Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 24, 1811, p. 1

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kingston vol 11 kingston upper canada gazette 9f tuesday december 24 1811 no 6 land for sale thic follnwin valuable t oln of land in the townllvip ol predci fcfctbnrghj arc offered for fau ivy the fubferibr vja cat number fix in ihe fill couccflum 3litionil lot number twcrtyfivc in the fourth conceflion los number two and three othenvitc cilal low number twenty lix and twenty kvei in the thud concejfton rrf the gore rickilld cartwight sbrriff salk merchant againil the lands and tenements hi samuel rofcjlate of maryfbuihyeorikflj to medirced j have fcied and taken in execu tion a belonging o the laid samuel role tne weft hilf of tot jo 2 in the full coneef- win of thetovilhip uf maryfbuigh weft of tot rock containing by aduieafurcmetit one hundred acresbe the feme move or lefs i 00 hereby give mtice that the abovemen- tioned lot of laud with rhe appurtenances nditicmsof ftlewiil be made jtnowtl charles stuart srjj and evry perfou or prfons having claim w dteront 1 i i i s i sin kirrs sa1k n j v viuiiir 1 wilt r i run i iatu illued mr-1v- clml ol k lunch tiiiltil j mws kimini ti the town of ivlljumtim the lands and ten- rm uf auo anihy nf the tnwnfhip of jywitoiif yionwn to roe dmtld i have liiulahltikii in evcaitou as belonging riiefmanos adcv the north half of lot tiu k f ihe loiidconeellion ul the town- 1ni of kindlon eontwiung by admcafure- mc one lunurcd acres be the feme more or cis- anther with a log houfc 5 framed hat n ttetwn ereactb li hereby give notice that the above mentioned lot ol laud with the building and appurtenances th reunto be longing will be fold and adjudged to the mrfttb bidder at my office in the town of kmgfton on tut way the third day of march next at the hour of ten oclock in the fire- noon at which time and place the conditions pf fale will be made known charles stuart sfajfi and every per ion or perfens having claims on the above deferibed lot of land by mort gage or other right or incumbrance are here by advertffed to give notice to the laid sher iff at his office in the town of kingllon pre vious to the tale thereof sheriffs office 2el march 1 8 1 1 28 a new goods 000000- i jonas abbot s thn day receiving from montreal a new fupply of fall winter goods which he offers for fale at his shop in kingllon viz superfine t second f- j5 lowpnvd superfine tths forreft cloths hunters do swan kin flufhws kerfeyu and caili- meres baizes flannels velvets corduroys thickfetts and drab bromfwck cord felice cloths bath coatings 3 point blankets black cambric mulbary do slate do co ord do silk chambrays cotton do cambrick nfuflins milid mitts childrens llockings european tippets fancy fafhes scarlet comforts white f blk laced veils fancy flowers m cambrick prints eff calicoes from 9 to 2fy per yard gentleirens iik wa ter pi oof hats caltor rorum y cordies do youchs cif childrens felt do ladies btavei iff furr bonners mens fine shoea boys do do do coarfe do black silk baree- womens double lea ns hankerchiefs therd do silk sc cotton ma- do leather flips drafs do do morocco do cotton do do kid do do red turkey do girls leather do do bandannas do childrens icaimr t 91 beaver do do lined do uis cinnamon e do 84 64 table morocco booteens ci thi ladic silk ilalnt loaf lump jf muf- glovca covado bnur whitccanibiick du tea coffee ij choco- kid do late jamaica fpirits st ciix do gentlemens allotted port wine do gin shrub plain white filk flecvcs coffc cordial tambord do do do noyeau do cotton do do am ladies gtntlcmcns cloves silkhofe pp worlted do pimento cotton do almonds lambs wool y hoft raiiins wcrlled do do currants galhion ribbands bottled milliard silks cotton ferrets rappee cephalic sewing fiik afforted scotch bnuff nuns thread patent do platillas india cottons tow sheeting and bed tick apron checkd striped cottons cr iff ginger pigtail plug and lmoaking tobacco segars c williston cit co have laidy received a niw stjjiy of stocky nid wow offer for fale mi good cvwj anaitortment otgintlemeks and ladies saddles which are warranted to be well made and of a fupcricr al harneflcs bridles and various otier kinds of work in their line rsvairujg done on ibort notice and ev- er favor cheerfully acknowledged hingstony nov 15 18 it to be sold hphe one half or if beft fuirs the prrcha- h ur thai ralxhiml muke 1 mirvfhoeg gb wnrujk vi it cs m cr ilinrli one fipcifini 3n4 tvo lonnmn bultf and rhicuci aces of land wrh aboui 50 aes mpmv o- the prrmoi irar the mim i a good uwttll n w k nirtfn nna 3 u oil ftc lomtt ftotw mi 1 run vtv- iit houfc orly adjoin- fntt th i fi tlvnci horfvi be- icii tneinwkirtnifii wlllcnywn l jvd uav ie alohhuftown mmui v vivui rftm linceed oil white lead do do ground in oil black brown green spanifh brown do do lead iff drab bom- patent yellow do do bazettes pruigan blue brown holland tjmber copal iff dimities gum hell lac imperial iff common 8d iod 1 3d 2j tl tapes nails blk velvet ribband shingle do do silk do do cut brads imperial is common 6x8 7x9 7x8f shirt buttons f 8x10 glafs mitd fcarlct caps putty iff englihglu worfted cotton lin- iron iff steel ed io blackfmiths anvils dutch knotted gloves iff vices mitd woolen do sheet iron lambs wool do screw augers afforted with a general aflbrtment of hard iv are iff crockert barley and sugar candy magnclia jefuits drops camels hair pencils refined liquorice if lopwood camwood jiff lemon flor sulpher roll brimilone nutmegs iff cloves cinnamon iff mace steers opodeldoc godfreys cordial uritifhoii haarlems do wheatons itch oint- copperas ment allum do jaundice bitters bine vitriol e billions pills