Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 14, 1812, p. 3

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if i tw 1 i ir t u c a 1 j flhtfr- 7 w ir i her tr jvtfe tf wr ri hivinn ww m ivt 1 tnnvtlnmih mr kv vui- lxcelmiioy s com- lc and fun eoiwtii ariivej here yclu- vvrsrrrv vil haw feci by the r bltfft cuem ll u slates i-aivna- tfl nuariwarfmr v i p it fb vry ul nt that ithebc prfiih t achmcnt to fv rntwo 1 raty ui i wv nrrit ft rw air ridy voicilniiill 1r lus j fotv no doubt iht icli f ii-k-im-ihl- fcjwtvwih f-ti-th- urapu- uias viw bis appansst dtffewa has thrown ti- r t hope evft feitirrjma are fu withe pffibitiliry rf awr vvuh writ rr i woa how he liifcru p3 ta tr im vvit f ccfhcbcv vmi ri ac c i itisvui sunt iihjhiri iirtfald v3 j p tonllt any tt- iiwiclli j7ovcrni ciit utifivotjibly to it bfil lift i y yp c fricll s 1 phtfal lit ttu ii v vl riincil u 1 ftlfle a iiii t obicrvv y jvrtuifl h j aivcika twrn decay we f i r i lm- fecnwjr on the ftp i bfhij mhuuvs cuveinmeitt in their of your fpcedy return as tlie ob it cr of yim journey fcems for the prcfeiit at lciil to be at an end we have london news by the way el the river up to the 6th mareh which tallies to a day with what we have received by the way of the states heartily wifhing you a fi aid fpeedy jcurney back to us 1 am my dear ir mofi finccrc- y yours sig ii w r llive the qroounefs to hnwi ray books with you though l tbau ave little ipirit to look into them unhfs you bri rig good news from spain to i rnnflu next wctl jyom wamngtqb march to w 7ovtcv7 coimtmiiifiiliit stwr vr mj hijkfoi- wv- j pnfnirit tf ktvtout comments uw foiur to mr monroe 1hc underfined his jjritai nic majeliys envoykxtraordinary and jminiiver tlenipotentiary to the united states has read in the grijfitf rem spam from the bnjlbn gfaette march 30 an arrival at pro vidence from 67 ubcs brings ac counts that lord wellington was on his mareh to attack jadajoz that he had ordered fbpplies for 60000 men that marmont and dorccnne had been recently de feated in a fmart action in which gen hills cavalry had the moil difringuifhed honor a hern reinforcement of spanijij troops have arrived at porto rico deflmed for vera cruz montreal sfril c twcntyfcvcn of the thirtyfour chcfts of tea ftolen fome time firice from the store o a lex hen ry efq is faid to be found twen ty of them were found in a gar den in st lawrence suburb cov- cred with fnow on friday lift was executed- in front cf the goal purfuant to liis fentence jean baptieft petvin alias contant convicted in the iaft criminaltermof robbing with facrilee 0dld england in earrieft hr it is ii despatch r ess el the eritiib ketch gleaner arri ved at annapolis from lrvgland on tlvurfday lift week and landed fadon january 15 died on stinday the 1 2th injl at his houiein charlotteftreetor a lingering and painful difcafe which he bore like a man and a a mellenger who proceeded immc- soldier general sir james henry diately to wafhington with del- cwaio patches for mr foicer to whom the were delivered on saturday evening they are thought fays a ncwyork paper to be of impor tance is thct prevented the min- public papers oi us city with he a t t0 whkh deeoelt concern tjic meiiage of the ul j i i irscpuu ijecefs may have 111- cmtfi 1 i rvfiin fiom iliiijj ihrrn i lrt jij rry fntr later which i vvllling s f i fp t vxvcs jf eschney will afcrilve h f vu wii rnr c- ptf my commnnicntions aul ffr crt n nlnuies tnttonce1 in ihem hwiir frmtlu fecreey ncccflaty u he iscvc rnj ft ofcwihfs that yon un fcitectav gct on the mcil del feat a vsv- ruking a j irnvnlar expum- ti i iliint ritt in invafn gihiimciiliirnte hpvuus s jhmritij rrcrn ptov how mccii i vri j ic mvfhkncc nf ydltt kxcol- kney cr as jr saim already exprvfltj iy i4li sty s ninvif- j have tkl mir to be ccc a h rrti- hu tc frfrrtii litters pre the fm rcflrrvi loin tlie kttct erf h w ry- themiilion fnmiiich 1 vw employed by sir faiess cn hv ins irttrr of inflruclioiia kiri itr vhljv xrr j john henry iuc r ttr j nry ludy t i s09 m sir the news we have 4 received this dy from the slates i imagine foon brino vou kfc to us 2nd if yrti arrive at fitreal hv fbr mtddk of funel fliall probably have the