vol ii kingston upper can ad a j land for sale the followiiw valuable lots of land in i be tcwnfhip of frederiekfburgh are offered for fale bv the fubfaiber via lot number fix in the iiril conccfuoft additional lot number twcivfive in the fourth conctfuon lois number two and three otherwife crded lots number twenty v and twenty feven in tfo third c ncdkon of the gore richard cartwright dec a 1811 nx re vf a writ of sheriff- sale midland dylric tjtrfrtl i j j35ifbjbbfacd out of his majcflys court of kinds bench a the fait of peter grant of the town of kingllon antrchaiit againifc the lands and tenements of ikfimel role late of ivlaryfburyhjveoman to le dherfled 1 have feized and taken in ekctu- tkm ys belonging to the faid samuel role he wet iwlf of lot no 2 in the fiiaft concef- ticm of the town hip of mary bur gh i weft cf the rock containing by adxiuafrjiciftcut one hundred aeres be the tame nore or lefs i do heicbv pfve n nice that the abrvemen- tames lot of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging will be lid and adjudg es to the bigheit bidder at my office in the town of king en on tuefday die third day of march nct at the hour of ten oclock m the forenoon at whkh time and place the conditions of lale will be made known c h a jl l es st u a rt skrjf and every perfon or pevfons having claims n the above deftjibed lot of land by mort gage cr other right or incumbrance here by advei tiled to five notice to the faid sheriff at ins met m the town of kingllon previous to the fale thereof mrifs ofrv 2d march l8ll 2 tftib t 7 sherilfs sale i out of his msjeftvs cotit cf kvs bnh st the lit of james roins or rue town of ringllon eiquire agaim the lands and ten ements of amos anflcy of the tnwnihip of kingfton yeoman to me cinched 1 have fcized and taken in execution as belonging to the faid amos anilcy the north half of lot no x5 h second eoneeliou of the town- fhip of kingfton containing by admcafure- uvent one hundred acres be the fame more or els together with a log froolc framed barn tiureon creeled i do hereby give notice that the above mentioned lot of land with the buildntirs and appurtenances thereunto be- louring will be fold and adjudged to the highelt bidder at my office in the town of kingllon ontuefday the third day of march next at the hour of ten oclock in the fore noon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known charles stuart shrift and every perfon or perfens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land by mort gage or other right or incuvnbranee ai e here by advertifed to give notice to the faid sher iff at his office in the town of kingfton pre vious to the fale thereof sharps ojice 2 d march 1 8 1 1 28 cwiltiston if co have lately received a ma supply of stocky and nozti offer for ale on riod terms an affortment of gentlemens and ladies saddles which are warranted to be well made and of a fuperior quality also harneffcs bridles and various other kinds of work in their line repairing done on fhort notice and ev ery favor cheerfully acknowledged kingston nov 1 5 i o i i 9 tuesday december 31 1811 no 7 new goods 000000 jonas abbot s this day receiving from montreal a rew fup ply of fall winter goods which he offers for fale at hia shop n king it on vi superfine j second low uric miud mitt to be sold tiie one half or if belt forts the purcha- a the wlc it pur valllahie sfone 7l- in war 0 ig wih tw run t ftamrs hi ir viirct onr fipeifine and two comm ri bis an j vu hundred acres oflamf with about 30 acres r11jriv4 o h- prfm1siv if the mill u a good dwcllinhonf with ehve rjoms and a kitchen on jfr rlii and j ririv nienr houlc naily apiiilii- j ii 1 rlci alf a i t ad horfcihed b ji u- euate of lite feter van als- vk l viec fj 1 fi uainn i- fo wllknwn 1 j r vicvipion i doomed uniecfii y ifi- vrn rj wioi to pwrc iia wil nusi to ap- rin t j oau at ffq a ilphod l van alslifir c cloths foireit clotll3 hunters do iswanikin flufhings keiieys and caih- meres baizes flannels velvets si corduroys thickfetts and diab bromiwck cord felice cloths bath coatings 5 point blankets black cambrick mulbary dt slate do co ord do is f lxs cotton d cambiick mnflins iik charnbraya european i ippet3 fancy fafhes scarlet comforts white blk laced veils fancy flowers cambiick prints c calicoes from qd to zfy per yard gentlemens filk wa ter pi oof hats caltor rornm o cot dies do youths iff childrens feit do ladies btavei e furr bonnets mens fine shoes boys do do do coarie do black siik bareelo- womens double lea- na hankerchicfs silk cotton ma- drals do cotton do therd do do leal her lips d morocco do do kid do do red turkey do girls le thcr do do bandannas do childrens leaher 84 si 6 4 tabic moioeco bootcens clths ladies silk flabit loaf lump j muf- g oves covadii du m white cambiick do tea coffee ehoco kid do late beaver do jamaica pints m do khed do st coxdo gentlemens aifotted port wine do gin shrub plain white filk fleeves c ffee cordial tambord do do do noyeau do cotton do do anuis cinnamon to ladies gentlemens cloves do silk hofe pepper m ginger worded do pimento cotton do almonds lambs wool hofe raiins worfted do do ct r rants galloon 6c ribbands bottled muflai j silk si cotton ferrets rappee cephalic cs sewing fiik afforted scotch snuff niins th tad patent do platillas india cottons tow sheeting and bed tick apron checkd striped cottons black brown green spaniihbrowndodo lead sf drab bom- patent yellow do do pigtail plug and irnoaking tobacco sega is linceed oil white lead do do ground in oil bazettes brown holland dimities prnsian blue lbnber copal gum hell lac imperial f common 8d led 1 3d iif 2 d tapes nail blk velvet ribband shingle do do silk do do imperial ef common shirt buttons milld fcarlet caps cut brads 6x8 7x9 7 sxtoglafs putty englifh glue worried cotton lin- iron iy steel