Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), January 28, 1812, p. 3

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vlul according oe ji l i the cikhunt men cxamiu- -l- ivliknl in scotland tp law unit ftlvcs him sjtta us exevcife by uk sclilatp too f mairimwim and that of a scow without the intervention sft it was a civil contract and anient vas the very ciience of a contract was therefore quahy io in this to which heaven was a witneis this too wu conforma ble to the ancient canon law deri ved from the theological principles of the religion of europe and ml the council of trent the content of two parties was deemed a iuih- afterwards three forts of marriage only were allow ed regular which were complete volunteers or militia oppofe fuch armies r the canadians too would rcfift an invafion of their terra lir- ma lie had feen a ftaternent thut canada could command 60000 a- blc bodied and well difciplined mi litia he gave no credit to the ftaternent but fpokc from a per- fonal knowledge of the situation that province when he affertcd that it would require a ftrong numerous regular force to fubdue it let gentlemen look to it not think of carrying on this war like children cicnt marriage k the fpcaker afked whether vol unteers or militia would anfwer to lay fiege to quebec or to carry the war to halifax itfelf or even to hold poffeffion of thefe provinces when once fubjugated secrets worth knowing ft ap pears from the report of mr stan- r w win fords fpeechwthe houfe of repre both in civil contracts ana warn- j ji j r a double mttrnrr extras of a letter from an officer m the navy dated norfolk de cember 26 a moji horrid circumilmncc took plaee here lajl evening 2w mer cer whom you have often heard me mention had received an hifult from the mate of fame merchantman a challenge enfued and lajl evening a- houtjamdown they mci within a mile of the town their dijlancc of fighting was only fufficient for them not to touch the body with each others pif tolsthe word was given both fir- id and both fell dead the whole town is in an uproar on the oc- cafion thefeconds have taken fafe- ty by flight leaving their dead com rades without afoul near them their bodies were brought to town lajl eve ning and will this day be interred kingston tuesday jawat 28 1812 ihould be kcu in lthl ieaft and that be hould 1 a poll o honor m lavk f ibis topthedurybvdeput 12 arc i taf them to aslsnr l and e t d thefe enjs x co ntrbte my pofed if mr editor i tew juheofj m our defeat ffate per tlic jugal rights the ftatute or 26th of george iii however fwcepaway ail three doctrines in england the court would itieif trace the progrefs of the scotch hw and coivient therefore was the real marriage in scotland he tben referred to the text authori ses and thence to the dccifions of ae scotch court confirmatory of tw cloarinc and applying that to the cirairnllances of the prefent cu was clearly of opinion that the marriage was a valid one and ttat the lady had ufed no unnc- ceffary delay in chiming her rem- uoihsaiki that mr dal- jyinplcwss bound to receive and fiat her accordingly jjrmr tfmiteq gials ajf w 6 that floor aimojl as long as any man there the following is a jkeich of his fpeech as reported for the alexandria gazette eve toll v no foreign intelligence later than we have already given to the public has been received- the piece figncd a canadian which will be fund in the pre cce ding columns of this days gazette we recommend to the atten tive per if al of every reader fire to mr james robinfon was coi fum ed by jive on friday morning lajl which for a while threatened the whole brewery with delructwn but by the timely interference of the inhab itants we are happy to late that thai invafion were merely vifionary he vq building fujlaincd but tri- obferved there was good authori- jling injury ty for believing that the execu tive directory did meditate fuch a project the former french dc- tbemlmmd fmam of upwards of crces were as flagrant violations or am bir yours an exile mr stanford infilled that the u states had as good if not better caufe of war with france in 98- g than we had now with england as to the opinion that the fears en tertained at that time of a french r the kingston cazrtte to the epigramatist hnes that sanely wrote review ri i in i situ know pzueet iafs twas t r the mdltkdn bclonghg wyiil lbs ivtrefuljcds of his artlefs byu when fuch perfebmh wai his them huflmnge he heard not wifdoms voice not vain might you his verfes teem had thy awgric been his choice a richmond paper fates that but lanjfb fpleen my witty fair nor let envy fur thy mind thy charms may prove fome damon j care in whom more intelleq yoifttfnd sandy neutral rig hts mi i l8lj at the prefent liri ifli orders in council and t lie d predations under thofc decrees c ven exceeded the captures und tlic latter mr blacktcdgc inade fome re marks relative 10 what had faile n from mr stanford on the fubje of the projected invafion of th country by the french director mr stanford taid he had nothinj to retract he could prove tlit fucli a projeft was in contempha tion and that a perfon had been afked by a member of the french directory ivhcther the democrats in this country would join them who liny st the ufortunate prfons who montreal after a long and very iflfe j debited in tng fwudv gl wiwiam tohnfon m hs ijtojnd buried in the pit y tvv v fe cbariejh7 dec ce oclock yclterday nior- ninia fevere