Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), April 28, 1812, p. 3

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t ffl n coco i lhuv r it 1-i- wc w ltl iv l the i mj v v ill w i nilu o lops lino vxmo khw 1 v juh- civumllan- firmer tjuitl tlc g- r urn tc ry-fn- that a livn hag wlirli ww i iwn- tfa rt aftt v c fawaff il hiji tn ci irlcs rf frmv vfo rwy remtwn v i ts uv ulwhy ihe firll di1- j i pt m r p vhing coudb vam tl nirttvt of armies follows a lite miv n jure tint tin i ri- will i heron foims uuf iflu tic north r if f j- aixihiii 1b t suficmh yv no kn an uve arh imtng force to cnj to tlu- war in thy lvjulnki ji fo matvv quarrel oi his hands at slime diatevsi the kwroenfe lefouivtn i ftv ok m fwlhieiit to cna u i ait tic iuwcl i ivtiy pwut he j to kike them h turn nnd jjcfltiw tlvct tmi n oi thr lltoiigeit enemy in yx however we nv snn t 11 s4 u ptd estmilaiiiu of eich ii i cow piihty doubted whether ii j firire of badajoz cor ik in i j nidi ms p jkct of fllccef z x rt ruitk it mlentau lis which have i k n 13 a e thf fnuch have a vev j i tmiv gt st lc under soult which i h i tc r njmcnt fi ob it flic l- j im irr ib- gtindinr when the rf j bill ilhiltght of it vns l i ibt ilo clfiuy winlcl u t u l c n ebe j oiuiilcjuivet fn any it vv- i reported yep fcrwiy wtciiigencc received by in urivl at stleni that bonaparte huuledirvi war agalnft kufia the follivwlti is a letter from ptockholni kbrimrv 4 it has been uudcritpnd here ibr ibme time that war voukl take place between rufiiaand france 1 am now informed that a ruiliin cou rier lusjuit arrived from st pe- terflvjrli bearing delpatclies that rcilili this expectation londoi march 6 an anliott mail arrived this af- tcritoon from which vc cxtracl the following article infolty fdruary 27 the german papers arc itiil kopjicd but we lnve intelligence from hamburgh that it is ffener- rjlv believed there war will imrnc jtttdvbc cicdirat by mmc a- ainft svcilcn a frigate has iii1- ihm copenhagen for the coaft ofknrwiv it is iuppolcci for the purpofcof joining t a gimboats there several naval danifli offi cers have alio lately jone overland there accounts from petcrf- hirghftate that tlic levy of 150 ceo men ordered ibme time fmec has been called out for organiza- ft fremy as for a rcfpeat 1 that uiy and car- tbaqena the expedition which lately fall- cj fitxn irbraltir had arrived at ibj latter placet a part of marmoufs army about 4000 nun had arrived bvforc alicant cin the 1 rtli january they threw fome grcn- ik5 into tire toivuf otul then fummimed it to furrentlif but this being rctuled tivy re tired cuit tars are entertained lor the ftjip-i- tiaci of slichet aruw dirpaivbs from the iarl of welttngtvfj datvd ivroml the 191b ub were received bv itovernnent ci siturlv an rxtrat from wvich is privet in the london gtacttf from the ohid and ptivae advices it cars that mainonts arnty has exiewkd its front the filftj fourth and lixth divifions are id the lierglfhurhond ot talavtra and tnk o the main body according to the privftte accounts remains ru thv virinttv cf salamanca and villa france while the noht tvirtg has been inarched from zcmoia to bcncvcuto ft 7 fri tlic t vo laft fets of demarches forwarded by mr rnite lor mr joel liarlow by cartels to morlaix it will be learnt witli lurprie have been intercepted and this gentle man has we believe determined to fend nofurther communications t france until the caule be explain ed tion m march 7- th marqnis of hartford was yellerdny ri not before appointed lord cbandcr- lakbvtbe prince rcnt and received the stiff ri office accordingly lord mchillc is to fticceed mr yorkc llfiift lord of the adminhy wc undcrftnnd that the karl of yar- bona is to be yicccbarrbcriain sta tf man office one oclock a ufecn mail has jull arrived by which ctave account s from the peninfnla tc the 3it uf fetnjaiy- the lifbon gazette of irth contrins nn eartras of an official t from lord wclbvpton to ht por- hc6 government dated frcnada fdnua- i l but thic doe nor fnrnifh us with any pucsdari relative to the late movements of jrra hlll nothing new was known at woaciq the 23d ft- march rfrx czarbtle packet has arrived fatnoutb with main from malta and sur phflto in a letter to the wcfcl aljcfirnn dated 3d february t 3 obtained over the tnc- 7 71 the extra national intelligencer of a the injunclion of iecrccy in re lation to a fart of thc procee ding of conneib having been this the cou rfe of the fecrct fittiiis the