cd do blackfmiths anvils dutch knotted gloves f vices milld woolen do sheet iron lambs wool with a general affortment of hard ware ej crockery do screw augers affort ed 1 it 0- 1 drugs sf medicine as ufual amorg which are the juliowing spit its turpentine turlingtons ballom salt pet re crem tartar aquafortis c oil vitriol sweet oil caltor do glauber salts camphor arrow root pearl barley t of life dalbys carminative chutches cough drops hoopers ferraie pills anderfons do annatto lamn black ivory do st blk lead blailic gum botded barley and sugar candv magnefia jefutts drops camels hur pencils refined liquorice logwood camwood eff lemon flor sulpher roll brimftonc nutmegs iff cloves cinnamon e mace steers opodeldoc godfreys cordial britifhbir harulems do wbeatons itch cint- copperas inent allum do jaundice bitters blue vitriol lees billious pills nut galls coits do do indigo fig blae also at peter davies in erneft town a jreneral affortment of dry goods groceries hard ware and crockery all cf which will be fold at very reduced conllant attendance will be given orders executed with del- patch and goods put up in the bell manner and the fmalleft favor gratefully acknowled- kingston november 16 lot ji i mr affembly will be on furday the 3 fi december injl dancing to commence at 7 oclock major fuller gavin m hamilton v managers edwd walker december 17 5 fc take notice ound by the fubferiber in the road l near david burniide in the 2d cou- ceffion of the town of kingfton a pocketbook the owner is delired to prove property pray charges and take it away david remington kingston dec 1 s 1 8 1 1 6 3 w prices for prompt pay for sale by the subscriber excellent coniac brandy- notice the gentlemen and ladies of kingfton are informed that the fublciibcy has in complete order ftvcral sleighs horfes esf hcrnejfes with which he offers his lei vices cither pleafaie riding journeys or with freight 1 ft nnv- 2ctn lulii 19 h c thomson 2 john l jackson kingston 2 d december itfii 6 3 jhe fubferiber having obtained letters j of adminiftratioti for the eilate of the hte do6t r join gamble of kingfton deceafed rquefts all thofe who have any claims on the laid eflate to render their ac counts properly rttetled on or before the firfl of june net in order that fome ar- rangemeilt may be made with them and all thole indebted to faid eftate are requeued to ttotice is hereby given to ail perfens n indebted to the fubferiber whether by book account bond bill or note that they pay the fame to no other perfon than htm- felf unlefs by his order in writing j and whereas fome notes have been put into the hands of an attorney to fuer without my confent tuefe are to forbid fucfi attoriiey or attovnics to fue ci my name for the fame and further i do hereby forbid all perfons vt tt v crediting or trulling may wife mary pay the fame to the iubfenber that ine may qu mv nccount as f wii1 no be jptp to lay a ftatement pi the eflate q nicholas i stickell 1 bcfoic ihv creditors isabella elizabeth gamble adnunijlratrix kingston november 151811 tf- for sale lof of land in te tovvn iliip of hamilton didricl of newcaf- tle feeing lot no 29 in the irft conctfiron banc iomely fituatcd two miles welt of the comthoufc and containing 2co acres 40 acretf of which are under good improvement and wcll fenced with a good loghoufe 18 by 24 a logbarn aid an orchard of 100 ap ple t circes thereon a good tirrie will be giv en ad the terms made known by applying to isaac hagerman iaiilton aitgufl 21 1 8 1 1 kingston 1 4 dec l 8 1 1 5 3 w ifhionable hats trimmings juko cheap goods the fubfciibers have opened and now offer for fale next door to robert wallers hotel an elegant assortment of the mqft faftknable hats trimmings which thev are detei mined to fell on the mod rcafoiable terms cither vholcfaie of re- tail for cam country produce or approved rtdir smith buttervv n b old flats neatly drcffed on thefhortejl notice fxj caih paid for fur cc lambs wool kingston ph december 18 n 5 the fubferiber informs the public that he has jult received an ex- teniive and well chofen affortment of dry goods groceries which he offers for fale at his store next door north of mr patrick smvtbs at the molt 1 educed prices h c thomson acting for mr st george oftorl cthe higheft price given for all kinds of country produce in exchange for goods 6i6i8u fli goods bartlet has received a complete affortment of dry goods liquors new books just received from montreal and for fale at the gazette office addikms works mfarlands view of herdies life of joleph pleafures of realon scafons in england ira and lfa- bella a new nevd character of george 3d porneys french speilingbook french voeubuiary childs spellingbook worlds difplayed porteuso evidences of bibles teftaments -pfalters- childrens books catechifm ccc groceries crockery hard ware which he will fell whole fale or retail at his ufual low prices for cafli or any kind of pro duce alio for fale boards and plank e a few barrels flour of a fuperior quality for family ufe ct cafh paid for produce and advanced en property con finned for fak kingston dec 3 li 1 v earthen glass ware the chiiftian religion- watts pfalms and hmns for sale at ibis office sermon on the death of v the rev john stuart d 1 preached at kingfton 25th aegufr 1811 j- the rev joi stjcjijx d d f he subfcribers refpectfnlly inform jl their f ends and the public that he have received by rhe late arrivals from li v erpool a general affortment of dart he i7 glass ware which they offer for lale wholefde and retail at their store no 50 st ptiil street lately occupied by james dunlop efq oil as good terms as can be had at any ftorc in this city ware packed in the belt manner and a liberal difcount made for oath co country merchants and others are rcquelled to call green eaton montreal july l8lo z6f