Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 18, 1812, p. 1

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kingst vol ii kingston upper canada j lubday february 18 1812 no 14 land for sale j the following valuable lot of land iu the town hip of frederickfuurgh are offered for fale bv the fubrcnber vi lot number fix in the firft conceflion additional lot number twentyfive in the fourth conceflion richard cartwright dec 3 181 1 aif sheriffs sal l m midland diftria t y virtue of a writ cf viz y fieri facias ilucd out of his majeftyb court of kingbbenrh at the foit of peter grant of the town of kingfton merchant againft the lands and tenements of samuel rofelate of mary burgh yeoman to me directed 1 have feized and taken in execu tion as belonging to the faid samuel role the weft half of lot no 2 in the rirtl concef- fion of the townfhip of marylburgh weft of the rock containing ly admcafuiement one hundred acres be the fame more or lefs 1 do heieby give nmiee that the abovemen- tioned lot of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging will be fold and adjudge ed to the higheil bidder at my office in the town of kingfton on tuefday the thfid day of march next artfae hour of ten oclock in the forenoon ahich time and place the conditions cf idle will be made known charles stuart sheriff and every perfon or perfons having claims n the above defcribed lot of land by mort gage or oihef right of incumbrance are here by adveftifed id give notice to the faid sheriff at his office in tfe town of kingftun previous to the fale thereof sheriffs office 2 j march 1 8 i i s sheriffs sale midland frjlria iitse ib y virtue of a writ of j j w fieri facias ilfucd out of his majeftys comt of kings bench at the m of james robins d ihe covvn of kingdom eiqtiiit againjl the lands and ten ements f amos aidley of the towiihip of kingfton yeoman- to me dircclcd i have 15sea and taker h tr v forlojgfvg to the laid amoa an hey the north half of lot no 15 in the fecjnd c6uceffion of the town- ihip of khgftor coijtajrang by admcafure- ment one hundred acres jz the fame more or left together with a log houfe framed barri thereon creeled 1 do hereby give notice that the above mentioned lot cf land- v ith the buildings and appurtenances thereunto be longing will be fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder at my office in the town of kingfton on tuefday the third day of march next at the hour of ten oclock in the fore- noon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known charles stuart sherif and every perfon or per fens having claims on the above defcribed lot of land by mort gage or other right or incumbrance are here by advertifed to give notice to the faid sher iff at his office in the town of kingfton pre vious to the fale thereof sheriffs office zd march 1 8 1 1 28 a few barrels excellent newcastle salmon 5 for fale by gumming u hamil 70 h january 18 lott for sale at this office a sermon on the death of the rev john stuart d d preached at kingfton 25th auguft 1 si 1 by the rev john stkachax d d notice he fubferiber informs the public that he has provided himfelf with a good sleigh and horfes for the purpofe of conveying paffengers be tween kingfton and york which he will engage to perform on as reafonable terms as anv other perfon simeon morey january 18 12 ii cafh paid for clean cotton lxin rags at this office yui received fr 0711 england a new assortment of cloths caflimeres and are now offered for fale by the fubferib- ers at mr wm stoughtons inn 011 the mod reafonable terms for cafli broadbent whitehead son kingston jan 131812 9 node sales at auction to be fold at public auction at the store of the fubferiber the whole of his stock in trade confiding of a very ex tensive and well choien affortment of india wejl- india goods gro ceries crockery glafs ware look ing g laffies c sale to commence on monday the 27th of january next at 10 oclock and co be con tinued every luccteding monday at the dime hour until the whole is difpofedof in the mean time he will fell at private fale whole sale or retails at coft and charts without a- ny advance which will be from 20 to 50 pei cent lefs than his ufual prices thole who may whh to purchale at private fale till do well to call and examine fo them- elves as a confulcrable part of the goods have been purchased with cam at a very low 1 ate there certainly will be fome bargains worthy of attention and on auction days as the fublcnber is about to clofe his buli- nefs in this place and remove to montreal goods will be fold to the higheil bidder without rekrve n b thofe who have accounts tinfet- tled will be rjleafed toe 11 and adjuft them b whitney airiest on cth dec 1 m 1 1 7 fajhi enable hats iff trimmings the fubfciibers have opened and now offer for tale next door to robert walkers hotel an elegant assortment of the mo ft fajhionalle hats trimmings which they are determined to fell on ihe nioft reafonable terms either wholcfale or re tail for cah country pioduce or approved credit smith e butte rworth n b old hats neatly drcjjed en the jjjoriijl notice- j czfti paid for eur 3c lambs wool kingston lth december 1s11 5 gchcap goods the fubferiber informs the public that he has juil received an ex- tenfive and well chofen affortment of dry goods groceries which he offers for fale at his store next door north of mr patrick smyths at the molt 1 educed prices h c thomson a cling for mr si st george of york cthe high eft price given for all kinds of country produce in exchange for goods sept 16 1 8 i 1 new books just received from montreal and for fale at the gazette office addifons works mfarlands vkw of herefies life of jofeph pleafures of reafon seafons in england ira and ifa- bella a neiv novel charaelerof george 3d porneys french spellingbook french vocabulary childs