Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 28, 1812, p. 2

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viii iii ki i l his fiifrrl- cn tlitfltiycd on miii- at lliii quarrel itli or h abufive kvoivl or other- any wlkcr or noncorii- iltmcd wluccr being in the cx- li offii duty or otliuwifc iw himjcjf vhilf- on duty tciiij it fhnll nnd mav l bc iiil io iii ui tor iic go n mi 1 tiding i r then and there prefeht u order every inch pifctsder or often r 10 betaken into aniocly nnd jnrllnvitb tried by a court martial i o be conipofed of three or more mieers of the fiid mil ilia who vpn proof of the oitetue by the uh ofone or more credible v it- ru is or witneffes which 0rh the jreudent of theiaid court martial t hereby authorized toadininiftcr ftnll and may oijderand fen ton ce rvery fuch offender to pay a fine t t exceeding pounds nor els than live fhuttnm at the diferction of the court and according to the future of the offence and in de- fault of payment commit fuch offender to the common gaol of the diilrict for a term not excee ding one month nor ids than three day- or until the amount of fuch fine chalj be paid any law to the contrary in any wife notwith- itanditig vi f and be it further enacted by trials by any court martial other than general courts martial the oenon appointed to be frciident thereof lliall adminifter to each oithc other members the follow ing oath ton a b dojkear ljl you wit admhiifler fuftke ti the in tt fffyour undcrfiandhig in the mat tr njij before you according to the fflifitia laiis oflbh province and the cyldpitf ihiih jhali he produced before on icitcut par ihduy favour cr cffettten so help you god andas loon as the laid oath hall have been aclminiitered by the president to the other members any one of the laid members fhall adminifter the laid oath to the fifidcnt lib a i uyl i ritv afirijii that when- ever it mall fo happen that there lhall nor be a fuffiuent number of officers prefent to conipofea court lis alorciaid it mall and may be lawful to and for the command ing oiiecr to detain fuffh offender in cuftody until a court can be afiembled for the trial of fucli of- fender provided fuch court can be obtained within twelve hours from the time of fuch confinement and in cafe a court as herein be fore directed cannot beallembled within twelve hours fuch offen der fliall be rclcafed from fuch con finement and tried under the pro- villons of the act of the kin in- titulcd an act to explain a- mend and reduce to one act of parliament the feveral laws now in being for the railing and train ing the militia of this province ix and be it further cnacled by the authority afenfid that if any perion or perions fliall perfume to diiturb interrupt or niolcit any party of militia whilft on duty it mall and may be lawful to and far the commanding officer of uch party to order any fuch perion or perfons to be carried be fore any one of his maj citys jufti- cs of the peace who ihall be next the place where the offence may be committed who upon proof of the offence by the oath ofone or more witcefsor witneffes ihall and may order and adjudge every fuch rikdu- topayailnc rot excee ding ivc nouaidi nor idts than ten ihilhngs and in default of pay ment to commit him to the com mon gaol of the dlftrict lor a nion term not exceeding one month nor ids titan ten days unlcfs the line isfooner by him paid x jihl ft n in r in tile the authority nf rful tlnit il lliall iind may uv lawful to and yr tht governor licntciiaia governor r i i fn ci l lie govtrnmcnt mob if rife ti ttrne and as oftcnaa wcaliou flul rvqiifr to mafa fitcj wgwlatiu s he fimil think luccfidry for the cjarcatini cvf- tojy of any armsnnd account nitwu iovi- drd va fupplicj ii orfje to the wftrttfliuo of k1 mililia men in 1 1 tmutl ild rxct eifed nnd alfo from titi to tinu- asocciilloii mav icqin hv anv cvnlcr or nrdcrr to he mdc aii idoc for thai pmp6ie to c lire nm tuliijll llir drcfjand wtiin m f be worn lv hpv and mcrv part of tht mlii f i ot i iris rrnvmicc prtmitfctt flmi rr that nothing hcrchi rontatnedi final be coi ft tried to ohlljji v mi1fth fivaii to provide arty iuiijrm at his own cxpenco x i andbt