Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 14, 1812, p. 2

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r rui tu jtfjjf- jvis iuneiuleivd to the riiii rorccsi i 4 i on v tfl perceive jrcni the mts that wuechyivi n the p pipers bfffh from wafting- ron anl mafochufctt that the tvdih rf tiic northern sites hvvc iticceedet in making the iingrew believe that vitli fuch an opppildmi as they would mafee to lie general govt rumen t a war nuft he confined to their own ter ritiwy and might be even too much for that ovcrnmcit to fuf- tain ths eoniequcuce fotliatafc r all the parade and menaces with which the feulon commenced it yaleen iurtered to end without rafvir into effect any or the itri of the adminiilrarion except rittrdttriti of commercial irter- cour with england and i ranee in eeni that was anticipated in my forraer letters under wlktt new ci ream fiances ti e cor ricjl in ai depend on dw ftatfi elelions andtle changes that rtiar in the mean tre take place in reivp with regard to great britain the can fca e miftake her true policy ton to america if peace can irritate the maritime iutci slight to be avoided becanfe the nrevaiugec difpofltion i thefe will generally he iumcicnt to keep the government from hazarding any hoflile meafure 1 war between amerka raid france be a grand desderatum foroetlung more mult be m be done an indulgent conciliatory policy mult be adopted which will leave the democrats without a pretext for hoiulitics and bona parte whole paflions are too hot tot delay will probably compel il-r- government to decide whether of the two ireat belligerents is to e ir enemy to brine about aieparadon of i fatc- under diftinet and fepar- zx ernments is m altiirof more certainty and however defira- me cannot be ciiecred but by 1 levies of acs and long continued policy tending to irritate the gufheit ind conciliate the norib- cm people tlie former are agri cultural the latter a commercial reopie or ever fecure the integrity iviajefirs polfeuions on tins the mode of cherifliins ind depreiiinp cither is too obvious 0 require iliuftration this 1 am aware is an object of much inter- 0 in great britain as it would of his conti nent and make the two govern ments of whatever number the preient confederacy might form into as vfeiul and as much fubject to the influence of great britain as her colonies can be rendered but it is an object only to be at tained by flow and circumfpect progreflion and requires for its couiummatim more attention to the affairs which agitate and excite parties in this country than great britain has yet bellowed upon it an unpopular war that is a war produced by the hatred andpreju- iices of one party but again 11 the onlent of the otiier party can a- lone produce a fudden reparation of any fection of this country from the common head at all event it cannot be nc- ceflary to the prefervation of peace that great britain ihould make any great concellon at the prefent iromert more efpecially as the snore important changes thai oc cur in iuriipe n hjht render itm- coavcmcivl ur 1 er to adhere to any liipulati tim in itor ol ucutrd maritime rations although the nonintercourfc law affords but a very partial relict to the people of this country from the evils ofthat entire fufpenliou of commerce to which they have reiuaaily fubmitted lor ioiee time pall lime t the repeal of the cinbaro becaufe it was cal culated to accelerate the progrcis ckca her own projects m futopc vith a total difregard of the rc- ientment of the democrates in this country l am kc a d rn no ii boha 4 j 1i 9 t c nl mr r a ptnpukt eatitled stfpmeld documents ttoi ons and connnnts were vvrittet by tlu gentian who va vrittcn analyhv winch lal by n funvr eoiiveyaucc tlck works have greatly cmtribuutl tocxuie the- tears of ilc mai ftaknu and propefty j who ijmv preftr thhm tfttehiahmto their party by on re- nonintorcourfc m and if vky fl fpirit at the next fiition of congrefa lj france it will be only beeaufc thry find bonaparte deaf to entreaty and i ble of pal favors or that they may jj fafertotloat w ith the tide of public f which will fet itrongly againft him lujj vzc pari pijfu with england in a conciliate ry policy when i bejran ray letter t iutcudod o mlue fomc wbfervainsin relation b ind 07 line her 10 or 12 line of tbe mamifciipt are cvfed 1 am fc a b btjim mty j 0v0 sir auuatigb te recent changes tvt that would have put ar end to the only republic that remains to prove that a government fourckd on ptijiqtal equality can cxift in afca- ion of trial and difiiculty or is caieulateil to iniure either iectirity or hapjinefs to a people 1 am sc a- b sir mo 10 pjc- afuj 29 l cg ginccmv letter of the i nil nothing has occurred which 1 thought worthy uf a commumca- 332 h vio jtfi irz that fhcntld government unfkpcauuy and rruirv loallvciifonable olculatibn aticnpt to involve tli country in