ik of the ciliw srg vre aa ijdl lurachd m tie i i of in ire r m i- their mains to find out w i t nut for a sailor to trace 1 j will i to have it in doubt- t ccnti ent he who iirlt lent us to fra ui lore gand oluject m vicn i i from on uh he will ever fee me do iy duly aetf of the crew v a fwe2t lit pinnace aflftitd by dtftrefs 7ce leeti dafhd oil the breakers of woe i vouid ft to her aid couli a ohrlftiati do ida and rnaiifuily take her in tow stumii in ficknsfs and health to my love my fwettdj tivuh itorrrs moll tremendous pnrfue thty may burlt and my bluil but thy ne vci fhall bend frosli my dirty as or tv wild tvih impotent rage though bafe fac tions may tare i will ltill nle at equitys call and meeting the foe on the ambient wave diuntlef fight till they ft rike or i fall that eonrfe 1 will take thro the voyage of life which god feemsto point out and true to try country and law to my ft fend wy wife do my duty as one of the crew the woodman br dmdiw far removd from noie and fmck hark 1 1 hear the woodmans ftroke who dreams rot a he fells the oik what mffchief dire he brews how art may fhapc bis falling trees in aid of luxury and eafe tie weiglii no matters fuch as thefej lijt tings and hacks auc hewc perhaps now fclfd by this bold man tfee tnstf hiall form a fjjruce fedan or whtcbarrow where oyller nan so runs her vlgar rig the ftnge where boxers crowd iw flocks or elfe the quacks perhaps the locks orpolh for ftgnp or barbers blocks where frnilcs the parfoas wi- thou makvh bold peafant ah i what grief vv jhtaffti on which bangs rtwe tteiff the feat where fets the great lord chief the throne the coblers flail thou pampered life in every ftage mkft lollys whims prides equipage tor children toys crutches for age and coilins for us alh yet jtiilicelet m dill afford thefe chairs and this convivial board the binn that holds giv bacchus hoard confefs the woodmans llroke he made the prefs that bird the vine the butt that holds the gentrous wine the hall itfclf where tipplers join to crack the mirthful joke diversity sslesedfor the kingston gazette- advice to young ladies c urio si r i a fa c r the prefident mole de cham- phtreux was one of the moft emi nent characters in the parliament of paris his integrity was fo in corruptible that he merited the iurname of ariftides his perfect knowledge erf the jurisprudence of iiis country gave him a great pre eminence over the moil enlighten ed lawyers and his advice in dif ficult ohfeure matters was look ed upon as the moft certain and fafe by thefe qualifications his name was rendered famous and his merit was conlidered fo fuperi- or that his affociatcs far from be ing jealous confided implicitly in his impartiality the private and public charac ter of the prefident mole were e- qually laudable for having loft his wife in whom his happinefs was chiefly centered he under took the charge of his only daugh ter and iucceeded fo far that a- mchvs mind was cultivated with i thole good qualities which ren- er young perfons amiible be- 3 fulcs m acciwatc knowledge of her owii language flie could eak german and italian with regard to the englifli language he was fo well acquainted with it that ilie tranllaied into french the mat terpieces of the englilh authors her underftanding was not only enlarged by an acquaintance with all the practical fciences but what is ftill more valuable with the pre cious feeds of virtue thefe had operated on her heart fo admira bly that amelia was modeit with out affectation mild and engag ing w ithout timidity fubmiilivc without lofmg her dignity gene rous without prodigality 5 kind and condefcending to the fervants without familiarity attentive and refpectful to her father not only from a fence of gratitude but alio from that of affection tendemefs and love the only fault which her fath er had not been able to correct in her was curiolity extremely de- firous of knowing every thing fhe would not let the leaft thing pais in the houfe without enquring in to the particulars if the heard a double knock at the door file ran to the window to fee who it was if a carriage entered the yard ilie was immediately hanging over the ftaircale to hear whether it was a vihter or fomebody on bufmefs if a vifitor ihe would run down ftairs and be at the carriage door before the fervants of the houfe if fomebody on bufmefs fire con tinued running backwards and for- wards from the itaircafe to her room from thence to her fathers i antichamber then down ftairs to enquire of the fervants who it was and on what bulincfs they came the prefident having of cm fliewn her the impropriety offueln ntaii iiciioiisj amelia dared not apply to him when ihe wanted to be informed of any thing but u- fed to bribe his secretary by whomj ilie was informed of all that was tranfacteel in her fathers office thus her inconfiderate curiolity not only rendered her culpable but corrupted the fidelity of her fathers confidants the prefi dent who had feveral times dif- covered that his daughter was ac quainted with fecrets which he thought were improper to be en- trufted to her could not conceive how fhe came to the knowledge of them when i fay fecrets do not flip- pofe that the prefident improper ly withheld any tiling from the knowledge of his daughter on whom he fo fondly doated on the contrary his great pleafure was to converfe with his amelia on all the affairs of the family and he entruited her with the manage ment of all thole matters which he could not attend to himfelf or which belonged to her department- the fecrets that he kept from her were not his own they were ei ther thole of the ftatc or of pri vate people which he could noi have difclofed but at the dangei of his life or his reputation one maxim which the prefident main taincd was that he who violated a fecret entruited to him deferred punifhrnent ten times more