nut galls coits do do indigo iff fig blue also at peter davies in erncft town a general aflbrtment of dry goods groceries hard ware arid crockery all of which will be fold at very reduced prices for prompt pay conllant attendance will be given orders executed wnh def- patch and goods put up in the bed manner and the fmallell favor gratefully acknowled ged kingston t november 1 6 1 8 i 1 i for sale by the subfcriber excellent comae brandy h c thomson nov 2d i s i r nphe fubfenber having obtained letters jl f adminilhation for the eftate of the late dcftur john gamle of kinglon dcveafed requeils all thole who have any claims on the faid etlate to render their ac count properly authenticated on ov before the full uf june next in order that fome ar- uuiljcintnt may be made with them and all uoe indebted to faid eftate are requeltedto pay the fame to the fubfcnhu that he may be prepared to lay a ilatement ol ile ellate before the creditors isabella elizabeth gamble adminijhahfs kingston november i 5 il i it for sale a lot of land in the town- ilrip of hamilton diftridt of newcaf- tle being lot no 29 in the firft conetllion haudfomely fituatcd two miles welt of the couit liuufe and containing 200 acres 40 aeres of which are under good improvement and well fenced with a good iocthoufej 18 by 24 a logbarn and an orchard of ico ap ple trees thereon a good title will be giv en and the terms made known by applying to isaac hagerman hamilton augujl 21 1 8 1 1 3150 gdrcheap goods i the fubfenber informs the public that be has jufl received an ex- tenfive and well chofen aflbrtment of dry goods grocepjes which he offers for fale at his store next door north of mr patrick smyths at the molt reduced prices h c thomson a ding for mrst george oftorl rthe higheft price given for all kinds of country produce in exchange for goods sept 16 181 1 new books public notice midland dilricl ty virtue of a war- to wit jj rant tn m dtrefted frgned by two of his majmlvs jufticc- of the peace for faid diftria notice is hereby given that a meemng f hi majcftys jf- tices of the peace for the divifion of froute- nac will be holden at tlie courthoufe in the town of kinjfton nt eeven oclock in the forenoon on saturday the 23th of this prcfent monh for the purpofe of renewing the licences for the year next enfuing like wife for granting new licences to thofe who wifh to riake application for the fame au inn tavern and publie honfe keepers will give their attendance accordingly john da rle y high covjlabk kingslm december 12 is 1 1 fajl afhionable hats trimmings atn drugs medicine as ufual among which are the following spit its turpentine turlingtons bauon salt petre of life crem tartar dalbys carminative aquafortis iff oil cluuches cough vitiol dops sweet oil hoopers female cflor do pills glauber salts andcrlbus do camphor aunatto arrow root lamp black pen i barley jory do s blk ml just received from montreal and for fale at the gazette orice addifons works mfarlands view of herelies life cf jofeph pleafures of reafon seafona in england ira and ifa- bella a new novel character of george 3d porneys frencli spellingbook french vocabulary childs spellingbook worlds difplayed porteuss evidences of the chi iii ian religion bihw te a amenta watts pfalms and hyrrns plalteis childrens books catet hifms ac the fnbfcubers have opened and now oiler for fole next door to rofarl walhss hotel an klecant assoptmemt of the mofc fajhionahle hats sc trimmings which they are determined to fell on the moil reafouable terms either wholcfaie or re tail forcaih country produce or approved credit l smith lutterworth n b oa hats neatly drctlld en thsjhortejl notice j caih paid for fur lambs wool kingston yh december 1 81 t f stray colts strayed from the peitore of the fuh- fcriber about the lalt of september two lall fpring colts the one a black horfe colt xh a tar in his tureiiead and both hind feet white the other a light hay mare with a liar in her forehead aj btb hind feet whlcc- whoever will ictwm faid cidistiirihn fuiuwhitu stdedricls tly near kingllon orgive information where they may be fmnd hall be lundiumcly tewarded for their trouble john l jackson dec 9 181 1 4 3w frefh goods sbartixt has received a complete allortment of dry goods liquors groceries crockery hard ware which he will fell wholcfaie or etail at his ufual low prices for cafh or any kind of pro duce alio for fale boards and plank f a few liarrels flour of a fupcrior quality for family ufe cafh paid for produce and advanced on property configned for fale kingston dec 3 181 1 3tf curming the fubferiber refpcclfully informs the public that he carries on the bofinefs of currying leather at the hop of mosrs rogers in kingilon thofe who with to employ him in that bufinefs may depend on having it done in a workmanlike manner on rcafonable tcrrm and at fhort notice lea ther may be left at mr rogers in the vil lage or at the currvin hop wm wright dec j isit 5t4 earthen glass ware t u blattic viw bctvfca for sale at this office a sermon on foe death of the rev johm stuart d d preached at kingilon 25th angull iii sy the rev johs sthjctrsittj d d ie snbferibers tefpeftfully inform their ftiends and the putdie tht they have received bv the late arrival- irom liv erpool n general aflbrtment of eirthi- iff glass waiie which they offer for ide wholcfaie and retail at their store no 50 st piytl street lately occupied by jarrf dtmlop eftj on as god terms 1 cm bo had at any lore in this city war packed in the bell maimer and 2 liberal diicount made for ch tcourury merchants an others are requcfted to call green si eaton montreal yv ii z

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