n mrafurc of that pturc lin coftvincch now tlt the elefti his lilvrt ail tcminta fivoramy tint none cl the m avlliirlaod rates vonkl he a party h it but j 1 have rcpratedk vvite ihe general clovernmcnt doc ikt fcnmifiv en- tc inch hluc or intention had rhe irhjonty in the newengland tatea con tinned to approve of rhe public mcafurea it is extremely probable that graft britain would ww have to choolc i etvveen w it wd eoticlhnn brit ilie atpeft of thtngs in this reftct ii changed a wafwendd practice an incur we alienati n of the eafietfl hates and hrmff tlc whole count y hi fnh udnati m to n- inter t of engbndi whofe mv would pfefcribe and eufovce the teinis upon winch the commerenil lttte ihonld cairy and the agricultural hates fpot tlir fmohis pro- dace all tins i as well kown to thrd- mocratc as t the otrr party ihcreftire they ill avoid n -vn- rt leall until the vhoh ratfuo is tmanimous r it still wlteii ivecnufider nfvvhat materiah tlte jwiwn s it u unppffibte to fpeak with any certainty of their mrafurc the pall ahniuillramon in every tranfadion prefcuts to the mind only a muddy commixture of folly- tfeafcnff htiil dflplicity the fpell by winch the nations of ktiiojh- have hen retuhrrd inet and ineffi cient when they attempted to fhake rt t has 1 retched it hadow fccrpfathe athmtfe a mule a mi jriiv of the people of the hates alike blind to duty and to their true u terelt 1 am sec a 13 nor the htt weeks of tliid monti slid the llril of april illc oeeu- pied in the election of governors stnii other executive olliecrs in the mew lm states the federal candidate in new- w saakcauy elected by majority of about icco votes his competitor was a man of large for tune extcnlive connexions and inolllnfivc maurcrs thele account for ihe imimnfs of the majority in omncehcut no change is neceilirvj none is to be apprehen ded in nhoclciiiand it it ofnocon- fecmencc of what party the gov ernor u i member as he has nei- tiier civil nor millitary powers tcinjj merely pretident of the couh- cil t malcichjifrttp it is certain that the federal candidate will iue- ceed a lew weeks will 1 c iuiicient in order to determine the relative rcnght of pttiesand convince mr madifon that a war with great britain is not a menliire upon which lie dare venture since the plan of an orgmiled opootition to the projects of mr jelterion was put into operation the whole of the newewrland states have l ran ferred their political power to his political enemies and tlic reafon that lie has hill fomany adherents is that thole who coniider the on ly true policy of america to con- fift in the cultivation of peace base it 111 great confidence that nothing can iorec him or his fuccellor u ho acts up ro iiis fyftem r rather is governed by it to conlcnt to war they coniider all the menaces and dreadful note of preparation to be a mere finefle intended only to obtain conceflion from england on cheap terms from every fort of evidence 1 confels i am rnyfclf of the fame opinion and am fully perfuaded that the farce which has been acting at wafliingt n will terminate in a full proof of the imbecillity and fpiriffeis temper of the aars a war attempted with out the concurrence ot both parties and the general confent of the northern liates which conilitute the boneand mufcle of the country muff commence without hope and end in difgrace it humid there fore be the peculiar care of ore it- britain to foiter divifions between the north and fouth and by fuc- rcding in tliis flic may carry into mo 13 have occuned qu a app aw3f nn1 confequearly leflen mhfipifafrab ufth stmi 1 think it neceftry tnhaiigvit by the mail ci each week a flcetch of plts g events on local pfdjiics i have nothrngr tivadj and us the parade that is made in th nairn 1 intethficencer of thetmeere difpmiitvjturf mr marlifono prefer ve a rrlnton vth greatb featn n i ny ophiion eilu- td to awahen viilmceanl diilruft rattosr tnniifpire confi leuce i lhall huvtng u thivmore inpoviant to wite abwtjutu leave tr examine motives i an r t fur prifed at his eondttwnal removal oftv got- intetvouife 1 iv vilf refpeci t cie tlil t hecaufe it was niude mieuinbvtii ii ly the ait of cnrvri ef j bat tv fthfemtiii made on hn frfendly difpafitions ovdi greitbritnhus a matter of in dlti afton- iflvment the whole temtf t it khiwi i rsihielly tl e u cnitradicluhcm- his fpeech on the 1- ilih trely fi l atfemnt towdi a law forthe eonfifctluw of kritith debts aui liririh prnpcity kw crmmereial r- tvdutirni cronnded apw rntlyon an idea f makfrj america luctii reerctary of state all form rn riiinbac ef probability tending td cotwnci meat hill tint he does bnt leriouhy drtltt meitr in which the rights nod prctentiois of gr- lvitain would be fairly recognized h fnmi frnpolbwe that be limuhj at once vllvivhii- feir of hjshahfttfal animofu- anj that prmc f opinion which his pvefeut liui ci m ctl him ro indulge