Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), January 14, 1812, p. 4

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f poei rt v v v the horcrlr spy it to v banifecd from the tfaikn the duke or kents example is boon to man kind and worthy the ease the heart mb of tuutm is yon- cm wa or t i fivltill w iuppoxt given the fame fyftem by his royal father as well as hi p oval brothers the prince re fvl i- love i vorfler roc whicli bright and cranium i u bfatog bveaa fc not like love is yonjev oak s itonlyfl8tviigteg and never are its not like love trie ivy vine which rond the oak adne to tvne the weak and mighty neer rnhine in bonds or love proudly 0 briton when yet t have feen a little flowref that blooms almolt in winters bower ttifk like love in spring it blows its facets on fa- lap it throws and late in datums bower it mows bright as love twfl like love its tender form endures the fun and braves the dorm but though to earth its fweers are given its ready eye is fim on heaven jull like love th greater our frim an englfh puhlkalion lines by carrick talk 01 war with a briton hell boldly ad- vi fl f r that one engfift foldier will beat ten of france would we alter theboaft from the word to the pen oar odds are ft ill greater men in deep mines of fcience tho frenchmen may k s r cm their itrenglh be compared to lccke newton and boyle let them rally their heroes fend forth all their powers llieir verfemen and profemen then match them with ours fxr shakfpear and milton like gods rn the fight 3 lave put their whole drama epic to flight in falhes epiillcs and odes would they cope jhkmv numbers retreat before dryden pope j and johnfon well armd like a hero of yore lias beat forty french and will beat forty mere ed as her regular two new carriages and twelve dif ferent horses every month and of ri v i the thirty fix horses in her private gems liberality 1 bfl bntrfh jmb f fc fa lie know how to appreciate virtue ttawc uic and talents wherever they find them and either in prince or peant they claim a truly britife tribute of applaufe for our own part we know it mull be very gra ting to the bigots and lovers of ig nonncc as fire and faggot go out of faihion with their adored ignore once that has nurfed it fo long but we rejoice for the honor oi england that one king who oloried in the name oi he aicended the throne has let an example which as in the cafe of the prince regent and the royal duke proves his fons have britifh fecllnp likife and only need proper oecauons tc bring them into action to grof how they love their country the duke of kent has formed a nurfery of regimental fchool mat ters that any officers may have the benefit of their aid in dm ng likrwife when we coniider that foldiers have parental feelings for their children as well as other parents that numbers of them have been reduced by affliction to circumjlan- ccs of neccjfity having known better days and being obliged to enter in to the army perhaps for bread furely they deferve every confola- tion their king and their country can award their merits educa tion is a benefit that cannot be par- china furniture tapestry hang- remarkably good kory never iauoh ings carpets c are changed aeeor- but immediately tell another hor ding to the leasons she ha order- yourfclf and then laugh as much establish men t yourfek and then laugh as much and as loud as you pleafe a power to diipofe of t eive every three decades to be replaced by twelve others of fafliionable color twelve tiroes in the year all per- fons beloning to her household re ceive new accoutrements or live ries her own wardrobe is divid ed every thirty days between her maids of honor madame napoleon has four diflinct cilablifeed wardrobes dif ferent diamonds lc for travel ling for the thuiileiics for st cloud and ivlalmaifon and tho ihc cannot rcfide but in one place at the fame time in the thuilk- ries as well as at st cloud and drank wherever you go be determin ed to lind fault with every thin if tlicrcby you prove yourielf a marl of eonieouence do you wife to be in love vif- it your mifirefs when you hav freely of your bottle spir its givs fjirits make a d fpeeeh after having firft made a kihi0m thump your brcaft flourilh your handkerchief and prefent a piftdl if ilae is not mov- ed at this i will s v i o queen ivlalmaifon four changes of furni ture sc are always ordered for the fame period at st cloud fhe has at the cxpence of ihoufands of louis dors improved the batli- ina cabinet of the late uniortunate by touching certain fprings fte can command what perfumes her caprice demands to mix with the water the refervoir always containing for fifty louis dors the fincft odours and beft per fumed waters by handling other fprings flie commands the appear- yeu leave to ihoot yourfelf whenever you are in company with ladies endeavor to ifrow your learning as much as pofiible life as man liard words and learned phraies as you can iri a word rnuf- tef your whole itock of knowledge on the title page of your mind you will excite great admiration should the eonverfation happen to get beyond your deph and you be preficd for a remark or a reply let up an affected cough or fneeze and then fay u damme ifirgotwhat i zjas tying to remark a i ice of drawings or other pictures a place cf xmfffiif ri gkfgow has been for a considerable lime beat- j cd bvicam on a mqft jifflfle planp as to require little or no attendance and not requiring any water ichatev er to be added to that fir i put