Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), February 18, 1812, p. 3

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this province on this falutar precaution in the event of a war our future fifety w ill greatly de pend and i doubt not but that you will cheerfully lend your aid to enable me to defray the expenie of car r vine into effect a rneafure fo conducive to our fecurity and defence 1 have ordered the public ac counts to be hud before you and have no doubt but that vou will 0 coniider them with that attention which the nature of the fubject may require hon gentlemen of the jrgifatire council and gentlemen of the houfe of mjfiabh i have without reierve commu nicated to you what has occurred to me on the exiitinu circumiran- ces of this province we wifh hope for peace but it is neverthe- jefs our duty to be prepared for war the talk impofed on you on th prefent occafion is arduous this taik however i hope k trull lay ing afide every conlidcration bur that of the public good you will perform with that iirmnefs difcrc- tion and promptitude which a regard to yourielves your fami lies your country and your king call for at your hands as for myfeif it ihail be my ut moft endeavor to cooperate with you in promoting fuch meafures as may bed contribute to the fecu- tity and to the profperity of this pfovincc mr monroe to mr foster dcp irtment of stale jan 9 1 8 2 sir i 7vj had the honor to receive your letter of the jbtu nit dlfivoving any agen cy of your government in the holtile meaf- niesof ihc indian tribes towards the united states if the indians defire any encour agement from any per ions in thole meafures of hoitilitv it is verv fatisfaofv to the pre- iident to receive from you an aftunuce that no authority or countenance was given to them by the britifh government i have the honor to be c james monroe bis e jug j fofoti c nations when f rom the united states b oft on january from gibraltar captain atkins arrived on wedneftay from ivica alicant and gibraltar was in formed at the former place that the french were erecting bzteries in the neighborhood of valencia for the purpofe of attacking that place from the eaft indies 1 mr hinckley fupeaargo of ihe vp to- pnz arrived town yellerdjy and comtru- tiicates the fo lowing the ihip titnne from bafavia with def- pitche to the 28ih aurruit arrived at the me of france the rsh of september laft the entrlifh had t iken btavfa and all the weil end of the id ind the armies were within 3 miles of each other the engl if h commanded by sir samuel auchmuty and the duch under general johnfm not more than 13 miles from balavia the dutch find about 2000 europe ins and 18000 malay the englifll had about 8000 europeans and iocoo native troops general john- fon had becn fummoied to capitulate and there was not much doubt but it would loon take place as they are in wmt of almolt evr- eiy thing the englifh fleet round the m- and had cut off all mean of fupplv captain ligerfol who arrive j here on wednefday left the sti eights of alias 97 days fmce and underflooi from the malays tint all tru dutch fctt ements iu java bd surrendered to the britifli neivtork january 30 litcft from havana capain dickinfm of the ihip juila i in- forma chit a spanilh fleet oftranfp it w h gun dug from cadiz bound t ia vercrwz put into havana tor pro vi lion a it ud water message to the senate and houfe of fefrrfntatijes of the united slates 1 lay before congreb a letter from the en- oy extraordnvirv and tniniltei plenipotenti- y of great britain to the fecretary of tat- 7f tro h e coflvoy f a 7 mh thte anfwer of the htttr and a gnu bug tram cadiz bound to 1 james madison washington jn if 1812 mr foster to mr monroe ivafnington bet 28 181 1 siviii bnv been informed by mr mori- erthar o long ago as the 3d of lad january in confequence of a written communication from sir james cra his majeftys govern orgeneral and commander fn chief in can- ada dated the rth of november 18 to ac quainting him with his fufpicions of its bring the intention of feme ftlie indian tribe from the great fermentation amono them to make an attack on the united states and a the uthorizintr him to impart his fulpiaons to he american secretary of state y he had actuafly done fo verbally to mr smith your pfedeccflbr in office and on frarching a- mong the archives of this miffion 1 have found the letter alluded to of sir james craig by which he did authorile mr mo- tier to make the communication in quffion as well as a memorandum of its having fo been made as nlfo an exprefs declaration of sir james craig that although he doubted there would not be wanting perfons who would be eady to attribute the movements of the indians to the influence of the britifh government vet that his department were actually making every exertion in their pow er to afiift in preventing their attempts this evidence fir of a friendly difpohtion to put the united states