pieafure ot meeting vou there as i am going upwih sr junes and a large fuit the bit letters received from you are to the ith april the whole arc now transcribing for the pur- pofe of being fenthome where th omtfiil cfihingyou great cre dit mil wojijinnlj hope they may mnimlit ccnirwttc to your perma- m akjntjzc ir is not nccellary ft o repeat the alnarancc that no ef fort within the compafs of my wer ciall be wanting to this end i am cruelly out of ipirits at the ilea of old england truckliner to uch a debafed and accurfed gov- mment as that of the u states i am greatly obliged to you for lie trouble you have taken in pro- inacthe books though if spain ttel mall lcarcciy have heart to k into them i can add no more lc but that i am moil heartily n efieccionately yours signed k w r y hem efq bcfion prelitient of the united states to congrels on the gth iaft and the documents winch accompanied ir jntheuuer ignorance of the un designed as to all the circumilan- ccsaliaded to in thole documents he can only diielaim moll folemly ui his part tlie having had any knowleiigc whatever or the exijr- enceof fuch a million or ofiuch t ranfacfionsas thecommunications of mr henry refer to and exprel- fes his conviclion that from what lie knows of l hole branches of his majeitys governmenr with which he is in the habit of having inter- couiie no countenance whatever was rfven by them to any fcheme to the internal tranquillity uf the u states the underfigncd liowcvcr cannot but trult that the american government and the conffrefs of kj o the united states will take into confideration the characfer of the individual who has made the com munication in rjueftion and will ilifpcnd any further judgment on hs merits until the circumltanccs mall have been made known to his maieftyd irovernment 44 the underhgned reucu the luiule c had been invited g log mt for e bo dings the intelligent correfpomknt of ihc nvw- tork cwnerml advcrtifcr thus writes frona wfiiiftgton i the amiiimi of the nt received here 1y the ifiie ddpatches frrtm england is that tlie critifli miniver mr fofter has been dated to i iquirc of our adminiftrrflion thc tchoti of vir arfrainetrf that mr whitfrhreiclj niul others ir opn tiion au if pofiible more indiguaui in confluence of cur biafnrtsi than the mnjir- ity i parliament and have tsprutcd icnti- ineotin fttvorpi thcahove enqmryi that it icimlent on their govcrri- mcot nor to take laud again our ciifpafi- tim in vvrefl f om litem iheirmaiiiime rights that they advife immediate hathle axx- lure agftitm us jn1 t that the britfa cabinet tinye direed all tlieii velfcls of war in ordinary to be com- mifttoned and put in order for ft a it is alio faid that they have determin ed not to jme up their orders in council un- til proof is fiirniflil oi the i evocation ol tli bcthu tfnd milan drs t from wafhington march 22 mr fuller by a fpecial meflinger arri ved in a llwp of war at annapolis has recciv- d riifnatches from his oovrrnmcnt from avhich is ftti4 nothing can he expected in favor of a rtlmjuifnmerrt of the grcund taken y the 1iitilh govcrrtment j and that mr whitehtead has come iwl inoppohtiou to the faeafufrts of our rdminiilratiori tlufe are reports of vhich i fliall wvite you more par- ticulaily as foon as any communication is made l the mean time i can a flu re vou for sale the south half of lot number twelve in the firll conceflidn of th town- fhip of loughborough containing one luin drcd xcre inquire oi the fuhferiber richard cartw right kingston 1 jiprl 1 c 1 8 1 2 2 2 tf muttamt djhix tphe court of gen fnms of the pence for ihu diilne will be h bleu at the tntrrt houle in the town ot ijngllon on tuefday the 2th day of a- pril at the hour of ten cf the clock in the lreruoi therefore all j oft ices of the peace coroners coullables and all other jvare iviv aw ivitthvtg rthftflhmf- ny bufinefsto tranfaft at faid court are here by required to take notice and give their at tendance accordingly charles stuart sheriff sheriff vjice 1 3- april 1 8 1 2 it a small red morocco tocket book nvith feveral memoiandums u pencil of no tfe but to the owner wher ever lias found it and ill deliver it to the editor will receive two dollars