following act was palled an ac t laying nn embargo en all the ships and ycfflis in the ports tind ihrrboiirs of the united states for a limited time be it enacted bv the senate and uoufe of representatives of the united slates of antericain con- rrrefs rflembled tliat an embargo be and hercbv is laid for the term m of ninety days from and after the 4 4 palling of this acl on all fliips and veirels in tlic ports and places wili- in the limits or jurifdiction of the united states cleared or not clear ed bound to any foreign port or places 5 and that no clearance be furnifhed to any hip or vcffll bound to fuch foreign port or place except veflels in ballaft with the confent of the prehdent of the u- nited states and that the preli- 1tructions to the ollicers of the re venue and of the navy and reve nue cutters of the united states as hall appear bed adapted for carrying tlic fame into full effect provided that nothing herein con tained ihah be conftrucd to prevent the departure of any foreign fliip or veltel cither in ballaft or with the goods wares and merchandize on board of fuch foreign fliip or vcftel when notified of this acl sec 2 and be it furthercnactcd that during the continuance of this acl no rcgiftered or fea letter vellel fliall be allowed to depart from any one port of the united states to auv other within the fame unlefs t he mafter owner confignce or factor of fuch vcffel fliall firft give bond with one or more fure- ties to the collector of the diltricl from which lie is bound to depart in a fum of double the value of the veitel and caro conditioned that the goods wares or merchandize with which fhe fliall be laden fliall bcrelanded in fome port of the us sec 3 and be it further enacled that if any fliip or vellel fliall du ring the continuance of this act depart from any port of the uni ted states without a clearance or permit or if any fliip or vcdel fliall contrary to the provifions of this acl proceed to a foreign port or place or trade with or put on board of any other fliipor veffelanygoacfs wares or mcrchandifc of foreign or domellic growth or manufacture iucli fliip or veflel goods wares and mcrchandifc fliall be wholly forfeited and if the fame fliall not be leized the owner or owners agent freighter or factors of any iucii fliip or veflel fliall for every fuch oilence forfeit and pay a fum equal to double the value of the fliip or veflel and cargo and fliall never thereafter be allowed to credit for duties on any goods mares or merchandize imported by him or them into any of the ports of tlic united states and the mafter or commander of fuch fliip or veltel as well as all other perfons who fliall knowincjlv be concern- ed in fuch prohibited foreign voyage fliall each refpectively for feit and pay a fum not exceeding twenty thoufand- nor lefs than one thoufand dollars for every fuch offence whether the veflel be feized and condemned or not and the oath of affirmation of any maf ter or commander knowingly dffcndims acainft the proviliens ot this feci ion fliall ever thereafter be inadmiihble before any collector of the cuftoms o the united states sec 4 and be ii further enacled tbm oil j ptwditqc imd fovjiiimut ariling under or incurred by vir tue of this acl may be fued for proiccuted and recovered with colt of fuit by action of debt in the name of the united states of america or fey indictment or in formation in any court having competent jurifdiction to try the fame and fliall be diftributed and accounted for in the manner prcf- cribed by the act entitled an act to regulate the collection of du ties on imports and tonnage palled the fecond day of march one thoufand feven hundred and ninetynine j and fuch penalties may be examined mitigated or re mitted in like manner apd under like conditions regulations and reftrictions as re prefcribed au thorized and directed by the act entitled an act to provide for mitigating or remitting the for feitures penalties and dilabilities accruing in certain cafes therein mentioned palled the third day of march one thoullmd feven hun dred and ninctyfeven and made perpetual by an act palled the ele venth day of february one thou fand eight hundred ovided that all penalties and forfeitures which fliall have been incurred by virtue of this act pr vious to the expiration thereof may and fliall thereafter be recov ered and diftributed in like manner as if this act had continued in full force and virtue april 4 1812 approved james madison