fhock of an earth quake wis felt here the bells in the church fteeples rung by the ag itation to a degree that fome fup- pofjd there was lire the houfes ihook fenfibly the clocks gen- erafly were flopped vthe fout h- ern papers mention thefe hocks having been felt in raleigh nc richmond norfolk portf mouth mediately anfwered no no no io- of the ihearrc u the citizens bank pur chafed th iol of ground on which the theatre flood fur the purpofe of creeling a church in its place and more than two thoufiuid dollars have al ready been fulferibed for that pious purpofe the writer adds that a mong the number who fo mv fully pcr- ijhed there were not fix of the poorer clafs of people the fefolution before concrrefs o veflels johnfon bart infpeiing field officer of the militia of lower canada t t v ality is the life of bufncfs rrrol prrffing necefiity compells the fubfciibers to addrefs in direct terms every perfon indtbted to them whofe notts or accounts have become due they moll earned ly requed all thofe to make im mediate payment without farther notice c w1ll1ston 2c ca kingston january 28 1812 1 1 to authorifincr merchant arm has palled the houfc of rep- luli luhmy uulilu jjifi tulf wilt- r 1 1 poffeffing a republican heart im- fcntatives by a large majority and alexandria virg george town md philadelphia c they were more fenfibly experien ced in fome places than others body will join you mr s repeated that he could prove this fact but he did not feel himfelf at liberty to mention his authority it was one however entitled to full cre- extrafl of a letter from a gentleman deuce he appealed to at mobile dated nov 1 8 mr randolph who confirmed atimotute dated jsov ib mr kanaotptj wno connrmea teria of whfch thc bui are compofc the court of spain has given mr stanfords ftaternent and ad- extremely deruom k behoves mdmdm orders to the gov of penfacola ded if vtr ss fpeech ihould go to give up the floridas as far as the perdido this news i receiv ed to day from my correspondent penfacola dated the 14th inft ikave alfo feen feveral other let- te mentiohin g the fame e 3 wm from the debates in ccngrefs december wl pcnn candidly onfeffed that lt was his object to rfhelioufetoadireftvoteon 0 fcnoufly mcant5 hc would dc t0 te troops of any of gffi2blfciai think before the public unmutulated it was poffible the evidence alluded to would be produced mr blaehledge could fee no im propriety in the gentlemans fiat ing his authority for a fact fo im portant he had often heard it lentioned before but never had believed it he hill entertained doubts which could only be re moved by the proof alluded to mr stanford faid he was deter- red alone from giving his author ity by his refpect for private con fidence cr uvadinp haa m umada with any oth- r trnnn aa a or force fhc v in that rrnvln waftringtmii january 14 troons againft the prefident of the u states uldwehavc did on the iithinfl approve and hie tti communication permtt me mr editor tlirough the medium of your weekly publication to lay before the public a few rcmatks fuggeited by the late difaflrous event on friday morn- ng fires being very frequent on the continent of america and from the nature of the ma- pofed als of all claflfes to unite in their endeavors to arreil the progrefs of this all fubduing ele ment i would therefore propofe that a him of money be railed by fubfeription to efftct the following mod defirable ends to procure from europe a fire engine on a large fcale with its lated improvements two fire hooks with light handles ca pable of being moved by human power three ladders of different lengths and a fufficient number of leather buckets pipes c thefe articles fiiould be placed in or ad joining to fome public building as the mar ket floufe or the church and two or more keys left at fuch houfes near from whence they miglit be foon obtained when wanted 1 make no eftimate whatever f the c- pence but hould hope it might be compai- fed by the united means of the community to pi event thft property from ever becom ing the fource of litigation or of proiit to op ulent individual i would fuggett that when com plea ted a ftaternent of the expences and a lill of the fubferibera be depofitcd among the records of the eftabliffied church or in k new tave ptphe fubferiber refpectfully informs ln3 x friends and the public drat he has o- pened a houfe of public entertainment djrely oppofite sir johns park at the sign of the violin bottle glafs vhre thofe who may pleafe to favor him with their cuftom may be aftured that every attention will be paid in the houfe both to board and lodging and the bed of stabling fo the ac commodation of horfes john poncet kingston january 181 2 t notice the fubferiber informs the public that he has provided himfelf with a goo sleigh and horfes for the purpofe of conveying paffengers be tween kingfton and york which he will engage to pntctm on as reafonable terms as any other perfon 4 simeon morey 1 1 january i 1812 for sale by the subscriber excellent comae bra hov 2zh i h o thomson tel 4ifnrnk m i againft fign the aft pafltd by congrel for the records of the f iotsm 1 lieiphncd ar- radmg an additional nuiuai dc llcrtto i- that it trtstoial could force wanted immeaiay as an apprentice to the printing bufmefi a boy from 15 to 10 years ofae one of good re commendations will meet wn rood encouragement by applying at this office 7

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