government on their guard againlt the machinations of the lavages and even to aid in preventing the ca lamity which has taken place- is fo honora ble to the governor- general of canada and fo clearly in contradiction to the late unfoun ded reports which have been fpread of a con trary nature that i cannot refill the impulfe i have to draw your attention towards it not that i conceive howevef thrt it was ie eeflary to produce this proof to the united states government of the fafitv of fuch ie- ports which the character of the britifh na tion and the man i felt inutility of urging the indians to their deftruion oiould have ren dered improbable but in order that you my be enabled in cafe it hall feem fitting to you by giving pnblcity to this letter to corred the miltaken notions on the fubj5r which have unfortunately found thtir way even a- mong perfons of the higheit rcfpeclability wny as i am convinced fiom thtir having been mifinformcd i have the hono to he sic aug j fqstkr n irrr ptfitaf from spam captun milwad i the bng levant tron aigefiras and lait from gibi alter re ports that on the 28iii of november the french drove baihlteros ai my about 5000 men under the guns of gibraltar with a grat number ot men w men and children there was a great deed of firing and iome killed on both iides one spanilh genera wts laid to be badly wounded on the 29 h the armed fhips gun- boats c moored uear the beach oppolite st roche where the french were and kept up a conllaiic lire tkt whole day two britifh regiments arrived from tai ilia to affiit the spaniards but they re-embark- ed the next diy oil hearing the french had a reinforcement of cooo men at tariffs on the 1 ft of december it wa rumored that moil of the ficneh troops were marching to wards tanffa baialtero army marched through the towa ot gbraltar and embark ed onboard ol tranlports prepared to receive them bound to taiiffi foue of the tranl ports failed with the levant captain mil- ward could not go on fhore to get his riie of newlpapers a- no boat was inhered to land during the embark itio of the troops the french are fiid to have from 12 to 15000 men in the neighborhood important vfe have been ob ligingly favored with the savan nah republican ot jan 2d trom which we have copied the folio w- ing interefting article savannah fl january 1812 the viceconful of france in savamiah to mr a bullock col- lector of j aid port of savannah sir from the odious encroachments committed in this city on the hag and the subjects of his imperial majefty has proved the nullity in which the french conful is placed in order to fulfil his functions and protect the french fubjects 1 have received orders to retire when this unwarrantable crime hall be punilhed when the law protect ing itrancrers will be reeftabliihed wuh the respect due by all civilized malty the auth orities of this port will be able to offer i to the vcflcls and to the lubjects of france it is probable that i ihall be ordered to returif and continue my functions your moft obedient humble fcrvant le marcus kingston tuesday febkvirr 18 181 the provincial parliament for the prov ince of lower canada will meet at quebec on the 2 lit inltant for the dilpateh of bu- fmefe for the kiscstoh gazette b mr miles i had previous to the iftuinrr of your lafc 1 number prepared an anfwer to flora but 1 ancinor to fhow it to a lady of my acquain tance lie aflured me of the folly of enter ing the lifts with a female fcribbier and at the fume time offered to compofe an anfwer by the time your next paper went to prefs and which i now enclofe you this 1 very readiiy conferred to as 1 have a great antipathy to difpute with the fair the pre fent has got into the right hands and i hope to fee it carried on with proper ffirlt and de corum 1 mu ft beg however to afiure mils flora in anfwer to the la line of her poetic production which feems a perfonal allulion that no gentleman who engrofts at u two pence pr fheet ought to be charged with the demerits of the productions of andy penmanship p aught by the subfcriber up- on a new improved and svfterratic plan being a fliort and eafy way to acquire a fair and plain hand writing in a fhort and fimple manner there being many who are dellitute of writing and are grown to the irate of manhood an opportunity is now pre ferred to them to improve tliemfelvcs in peimmanlhip in a courfe of fifteen execi- fes only one hour and a half at each spe cimens and improvements o thole who have been inflrnctted iq their perfect iaiiafaction may be fcen at his school room where gen tlemen are invited to call and fatiify their curiofity the fubferiber has opened his writing school this day at the houfe of mr henrt baker king iton febru ary i8tb 1812 n b ladies and gentlemen defirons of improving their hand writing the fubferib er will attend them at their apartments for a reafonable compenfation charles macdonell i4tf inftruftor of writing take notice i