Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), December 24, 1811, p. 2

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miscellany f tb x z n k reckoner no 42 fjns it ulh cuhitia curs pnfltfjre habitant modi trjflifipi scic8as v mfii e malifuada fame a turph ttrnwu fifa fornix tftctu it is fbmewherc afkrtethat manmay with matt troth be defiiied animal capttx jlatffftm titan minimal sahata and the iu- ilmccs of human fofly that ccur at all uwsand jphure- and in vnnvties without end abundantly prove that our fpecies hfiwevcr capable lliy may le of occaiiomd excrtfonj of the rational faculty cannot bonlt of being very ocwlily undci n iniiirotcci its dominion over the pfiiona is at belt pre- carious and can only be acquired by a pa- tieut attention and vigilance which nut many in difpojd to exert and rllttfl be continued by inch a icttled habit as few r3tc perlcvcr- ancv enough to acquit e unfortunately our 1 abjts arc generally on i he other fide and fome of them lwv a tendency to deprive us even of the etaeuy irfclf this is particu larly the cafe wirh thofe who indulge to ex- cefs in the ufe of intoxicating liquors a drukcn man is in a hate of temporary in finity and capable rf coirmitting any scl of vldhiice or extravagance to which any other lunatic might be imptued notable inftail- ce of tils kind aie to be found in hittory alexander the great in one drunken i burned tlie miifuent metropolis of the peilian empicaud hi another imudered his friend and though it is not at ordinary drnnkatdd to make i onhrcs of capital cities nfances are not wanting to flicw that to friiliatea friend in a drunken fiolic is not the peculiar prerogative of heroes thcfe it nny be laid are extieme cafes and j readily aduit that the burning of a town is itnc a common prank that a bottle or i candledck is iomcurnes hurled with out effefi stwi a blow from them is not bi ways mortal and tht at theft orgies there arc generally fome leis frantic than the alt vhufc interpolhinn may for the moment prevent fewions mifchief but it will not be denied that the caufes of many of the mur ders committed in the fadii mable mode of roauflayiog by dul originate in the petu lance promptd by iutempcatc drinking theft woilld be atoned for bv th indian a- pologv the rum did it rather than ex- pblcd by bbod if the ic tinning hwuhy were allowed to aflame fts proper influence afer fucii temporal y fufpculion but even where no fnch tragical coufequeuces as tlicie are the refut innumerable evils fail not to mfue and deflrov much of the comfort of human life forow the drunkard from the tavern 01 other feene of intemperance to his home bee the fcnfibilitv of his wife woun- ted by the degrading fit nation in wlrich the fees the man the loves and once elieemed jf there be any latent rmirofcncfs of temper m him it is lure to break forth slum id 3117 provocation real or imagined occtr he ah- ilafus not from abufe nor lometimes even from blows wis children are terrified and that which ought to be the temple of peace and domed ic i appinefa is converted into a theatre of the wildeft difurder jf the prac tice is pcrfifted in till it grows into a habit the mifery ends not here lluin follows like an armed man and the family on whom plenty and profperity once im tied find pov erty with its attendant diuveite flaring them in the face thcfe are no exagtrated pic tures no creatures of a gloomy imagina tion t lie realities pete rhemfelvea upon our daily nbftrvation and fonuiinies under more difmal forms than thofe which i have pou rt rayed and form one of the mod abun dant fourcei of human mtfcry the lacedemonians are faid to have ocv cafjonally made their lives drunk and in that dale to have exhibited them to their children that the ddguitfng appearance might infphe their youji with averlion and ia the inlcreiling hiitory of prince lee boo an amiable native of one of the pelew ih- ajidsj an account is given of the effect produ ced on an ingenuous child of nature by the fight of a drunken man for the firlt time an incident at macao gave him an a- verfion to all kinds offpirits one of the ieamen bcfn much intoxicated lee boo fuppolng hirn very ill in great concern ap plied to mr sharp the fiirgeon to relieve iim on being informed of the nature of lis ailment and that it was merely the tffea ox a liquor in which common people were apt to indulge and would foon go off of it f- elf his anxiety fubfided but he would never aftcrwafdfl even talle fpirits with us the fighl has become fo familiar a3 to lofe its ef fect and vvt are hardly fhocked at it when prcfcfjted to our view under appearances the inoit loathsome i have more than once heard a moil ref- necdle clergyman now no more relate hat whin he was refiding at fort hunter w v to the mobrwk indian lie fonn ore ws inwnts was ilaar ft c i his fohrifty that he could rttthffl vettovi ig ofl biffl the kiklicfl praife for vittnc b uncommon ifiac modellly ifped vou ac very good father to en- teitfir fo favtirable an opinion of me but 1 have no merit in beintr fobtr 1 love rum as we as other indians do but wlicir 1 drink it i become a madman and might kill my friend or my wife or do fome other dreadful mlfchiefthat would afterwards make me nulvrable however rrodedly ifaac might thinkid hinfclf for thii habit of felt denial 10 abliain from a fjvorif gratilica- ton 011 account of ilie evil confluence it2t flliw from indulging in it is the btlclt triumph of eaf6ii and in the fcale of juft edimation paces this untutored indian far above the celebrated macedonian hero