i p o e i ry a moral lesson j bright role the morn the fpicy gale brwatlim oer the flwiherd india vulc wltfw ifebd pure natures child xplord the hill and foreft wild look wd her locks and filfcai vctti a loft tiie breezed fanud hct brcalt on a near hillocks fungilt fide a hike ditplayd kis fcaly ppde evalvd from may a graceful fol4i h fides erc gay with greed and gold the maid admird the ftraoger gueft and fondly placd him in her brcail j while frenre and warmly laid he lihtly round herbofooi ulayd and raifd his head in iportive guiiv and darted lightnings from his eyes tranfported ihe the fake cavefsd and itraindhim clofer to her bread 4 but foort the luckicfs maiden found the horrors uf tfrc poiforid wound she felt the chilling dews of death the creeping pulfc the fttuggling breath and dying rnournd the hour fhe prcll the glittering ihanger to her brealt on wai by st john hon by woofi vet war we deprecate full well we knov lvom that curll futircc what due mistoriunes flov l by the laurel wreath the cypiefs twines and the heart fickens while th- victor fhines where now the barrkts moulder in the dull new fpires may rife more iplcudid than the fiill eshaufled wealth brflc commerce may re- ftorc the folic may fill the mound with gvafs grown oer where arraics fought may yellowharveft vae and crops luxuriant hide the foldiers grave this tite eflcts nor boots it to corrplin a hi re time can mend or indutry regain liut who ihall pierce the chccrlefa realms of gloom and roufe the flceping warrior from hzs xomb who to i he widowd heart fliai comfort fpeak and with frjh rcfe fltifl the faded cheek to the lorn maid hci ilaughterd fwaiu re- uore and bi j the nrflielttrd orphan weep no muie i madxigal ihom thr spanish rt tafce dcartll maid this chain of gold and with it grace tliy peerlefs occk thefe pearls on filled thuads cnrolld thefe auburn ttcflc3 let them deck u fond youth the bluflmig nymph replied to me thefe toys do biffs impart to fee thee happy is my pride the pearl i value is thy heart morality fr the kingston gazette mr editor thk following hints arc extracted from an addrefs given by one who caffs be rfclf the universal friend this addrefs was handed to the trail fcribcr by a rcfpeclablc lady who for mm or ten years was intimately ac quainted with mifs wilkinfon or the friend this lady feels confident hat there is no foundation for thefe scandalous and kicked reports which have been circulated rcfpecling mifs wilkinfon as the character of the friend fijfers in confluence ofthofe reports it is thought proper to give hc public a fnort fpecimen of her com- pfiikn and by ghing it a place in jour paper you ivill oblige one of your cnjlonicrs the publics univerfal friend advifeth all who wifli to become wife unto falvation to be punctu al in their attendance at religious meetings and fhun at all times the converfarioo and company of he wicked world as far as poflible and when my friends you arc called to mingle with the people oi i lie world to attend to your ne- enary lroih is be ca your guard while in their company and retire as foon as poflible do unto all men as you would be willing that they mould do um to you and walk orderly thai no occafion of mumbling be given by you to any perfon do gooa to all men as you have opportuni ty especially to the household of faith and let all your conven tion and deportment at all times be luch as becometh the gofpel of jefus chrift take up your crofc daily and live every day as tho it were your lad remembering that you are continually in the pre- fence of the high and lofty one and be allured that without holi- nefs of heart you never can fee his face iii peace shun the very appearance of e- vil fuch as fooiifli talking jell ing with all unprofitable converfa- tion which is not convenient flee from bad company as from a fer- pent and be not drunken with wine or any other fpirituous li quors wherein is excefs but be fil led with the holy and blefled fpir- it building up one another in the mod holy faith praying in the ho ly ghoft when you attend meet ings make as little ftir or noife as poflible that you may not dif- turb the meditations of others never fpeak out vocally or aloud nor even whilper in public meet ings except there be a real neceili- ty tiiat you may worfhip god k his holy one in fpirit in truth ufe plainnefs of fpeech and ap parel and let your adorning not be outward but inward even that of a meek and quet fpirit which is in the firht of god or great price be as the pialniill defenbes tlickinfis daughter all glorious within above all triings give diligence to make your calling and election lure work out your falvation with fear si trembling redeeming your time becaufe the days are e- vii forget the things which are behind and prefs forward towards the mark and prize of the high calling of god in chrift jcfus our lord that you may be delivered from the bondage of corruption and brought into the glorious lib erty of the fons of god you who are parents confvjer the folemn charge committed to you be careful to bring up your children in the nurture and admo nition of the lord and while you are careful to provide for the fupport of their bodies do not neg lect the welfare of their fouls thefe do not appear to be the words of one that hath a devil or is mad horfes nofe and feet iniomuch that the merchant who was a man of ftrong paflions drew a piftol u wounded him mortally upon receiving the wound the dog fell but in a few moments recovered himfelf and calling a moft piteous look at his enraged matter turned back and crawled towards the city for the poor man is dcach the corpfc is cold already diversity late and