vol ii kingston cupper canada j luesday mat 12 1812 no 26 j uft received from england a nfiv assortment of cloths caltimeres and an now offered for fale by the fubferib- crtaj mr wm stoughtons inn on the flfoliwfonable terms fr cafli btoadhpnt whitehead son jimuoii jan 1 3 1 8 1 2 g a- few barrels excellent newcaftle salmon for fale by cum ming uamil70n january 18 notjj frclh goods c bartlft has received a l 1 1 r r complete aliortimut or ry gmis liquors sheriffs sale midland dtfria ib z gm crock ccries crociio 7 vchw xvill fell mef orcrall at his i low pa fir cafli or a kind of nro- r j7 fr r bard and plant fennly wc jcaft paid for produce and advanced on property cmiilgn for falc kingston dec 3 181 1 otf riiluectout nfhis majdlys court of kings biuli at the fuitu of lnurence herchmcr and john kitby of the town of kinjjfton merchant and nicholas hacrmati of the towufliip of adulphullown efquire again ft the lands and tenements of james grrolomy of the townhip of maryfbnrgh yeoman to me dircfttd i have lei- d and taken in ex ecution as fattloftgmif to the aid jamen ge- rolomy the welt half of lot number leven- ree in h lull cone hon of the townfliipuf maryfluirylu containing by adnefnrenent one hundred aere be the fame more or left together vviih a log iioule theicon crefted i do h reby give notice that the above men tioned lot of land with the building and nppurtenrnecs thereunto belonging will be fold and adjudged to ihe invheft bidder at my office in the town of kingftou on the feventeenth day of mach ocxt al the hour often of the clock in the foreioon at wlncli time and place the condition of fale will be made known charles stuart shmg a nd every pcrlpti or pwfons hiving chums on tir- above defcribed lot ol hud and prenrt- fts y inovtae or otlvr riot or iueuftv branec are htrcby ailvrrtilfi to giiw notice tii thfid sheriff at his oilier- in the toiyil of khijrflon pivvus to fh 1 c theret avvjtir office jtpr tsl2 2 t land for sale he fotlofrtmj valuable loti of land m ilie townfiiin of frdevickbrrgi are offevcu for tale by the fifcaher via lymmh in in the srft coneefljon adipieiv lot mimber twentyfive in the fointh coiif eichrd cartwright take notice ll pcilcns ntdrtitcd to the suhferibcr x jl either in poiea of band or bo k ac- connts are rcjclled to call and make a fct- ilemcnt veiiii him o or b fore the firlt of mr erfairig r in cafe of failure tlfrii notes nd gcanta will be pitt it it i the hands of an aitorney and a pronitiju consibeticcd anfnfl hem without fur ugt notice james pehllot 1 v town march 25 1s12 2cff lo clothi r rs ftipmiabk hals z trimming he fubfciibers bave opened and now pffw for tali- next door to o t a bt jig ast aimrtment 0j moll eajhionabie hats trimmings which they are dv termini j to fell on the mnil realisable terms cilhor wholelale or re tail forcslh ccuntiy pioiucc or approved credit smith sc butteiworth n b oa eats neatly drcffcd an ik brreft notice jjcalh paid for fur ik lambs wool kingston l fh dtcrmler t 8 i t 5 iewbooks just received from montreal and fcv f c at the gazette office addilons works mtarlands view of hrciics ufie of jofeph aflies tra vds scaions in england ira and lfa- bclla a riw novel character of george 3d formcvs french soelliivrbook french vocabulary childs spelling- book worlds dlphycd porteuss evidences of the cluiuun religion bibles- teftainents watts pfalms and hymm pfalters african cookery childrens books ca- tdiilms ice tth l fuhfet iber iufrms the clothier i that he cres machines for sheinng cloth the utility of them are fuch tlut they are woiihy cvry wuiknms notice a b twelve years old cm te- d them th y perform the work of shearing in a neat man ner and will hear ftxty vardn hi one hour they arc not liable to cut the cloth or to gel out 2f repair tlie price of ihem isonf hundrcl dollrs ihvrc will be a rcdi ftion to thoie tint py the eiiflt down thofc c ilui ivlin wifh to pnvtliife machine a wfil apply to the fiibfcriber in the tnvn of hope diuiiift of new calue and province of upper canada elijah higlev hvps 11 is2 1 4 boxes garden seed railed at lebanon state of nvvycrk for fak at the store of john piacaulay kfagsfwtf march 3 iz 16 for sale the south half of lot number twelve ill the hill gonceflion of th town- flop of loughborough containing one hun dred acres inquire of the fubfenber richard cartw right khigstoui tfiru 1 o 1 b 2 2 2 tf wanted miscellany for the kingston gazette reckoner no 6r to the reckoner it may be proved by the experi ence of every day that the greater part of our unhappinefs ariies leis from great overwhelming calam ities than from trifling occurrences and difcondances which might be very calily overcome i vas re marking to a friend of mine that our old companion amherit had been very lucky in getting lor himfclfa fuitabie partner lam glad or that faid he for under- ilood that her temper was far from good why fedd i perhaps in that refpect ihe may not be faultlcis but fhe has many excellent quali ties to make amends for ib lriftirra a deficiency amends no fir a bad temper can never be balanced in a family it is every tiling i was buck with this remark becaule we fedom hear a perlbn much blamed for any little detect of this fort and having iince turned my attention to trie influence of ccm- per i am convinced that he re mark is lixictly correct 1 jct diy ccbicur to vilit a gentleman of my acquaintance i found him engaged in a vehcitient altercation with ll it