who though he fubjjgated all alia was not maf- tci ofhimfelf from bells ifecfy mejfcnpr f0 berries prelenting one of the moll j- derb objects which the ingenuity of man can life or which the fancy of the fpedator mr sadiirs ascent in his balloon this venerable and intrepid britifll ae ro ant made liis feventceoth excurfion into the legicins of air on monday from the oar- dens of the mermaid tavern at hackney lie was accompanied in his flight by lieuc paget of the navy the gentleman who was to liau afcfnded with him from cambridge but who from unavoidable circurrdaices did not go up tn c fame of mr sadler fpreatl wide and near and being the only entliftl traveller wio ever ventured io many times to mount aloft the rccolleciion of the nairow efcape he had in july 1810 when be afceuded from undo of being ictfi in the fea into which he fell with in ballom added to the ferenity and beauty of the day occafioiied an imrncnfe crowd of fptetators to flock fiom all paitiof the metropolis and the adjacent couiuis to witncfs his flght but no one time within oir memory from the afcent of the brll aerial travcllericen in england lu- nardi down to the prefenr did we ever wit ncfs curiofity fo mini on the alct thfl load to the mermaid at a very eaily liour wa- lined wiili carriages and hoitcmen of all detcriorions fiom the tilled peer to the hum- bhcahbdge venders and with refptfl to the peddiiau the fame variety of character and dcfcripiion of perfbda trod the footpath in deed to extrvnitfly thronged were all tlie roads fnrm town and fiotn the caflward part of the countiy that the paftage was com plete y blocked up for a considerable time the neceflavy precautions had been taken by mr sadler to prevent the itr roper in trusion of perfons into the gardens of the mermaid by th introduction of a proper number cf peace officers out fide and infide and by the timely aid and affillance if the tovrcr hamlets militia which regiment with confidcrahle difficulty kept the ground and at the ante tinc good orckr the balloon had been previoufly broooht from the pantheon to the gardens whufcer tin bands containing the inflammable gas ncctitary to be ufrd in filling it were placed about eight oclock in the morning the men employed in tls department began the ope ration which under the direction and fuper- intendance of mr sadler continued till iar half pad one oclock when the proeds was completed vvivcn the balloon was fuffi- citntly inilated the appearance was inch as to call forth the mod decided approbation from at c3 3000 ipedators within the gar- et though this appearance of rhe bal loon was truly grand when the car was brought into the gardens to be appended to the balloon its beauty and brilliancy drew forth an involuntary burft of applaufe which may well be conceived when we give a hunt ikctch of its einbellifhrnentsh the balloon h precifely the fame onlv freft varnidied as when mr sadler afceud ed at cambridge but the car is fplcndid in the extreme it is an entire new one and decorated in an appropriate manner for the day the anniversary of the prince regents birth it is lined with beautiful yellow lilk of the richelt texture and fitted up with c- quifitely elegant cufliions of lb fame color the covering is cotton of azure blue dud- ded over with iars of mod brilliant appear ance a wreath of acanthusleaves intei mix es the bottom of the car which is adorned with crimfon velvet and the outfide difplavs a rail of chinefe fiet work carved in the mod curious manner gilt and covered with ciimfoti velvet and enriched with gold bor- dcring at each end of the car are depof- ed the prince regents plumes finely wor ked in gold cloth and adorned with a varie ty of oak leaves of acorns c the cano py which is termed ovci the car is of q con ical foim compofed of rich crimfon lilk the top of which h furmouuttd by a rich cor onet and eollly plumes of ilor the bafe formed by u cormccj to wlich tin bui- can hope to fee reulied tlie csr having been affixed to the balloon about half pall two oclock the travellers meltrs sadler and lieutenant pag et ac companied bv feveral fi icnd pafled through the crowd of fpeitators to the tuge accom panied bv the landard or flag bearers 1 hey were received with loud fliouts of applaufe which evidently made great impreffion upon mr sadler the neceltary ballall having been flowed in the car and the whole being ready for afceiidmg the two aerial travellers pieparedto take their feats another in voluntary burft of applaufe broke forth which was reeclioed from the tops of the fur- rounding houfes and from the people in the flreet at 20 mfnutes before three oclock 1 hey took their feats mt sadler ftepped in hrfij and the lieutenant immediately fol lowed he cords which till this time had been kid by about 30 men to prevent the balloon from afcending were let go and the men hung upon the car in order that the balloon might be removed from the fpot where it was filled to fome little dillauce that in afcending it might clear the trees and at tho fame time afford the fpeftators a fuller view of the afcent exactly at eigh teen minutes before three oclock the fignal being made they let go their hold aid the balloon gradually arofe clearing the trees in a flow 3nd truly majeflic manner mr isadlerand lieut paget fainting the fpecla- tors as they afceuded the fpeaors return ing their falute by reiterated fliouts of ap- plaufe and clapping 6f hands in this man ner the balloon kept flowly afcending tak ing a southeai direcliori for near 20 min utes during the whole of this