reward f 1 1 rrrrary of state to acrept the fiwaivmf ibeiewecorfshfbfijmi rulurance ot his hicrheft eoniidera- 5 lion aug j loster vojnugtj7iy march t i i 8 i 2 our admhnjtrathn are determined on war vfilcfs the orders in council ihould be repeal ed yours c from the fame march 23 u since i wrote you yefterday i have been informed that from the defpatches to mr foter it is afcertained that the britifh oovernmetit are determined riot to removcthe orders in council till they have fatrfaftory fcroof of the repeal of the emperors decree that they have ordered reiiuorcementa out to novascotia and canada and that tlie op- petition have come out more feverely againft our government than the minillry thcmfelvea the hornet had left england for france before the defpatch frigate iailed john lulls hack is vp and has demanded the rcafon of our armaments letters are received from different mem bers of congrefs which date that a unfvcrfal fentimeor of indignation pervades the britilh nation upon the intelligence received from this country of the threat of our government to invade their provinces that their minify let mr folier has received inlhuftions to mojlmi march 2 affairs in spain we have a file of gibraltar pa pers to the 2 5th january valencia capitulated the 9th january and blake with about 5000 men were made prifoners marfhal souchet attempted to include the troops under generals mahi and freyrc with 10000 men in the capitula tion thpugh they had efcaped to alicant we know not if blake consented to this but as the re gency had ordered gen ballefteros to take command of thefe troops it was not probable they would ratify the act if made jn lifton the sarrifon was eftimated at 16- r r timo tnnt lh hppn intici- demand from crovernment a direft and pre- t no 14111 the fifth coiiccffion of 000 has event had been antici h rf j ihe of g one miv for sale a very goodfpan 1sjbqse fit f for farming work for particulars inquire of the fuhferiber christiana trump flinfffian iah apiil 112 22 20 dollars bqunty will be paid to able sejh7en an5 12 dollars bounty to ordimry seamen on entering r tlvc marine service for 5 ycezes apply to lieut earl senior ojuer m d kingston 30 march 1812 11 j- wanted tew ship carpenters in his majef- i fya dock yard at kingffon ap plication to be made to mr john den- nfs mafter builds march 30 18 j 2 20 takk notice all perfons indebted to the ubfcrfb either in notes of hand or book aci counts are requeltcd to call and make a fet- tiement with him on or before the ftrtt of may cnftiffig or in cafe of failure their note and accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney ami a profeeution commenced agaitlft them without further notice james perrot fnufl town march z i 8 1 2 lotf land for sale pated as unavoidable but had not preparalbn he is alfo inln to produced any dejection in the rqmrcfioni provemmenc that a mintfter of mpanih patriots whofe partisan- equal rank with hiwelf be fentt to the brit- wai fare had been carried on with ih court tiat mr whitebread the great kjtfcgfo mr baity dated tth may dear sir you mufl confid- ww fiittnc letter 1 t0te you by poh u allodrether unoflicial 2tano9 to intimate to you i irytmvl irarppr ur hope treat activity and fuccefs in confe rence of the corps which suchct had concentrated to carry valen cia thcfe fucceffes and the re capture of the important city of rodrio arc coniklered by the pa triots as more than an offset for their lofi u valencia advocate for the american claims hajoin- ed the adminill ration and finally that the britifh cabinet will not refcind the or- kings ton april 6 t dill ant from riders mill about 30 acies under good irnprovemciit lot no 2 in the fifth coticeffion of th- townlhip of portland one mile from sloots mills inquire of the fuhferiber lewis day 2tf ders in council until evidence be given of the refunding of the french decrees 1 bus it appears that unhfs our govern ment retrace th ir jtcps y the dve is cast and war is inevitable an embargo will be the brft mcif- ure it may ui fxpetied by every mail a few barrels excellent newcaitle salmon fpr iale by cumming he hamilton taiiuyv x8 iotf

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