on voi il i kr4lisram vtllm canadaj gaze t t e i latin j of l j new goods qik follow vyyy 000 w ai aic on as abbot lot rmlvi tis j tj w i 11 conccffion the fmlvlil sjjitua jra number nviivvw w ui tv amlinu otherwile frm richard caktwrighu s thii day receiving from mcntrcil a lieu in j r ply cl j73 2 which he offers for fale at lis sho goods 5 ictngflon li p m shkrlffs salx superfine 7 15 if- broad iw prie j furred cloths era european tippets fancy fafhes 4 scarlet comforts imj itilruf 1 p v vi i ue a y ril ot hnt du stttt comforts vitfmkiaout flnflifnga white tf blk laced rfmiefl of kings bench at t lis jcufey and caitl- veils i c l 11 rl id rflusmaieot court of kings tlc fnitoflcr giant oilhetwn ot kmghon prelum uiinl the lands and moments ot samuel ho4ute of arjrjrhy to racdtrced j have fed and taken w cxeeu- tua belong ivjr totlu iaid stmuel liole the weil h ilf of lot l- 2 in the 5 ft coiicci- hon o f the to w iihip i m a y 1 b u r gl i v e i t the rock ciiii nin by ydivavcement one hundred acres he the lane rrot or is l 4hechy tie nvkt t tfce alrvc-men- joned lot wf lnd with the appaittajices tlurennto belonging will be i lei and adjudge td uthe bigbelt biudcr at ry ilfcv j ln own uf kingiion oi tfdy the third cky f march nei ut h hour of ten oel k 19 tli foveoon at which time a id place th- conditions of file wil be msde known charles stuart shrlf and every perfon or pcrfoos baling chnms s the above defeubed lot of bad bv irovt- i m fancy flowers cambriek prints ii calicoes from qcf ilii kleus and diab to ify per yard b ofw cord gentlemens filk w inci es baizeb cc flannels velvets c co duro ya i viiee liottis j liit is coatinits 5 puint da kew black cambiuk muvbary do slate do cnord do silk cbambrays ctitvon da cambrick mcfiins black silk barcclo- womens double lea- ra haukcrchieis therd do silk cotton ma- co leather lips drafd do do morocco do cotton do do kid do ter pioof hats caftur horn m cordies do youths y childrens felt do ladies btaver gf furr bonnets mens fine shoes boys do o do coarfe do tuesday januar1 14 1812 i it lemon ilor sujphcr ivell brimhonc nutmegs cloves c stlc inuiinon zj mace bailey and sugar candy magndia jefutta drops camels hair l ij refined liqu nciis logwood camwood once steers opodeldoc godfreys cordial britifhotl i laailems do whratons itch oint- copperas raent allum do jaundice bitters blue vitriol fees billions pills nut galls quits do do indigo iif fp blue also at pftkr davies in erneft town a general affortment of dry goods 9 groceries hani ware and crockery all of which will be fold at very reduced prices for prompt pay conftant attendance will be given orders executed with del- patch and goods put up in the bed manner ud the mallei favor gracefully acknowled ged kingston november 1 6 1 8 1 1 i for sale by the subfcriber excellent c ac brand iw 2j irlt h c thomson nh fublctiber having obtained letters jt cf adminirration for the kflate of the late doctor john gamble of kiagfton deeeafed requelts all thoie wki have any claims on the faid ellaic to render their ac- wanted immediately as an apprentice to the printin bufincfs a boy from i to r years ofageone of good re s 6 re- one of a commendations will mcet w good encouragement by anplyi at this office jan j p diffuutim of copartncrjktju lbxander robins b whitney niagara 2 jth nov 1 8 r i y y sales at a on to be fold at public auftion at the store of the fubferiber the whole of his stock in trade confifting of a very ex- ve and well ehofen aitortment of tcrii lnghh inch weft india goods g ceries crockery glafs wa y os ne lie rlkkit sale v ww lnd 1 lwrf 3 wit of ecanibiickdotea coffee b choco- fe v f fml kd tk 3nc si ton lacl 1 lave t 1 wfoflt v it fbv- fcca conctsioa f tkc tmva- ststfhrr kh lr hf rf es will be u 8 a ij g u ll lif bidder at y nffioe the tovn of guontucwavtb lu tle hour nf tc ovlkrk 11 tlu lut b5ch time d place the pwfamm of iale will be made known charles stuart c if ui very perfon or oerfens having claims onthe above defcribed lot of land by mort- cnie orotber right or incumbrance a e here by anvertifed to give notice to the aid bhcr- iff at his office in the town of lvingllon prc- tious to the fate thereof sherifs ofce id mard cfwilliston 6f co ih receive a new supply of s tody and now offer for fate on good terms anaffortmcnt of gentlemen s and ladiet saddles which are warranted to be well made and of a lupenor quality also harneffcs bridles and vanous other kinds of work in their line repairing done on hhort notice and ev ery favor cheerfully acknowledged kingston nov 15 1s1i to be sold the one half or if bed fiits the pcha- ter rhe wl if chas rjluame hlou mill in maryflxifg wtlh two run ot itoncs n tor btuintf one fupcrfin- anti