h furl r t ihrh the avihwli ajbrrfhirf i lmr fomuch of ic- faid aci pifled in the fort j rhth year f the kiii liiiitul- c 4 an act ro txplainj amend and reduce to nic acl of lviiiiiicnt the fcvcml 1 tstwa row hi hfinjj tor thi rii and trajntng the militii of this prtmnc a dnvets that noconipanyid filitia hail eonfifl of more than fifty men flialj be and the fame i- hereby repeakd iv that every company fhnll and may cot iiil nf a niiinbcr rvt exceeding our hundird rtfeh xii aij whereas it may he convenient to fot m one of more cuinjisuiy or compaiiica of iticircn in thu ivovihcft fir if tr ilal f i- a hi ill iiiid uiy be ijuvfid for the governor lientrtrafft governor or pcrfiin adminulcine ik oov- crnnumif of this pmvnicc tt fonii and v rn- hody fm ii compniv or companies pnd cmlv tin union rich dtinesas th nccef- fty t il ivnivr may rcquiic j ii i va ti firlhrtn0c r thnnllortiv afohfiwl that evryoifrccmf the vjiwtii of this province flinl on or before thcfourlh cky i f j next and every officer who mav after ih day he appointed within eiibt dars after he ptll have reeeivcd hfs cmiviiiiiim befarefiiie or mure of his ma- j ft v juflivsof the peie for rite diftridt tnuliirh his regiment battalion or compa ny fljall belong take and fubfcrhe v fclow- in qixht to wit jl il ti trifrmh prow li rw piectrr that i a futfffoi rwtl be v ijimv o ilituw kim gwrie l- third m iwjul so emij n of r i trrifed king- dw if giro britain ausl aiuijifihh pvovmrr fts dvpmihmt v qitl tmll i will cufiiulhiw ttfth ufmrfi of r pouvr imnl wmm mm wftt tf y tvhu h jbtiu he 7iulc apvnff his f crown rml dignity iind fiiriintlttrlv djmmtotis in north lnurliti nnd unit 1 will do nv tlttttfrft adtwur to dijrloe vd mtifa luovn to his ftltrjiy his hirs wjucceffhr all frcafom mid traitorous cwfpirnars and tiftmpfi lohith i jhrdl i how to he agniqfl fhth or amy nf their and u all this fdofvcar kuiilmd anyemthw cation mental eviji or fee ret rfrton and rcnounciwr till ptfidm and difbaifnthns from r t t ftfiy firrfon or power w ttjocvery t lfc contrary so help me god xiv he tt further tntitttd by the an- fhov vwwthat it hih1 and mav belnwfu to y for the governor liioimmt govern or or lrfon fdnaiailltrn- the government to order and diiecl that the non-commiflion- ed officer nnd privates ofnny and every regiment battalion company or beniv rf militia in this province fliall he called up n to take and fulfafbethe laid oath of ailc- ffiince and that upon receiving any orders for that purpofe it fhall and may be lawful to and for the commanding officer of inch kgeiinentj battalion or compaiy and he k hereby required to call upon every non- commtffioncd officer or private of hh rcgimrnr battalion or company to take and fublciibe the faid oatli befnc one or morcfhfs majeftys jnflices of the pence for the diftfid to which fneh regiment battalion or company fhall belong which oath flidll be adminrltered free of expense and that every juffice ofthe piace amln- i fieri op fuch oath hall forward a- certificate thereof to th- cerk ofthe pvnee of the diftria to be enrolled which fuch clerk f the peace is hereby required to do frvt of ex- pence and if any officer noncommffil ed officer or private having been rcjuircd fo to do flall reftife or ncgleel m take and iubicrihe the laid oath in manner herebv direftcd upon convicron before any genrr al qiiarter s ffions of the pece ot fn time ufadlual fnvnfioaor infurrcflinn befnre any court martial every firch perion ornerftma hall be deemed and taken t hf an alien snd ihall be liable and lijel to any lajr or that uywfn fon p efer to u made jinriiu or aiiift i wk xv sird ei fe hy the author- vww ivatfn much of the laid iti thr ny body or detachment ot mililia which my he called out by the govenmr liratenirt governor or perfan adihutlcnilg thu government fuu and may detained on fuch itrvice wt and during tbefpace of fix monthsatone timeaiulno longer fhull be and the fume is hereby repeal ed xvi and kit further enaftedhy thr auth itrafomuid that at the expiration of fi months fom the time of any inch detach- matt beta called out as afuefaid one thud d tne men offtuh detachment avail be fc- ldby ballot and if relieved by