannot it is prefunm leave a doubt in the mind of any one that t utl itok liwiitty u it captain bingham made the attack and u tll i wilt the lmu licit w a jujlifiablt eaife that commodore rodgcrs purfued a wjfel that had at firjl purfued him i- ipki tn hi pioultid mall fokjutijy tffl hailed her as foon as he approa- t the uccwpirttoii of weil florida by fw6ji rf r iiu- ihiiucl states 1 in cils jircienu muca 11 v i r tire unit anas which can be of no a- vail to captain bingham the unit ed states have a right to know the national character of the armed jhip s which hover on their coafl and whe ther they do it with frit ndly or illicit views it is a right inf par able from the fovcreigray of every independent to dtfpwc ami little for the coiilolmioii of thewtftfchuned ihittlmau the red patriot la fortuitous roneoui ie in j juinltlt of political utonis our fcliiiiit i it ion is found again in fioiiianct with the views oi ill 1iench kmonor the lift quebec gazette flutes the total number of clearances of veflcls from that port the prefent feafon to be 531 by london dates of auguft 3 1 ft it appears that another operation had been performed on sir j h craig his phyiicians were ofo- pinion that he could not outlive the winter 9 mercury fajhitmdu hats trimming from th i hulal stiitt gazette ukrit ivm ifjhfttttlt fiy r exclaimed a j l i a ft m t patiiic m i g maryland flats and intimately connected with when a coivmeieiil louie in ths ttty ailud tsl i j r i- 1 tllu tranquility and peace all na- tonrcls for k iivc to draw their hinds out ot nu the hands of liriulh uibjccla in st cum tions excrcije it and none with more and bung them tu tic uimed btuu hi fucii articles as could there be piouud 1 i lis b ills qneft ion which ltrpct ia ly occurs to cv- tiy tiiorouhgiu dcavotiai when about tu takii any po itic d ihp 4i what will io- napattc lay i wuld he onftnt that the jl pcrty of a puitiffi tllaiicl fhoiild be iniport- d iniu the tlnird stute- htcaufe illijj pens fl at an anicjieaii merchant has no other means left ofcolking a iirge dcht due to hub i what would boikipaut lay to our a- imodontug the piinciual of the oitinental iviicin to fave anieriean rjlcrchants trofn bankruptcy the veiy fugeilion is fo pre- pllcroiio that mr wright as an hofnd fuhject could nut do ot he wife than oppfe the reference ui fueh a petition to a committee is to he hoped that napoleon will he promptly informed of the manner in which continental fylkm is enfoued in this comtry particulahy in the cafe of a man c oarumpud topiocme fiilt ft qn jbffll fh u and who was hot by an ouvei of g tor m audacity it cannot ut ilu a favorable impicfiion on his mind rds us cfpeeially when it i uoliect- ti i he importation of the fait wb no vt- rf our 0ivt revenue laws as thit ani- rigor or at a greater dlfldnce from the coajl than great britain herfelf nor any en more jufifuible grounds than the united states in addition to the considerations which have re commended ihcfe precautions to other powers it is rendered of the more im portance to the united states by the practice of arrred veffehfrom the weji indies invijiing our coajl for unau- thorijld and even piratical purpofes inflames have alfo occurred in which the commanders of britijh jhips of war after imp refjingfe amen f rem a- vu riean veffels have concealed their names and the names of their fljips whereby an application to their gov ernment for the reparation due for outrages with the requifite cer tainty is rendered impraclicable for thefe reafons the conduct of com mo dor rodgers in approaching the little belt to make the necejjary enquiries and exchange a friendly falutc was c iy no duly no it was nurely to rffh correcl the prtfulnt therefore can re gard the a el of captain bingham no ihcrwife than as an hoflile crggrcf fion uu the flag of the united states and he is perfuaded that his brit an- 0 m r p c tun mc pimcijlcs of ile continental yttcrn by which every thing having a eiit- v u poenlxd that theomncler wis lllh ru rti i i j t i kefcj but the u don p ohably is that llic people aic nul ccpaily uiniiiia i ais biffufu nov i 5 letter received in this town dat ed liver pvl september ifays and profefediv on high auihonty that an order in coionil would loon be i flu- edy allowing the