vc hj kingston upper canada tuesday march 10 1812 no 1 7 received from fnkvij jimr assortment of cloths caftiitieres aj arc nowoftered fay faltf by the lubfcnb- cr a mr m tjrouohtussr inn on the moil reitii1 terms for cafh broadbcnr whitehead son ao i 1 812 0 sales at auction notice 1 he fubferiber begs leave to inform the public that attendance will be giv en every saturday during the approaching saflloj of the provincial lejriflaturc from ehvcnoclick till three at flie library of william firth jgfqiiir at the houfe in wfcteti he refilled at york j when his decant and cxtenfive colvion of rooks will be exposed to falc by private contract on the molt rcifonahle terms it is needlefs to r mark that this very cxtenfive library offers ample gratification to the hiltoiian the pol itician the divine the poet the lawyer the naturalfit and novdift there h alfo a rich cnlleton of all the moll celebrated sa 111 trde conliltin of a very ex- greek and latin cbfc it s the fatefe lufeand well chokn ailortnunt of t 0 t briber to fend all the books eiwltfft lull1 ivpfl rcinu uh hesphur to lcaver vyi mitutui vr lji cl w baldwin agent for w firth 1 orl t jjh jan 1 8 i j r ijjf k ii two elegant eedfteadswiih beds ma lioulltcis hangings c com plete vh fome other articles of hoiijfe- held fuiwiure and a large double cariole and hurnclo aie alio for fale at the fame rpobe fold at public audkon at the store of the fubferiber the whole of helm goods gro- tfms crockery i gin i 5 ware aoking glafes c h 1 silt eommeiice to monday the 27th of jawary mhit ic oclock and co be eoi- tviu cvcy fuctckng monday at the fame bwi until the whde is difpofedof in im ntwj uv v- 11 fe pmi fk vm- lalcthtviairj at colt at 1 eliiiec without nvnaace whh will be from 20 to 50 ficr cent lefs than his inual prices thole who may tfxh to pnrefcafe it pi ivrtt fale will do ww to call and examine for them- felvcs as a cvifulerahc par of the good have wen purclialvd with caih at a veiy low rate there certainly will be come bargzim mrthy of atteiiu n and 01 auction days fa the fubferiber is about to clofc his bun- neb in place and remove o montreal goods will le fold to the hijrheit bidder tvithont refine n b tin i j who hvc account unfet- tkd will be pkaftd to cll and suiiuft tbcn b whitklv kiiscni 3c j5v 1 s i r y dhsnahk hats pace w w r frefli goods q batttct has received a 2 complete aliortment of 2v goods liquors groceries crockery t 3 hard warc j rimmings the ibfciibcrs have opened nd nwv foffcr for lie next door to roleri wdllfs hotel as elegant assortment of the mfc iajhionahle nrammgs cj caih r iid for produce and advanced on properly ctiligne1 for fait kingston dec 3 181 1 gtf jffl xoi ivg liabitmaklng id uniforms thc fubferiber refjefly infornra the ladies and gentlemen of kino hon thtt he has commenced the above bufincft in all its various branches at the hotife of mr john bayne nar mr poncets tawrn where all orders wiil be iiidtly attended to aiid ev ery favor gratefully acknowledged tiiomas ulukett kingston 17i february y 1 8 12 yf hats 1 which thrv bis dtterniined to ml mi the moll ua term- cither whob falc or re- tail for caih country pioduce 0 approve c pmilmlity is the life of blfwefs rc smith butter worth n b old hats neatly drcjjld on fhjhricjl notice c3gaih paid for fur sc lamhs wool kmsiuu i dumber ist t af newbooks just received from montreal nnd for fale at the gazette office addilbns works mfarlands view of heretics life of jofeph plcafures of rrafor seafons in england ira and 1 fa- bella a new novel character of george 3d porneys french spellingbook french vocabulary chids spellingbook worlds difplayed porteuss evidences of the chrillian religion biblcsteftaments watts pfalms and hymns pfalters childrens books catechifms c the fuhferiber having obtained lettera of adminiftracion for the eflate of tii late doclor john gamble of kingflon ccceafed requells all thole who have any cbims on the faid eftate to render their ac counts properly attelted on or before the firfl of june next in order that fome ar- ngement may be made with them and all ofc indebted to faid eftate are requrited to p the fame to the fubferiber that he may j prepared to lay a ftatement of the eftate ware the creditors isabella elizabeth gamble ailminiflrah ix knsim november 1 5 1 8 1 1 i tf affords geography forfjle at this 0ffee notice i proclamation province of upper canada isaac brock esrjuirc president adminijlering the government of ie province of upper canada bf th majorgeneral c bmmmding his majefifs forces within the fame to all to whom ft may concern greeting whereas information has been received that clivers perfons have recently come into this province with a fedhious ihtont to difturb the tranquility thereof and to en deavour to alienate the minds of j lis majeftys subjects from kis- perfon and government i hereby require and enjoin the feveral per fons authorized to carry into cf- fecl a certain ftatute palted in the fortyfourth year of his majeftys reign intituled ah act for the better fecuring this province agai- nft all feditious attempts or dciivns to diurl the tranquility thereof to be vigilant in the execution of their duty ind itriclly to cti- ruire into the behaviour and con duct 01 all lucli perlons as mav be flibje to the proviiions of the laid act j and i dc alio charge and require all his majeftys