a ll thofe indebted to the fubferiber are jl requcfted to call and make payment immediately or tby will be fued without further notice all thofe who hold notes or accounts are deli red to bring them for ward richard smith february okd fl try asar r tear pray tell whats th ora niatter that sallys a fail d with this mi feat clatter forrrhffr rrfj wonder youir left us in buht imt tfu tlyhcal lays have been rat fed about jl f you jtjl iv hen you fay youre offen ded i our na r- j j j j t tq irnded mse i perfeclons or an fuh name h tth ffhgj pretenjims his hyperbole claim or does s rkifhr of all ihe fair thron j o inn- f y tiff rfelf can fuch beauties belong isut rrtf jf he truly fzveet girl did intend 9 j bus fhly your charms in his lines to commend j im j adulations voice thus you deride oh fb fachpmdn fif old m aid dfh trick 1 u urd my dear flora to kick gainfi th to reward to any perfori who o vnm prove to conviction the perfon qr perfons who fit ft reported tint x had ab- i co nded i4 3v for sale roci land t 4e third con- o celfion of the townfhip of piaf horgh being lots no 6 half of no 7 sr no 18 for terms apply to the subfcrib er at kingiton k c thomson february 15 i s 1 2 wj k pricks la uk a respfxtfully informs the tlemen of kingfton and the public in general that lie intends commencing the joiner and cabinet bufinefs at point frederick where thole who mav favor him with their cultom may be affu red tliat their work lhall be done in the belt naji- ner and on the fhortdl notice mjiiilp i k at quebec on the 24th ult mrs eflhef trime wife of captain prime 10th royal veteran battalion 2d int robert wool- fey efq merchant ofrhatcity d inliant captain mmilau caiadian regiment at montreal 29th ult mifs janet aird drmhter fthelae mr robert aird mer chant on the fame day mr amosboam ion at william henry james walker flo m d m xyjl oir jonn rurcell is highlv applaud ed the mtans pnrfued to fell my property under the name of uw is as repugnant to the laws of the umted kingdom of which i am and ever will be a faithfig subiea as it was to break into the houfe of that ecntle- man 9 a bond obtained by violence a jurv compofed of boys under age and men that never were bfitih subjeds neither frcehou a den under thefe ciicumltances i forbid at auufla u c epliraim jones eq the file of my good chattels lands and ie was many years 111 the cimraiiflary depart- tenement as advertited by the sheiif and lent during the american war r it in full confidence that the government will prote my numerous oprrog m th a u a t legal inheritance of their fathers effete tiw benevolent gift of a beloved sovereign amos ansley kingston february 14 18 fjfc 4 f r subfcriber purpofes leaving thii x province for lower canada in three will be pohored to friday ihe 28th when wall be fold pofitivcly without reierve 1 barrel peppermint cordial 1 barrel shrnb 1 u i r rt r do wkv t do port wine k p z i w r al tobacco l 3 lbs hyon f x btfe t0 fend their printed calicoes do furniture do 1 do cotton plat ill is 1 piece carpeting 4 fetts china and a variety of other articles n bvhitney kingiton- 17m february 18 12 tailoring hablrmaking uniforms fie fubferiber refpectfully infovms the ladies and gentlemen of kingiton that he has commenced the above buiiuefs in ali its various branches at the houfe of mr john bayne near mr poncets tavern where all oiders will be ftridly attended to and ev ery favor gratefully acknowledged thomas beckett kingston i yth february 1 si 2 lff accounts m onebatteaia one skiff one tinfinimed calafh chairs tables and a va riety of other articles if not fold at private fale previous to the 20th ind will be put to public fale on that day jno steel marine department lint frederick rtpnr rn-r- t point frederick near kingston thftb 1812 5 meet midland dijriclf g not ice 1 a s the fubferiber intends removing from jc 1l this place fo foon as he can arrsnee his buliieis for that purpofe he earneitly rrquell every perfon or perfons indebted to vim to make imqiedirtc payment as he m determined tophu every account which will remain unftttled on the firlt day of february next into the hands of his attorney george douglas rint o o h january i8ii of by virtue jf a warrant hgmed hv joffl forfyth efq h thomas markand eiq two of hfi majeitys jultices of the peacr for faii dktrict and to me directed the in habitants and bondholder of the town and townfliip of kinglloi pittfotirgh and wojf- ifland paying or liable to pay any p iblic aifcitments or rates are hereby notified to meet at tie court houfe in kmgfton ou monday the nd day of march next at 1 1 oeoek in the forenoon for the purpofe of nominating and choofoirr fit perfons to fcrve in the offices of town clerk two aflcl- fots one collector one town warden over seers of highways and roads pound keepers c for the year enfuing john da r lev high conjoin kingston i b 1 1 1 8 1 2 x

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