expoftatim f articles of britijh produce and muiufaclure from nrvnseofia and jcw-bruuf- leick to the uniud staid and the imperitithn of certain articles not yet j pi c if ed from the united states into ihojc provinces kingston tuesday 1rcsmbr 17 1 8 1 1 from a london paper of july injl the herculancum manufcripts every fcbolar antiquarian and lover of literature vk ill learn with pleafure that mr hayter the gentleman who was fait feveral years a- go to naples by the prince of wales for the purpofe of unfolding the antient manu- fciipts prefcrved in the ruins of herculane- udi has publifhd a repoitof hia miffion and labors this fplcndid volume contains an account with fpecimens and extracts and ninety fun r manufcripts or fac fimilcs of greek ard latin manufcripts prfented by the re gent to the uniuerfity of oxford and which are about being given to the world under tlie fupeivilion of mr hayter and the mu nificent patronage of the regent and the erudite chancellor cf that univeillty 6riginal epigram bonaparte among other projects to deflroy the commerce of great britain has turn ed his attention to extracting sugar from beets this gave rife to the following ive a fubftitute found fays bona no moie u of your sugar will i taftethe fweet very well fays john bull while i ufe the cane youre welcome ctough to get beet dem gazette it appearing that the experiment of ex tracting fugar from the btethas failed the following is added to the above cries bona in anguiih i find that my r 1 make heconfeflion fore writhing with pain on tiial piovcfl wanting in the prouuyd fweel no choice then ih left mc but to bear with the clint the fuhfci iberi have opcttcd and now offer for lie next doir to kourl walker m hotel an klfgant a150rtmfnt of the mol faffjtonable hats trimmings which they are determined to fell on the rrmft reafonable terms either whoh iae or re tail for cafli country pioduce or approved credit smith butte r worth n b old hats neatly dreffed on thejhorlifl notice tjcah paid fur fur 3c lambs wool sf kingston i iffi december 1 8 stray c 1 1 t j strayed from the palture of the fob- fcriber about the lalt of september two laft fpring colts the one a blafk horfe colt wi h a far in hi forehead and both hind feet white the other a light bay mare with a liar in her forehead ad both hind feet white whoever will return faid colts to the fubferiber at st dedricks bay near kingfton orgive information where tkef may be found fnall be handfomely rewarded for their trouble john l jackson dec 9 1 3 1 1 3 f 1 goods c bartlet has received a u complete affortment of dry goods limifir i 1 j mr editor i obfervfi that the american papers irom which you have taken the correipou- denee between mi monroe and mr toller by which t appears that the affair uf the chefaptake has been fettled have omiited a material pan of this corulpcndence name- y a letter from mr monroe incluliig a co py of the proceedings of the court oi inqui- t the conduct of vonuodore rogers and containing fume obfervati ns in extenuation of that conduct i now tlurefuic fend you atopy of that letter which your readers i dare ky wiih to fee a subscriber mr monrol to mr foster wlarive to the apfjiir of the little belt department of state oct u i8n have the honor to tranfmit to a copy of the proceedings of a ourtcf enquiry held by order of tl tccjidc nic majvjly viewing it in the fame lights will below on it the atlentm which it merits with great re fpcel and con f dera tion i have the honor to bejiryour moji obedient fervant james monroe auguftus j 1oitcr efq c the recent adj lift merit of the aflair of the cheiapeake is viewed at wailiington as the precurfor to a fet dement of all the differences fubfilung between the u states and great britain it isfaid that mr toiler has not only ample pow ers but has exprefied a willingnefs to enter on a negociation which ihall have for its object an accom modation of all the differences which have fo long and fo injuri- oufly impaired the harmony of the two countries and that in con- fequence of thefe amicable mani- feitations mr john o adams has been nominated by the pfefident as miniiler plenipotentiary from the united states to the court of london who is to be fucceeded at the court of st peterfburg by george yv