time the tra vellers were diitinftly feci by the naked eye mrsadfcr waving hisfljg and the lieut waving hi hat to the great fetisfacrn of the fpicbtors tlie balloon then afcended higher flill keeping in fight for upwards of ten minutes until it became no larger in ap- pearnce than a bird and at length was loil to the view the biiiliancy of the balloon and car the majedic appearance in its afcneoo and the coolnefs and intrepidity difplaycd not on ly by the venerable aeronaut b tit by the no viciate in travelling the airy regiumq werr lltbc3 ol tijiiverlatiiu whih they remained in light ar i long a in the m3y af- cenfiona of aeronauts waa never witnefled ci- tbfr in garnet in or in lunardi certainly ijoth men of courage and fit ill more ot fclf- pofleffion of the latter quality than was c- vinccd by mr sadler and wh refpeft to the grandeur of the object in the air we never aw nny balloon which difoaved to tin light fo fublime an idea of aerial travel ling for the venerable aeronaut fectped to manage the balloo at pleafure jd 11 ling the procefs of filling and until the afceniion the band of the tower ham lets continued playing fome beautiful airs they were rationed near the aficmbly room the genera espreflion of the fpeclators when the travellers were beyono their fight was an exprefilon of humanity and feeling for their fafe return in which fentiment ive iin- cerely participatcd it is impoffiblc to defcribe in adequate terms the feene which was prefemed all the way to town on the return of the fpeftators upon rnaktng the molt moderate calculation the roads contained nearly one hundred thou- fand perfons of all iexes age and condi tions in the vicinity of the mermaid fuch confufon was created from the impofilbihtv of fool paitcngcra making thefr way feveral perions were thrown down and much hurt feveral ladies fainted and for feveral min- uuv fo completely wedged were the people that they could not pais on the confjion was greatly heightened by the vafl number of carriages which occupied the high road into which the palfrngcrs wertf forced by the rapidity of the pieitutv w have not heard of any ferious accident and w lincerely hope not any hna occurred mr sadler was jrcited fa black lieut paget wore a blue coat and nankeen panta loons ftem ti lonihn paper match aahij timcux wil- ar4 dtdukcitrcer oxforelroru undertook ycitcrdav morning to driven horfc under 14 hands drawing 6 hone to rudenhead ni an hour and three quarters for a wager of too guineas and i fc- cond wafer that ie penormed u miles in thefirft hour for half the original ftakc the morning was very unfavorable but the driver did the 15 mites in four minutes under the hour but t lie animal lagged in going the 19th mile and wa beat at the 26th thediltance to maidenhead is c6 miles a angular circumftance occur red at a church at the weft end of the town on saturday laft a couple were married for tlie third time t he firft tkre the ceremo nies were performed the parties were under age the feconcl time the licence was filled up in the wrong name this rendered ano ther licence neceilary and the cer emony was performed a third time remote pugitifts the late con- teft between molincux and crib has awakened the heroifm of 3 fe male and an american who has challanged the britiih fair to com bat an iridi woman odrn- nell not liking to hear our britiih laffes vaunted over by a foreigner has accepted the challangc the battle it 15 fuppofed will be fought in the grove at hackney it- be ing the property of a gentleman who fupports the irifli lafs on the 2 1 ft of this month the females of hackney fecm very much inter- cftcd and betting runshiirh boxing a tremendous pitched battle for 50 guineas a lido was fought on saturday at knowie heath bucks between bah col- man a bargeman and geo lovcl a coachman and a reputed tiiilkr the conteit was maintained with an obftinacy never excelled for one hour thirtyfive minutes when both were carried ofl the ground without deciding the battle tlu combatants were twelve ftonevnen round hat d hitters but without feience from the united states new lori november 28 latest foreign news received by the jhip martha capu gardner ii appear that lord wiihom bentwfck late brililh miuillcrat sicily has had along aditnee ivttn the prince regent and has returned io that country with the final de termination of the britifh minillry lartre quantities of military lores are rea dy at plymouth to be feni to jcrfcy and gurrnfey a cartel arrived from mortals about the middle of october with an amer ican meftengfcr with defpatches to our charge des affaires in london- london off 5 a mediation is determined on and appointed between spain and the american colonies theeng- liih gentlemen are named in the laft gazette among whom we ob- ferve mr moricr lately our charge daffaires to the u states it is reported that bonaparte meditates the invalion of jerley with an army of 30000 men from the port of cherbourg advices to this effect have been lent by lord liverpool to general don who have taken the necelfary pre cautions it js however probable that tlie object of ihe french ar mament is very different from that which it feems to threaten oefobcrs the account from 1 he french coafc flare that bonaparte has caih- tcrcd the admiral of the boulogne flotilla in cdniequcncc oftjic tail- ufe ofhe attack on the naiad ir is aifo reported that the scfirhli fleet is completely ready lor ai iv isdailycxpecutltoarteiiipt irtlliji out to tea ii faid thai in ua-

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