but above all lint lieuuid deprive hi friends ami fupportc s of ihe ben efit of hfe irjndices whii l h rarefumv fooered ii the min l ofthecoiwnii people towards england and whkh invc i riatevidly conti i nited to jnvtgits and atigineqt the dcmiicratic fjarty wlmevisr his red motives may be it ii iu ihu iviijeoe the allir harmlefs enough to enquire tuui thecaufe of rhe apparent ch injje he prob ably aft under i cfnviclion thai lit the pre cent temper of the eallern state i war couhl not fuil to produce a ditrlutiotntt union or he may have profited by tlic nriittafees of iu predeceflor and i inclined to terethc prefent opportunity to prove to the world that he rs d trnnned t be the prili jnt ot p nhm vnli r rbn the head il faciif or he has probably gone thus f r u mtum the inph in on the mind of many thu h vas under the iflncne of france in order mo 12 jbyfitn jpru 26 1s09 sir sire tv letter no 1 1 i have had bir lif 1c to comrunieate i lnvcr of yet been able to afeerrain with f oticint acenracv the relative ilicnht of the two parties iu the legiflutivc bodies in ncvvfnrrhincl tn hfclate however governorshave bcn eekvl out of the federal party and even the font hern papers indicate an unexpec ted augmentation of federal members in the next conjrrefs the cmicfpondencc bcwcm mr rrflcfnc ittp crtc scetnv sii ai v illjni you wilhiavl- feen before this can reach yon it lia given much fatisfafaiv to te fdcval party here bccatlfe i promifesaa exemption from the cvl the moll feared a tvar wiih england and juftifiea their partiality towards gro iitn which lly maintain winfonn- ted npon a full convivciun of her pill ice and fiueere difpplltion tn prefere peace even the th inocrnf affect to he fniiaficd with it be caufe they infill i prove- the rfcaey of tlie rertriflive fyftem of mr j hvfn inn the great benefit that w 11 probably f rtfitli turn u will be that iionapartc may be b hi is thc clrader nuluced to force thiseounny irom hei nnmul r m tlc thern stores nofitfon baiad in hksmemputo exeitide ttr this eantinent the mamifaiidres of went britain he will mo likely eotdlfeare nil anglican property in hifl dominioimard dependencies and declare war nruhing could more than this contribute to give in fluence and liability to the bririh party the inyiiiions orctirei8 of the rehclliow would acceptance of the fnvndlv propolalsof great be forgotten in tic rfeutnicnt of the peoples- britain has in the feelings of political men in gainfl fiance and they would foon he a r weaned bom that attachment to her which i founded on the ai1 that v as rendered to ttp- arate fmm the mother conntrv that be may with a bet r grace a id on rn tenable grounds quarrel with grcit britain in tie progrefsof neirocialina treaty wlnr ever hh motives may be i am very certain his party will not fhppoft htn h any maulv and generous policy weak men are hire totemponfe when great events mil npin them f r decifion and arc flugghh and irjert at th- moment when the wirlt of evils hm of the draft of tlolcof ab the south 1 know but little i am src wliile great liitain waiis fortius nntnd i might fay necelbny refultofthe nepocfa- political afcendacy in a great mealnrc depen dent noon the holtile fpirit that they cw keep alive toward- great britain and recent cvenndemonllmte ilrit their condtift will be predicated upon thai conviction it is there fore not to be expected that they meetsvith correfjondiirr f c fincere jifpogtipn on the past of england toadjuft all mttets m dttptite the no tt bykg miry 2 iftqg sir my lad was under dateof thjth i ill the imexpeed change that has taken pber in confcijtience of m madifou prompt acceptance of the friendly propolalsof great joftaiu his in the feelings of political men in thiy country caufcl a temporary fufpeniionof conhid of iiarties and tiey both regard 1 im with equal wonder and diflrutt tlicy u afcribe his conduct to various motives but v ne believe him to be in earned the itateofnew york has returned w t e allcmwy a majority of federal member all tlus proves lb it an anticommercialfajon cann t rule the northern itares two rnonthi ago tin bite of newyork wan not ranked among the tales that ivonlda4npt the policy of that of maflaehnfett 9xni any favorable change was xceedinly p0 blenatical i beg leave to fiisrgeft that in the prel rdie of thi irs i 1 thi conntrv my nreftm v are at lvart moth and difapnoin td to fioil that grrlumo hnbrcn 11 advnnceof the french poveynment in taking advantage of the ptovifional ciaulvs of the n lit gs 1 1 thi country my piff c can contribute very little io the interdl w clreat britain if mr erlkinebe fanctiowd in ail he hrs eonchh by his majetly mmilicrs i i nnttectftty for me as inilftu i vfhid he nnavnibnjf torn- be anv attempt to carry into tlbtt tlie oi ijrinal purpnls fj my million while 1 wwl it lobe myi k

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