thar he who robbed you of your prop erty it was for this reafon that he would never abufe the confi denccrepofed in him by the pub lie by relating to his daughter af fairs which were of no concern u her m mole had more than one explained this diftinftion to aim r whofe good fence never railed to went to fo rcalonable a difcrc- tion but tho fenliblc of the truth and propriety of her fathers representations her iniatiablc cu- riofity brought her always to the from the yrv tori counljn cure for the oout sir having had the honor of being personally acquainted with sir jofeph banks whole fame as a circumnavigator is fo well famevintthat of wanting to a circumnavigator is 10 well know every tiling 5 fo difficult is known i was in company with o rrf ria of the habit of curiof- him one evening when with fome this meetinir was held it to get rid of the habit of curiol ity when it has once been con tracted about the 10th of auguit1792 the moft conliderable men in the government held a meeting to de liberate upon the deplorable con dition of france and came to a refolution to proteft againft all in novation at the prefident mole de champla- treuxs houfe and as the refolu tion to be taken was of the higheft importance there was a numerous and refpectable affembly the fit ting was prolonged until 8 in the morning you cannot conceive the impa tience and curiofity of amelia du ring the time of the deliberation she did not let a fingle fervant pais without enquiring the number of perfons at the meeting the time of their arrival and the motive of their remaining fo long as the fervants knew nothing of the mat ter the lefs fhe could cret from them the more was her curiofity inflamed during the whole of the night fhe could not iliut her eyes nay fhe could riot even lie in bed but walked a hundred times from her apartment to the door where the company were delibera ting o about one oclock in the morn- in g flie heard the door 01 en and iiiw her father conducting two young magiitrates very fecretly to wards the garden door the latter were carrying a leaden box appa rently very heavy- at this fight the heart of amelia throbbed with joy flie followed them at a cliit- ance and perceived them digging a hole about feven feet deep in the garden into which they put the box after this they filled the hole which they covered with grafs that no appearance might be amelia obferved every circum- ftance and when fn faw them returning flew back to the top of the ftairs and retired to her cham ber selector jto be concluded next r other gentlemen he was difcourf- ing on the fubjeer of the gout in his jiomach and i then heard him al- ledge that it was to be prevented by the uie of ginger he affirmed this by his own experience hav ing been fubjecl to frequent at tacks of the difeafe for fomc years he feared it would at length prove fatal as he had felt fomc fymp- toms of it in the ftomach from his own knowledge of the virtues of the root he tnfufed beaten ein- ger in all his drinks and from a continual ufe of this fimple meth od totally eradicated the com plaint soon after this affertion he very humanely inferted the re ceipt in the london morning poll and as the friend of mankind you will undoubtedlv follow his exam- pie by giving this communication a place in your paper from fir your moft obedient a correspondent fr the root fhould be genuine and therefore ouidit to be ground o drunkmncfs cured a farmer in england who had been many years in the practice of coming home intoxicated from a markettown one day obferved appearances of rain while he was in market his hay was cut and ready to be houfed to fave it he returned in hafte to his farm before he hacttaken his cuftomary dole of grog upon coming into his houfe one- of his children a boy of fix years ojd ran to his mo ther and cried out o moth er father is come home and he is not drunk the father heard this exclamation and was fo fevcrely rebuked by it that he iuddenly became a fober man dr rujik or beaten by thole on whom you may depend as that purchaied at the druggifts is too often adultera ted and confequcntly not fo effi cacious o j dr letsoru- this gentleman belongs to the society of friends and is noted as a phyiician in london- one day having ftepped out of his carriage to vifit a patient an arch wagpaf- fing and knowing it was the doc tors carriage wrote upon it the c following jeu d esprit when folks arc nek they come to me 1 phyfics bleed and wests cm if after that they chance to die why then you fee lefomt an honeft hibernian who flood hftening to the remarks of a large crowd col 1 ccted in fi nibu rylquare a cv nights fince to view the comet which is now the object o fuch general curiofity after having heard many wife comments on the nature of comets and of the dan ger which was to be apprehended mould one approach too near the earth at length excited the aft on- ifhmcnt of the multitude by de claring in the moft folemn man- ner that le had often ronjlcd pota toes by the tail of a comet in ire land i london paper the late dr brown courted a lady feveral years unfucccfsfully during which time it had been his conftant cuftom to drink the ladys health before that of any other but being obferved one evening to omit it a gentleman wilhing to re mind him of it aid doctor come drink your ufual toaft the doctor replied i have iqjlcdhcr for feveral yean and eatft male her brown fo vii tonjl her no htigt at the fuperior court of bald win county a mrs palmer who fcems to have been rather glilrof the tongue was inclined tried convicted and i purfuance of the fentence of the court was pun ched by bring publicly ducked in the oconee foxscolding augufia llcridd printed anil puaidcj bf stkwirn rnurs a few doom eaft ot walkkrs llotii prict fifteen jbilliiigs pr ann cjr fir r in fix months and r th j yit- jvv vr 0 j hutuljhmfh t utnl lhit