the corpfc is cold already the altaiins sftnick wkh rcmorfc and terror fell on their knees confefled all the circumftancesim pioring his forgivenefs the cu re who then for the firft time ob tained a candle from the people of the houfe pulling down the bed the travellers purfued their jour- cloaths faw a dagger in the hand bey for about three miles when of the breathlcis aflaffin r la a o fr rrfrlh whole city of rhcims crowded the they flopped at an inn for refresh ment in attempting to difcharge the bill the merchant now found that he had forgot among the trees a leather belt made in the manner of a fhort belt in which according to the euftom of travel lers in germany he carried his money recollecting however the privicy of the place and that no other perfon had palled the road he was not in the leaft uneafy at the event propofed riding back with his fervant to recover his property his fellowtraveller however not only offered but in- fifted on returning with him up on their arrival at the fatal fpot there lay the belt and on it the fa- gacious victim of fidelity breath ing its laft breath in convulfions only fhould be received befit p r cj tj m w undertake one of the mafi important choy lenflbly aftecred the whole fl in ourjoil fmt life is no paity but how was the diftrefs sre betted burlefauedthm in the increafed when the merchant fei- fi of thc y c zed by a violent pnrenzy flew to t i n m jlra aali zi lbe ji jonathan left tete-a- next day to be witnefs to this ex traordinary interpofition until next day when the municipality cave orders that the corpfe fliould be taken away the cure then finding there was no longer any chance for him emigrated to eng land bringing with him the admi- ration regret of every one who knew him london pnp from the cocptrlown federahjl yankee coortshif thtfafudious refinement oti the del- h ate fee lings of our nature which gilt opure delicacy reduces a yvtmg la dy to the neccify of under handing the attentions of a gentleman without coming to that explicit explanation s his piftol and endeavored to lod the contents in his own body and his companion and fervant were obliged to ufe thc utmoft force to prevent him from fclfdeftrnction having however fecured him fo tete with his mifrefs by the knowing parents that he may be uninterrupted in the expected cffufions of his lwe fpoiling his befl new hat by eonmrni eating the intenjity of his pafion to bu days died raving mad london ftij miraculous escape the fllowxae lticft fin arular occurrence comes to us from a do thn jays the fuuiin ftv tall in th fntht call in the folks a poet was noticing how fometimes ihe mojl trivial and unforefeen acci dent overturns an author s hopes a thing faid he once happened to me which was enough to make a man fur cuarter perfecliy authentic itill fwer ever taking a pen in hand f forms the iubjeel of converiation had a tragedy g a rrick performed m in britanny during the utmoil plirenzy of the french re-oiu- tion there was a cure at rheims whofe purity and benevolence had fo endeared him to people of all j f 4 a 1 m 1 t 1 extraordinary narrative some years ago as a gentleman was travelling from strafburgh in company with a merchant of that city attended by one fervant and a favorite dog the merchant for his amuiement ftoppeda fhort time under the ihekcr of fomc beautiful trees which grew on one fide of the road but on his en deavoring to remount his horfc the dog fcized his coat and held him with all its ftrength growlim and barking in a very uncommon manner unable to form any i- dea of thc caufe the panics were all apprehenfive of thc animals be ing mad the mailer lamed him ievcrcly at length getting fn his hold attempted to purine m 1 tiir v clure route but the dog not only con- tllmm l 1 ah tiaacd h barkingk but bit u the t 2 i mujl eonffs the principal inci dent was a little fnnilar to lears ah di cation of the throne in favor of his daughters mine were two datrf- r ters and the king after giving them defcri tions that in the height of a kfon fraught with legiflative acfoaju rage and madnefs the septembri- tages that might have done honor to j solon lycurgus fmijhed his har angue by faying and now i divide ihis crown between you sir a ma licious fiqnndrel peeping over ihe fpikes of tbt orchejira and faring arrickfull in the face cried out ah thats jujt halfacroavn a piece- sir an incejjant laugh im mediately prevailed and if it had bee hi to five your foul another fy liable could not be heard r zing committee dared not open ly to attack him determed how ever on private aflaflmation they applied to their ufual agents but even they with their hads- long itained with blood and hearts ac- cuftomed to madacre tmied a- g way with horror from the tc deep damnation of that deced the good cure remained for fome time protected by his own purity til three bravocs were brought down from paris by whom was arrang ed the foioving phn for his dev- truckon two of them were at the dead of night to call up the holy man in order to attend the laft moments of a dying penitent this laft was to be reprefeated by the third experir-nr- bravo who during the cxbortatlut of the prieft wis fudclcnlv and ilentlv salt water wit in a great ftorm at lea when the imps crew were ail in prayers a fellow burft ino a wolent lit ef laughter when ivlft renrovpi for his ill tnfcd tnrtrt anialkd to defpatch him the arrange ment io tarfuccceld that the cu re was brought and the two eon- atwtts thc boathrnm s ft- make wiicu it comes istoftic ter r j d vt- v ho prihkj mid pitmuhuf i stephen milo a flv doorfi eall erf wami 1 fi ptkf jffhjtiit- vv ftptfwm s in tulfin j vv rrfi tj iitnknhcjrd ja r l