mo iiiopofd don of the world he ihould be flared at for this re mark and vvillicd it to bo undcr- ftopd that lie hod no attachment to great britain but laid he a ri may be my protector with out intending it he thought a derfon mull have very little know ledge of the human heart to fup- poic that alter bonaparte has fub- duel great britain and acquired univerlal dominion in europe our liberties would then be iecurc this coniideraticn had ibmc weight in his mind our victory in iuch a caufe would be our defeat in deftroying the energies of great britain we deflroy our uvn ilcu- for we k i s c s r c a lr a l e t t mr editor it has loni been notorious that the american government have entertained a ftrong partiali ty for france by whom ihe has been plundered and infuked ana a jealouiy of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland not fcafily reconcileablc to honor aide feeling little eonliilet with the nature of their owa inititutions s certainly not dictated by a regard for the liberties of mankind i i monftrous conjunction between a government which proclaims h felf exclu lively republican tlxc frioft powerful military deipot that ever bppreiicd the world does vi olence to everv principle of reafbn and natural feeling and can pro- cecd onlv from the blindelt prcju- dice and irdatualicr ik that however as it may not content to cooperate with the french em peror in the vain attempt to fep the power of the united kingdom by checking her commerce and excluding ter maiiuiacturcs from their country at the cxpence of much diftrefs to themfelvcs this fubferviency to the mortal foe of our parent state hath at length been carried fo far that the amer ican government have actually afc fumed an hoftile attitude have palled a law for the profelled pur- pofe of attacking the brkifh ter ritories in their neighborhood e pccially the canadas that this like former threats will end in mere vapouring or blunder is not improbable but at all events it behoves us to be prepared for the worth i trutt we will not fhrink from the trial ihould it occur but be animated by the fpirit of the nation of which we are a part ec ihew ourfelves ready determin- edto repel the areflions ot any of her enemies or in other words to defend curfeives it is impofilble to read without indignation the fpeeches made in congrefs by ibmc of the leading partisans of thefe warlike meaf- ures they talk of taking the canadas as a matter attended with no fort of difficulty and fomc of them have the ixnnudence to aiiert that the inhabitants initead of of fering any refdtance will flock to their standard should they cal culate upon this they will be mif- erabiy miftakeru and will find the ipinted k loyal inhabitants of this province anxious to avenge them felvcs for this foul afperhon by the disgrace and difcomhturc of thole who may be fools enough to act under impreilions fo injurious to the honor of any fubjects of the britifli empire tur motives for the racfi cor- dial cc-vnct- in h eade of our parent state are many and powerful and our means of itic- cefsful relidance great on thefe and other topics connected with a lubjccfc fo in torching to this prov ince 1 ihall take the liberty of of fering my ientiments to the pub lic from time to time through the medium of your paper falkland for the gazette in addition to what was iecommended by an kxile in your lalt paper or ri- thtr as an improvement on bin plan allow bwij mr miles to propofe that one or moic fire erijnne5 of a mod- erafe hze he imported from the united states vvheie they can be had at a much cheaper rate than i brought over from eftjlaiid thit the lire hohs ladders buckets and pipes be made by our own mechanic and to lave the trouble of locking up our pietty uarkci huufe thtt a fitcttigiue ward be c- rccted on one or the many vacant fpti in our little village not k occupied by itattly edifi ces in whith the eniiiicsand utenjils mav be uiely dcpolited that as nun h as iu- ilc to guard affamlt the dreadful tltects f fire and to feeure at all times active and ex- pen lire men let a company befurmcti ab in other towns on the comiucnt vvliofe duty it ill be io lake charge t f and wutk the iliigiiic whenever their ierviees mav be re quired and to induce the uihjijkaats to become members of it exempt the firemieri irom icrviojf iu juries tv m bcipfif eiecied town officers se this wiii be much letter than to allow to any perl n a compctiiation in money hut as in thefe cats our mjt iuiiucniial cliaraeteis can do n j nioie tlian recomateiid objetta ot public uti uy for the a- dopdoii ti tueii fellow citizen why not at once pelitioa pauiamant for an act to iucei- prate die viliagej and thtn gut to iio ma- dhaces full power and authority to make all fuch byelaws tules slid regulation as they might deem eeccflary or ilte h nelit of the eonmunitv r evrri man aoanted witli the advaiitagea rein u g horn a w ii regulated pollec would iidlantly give ft his fuppcht and fure 1 am that the uitienliit of the oiaet rauid a it mav have appeared to ime people vould ii coiiijueiice be rcitiv acceicated there can be nothing more judicious than de dc lo place the lupine on a flei ought ccrtaiidy to be adopted a frkeholdefi jrll it kingston tuesday fmikudrt 4 1812 bytoi january 7 from gibraltar our gibraltar papers contain tn oflicial account of the fall of oagunturo to the vrcnch general such e t tle spaiii 11 c om m an de r is blamed it denies that the spanifh army received a ruinous defeat the day previous although it acknowledges they were unfor- tunatc but w the reverie does not render them icfs confident of beino able to repel the invafion in su- chets fuirnrioris as printed at gib raltar he only lrientions taking 3 ftandars 20 pieces 1400 priibners and 2 generals in the battle of october 25 the yellow fever continued to prevail at caithagena old spain october 26 and over all the villa ges in the province of murcia in the town of murcia 6000 perfons had died alicant was free from it an indifcrect manifeuo of the spanifn general lardizabal pub- hiked at cadiz appears to have cauied inuchaoitationinthecortcs and to have been calculated to pro duce diitentions between