two cimtn rt b lis an four hundred acres of land with about 30 acrts improved on the nrrtvfercai the mill a good dwehmshoofc wjih thwc romi and a kitchen on the lower fvor atd a convrnient houfv narly atljon- liciver 1 1 jamaica fpfrfta io innd flo ot cj 01v tlo gcnilccnttis aflaitwd port wine co gin shrub plain whiir lilk fleeves coffee cordial tainbord do do do noyeau do cotton do do annis cinnamon j ladks gtntleuicus cloves do silk hole pippcr f ginger worfted do piinento col ton do aknonda lambs wool hofe kifm3 worded do do ccrrants galloon ribbands bottled mnftard silk cotton ferrets rappee cephalic cf sewing iiik a toned scotch snuff nuns thread patent do platiuas india cottons tow sheeting and bed tick apron cbeckd striped cottons pigtail plug and fmoaking tobacco scgars lincced oil white lead do do ground in fctripeu luuuw oil black brown green spanifnbrown dodo lead j drab 13om- patent yellow dodo bazettes pruflian blue brown plolland umber copal dimities gum fhell lac imperial cf common sd icd 13d wf24d tapes nails blk velvet ribband shingle do do silk do do cut brads imperial cf common 6xs 7x9 7x8 shirt buttons 8x10 glafs mihd fcarlet caps putty iff englifliglue worfted cotton lin- iron iff steel ed do blackfmiths anvils dutch knotted gloves iff vices miild woolen do sheet iron lambs wool do screwaugers aitcrted with a general aitortment of hard ware w crocker drugs iff me as vfualamono which are the following turlingtons baliom spi its turpentine sah pet re crcm tartar aquafortis iff oil vitriol sweet oil of life dalbys carmmatne churches cougn drops hoopers femaie pills andtrfon s to aunatto lamp black 1 vow do 8th- ic baltic gu bouses pay the fame to the fubferiber that fhe may- he prcpaied to lay a itatcinent of the eilate lcfjre the creditors isabella lliz cainuc jhimhujlviitrlx kmgxfon november 151811 itf c good tpie fubferiber informs the public that he has juil received an ex ttenfive and well ehofen aitortment of idry goods h groceries which he offers for fale at his store next cdoor north of mr patrick smyths at the rrcolt 1 educed prices h c thomson acting for mrst georgs oftcrh yrhe higheft price given for all ikinds of country produce in exchange for goods sept 1 6 1811 mean time ne wm icu private tatc wuuic- fale or retail ut ccii and charges without a- ry advance which will be from to to 50 ftr cent kfsdian ufupj pricey thoe vhj may wim to pnrcnaleat private lie will do well to call and examine for them- felvcs as a confiderable part of the goods have been puvchafed with calh at a vey ow rate there certainly will be fame bargains worthy of attention and on auction days as the fubferiber is about to clofe his buii- nefs in this place aad remove to montreal goods will be fold to the higheft bidder without refervc n b thofe who have accounts un fet tled will be plea fed to call and adjuft them b whitney kingston cth dec 1 8 tf if fnfhicnablc eats cf trimmings the fubfciibers have opened an3 now offer for fale next door to robert walk hotel an elegant assortment new books of the moji fajhionable hats trimming which they are determined to fell on the moil reafonable terms either whole fale or re tail for cam country produce or approved just received from montreal and for fale at the gazette office addifons works mfarlands view of c d herefies life of jofeph pleafures of gmlth butterworth seafons in england ira and lfa- ireafon cwawiw ibella a new novel charafter of george 3d porneys french spellingbook french vocabulary childs spellingbook worlds difplayedporteuss evidences of tthe chtidian religionbibles1 eftaments watts pfalms and hymns walters cchildrcns books catechifms c frefh good n b old hats neatly drcfed on thefiortefl notice z caili paid for fur 6c lambs wool kingston ph december 1 8 x i tf earthen glass ware f subfcribers refpedtfully inform x their friends and the public that they have received by the late arrivals from liv- st a t rr r erpool a general aitortmert o earthen bart let has received a glass ware which they offer for complete aflbrtnient of fale wholefale and retail at their store no 7t a j t ro co st paul street lately occupied bv james jsry broods liquors t m imiiapb t had at any lore in this city ware packed in the bell manner and a liberal diicount made for cam o country merchants and others are reqwfted to call green eaton montreal july 1s10 for sale at this office 9 sermon on the death of groceries crockery hard ware hchhe vmu fell wholefale f f j u low prices for cafh or any kind of pr ealfo for fale boards and plank j barrels flour of a foperior qualny for family ufe sst cafil paid for produce and advanced nn property coufigned for fale 1 kinjsion dee 3 i8 asfsmsjs5s6s i 4