an eud number of menffialbe difeharged an i at the expiration of feven months from tbetnne of calling out fuch detachment another third fliall be fdecd and if releivcd dif- hargediu like manner and at i he expm ton of eight months the remaining third it relievid fliall be rltfcharged xvii slndh h further rnnflal by tht au thority tforejiiidi that it trail and may be lawful to and for any colonel or other ofir r commanding any regiment batilion or- compary and he is hereby required to cau cut his avgirrent battalion r company whenever he fhall be dhced fo to uo fir the purpofe of being iufpcrd or reviewed bv nv lulpecting field officer of militia or other field officers of t lie hue who may be fent for that purpofe and that li tenant colonels in uh majeftys army ferviftg with any part of the militia in this province ihdl command all mililia officers whatever any thing in tv- faid fu part recked ac to the contrary not with landing viil and he if further cnneled hy the authority tforefah that every militia man whnfe fervices mav hrtrrrnrd j volunteer corps now or hereafter to be riil- cd fhall be exempted fom fervfng as a mil ilia man under this or tiiebfore nxntioned aft whilll he ftrall belong to any fuch corps as aforefaid and cvbo that every per- fon ferviug in any flank company fhnll not be liab to any perlbiut arre on ary civil proccf or to ferveas juror or to perform d as a town or pariih officer oi statute labour on the iligliway during the time he n 1 1 1 continue in fuch flank companies any hw to tlie contrary in any wife iitfuvith- ftaiiiing x i x ami tic ti further intiflcd ly the au thority affjrtfaitl that any mon-commiffion- cd officer or private militia- man who in any engagement with an enemy or by any accident or cafualty which may occur while on or- performing any duty in aual fervice fhall be killed and fhall reave a widow or child or children lawfully heggotteit his faid widow lliall be entitled co receive du ring her widowhood and iu cafe of the de itb ff inch widow then the cldeft child or nitardiflfij for tire nfcaf thrnidtn ehll din of furh noncommiffi red officer or private militiaman uutil the yniinjjefl there- of fh ill have attained theigeof ltecn crs an annuity of five pounds lawful money o this pro vine nnd alfo that every pon-com- milhoned officer or private of militia who in any engagement with vn enemy or by any accident or cafualty which may occur whilron or performing any duty in aua fervice fiiall be wounded or difdled fo as to be rendered incapahje r earning ilia live- bhood fliall be allowed an awuiitv of nine pounds lawful money of this provinee du ring the time ho hall continue under fuch incapacity xx and it t further tttffjued hy the au thority nfonjvuu that fo much of an aft pafled in the fortyeighth year of bis majef- tys regn intituled t6 an ac3 to explain amend and reduce to one lt of parliament the feveral laws now in being for the railing and training die mililia of this province asdircshow militia lines are to b difpefed of be and tie i ime is hereby repeak j xxl a id he it further matted hy c rn- thnnly fiforcfaidt that all fmns oi nonrr arifiwg from fincj forfeitures and penaltica by this or the above recited aet impofed together wirh a lift oi fuch linr fovfcitjrei and penalties hall as foon after the thirty fiill day of december in every v ir as prac- ticable betranfmitted by the mngidrateor officer rcfpesivly receiving the fame to tlve receiver general of this province to be difpofed of as the governor lieutenant governor or perfon adminfllerfng the government fhall dirr to nuvpfes only that fliall rrfpr the faid militia and which flwll be accounted for to the crown through the oommiffionei of his mawha treafir for the time being as the crown ihdl dnect xx il provide- always tht this pre fect artflial continue and be in force until th firft tteyn f january nest and from thence 1 1 the end of ihmhcu ii enfuict seffion of he im 0 this province and lapffer- u asi he called upon to lvi uut f a enl us in the next provjj rnent it behooves us to look about decide who is the moll proper owfe that hal ion a llation rendered dajb pottanl by theefemthrateulbgafpi