monlrciil deo 9 county kjrction this warmly and obflfnately contorted election terminated on thiirfday morning laft agreeably io the moft ardent and fervent wisies of every reilccring aiid up right mirid when james stu art ei4 was declared to be du- j elected by a majority of 192 votes the traicomic fcene which im mediately preceded the termina tion of this otherwise truly inter ring and important conteic beg gars all defcription and out of mercy to the fugitive fupporters of the other candidate we ihall re frain from giving it even the hum- we ffarb of recital filming immediately after the of the indentures the iicceisful candidate was conducted by the gentlemen who managed the dec- tion to the place appointed by his friends to receive him where a iiiitablc carriage was prepared to ufher their favorite candidate into town with all the pomp lilted to his merit am to the hnocrtance r 1 0 tac triumph at about half pad oclock th procefiion entered th fuburb st antoine and moved with ceremo nious ibleirmitv through st io- j i r ieph fuburb and entered the town at the fouth weft end of st paul street thence through the town and fuburb st mary and return ed through notrcdame street to irions hotel where the candi date elect was feinted by the firing or 14 guns followed by the nation al airs of god five ibc king and ritk britannia the train then b8 through the reft of notrc- dame street and returned to en ter st lawrence fuburb vhn the fpeclacle the moft grand and nib- lime prefented itielf to view not a houfe nor a window but what exhibited the joyful tcftemonics of the refpecf and veneration of the character and merit of the perfon- age thus carried in triumph and as he palled lie was cheered by all ranks of both fexes the lucceft- ful candidate was then conducted to his houfe in st paul street and in a fliort but moft imprcilive fpeechinboth languages returned thanks to his friends alluring them that the diftinguifhed mark of pub lic efteem and confidence which had been manifefted on that occa- ion were inch as to make an im- preffion on his mind of the moft lading nature and that his grati tude would be proportioned there to upon the whole we believe no thing fo awful fo grand fo impo- ng were ever witnefied in this country and the regularity and good order obferved during the whole of the time were fuch as to reflect the higlieft praife on thofe gentlemen who had planned and conducted the ceremony the order of the procefiion fo far as we have been able to afcer- tain was nearly as follows in front were four perfons on horfeback bearing final 1 ftandards with appropriate inferiptions im mediately followed the four per fons who managed the election two of whom were in a carriage 8 one on each fide mounted on ele gant horfes richly decorated and alio them bearing ilanciards def- cripvive and emblematical on one of them wa infexibed abas la ca- iac d i menftmave on another k knew of no change hrlec lae was lafi there third triomphc ctes connoifanccs and the fourth reprefented an ea gle bearing away in its talons four turkey cocks coq d hides the candidate elect in an open carriage drawn by a number of perfons who had previoufly forci bly taken out the horfes follow ed fuitounded by a great con- courfc of the moft refpeftable citi zens on horfeback accompanied by an imnlcnfe crowd of pedeftri- ans of all ranks and conditions this election in its immediate has appeared in the gazette for the king stos gazette the officers of the little belt we underftand have been examin ed by the four senior captains of the navy at halifax for indifput- ably afecrtaining whether the iirft fhot or broadlide was fired by the prefident or the little belt they all gave the fame evidence fully hipported capt binghams public account of the transaction which furies ficze thee tedious book confufion to the author too nay i iv mm vv r i nay thy pardon good lord coke- m fa made me curfe thee fo and remote confequences we con- flder as highly important to this country the immediate good pro duced is the apparent deftruction of thofe national prejudices fo in jurious to ics deareit interefts and the union of what is ufually de nominated knglijhmcn and canadi ans in one fentiment of indiana- tion againft a party who had the prcfamption to oppofethe united willies of the wealthy and refpecl- able citizens of montreal it has alio afeertained hitherto one doubtful point that the town when united can irive a decided preponderance to the county e- lection the remote good to be expected from the annihilation of this party is a more cafy and uni form profecution of legiftative concerns for the real good of the province and lefs hoftile meaiures againft the mercantile intereft than hitherto has been fhown kingston tuesday december 31 181 1 his honor the prelident has if- fucd his proclamation for the con vening of the provincia parlia ment at york on the 10th day of january iexf- bolon november 29 by the arrival of a hip in 0 days from belfaft we have re ceived london dates to the 2d ult the report of the kings phyli- cians continued the fame as for months paft it is ftated though on doubtful authority that bonaparte was col lecting a large army at kiel for the purpofe of taking poffeflion of denmark a fire broke out in the infirma ry greenwich hofpital october ift which deftroyed the greater part of that valuable building the patients were all removed out of the reach of the flames adefperate attack has been made upon the fleet from the baltic by 1 3 o d a 1 14a g u n b 0 a t s t w 0 1 1 r i t ifh 74s oafhed in among this fry about 30 of the gunboats with their crews went down canada oak the oueen chaf- lotte of 120 guns launched at deptford eng laft july was found in september laft to be in a rapid ftate of decay 5 the timber in which the decay had