from n london paper the arethufa hns brought home a num ber of aficans taken out of a portuguese flave the flaves it is faid fuon after leaving the gold coaft role on die crew and killed them all with the exception of one boy it is even hated that they ate part of tbt bodies the fliip after beating about at the mercy of the waves wa taken poffelion of by an englilli fliip of war and the haves were put on board different hips thole that have arrived are inolily young men but extremely filthy in their mode of living they prefer blood entrails and raw meat to drelfcdfood pr r is iccciikhy but we arc forry f fay hat ior are not alle to mafa the whole of it out if he mill he fo good as to favor us ivnh afainr copj orqffijlm in reading it it flail k attended to next week good news i the ladies and gentleman of kihff- flop and u vicinity are moll refpcdjfully in formed that a variety of furprifiug perform ances will be exhibited on tucfiiav everuafr april 28 at foncet8 inn when a grand difplay of new curiouuea will be exhibited which lias never failed in civlflff general fat- fsfation to all competeit judges there will be upwards of 200 extraordinary feats performed never parallelled ii upper can ada price of front scat ifg gallery rj tickets to be had at mi walkers ho- tel and at rhe place of performance n b good mufic is procured per formance to begin at half pall 7 oclock midi sheriffs sale land dflria 1 tj y wtiie of tbre- ifi j jl writs of fai facias iftited out of his majcrflys court of kings benchi at the fuit of laurence herchmep and john lviiby of the town of ivingllorf merchantg and nicholas hagermdn of the towrllhip of adolpbuitown efquire stgainft the lands and tenements of james gcrulomy of tbetownlbip of marylbnrb yeomati ti me direftcd i have feized and taken in rx- ecution as belonging to the laid jamc ge- rolomy the well half of kit number frverf- teen in b- flrll eonctffion of the townflfipof matylburghj containing by admcafurement one hundred acres be the lame more or let- together with a log houfe tbeteon erected i do hereby rjfvc notice that the ahove men- tionul liit oi land witfi the lituldivig zind apptvrtenances tlvereunto belonging will be fold and adjudged to the htghett bidder a my omce ii the town of kitglldn on the feventeenth day of match pext at the hour ot ten of the clock in the foreioon at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known charles stuart sherif and every prfon or perfons having claim on the aboik uefcribrd lot of land or premi- fes by ninrtgae or other right or incum brance arc hereby avertilcd to give notice to the f tid sheriff at liis ofhee in the town of kiigflon previous to the fale thereof sheriffs office 2th april 112 24 midland dijlrhaj t he ccnirt of gen- to wit j x ctal quartet scf- fions of the peace for tjii diibict will be bolden at the court houfe in the town of kingfton on tuefdiy the 28th day of a- pril at the lwtir oi ivn of the clock in the forenoon then fore all jullices of the leacc coroners conibbles and all other peace officers as veli as thnfe that have a ny bufinefs tri tranfact fit laid court are here by required to lake notice and give their at tendance accordingly c h a r l e s st u a rt slrnf sheriff lfice i pbsmrtf 12 2 2 a- ffrhosk small red morocco pocket book with feveral memoiamlums in pencil of no nfc but to the nwne who ever has found it and will deliver it to the editor will receive two dollars reward for sale avery goodfpan ouiojlses fit for farming work for particulars inquire of tlic fubicriber christiana trump kingflon 13th april 1812 2 2 m m wanted a few ship carpenters in his majef- tya dock yard at kinghon ap- pliicaton to be mnde to mr john den nis mailer builder march 30 1812 20 waoted a journeyman cooper on who nnderltands hisbulinels perfectly liberal wages will be given inquire of brnjamin shav at the napane mills for sale charles smyth offers for fale on moderate terms ft verv capital lot of lana in the fecond concefllon of kingfton i miles from tovn containing one hundred acres about twenty 1 the south half of lot number twelve in the brll couceflion of th ttwt flop of loughborough containing one bun drcd arre inquire of the fubferiher 1 richard cartwr1ght icnstoi april io 1i2 23tf and elmflcy lifeimfs nh excellent ponn- ble copying machine with brafs cylinders in amahogony cafe vellfccured vith brais bands kingston th april l8l2 13 6

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