the times h u to be hoped w s without taking it to view the rneriu 0 f man and without reflection reelettaf man who ias formerly reprefentcd to ffi beraulv he has reprelentcd us nor i hoped wii we him far thchnifj im nbylot us iiecland ht merit 1- and iettepril be lite publications th r fecomm id he t iu to our fnppoit caiididly jvou aiy prijulicf or li on our mind interrogate put fvws on tli fubjc and vvhoitt any party mive4j cido who anuvgd the many i lo nniuuv lingly undey take to iorve us is ihcheftnidj iud from a fenov icdjfe of fsnr ftuatua abilities and inoity to w the man ofirj choice in thefifl place e tjtk weflpj examine well the merits and krrvtces of tbs man in whom we have formuiy confiai either give wir fnffiages for the latnirnra arbeready at any time r at all times t give our reafona why we have wrtlrtei tium him our confidence we hcarolnn here and men t ere who are ready rdi ling to he our reprcfentatives hrt wipm they i will air are th y m n nl hiiw are they men of kuo ledge i are thcyniri who are qualiffcd to give v lv- by mm when made we mnll he govnnei at men in wliofe liids we cin uil bkty trttil our rijus vid our lilxifio r will anfwer my own queftions iltyf be honeit men thev mar he jood farrarrs they may be good neighbors and girrct f wi s if i1 i i f ipheresi but make legiili r of theai i you take thpi out of their proper fphcre 5c in that capacity they can neither u ulefiilto themfelvcs noi to the community i wxrnu by no means be fo cruel a to take tlmfe huiell yeomen from following tiro ptothi and plaee them wl ere thy would f them- felves fo aukwaamy fitnatvd no i have formerly wirh the ntmofl confidence eawn my vcte fr amt macli ak bhj and i m cetain ht wiil at the rnfunig cleion wrth uiidimiirlhed conildeuce be entitled to my vcte again and fhould i be ailced the fpilllior why i give him my fnpport i ihall be always ready to give my realom and the bell of reafons too becanfe i moll confeicn- ciouftv believeand know him to be a man of the tiierfl iionnr of the- ptiieuft iutegrit 3 nan wiio is a friend to lns cotnitryand who iuis its beft hittcfls at liia heart onewlio ought to and mull pollus out confidence nd unlcfs a love of novelty or fuific oilier mo f i range mperty poftvitcs ftfclf of our brains j am certain we fhnll unanirronl- come lorward and fupport th man whom vtt fstcc hmtouwe done oinlvts honor in cluklin and wht has dnc hfmfclf and lus coi tliuienis honor in the difclnrg- ofiwau ty iiopm- that theft- remarks may mh deemed rmpertmentj and oucercly wlwmr they nnvlit be attended with fome goodefj feci i inhferihc myfelf mr editor your obedient hurnhle fervant john bull w nci 1orhj april i lateft from eriglnnd arrived at tlus port lah evening tlie ffc failing ihip lady captain swain from liverpool ii the remarkably flmi paf- fagc of eighteen ris dv this arrival lon- mtt papers to the evening ofthe 12th and liverpool to tno ith of march have been reec fjverftmf march 14 the lad anhrlt mail has brought letters and papers contain ing intelligence which has excited coniidera hie mention keports arc again reiterated tmj lymptoms fn greater number than ever srr- again derailed of approaching quarrels and iidurbanccs in the north of europe the foreign journals have been fo long fil led with chef- rumors tliat they haveahnos cdcd t ektte either attention or mtercftj but it mull be confeflted that thcwdufld many of th- european potentates the only irugiage as dr juhnfon ind that rarely irs indicate giet probabilities of a war either impending or apprehended theac- runulamou of french troopn on the different german pruflian dnilh and poltfllfixm tiersf has mereafed to fuch a degree that they are now eitimafd at 300000 men calculation which though undoubtedly ct aggerted hews thjt the march of troops and the alivjty of preparations have beej molt french troop it ispf ittvely affirmed aie advancing in great orc- to take ooitellion 1 1 the fevpoits of pruflia n contormity touyonventiriti recently conclu ded between the fw monarch a ffbw treaty has beefl concluded borween france daimark by which fci ltnliucd that i3i-

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