taken place was principally of canada oak she was about 7 years in buildin sit vj- fifolrs i tatrhtifmi n a salem november 2j capt evans who arrived yefter- day from bordeaux informs us that vaft numbers of troops infan try and cavalry were contioually pairing through that place on the ute to spain which it was faid bonaparte was now determined to fubdue by an overwhelming force they were expecting him to yifit that city fhortly with refpect to the briin and milan decrees he from wajhingt on nov 22 ic congrefs move on ilowly the wartalks are now made in whifpers a few days ago one of the democratic members told mr randolph we muft have a war with england wclh fir lie replied you may make war if you plcafe w bift if you do let me aflure you that i will make peace what he meant needs no conjuration mr randolph has taken his fid and will draw after him if no a prepondcrancy in numbers at lieaft a powerful weight of tal ent againft the minifterial party he has regained his activity and ufes it with energy and effcct from wajhinion dec i 0 war report the report of the committee of foreign relations was on friday prefented to the iloufe of repre sentatives of the u states by mr porter it recounts the great and niultiplied injuries received from both great belligerents for five years paft the pacific ineafures of the u states government tbc re- vocation of the berlin and milan de- enex the ceflation of their prac tical operation as porrag oer the page i lay her image phyd around my head and in a whifper fcemm to lay m what to the charma of beauty dead lo how the village fair complain legions of belles without a beau een lauras beauty blooms in vain she faid and down the book i threw but what hall in frenzy yield and leave the fond purfuit of fame to die in beautys flowry field and in oblivion link my name not fo great newton did we know not fueh th immortal miltons pride elfe might their glorious names i trow with their own mortal dufl have died homer fhall breathe in fong fublime when worlds no other greek hall know een i perhaps may live in rhyme when death obliviates evry beau then fa do not knit thy brow but kindly take the hint fweet maid and let thy charms which flpnrifh now like sapphos beauty never fade adieu and if i feldoin call impute it not io difrefpe for now i tell ihee once for all that i am courting intellect sandy midland zjgftsr81 t court of gen to zvit y x eral quaiter sef- fions of the peace for this diltria wtil be holden at the court houfe in aciolphui towfi on tudday the 28th day of janua ry next at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon therefore all jultices of the peace coroners- conftables and all other peace officers as well as thofe that have a ny birfinefs to tranfafc at faid court are here by require d to take notice and give their at tendance accordingly c stuart the failure of g britain on her part to fulfil her prohvife in revoking her edicts the new pretentions on the pan of g britain that the united states fhall infill upon france giving up the commercial welfare againft g britain and the diftreffing filia tion of american feamen c kc and concludes with recommend- inn i that the military eftabllfli- tnent as aulhorifed by exiflinc laws ought to be immediately completed by giving a bounty of lands sec 2 that an additional force of xcooo men ought to be immedi ately raifeel for 3 years with a bounty of lands e 3 that the prefident be- to- thorifed to accept the fervice of a- ny number of volunteers not ex ceeding 56000 men to be ufed as emergencies may require c 4 that the prefident be author- ifed to order out from time to titne fuch detachments of the mi litia as he may deem expedient c 5 that all public veflels not nw in commiflion be immediate- ly refitted for fervice c- 6 that it is expedient to au thorize- merchant veflels owned ri exclufiveiy by american enizens to arm in felf defence c such is the concluding part or rather the lubftance of this war report one would fuppofe it fmewhat curious that the com- m of foreign relations flioulcl fr weeks delay to recommend eafures which they themfclvcs y ought to be immediately adop- tc mr porter gave notice that fliould call for the cenfideration p the report on monday when an ii debate may be expected t0 commence surif office 3 jl december wee i s 1s11 j 7 sales at auction to be fold at public auftion at the store of the fubferiher the whole of his stock in trade confiftinjr of a very cx- tciihve and well chofen aftortnvent of enghjh in dia weft- india goods gro ceries crockery glafs ware looking glajfes c sale to commence on monday the 27th erf january next at 10 oclock and to be con tinued every fucceeding monday at the came hour until the whole is difpofed of in the mean time he will fell at private fale whole- fale or retau nt coft and charges without a- ny advance which will be from 20 1050 per cent lefs than his ufual prices thofe who may wiili to purchafe at private fale will do well to call and examine for them- f elves as a confiderable part of the goods have been purchafed with cah at a very low rate there certainly will be lome bargains worthy of attention and on auction days as the fubferiber is about to clofe his buir- nefs in this place and remove to montreal goods will be fold to the higheft bidder without referve n b thofe who have accounts unfet- tlcd will be pleafed to cil and adjuft them b whitney kingston qfh dc 1 8 1 1 vf td ot hjfolution of coparlnerjhip notice is hereby given that the firm of alexander robins co is this day by mutual confent difiolvcd all perfons indebted to faid firm are reqneited to make payment to dknjamin wbitsbyi immediately alexander robins b whitney nwrnnr 2th nov 1s11 s- for sale two excellent horses fit for either saddle or harneft enquire 0 the pi inter december 31