good and loyal fubjccls within t his province to be aiding and afiifting the laid perfons in the execution of the powers veited m them by the laid act given under my hand and sea at arms at york this twen tyfourth day of february in the year of our lord one thoufand eight hundred and twelve and in the kifty-fe- cond of his majeftvs reign- isaac brock president by command of his honor wm jarvls secy provincial parliament of 101v1 canjixia f mcfl prclliiig ncceftity compclls x the fubfetibers to addrefs dtreft terms every pcrfon indebted to them whole notes or accounts have become dut they moft earneiily requeft all thofe to make im mediate payment witnout further notice c williston co kingston january 28 18 12 ii land for sale the following valuable lots of land in the townfhip of frcdcrickflurgh are offertd for fale by the fubferiber viz lol number fix in the firft conceflion additional lot number twentyfive in the fourth conceftion richard cartwright dec 3 1 811 3tf as tie fubferiber intends removing from this place fo foon as he can arrange his bufinefs for that purpofe he earnellly rcquefta every peifon or perfons indebted to him to make immediate payment as he 19 determined to put every account which will remain unfettled on the firft day of february next into the handa of his attorney george douglas kingston th january 1 8 1 2 9 for sale at this office a sermon on the death of the rev john stuart d 1 prechcdat kingllon 25th auguft 1811 bv th rv vouii stmcban d d quebec february 21 f f 2 this day at 2 oclock his ex- ccllencv the governor in chief came down in itate to the legh- lativc council chamber and being feated on the throne the gen tleman ufhcr otthe black rod was lent to command the immediate attendance of the aflembiy which being come up his excellency was plcafed to open the scffion wrth the following spj ech gentlemen of the leijl ave council gentlemen oftkt ffoufe of ajimbly the prince regent in the name and on the behalf of his majefty having been gracioufly oleafed to honor me with the ap pointment of governor in chief of the britifh american provinces and having exprefsly commanded me to aflume the adminillration of lower canada i battened to take upon me this important charge v the commifllon by which i have been appointed lias been if- fued for fome time but as it has not yet reached me i continue to adminifter the government under the provifional authority with which i was honored in the firft inftance by his majeftys com- mand i lament that i cannot gratify your anxious expectation with any favorable information ipechnk the health of our ve fable an beloved sovereign is majefty ftill fuflers and tie tcrnal care lie was gracioufly 1 d to extend to every part of fa dominions continues to be exercifed by the prince regent i feci pride and fatisfaclion in congratulating you on the brilliant achievements which have taken place in the dcliveranceofportugal and for the rcfcue of spain from the tyranny of the chief ruler in france such events cannot be contemplated without acknow ledging in humble thankful nefs the interpofition of the great sov ereign of the univerfe who has permitted britifli valor to be the means of difoenfinc his benefits to tnole unhappy nations notwkhttanding the afton- ifliing changes that mark the age 111 which we live the inhabitans of this portion of the empire have witneflrd but as remote fpectators the aw ful icenes which defolate europe ana while britain built bv nature for uerfelf againft in- feclion and the hand of war has had her political exifcence involved in iuc fate of tle furrounding na- tions you have hitherto undillur- bed in the habitations of your fathers viewed without alarm the diftant ftorni which now fecms bending its courfe towards this peaceful and happy region should theuiifriendlv difpoll- tion of the covernment of the uni- ted states continue unchanged bv the wife meafbres and magnanim ous conduiofthe prince regent it will require no ordinary exercife of loyalty to withftand its effects and no common energy in the dif- charge of the important duties wc hall be called upon to perform viewing thefe circumftances i recommend an incrcafed and un remitting care and vigilance in fecuring the colony from either open invafion or inndious aggref- fion and i hope the provincial parliament will teftify the loyal difpofition by which it is animated in its carlv attention to thofe acts which experience has proved to be eifential for the prefervation of his majeftys government as by law happily eftablilhcdin this col ony and alfo by its readinefs in fupplyinghis majefty with fuch aid as hall be fuited to the exigen cies of the times by enabling his loyal canadian subjects to afliit in repelling any fudden attack made by a tumultuary force and effec tually to participate in the defence of their country againft a regular invafion at any future period i look to your public fpirit and your love of the general good for the amelioration of the internal communications throughout the province for the in crcafe of com merce and the encouragement of agriculture fo that the moft dif tant inhabitant may become fen- fible of the folicitude entertained for his comfort and welfare by the government protecting him mr spinier ami 11 gentlemen of the houfe of affetnjibi i have directed to be laid be fore you a ftatement of the pro-