ints the boiler above thrice in a reinta another improvement cf beating by fleam has been made by which afire ted with ic is a mental freehold the e is no lofin it aicy it aifor- is i nnrtr fimpi thehooc of prcfer- elegant or voluptuous gay at lib- emine as her fancy deiires when fhe willies to have the bath at cf three hours in the morni jerves thefignatof a bell flic is by a fqr hemtm ihrouzh the rec of w mechanical invention lifted with out moving herfeif from the uarh- xaj machine into an elegant mod p da a poor foldier the hope of pre meat it makes him a civilized eratciyw f being it puts into his own pot where fi dned n two min feflion the infpired writings coa- tainino- an account of all that the tites wd from which fee i again a country blackmmn coming mejfte hishainl wm tattenhy a hurling dog winch arvatnc urn he harmed to teke the dog f 1 prophets and apoftlcs aid or did tefus chriit hiniicli the lord and i krrm i f r diversity from a london paper lancasterun system mailer of them it will make our foldiers know and love and value and honor their bible it win make their bibles which to thoic who cannot read are as fealed books ufeful to them it is every way a benefaction to religion and human ity worthy a britife prince the duke of kent will hence forth noir piece lured m said wn upon a iplen- tc cnd 0 the fame did cs he fofa moved vitbwt n b on the fpot vou poili- blvraight laic the perfon who ovped the dog have ftruccwitj th otinsr end of the hammer cs chadisn into an adjoining cabinet fot hen toilet ofwhidithe fyrnu tureai- decorations coft icoooo mud anfwereci tb turcaid rlccorations cou iooy r hat i wonto amww v kvres f dt the improvenients on- c if he had bh me with the lyofher luxurious though tcs jtler cri of his teth expenfive bathing cabinet at the r thnilkrto and at malmaiion the tjk folhw in caption w fm french republic has paid 200000 f a door inafnad v dorfctjhire england the duke of kent to whom the king when he fir ft patronized laiicaiter pcrfonally introduced him has completely fucceeded in his regimental school having ed ucated 800 boys h children within two years the fuborclination of the youths of that regiment is of a moil pleafing nature knowl edge not of reading only but of writing and arithmetic has been conferred on them when they would but for his bounty have remained in ignorance they are the better able to enjoy a boon thus nobly conferred by the son of every day ihetr king condefcending from his high ftation to confider their woes and wants and makin rank in the eyes of his country as the foldier s friend as the friend of man and a wife ion of a pious ia- thcr 1 satirral advice to young lm if kirvr nature hss beftowed its and 1 m nature ftp enchar i oit of a voice fcwvrhr let th evliriii wwv j imiths and carpenreib any ured like ctons to give them relief the koyal duke is not tinch fome of our nottingham narrow fouls with the opinion of a noted doctor of divinity that the poor are doomed to the drudgery ot dai- ij labor and that teaching to write or cypher will only make them onontcnted with their lot but ne is a fnend to the univerftl dif- m t kehasfct n ex m h dqcs head and heart for it will ignorance from the armv every liberal perfon wilfs of one of bonaparte wives the cx- miftrefs of banas and prefent dfearded fofephine toe have the following account a few years ago ext railed from a french worlpub- ujhed in october 1803 u madame napoleon never puts on any plain gown twice and fee changes her drefs four or fix times in the lummer fee makes use of four dozen of fiik ftockings and three dozen irloves and iiioes and in the winter fee uses three dozen of the best eng- lifli cotten ftockingsand two doz en of french filk ftockinss every week she never wears any wasli- edftockings nor puts on twice the fame pair of gloves and fhoes all her chemifis are of the finest cam- brick with borders of lace that cost ten louis dors each fix dozen of chemifis with lace arc made up for her every month every thre months fee changes her diamonds and jewels or has them fet accor ding to the prevalence of fashiui four times in the veir her plat you ca fine charmingly comcary nreis till they are almoil to inns church bells c j ntleman as heipeaks a coat ma sit on friday or saturday nhj aa being rumo mit tali i 1j sfcl tends to otrion- 4- u- mt hnor electea unuixii count ot my ocin y t knnpc mv triencisi weary this is model d iiictcree and whenever it is affirmed by a- ny perfim that you can img you may ij fift upon it you cannot this is rrcat proof of good w m ive eare to i ners are tmt teeth white shew them anon all and no oecauons laugh r every fpeeeh whether or not it le a trcrod one and pro- wording 1 hope m thirfty sports by ther mm humbk fevantj n inolife mora lift was a peevvfe l ngm n not it ie fc a g oa umv j i j 1 1 j r mow i f o find fault with the head m ana tbi drefs oi a frer if ihc a one s lce were wett r ti 1- r -r- vnr nlacc n in bcous i v handketchief is in a wrong orifvm flxould difcorer the trdaelefond ill ehoferby tlnk i manifeft r canaor means rnaiixic- v satnuca naulct ttn ever you fail to amule the whl inronvcriation begin to frtrft immoderately there- au r command the attcn- y yo1 si your hcarern ul i intlema iloidd tell a ii af to but in boots n hlfiir of life 4ke gicaitu s r71 tentment u o health trmitft f htlshd 7 5 arih rke fiftfinjbmp t j t of csjtrj month j uirdutlt fbunlnois y-

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