the bri- tifli and spaniards the cortes were proceeding to complete a con- ititution for spain a comminion of the cortes has been appointed to try flic exre gent lardizabal some of the iit- tings of the cortes have been very boiilerous and ixrec crdtids have collectted round their place pfniee- tinir a m vattcntc wa- convey- eu on board a mip apparently to protect hira from the populace algczirasj nov 7 thespanifh general ballefteros obtained a victory on the 5th o- vcr the french general semale who was at bornot with 2000 men the french had many kil- objicl of ray in the regirtar army madlfoih anjkwr if ever kmrjjn will be amijuvr bait fed rep is mentioned as a rumour in the ullexandria gazette that coti- grtfs are about to adjourn for two montjjs in order to hear further from endandy the fame rumor is alfo led and wounded among the thus announced in the baltimore fed- former the commanding officer of the 1 6th regiment we have ta- ken fome artillery all their ammu nition many horles mules muf- kets knapiacks and made many prifonets some of our foldiers jpx 1000 dollars as their ihare of the fpecie taken our troops con tinue to advance u hanifj notice of suchels late yicjor general orders of the d army of oct 26 the commander in chief h e general blake being accuftom- ed to the viciiiitudcs of war does not wonder at the failure of yef- r rdays attempt although he had the beft founded reafons to hope for a profperous illue and appear ances at the commencement oi the action were molt flattering nor does that reverie render him leis confident of repcuinsr the enemys mvaiiom lie is fatkfied in general with ffie conduct of the generals com mandants ollicers and men and partieuiarivfo viti the 4th divif- ion of the 4th army under the command of camp marfhal zayas but is hiffhlv diipleafed with cer- lxiii corps and a few individuals he will not diigrace the latter be- iotc they are convicted as foon 43 their cowardice iliall have been brved lie will take care that the hfaole rigor or julcieeand national vengeance alight upon their lieacl v dftut t a i h ijivifion caulz oct 4 i a col san- j iago aiddccamp to gen cas- r xos anpeared at the bar of the lortes and gave a relation of v hich he was an eye witnefs of x defeat of the french general irarets diviiion near merida follow tlie particulars hieh been detailed in gen- here ral hills deipatch1 the col in addition ftatxi tliat girards ad vance to the vicinity of valencia of alcantara before the defeat oc- c ca army to expert- a great fcarcity of provilion that tlie expedition was planned v generals mill and caibnos to rw the army the cortes di- r the regency to thank gen- ei gaftanos and hill 1500 of mie french paiibners captured had a in valentia tde alcantara x he joy which this event had oc- c was exceflive long lire il brave tattered foldiers of the th atffiiy eternal alliance of spain npand ana portugal is the uni- v cry a spanifli general u rites lie faw numerous french r ll ivino dead on the field had been pierced through ex rouh by the ion bavonets lii i y the nervous arm of the 1j o 1 a warriors c tlie britijh ninijter carriage was j r for fome hours at the door cftl rifulcnfs houfe ihe day after the ar- n billpajfut the circumjfanee has s rife to much fitculatien some 2j k the mlmter went to apologize ot all that has juiffd and to befceeh demoirafie hlajtejly not to make a tl id de fee t upon canada raihn pare fo hj- that in the name 6 l triee 11 fcht a jemavd hits bun de uo fiui as fo tie tal r 1 r eral republican m an adjournment of congrefs for a few weeks has been talked of such ajlcp would be moji grateful to mr mudijlns filings and would afford a temporary relief to the cmbarrajfed majority but it would cpen the eyes of the people and clench public opinion us to war will england o indian w jr a rumor pre vails at jvaffington that an cxtenfive indian war is to be apprehended as the prophets brother had reappear ed on thewabafh with 300 warriors another brufh is ferioujly anticipated rok 1 ri kingston gazette mr ebitoa peafe to infert the enclofcd in your next gazette and oblige yours flora u sanjj sandy why fterfeeutefi ihw m oh ceafe filly sandy weve fure had c- ihiugh of your sapulios and lauras and floras and fluff then ceife i eulieat if you would not in due- me to think youve but intellect fit for 5 oole and mv name never mix m your mauaaii flvains that prove want of intdlcct wit and ov brains stick to coke upon lyttleton ituh- nviii meet and continue en oro lung at tvro pence a fhee flora oqj 5 000 mar hied ai oinler i tli d inilant hj tn rev s j mountain lieutenant jnnforti 10th royal veteran battalion to m1t1 char lotte paxton daiiivliter of ilie late capuia paxton marine department upper cana da n o t i tke fubferjber bega leave ta inform the public that attencanee will be ai- en every saturday during the approaching stithm of the provincial leeiflature from eleven oclock till three at the library at viliam firth lfquire at the houte in which he rthyrci at york when his dcam and extenfive colltclion of books will he expofed to lale by private contract on the moil reaionable trnns it is reedlefs to re mark that this very extenfive library offers ample gratification to the hiltofian the pol itician tin divine the poet the lawyer the naturalifc and novchit there is alfo t rich collection of all the molt edtbrated greek and latin clafiies it i tlie inten- titn of tfie fublcriber to fepd all the books remaining unfod in the spiing tr lowfir cauada ay v baldwin agent for v firth fori latb jan 1812 n b two elegant bedfieads with beds mattredes boulders hangings 8c com plete with fome other articles of houfe- hold furniture and a large double cariole and harnela are alio for fale at the fame place w w b notice i nphe fubferiber inrorms the public that lie las provided hirafelf with a goed sleigh and horfes for tlie purpoic of conveying paltengers be tween ktiilton and york which he will engage to pcifoim on as rcafonable terms a anv other pcrfoa simeon morey ternary 18 i 2 1 iuiv oall bv the sublcribcr excdlert 1 1 7 n r l y n 7 ri v lcjtiv jljfcifiu tt i nry ry qfjv fvcr 2 isti ispavfords giocr r r ill i v 4