erving now in den- cr the members of the epifeopal church are informed that the rev mr lanqhdrh pur- pofes to preach and adminifler the sa- crement here on sunday tlx 29th december injianl john cummiijo church warden kingston y 1 4 dec is i 5 2a 3t the firjl kingston afjembly will be on tuefday the 3 ft december injl dancing to commence at 7 oclock major fuller 7 gov in m hamilton r managers groceries crockery hard ware which he will fell vvholefale or erail at his ufual low jrices for cam of any kind of pro- duce alfo for fale poafos and plank i a few barrels flour of a iuperior quality for foniy ufe c t cafh paid for producr and advattccl on pioperiy cnnligiicd for f4c kingthm dec fa 181 tf f n wcdnefday night laft from on board lgyfe mircury yj a btltoo at lyons p6mt about te rathnnfl of 2 irfth water u6 rope and two oars whoeer will give informa tion of the thief hall upon fm coviclio- receive a reward of teft doll a rs from the fubfeibcr jos wise kingston nov fo is it p i j cvrr11kg the fubferiber rcfpectfully informs the public that he carries on the buunefs of currying leather at the hop of moses rogers in icingfton thofe whowilhto employ him in that buffnefs may depend on having it done in a workmanlike manner on reafonable terms and at fhort notice lea ther may be left at mr rogers in the vil lage or at the currving fhop wm wright edwd walker december 17 dec 3 181 1 3t 5 notice is hereby given to all perfons indebted to the fubferiber whether by book account bond bill or note that they jay the fame to no other pcrfon than him- lelfi unlefs by his order in writing j and whereas fome notes have been put into the hands of zn attorney to fue for without my confent thefe are to forbid fuch attorney gr attornies to fue in my name for the fame and further i do hereby forbid all perfons c editing or trading may wife mary tickell on my account as i will pay no debts of her contracting after this day nicholas i stickell kingston ltb dec 1811 e 2w notice all perfons are hereby cautioned a- gainft purchafmg a note execute by the fubferiber to jofeph emerfon in the month of february or march isic 30 faid note having been paid simeon morey dec 3 181 1 ur for sale a strong handfome ferviceable horse 6 years old fit for haines or saddle enquire of the printer november lo ify ii p oil if on p noti earthen glass ft i e explanation of the ivord news many perfons read newfpapers withoutat- tending to the importance oi the word nczus or the ideas it ought to furnifh us with in wj on the condnel of comno- tlie firit place as news comes from all quar- ters of the terraqueous globe fo the wo d it- feif dearly points out to us viz a north e eaii w weft s south fo thac no language in the world can furnih us with a word more expredive again when icriouf- ly coididerrd it recommends to us the prac tice of the four following virtues v a o- blenefs in oiu thoughts itquity in oc deal ings h ildotn in our c induct and sobvicty ib c rod in the late aiconittr bc- jbw a fri cf the unit j suns frcftjcnt mil bis hnlannic ma- nfult uftbk cnq tmiucted inputting in a mania r limit r is i mid ii i f- urrxtii ftdiimnv in our h s if pi jtcr ned by two of his majcftvs j u dices of the rease for faid dillria notice is hereby sven that a peering of his majellys jul tll of the peace for the diviiion of froute- na fc will be holdcn at the conrthoufe in pz town of icingfton at eleven oclock in tn forenoon on saturday the 28th of this p fent month for the purpofe of renewing tnc licences for the year next enfuing like- v for granting new licences to thofe who wl to make application for the fame all itm tavern and public ho ufe keepers will s their attendance ftccordinglv john darley hil cmfiabk kingston decemltr 12 lil c f i 1 he stfbfcribers rcfpectfuliy inform x their f lends and the public ih- 1 ihey iiave received by the late arrival- from liv erpool a general aitrtment of earthen glass ware which they offei for fale vvholefale and retail at their store no 50 st paul street lately occupied by james dunlop elq on as go d terms a can i had at any itore in this city ware packed in the bell nvamier and a liberal diev i made for cah cjcounry merchants and others are requeued to call green eaton mont real july s i o spafforlvs geogr atoy