spellingbook worids difplayed porteuss evidences of the chiiftian religion biblesteftaments watts pfalms and hynns pi a iters childrens bocks catcchifmsj c r he fubferiber begs leave to inform x the public that attendance will be giv- ei every saturday during the approaching tfeffion of the provincial legiflature from eleven oclock till three at the library of villiam firth efquire at the houfe iu vvhich he refided at york when his elegant a extenfive cullectioii of books will be expo fed to fale by private contract on the noft reafonable terms it is needlefs to re- niaik that this very extenhve library offers ample gratification to the hiitorfan the pol itician the divine the poet the lawyer the naturalift and novelift there is alfo a rich collection of all the moil celebrated cireek and latin claffics it is the inten tion of the fubferiber to fend all the books remaining unfold in the spring to lowr canada w w baldwin agent for w firth tori ityh jan 1812 ztf n b two elegant bedfteads with beds jvlattreffes boul iters hanoings c com plete with fome other articles ot houfe hold furniture and a large double cariole and harncfs are alfo for fair at the fame lace w w b political miscellany from the york gazette extra fib 4 1 lift of letters remaining in the pofl- office ai kingston xoih feb 1812 a whittfy allen c nathaniel cogfwtil william cottier obadiai cooper alexander chiiholm pe ter collir archibld cameron- d jeremiah dcvell duncan mdou- gal f archibald fairfield william fair field john fall g john gibbard george gallawav h abraham hill w g hupburn samuel plow daniel hate bedford hen- drix benjamin johnfon k fredrick keeiar benonia lamfon m james magee john mathews a j se s mcnabb p heman frier j mxwv mieiili mt matgt siffifn jtpenuet g sulden jofepn sparrow iv nathan wheeler ths deacon p m frefli goods bartlet has rcelvcd a complete aflbrtment of dry goods liquors groceries crockery hard ware vhichhe will fell wholefale or ictail at his ufual low prices for cafh or any kind of pro duce alfo for fale boards and plank few barrels flour of a fuperior quality for family ufe gj cafh pard for produce and advanced on properly conliyned for fale 3 kingston dec 3 18 1 1 hpihe fubferiber having obtained letters jl of admiuiftratin for the eftate of chelate dodor john gamble of kingfton deccaed requcils all thofe who have any eiiiims on the faid eftate to render their ac counts properly attefted on or before the 11 r it of june next in order that fome ar rangement may be made with them and all ihofe indebted to faid eftate are requefted to pay the fame to the fubferiber that fhe may be preparcil to lay aftatement of the eftate before the creditors isabella elizabeth gamble a dm iriiratrix kingston november 151011 itf 4 tc punctuality is ihe life of bufincfs the mod preffing neceffity compells the iubferibers to addrefs in died terms every perfon indebted to them whofe notes or accounts have become due they moft earneilly ftqueft ail thofe to make im mediate payment without further notice m c williston co kingston january 28 181 2 ii vspaitords geography at this office m an addrefs to the inhabitants of up per canada gentlemen at a crifis like the prefentwhen the warlike preparations of our neighbours are brought to our very doors and the attack of the canadas become a common theme of converfation not only amongft the idle and fpeculating part of the community but is gravely brought farward in congrefs as a national meafure it is high time that we fliould be prepared to icet the blow aimed not only at our profperity but againft the more induftrious h virtuous claff- es in both countries my bbjeft is to lay before my readers a rair and candid ftatement of the rela- live fituations of the two countries now brouffht to the brink of this awful precipice and to prefent a iiiirht lketch of the evils that mult km rcfult from this moft unnatural and deteftable policy of the ameri can government it is now evident that war cart no longer be avoided as the calcu- la t ions of the democrats founded upon the forbearance of england are evidently erroneous all their bullying and iwaggering about the great exploits they were to per form mch as marching into can ada c if file did not refcind her decrees and abandon thofe mari time rights upon which her very get her with many other civil things they were ready to have dictated to her having produced no effect whatever upon the britith nation or her councils the con ference of ail this is loud and noify preparation for war this is an event the corrupt and venai wretches who havefoldtheir coun- for kit try to our implacable enemy have ion 9 been drivins at thev have now nearly accompiilhed their ob ject an army of 25000 men are voted to invade and lay walie thefe provinces and when the nature cf the american population is confidered we can be at no lofs in forming a correel cftimate of the defcription of men compofing this army it is not to be fuppofed that the yeomanry of the country will quit their comfortable homes and abandon their families and every tie in life to expofe them- felves to the bayonet or tomahawk in fighting fhe battles of bonaparte madifon and co it is not my wifh or intention to deny the patriotifm or courage of the a- merican people as 1 firmly believe if the caufe of their country re quired the facrifice they would act as they have done on former occaiions and not be found want ing in either whilft we are appre ciating our enemy it is both folly and injuftice to under rate or with hold from him his due but there will not be many men found in the invading army poffeffed of thofe virtues the american who really loves his country cannot but deplore the wickednefs and folly of his government who have thus dragged the nation into a war

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