appeared that a poor man had been relating to him a dread ful calamity which lie had fuffered by fhipwrcck in lolingx hot only his property but his wife and ail his chiklren the appearance of the relator threw fome lufpicion oh his narrative but rs it might be true and this gentleman in doing good is not difpofed to fcrutinizc too ievevely he gave him gui nea addinff that he would hiv 7 o r it v given him two had he been ccruiin of its truth his vvife wus loud in her vociferitiosh ihe kour tfertt ipiiiii l-i- i-i- hi yii i i ii jie as an neighbours nphe fubferiber havinjr obtained letter jl of adriniiration for the male of relate dctor john gamble of kjagftii d rcqueiva all thole who have any f thciaij eftateto render their ac- cmiiits p atttned on or before wfi of june next in order that fame ar- fmm any be made vyith aem and all asaio a ucu m to m erac are r qnetd to lloy g isskf v fcwiiwifci -r- andrew kimmekli a few ship carpenters in his majef- j 1 dock yard at kingfton ap- pliieaton to be made to mr john den nis mafter builder march 30 1812 0 1 1 1 n mm to be let a poftt fllon given rmmedmtdy a l goodtafn yard and- currying shop comulcte with itstos asalfoa dwelling lit p itefirtta to the fubferiber that ill may u pcpaed to lay a ftatement of the eftate mdu elizabeth gamble ddfflinyinilrixi yyinovnis lt i 5 yiv7 i8lj 2 3 oeoorapmv calli paid for cran cotton h linen rags at this olhce rebilers spellingbooks for fai c nit his offiee the feihw iv was eveii 1 drunkard he had ev ery appearance of it de taring- that her huibaiul always fullered himfelf to be impoied upon he would give away all he had and reduce her and her children to abfolutc beggary tne huiband bore it for iome time with much patience but feeing his counte nance beginning to change i cut my vifit luort and retired faying to myfelf temper is every thing there arc many persons who fem to have taken a fecret oath never to be pleated they are full of contradiction prolilic in railing objections and disappointing all hopes of innocent pleaiure you begin to relate an entertaining an- cedote which you arc fure mult interelt and pleafe yow audience but you have hardly linilhd the fir ft fentence when one of tliefe perfons makes an objecdon anticepates your itory fhrugs up his ihoulders and turns up his nofe in this country the great evil of fervants is in many families a nev- erfailino fourceotirritation the miftrefs is cnntinvally talking of their careicfthefs their flupidity their lazinefs ihe mull do every thing herielf they do nothing or nothing to the purpofe the poor huiband who is perhaps actively employed all the duv and willies to enjoy himfelf in the bofom of his family finds himfelf continual ly aflailed with this eternal topic and either lofes his temper or de- ferts his home to find that tran quillity elfewhere which it conftant- ly refufes him well faid i to be- rofus this morning how comes it that a man of your fenfe is fo giv en to liquor my wife fir was a fcold nothing would pleafe her she was continually finding fault if i did not chime in with all her caprices i had no feeling if i aililled a friend r was fpehding that which ought to iupport the family though i laboured night and day x did nothing while the deplored her unhappy fituation in beings obliged to do evefv tliinac provide every things and fee to ev- cry thing altho ihe did not trouble hcrfclf half fo much as any of her tf i bore her temper ions without complaint she will get better faid i it is impoiliblc for a perfon endued with common fenfe ions to continue thus her duties of a mother will ameliorate her temper fhe will difeover that we have ail duties to perform and that we are all io dependent upon one another that even felf intereft will lead her to fee the propriety of mutual accommodation but 1 waited in vain matters daily grew werfe and my own temper began to give way for fome time i determined to act with decition and be no longer paltive as i had hitherto been but this produced perpetual wrangling i fometimes obtained the vielorv but the com- bat wasinceuantly renewedsome- times 1 would reaibn with her on the great detriment which inch conduct would produce but fir a perverle woman pays no attention to realbn after cxhauftins all tle arts which i could exeit to re claim her in vain 1 began to look out lor companions with whom 1 might fpend a few hours in agree able ft lit afliip i began to frequent taverns to neglect my buiineis and never to o home till i was primed above regarding the fol ding of my fair partner i confefs that this was a miferable expedi ent but there are very few who would have perfeverd 10 long my affairs went rapidly to decline and i have become a lot my wile has loll nothing of her vinegar he continues her vociferations and never thinks that he has been the caule of the prefent wretch- ednels of herfelf and family she tells her neighbours that flic has done her duty that flic has been induftrious that had i been like her we lhould have been now very differently iituatcd i feel my own degradation and might have been able to reform but as there was no change for the better in my wife 1 had no encouragement there are many perfons in this town in the lame lituation who have been driven from their lire- lides by their loquacious compan ions indeed this is the caule of nineteen out of twenty oi thofe who become drunkards after the hive families there is indeed much truth in thefc remarks oi