Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 12, 1812, p. 3

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i r merchandize sec 3 and be it farther cnacled that ill penalties and forfeitures incurred by virtue of this act hall jnd may be profecuted filed for recovered and diftributcd and be mitigated and remitted in the man ner provided by the act entitled an ace laying an embargo on all he slips and veilus in the porta and harbors of the united states jpr a limited time and alio that the penalties and forfeitures incur red by virtue of this act may be recovered fubfcquently to the ex piration l hereof in the lame man ner as it this act had continued in full force and virtue h clay speaker of the honk of rcnrefcntatives v crawford frcfttknl of the senate prztenipure apli 14 1 6 12 apprjved james madison trim u richmond etrr 4 we inderlland that the mind pf the exeeii live ij evade up to iar without any farther attempt at ucgociation a cabinet was held aul the icrctaries eonfuucd lite fccretafyof late was for war i mm e- raatdy the fecretary of the trea- fury was ready with ills ways and tocw the vvwrir nf th- im 1 wtmi t in usa- wilb his fmall but gallant force the fecretary of war willicd for 60 days to itivngtlicn kc and to arm the frontiers the presi dent recommended tlie embargo tor 60 da- determined we pro- fume to cut fiiort ail further nego tiation and not to wait till we amid hear the ellcct of the embar go on g 13 bu to gn to war wit il ia the 6 5 das the 11 ofll cam- into thi vl w the fenatc would rot content to an embargo under m 1 ft cm tic naticnal lntcuigtttttf recrtfting for the additional iwiibiy force has commenced and prrrfcn progress vigorouflyand frith teach faccefc if we judge from the factd which have come td our knovkde by the ioth of aumirchj we arn on cnouirv ut rccruiinr inllructions aiud orey for bounties c were for- rjid to every ijjricf nfthj ouiitrv the appropriations for he lupport of the additional mili ary force vere made on aiirof feb and on the 24th of february mar 600 nominations of officers for that army were made to the pate on the 12th of march me nominations were confirmed y the fenate and within three lys thereafter the mails carried 161 notices of appointment to leollkcrs in every lection of the untrv the law for tiie cflab- ment of a quartermailers dc- vimeat did not pafs until the thult immediately after which e recrutiiit orders were ifrocd bnlon april gtb 1812 the ftaiement of votes this day given will jultify the confident anticipation that the deiire of the friends of washington com merce and peach has been grati fied in the election of the honora ble callu sirono governor and the honorable william phil ip lieutenant governor of mailachufetts by a majority ex ceeding three thouhmd votes laws deo fidcred as about one to thirty of the militia in this province kingston tuesday ma itiz the governor fays the albany gazette by an iiiftruioh from coaw be sitced for r the genml ment to accelerate a war with gratbniiia governor strong will do no more ihac hia duty in an uchccefhny war zxi whatever his prejudices agaialt g britain mar be tiht rule cf his convict will not iike that cf mr gerryj be joverocd by a bkod panhihfe france can courtnt the prciident of the u states jias ordered out 1600 cfthe militia otthis ihte to garriibn our north ern and vveftern frontiers 500 we miderftand are intemied for governor meigs liar received fe from the prciident of the d marci to raiie tmht km nj tornarcli imnicdi- fy to detroit for the protection frontiers quedec aprils exfriih of a tcrirpojn curlrlon chueun 3gf dittvtl jan ii iff j 2 on the night between the sfcctli and the 2 ill nov 1 belie wc the fame time that lb iniicl damage was done by a ft mm t qne- bic thc wind vvlilch had aiio been veiy llriiijr j cmic ionno fudjvnlv to the norrhwcii and continued to blow with great vi kuci rill daylighti duijr the whole uiht horrid bejhivvings md libvvlingj wtrc hvurd a thing without exmnle hi tlife p i the uukweu if ih niuhr the fury tfths tcnpcil thd roaiiiig nf ilur ca and the uitnrhly r jik or the canrftduig uaves joined with the extraordinary howling had a winuleuu cifecc uu fruity of thirood dtfo- peoi lnnivetuie several old ladfes took r f jije in lllcir eeilais olfu vhofc minds vie already agtiatcd by the appearance of the comet were pduadol thih iuvx wen now arrived at phe pftod otthoinueiliuc- tiutl of the wo id next morning the bcab was found irw- ej with an unknoun uih which were at llrft lo iiv nj imlmei iid ievciuy two of ihjm were found from lc middle of the pailh of 15cjniventarc to new cailille tbe ftgjkti otloreha prfc loon liifipated tlie remaining fears vi the iu- mbltrjt vvlo each armed wiih hiaeail knife half elotlie1 half awake fell to work upon wji- y in the cowl et the day a large one iva difeernd at abonc 20 or 30arpcnts from the fhori ijciiowifijt as if in cxtieme pain and to the altouilhniut fall prefent iuteail i foilowii t coinie ill the tide niakitn ltiaiht fur 0 iiimc en which b threw hiiui higli rnd dry avd was hrimediately dilpatehevj aiioiher which lud only fis head cu the bank of a river and he reft of itbbdy ihjatjrt iifcit be kilkd without niiikip any sitenipt tb eoe nu ne can tejl tvltat iifi lucy nrc none fimuar having evtri been leen 01 the coail 1 fat ave of tlie crtaceo fneeies ilic larrtfft are tboux twenty teet in lc with a pio- porttonse lhivknn tlie heul which i- as large as a tiere i ronnded at the tip and coveted with alnrnpof fac qfabwrit ten or twelve tncheh in diameter it lias a blow hok like that of a vviale tils owci jaw reen- bles rliat o the ho the backaodfidc jrc as black as 11 de fthe whale til belly white tlie bluhuer or fal is bei ween three aiij fuwr inches thick and uf a firm texture keclent i of an unfual tracfparcncy was made of it tlie blood ofthefe flh is un commonly warm j eoidd net ditcoverthc nature of its food the ftomaehr of all tholw that 1 faxv opened being empty vliere cm thefe ht haw come from none of the kind liave ever been known in theie seas i am inclined to believe thnt they arc a fpectes of sea jfcj which eaitli- jnakes the umpells stc liave frightened from tluir abodes and thai nuerwact tkey have bcn attacked by fomt terrible enemy several of them appealed off pafpibiac mid wee apparently infenlible to the ihot and nails which were fired at them and even undifmayed lead and naila were however found in the lump of fat on the too of the head of thofe which vcc found on ihc ci ther fide of the cay at nipiicicnit 14 large ones wcie foiud this affair upon a mod 1 ate calculation hs been worth up- wardoi 3000i- divided amongil oidya fciv of 1 he inbsbitants his roval hihacls the coxt- mandtr in chief has been plcaled to confirm to his excejlencv lieut gen sir george prevoft but the v rt authority eiveh to lr james craiz niagara 500 tor ofveo and the for notu gentlemen reddue probably for lac cnam- bf ibesabklimilies in the pro- plain and the st lawrence vinceto appointment in the ca- mr toiler has written to the nadian regiment of fendble in- clievalier dohis that the admin- fantry quebec mercury idration of the general government has given him f alluranccs that the conduct of gen mathews col smytlic and com campbell is highly ilifipprdved of and that amelia hhnd mall forthwith be redeli veredup to thesriahifli com mandant fiac paper t cobs rp nof nt probus is received but unifs t cv se coaie accountlh for the matter it ccrdir c mujl tltclthe publjkwg it march r and suicide about mnrifc the id inlh while a john pembroke of the town of benton vas at work a little diianre from home liii houlekecrer a yoiigwo- manbv theiuulic of silly chris put eriod to theexifteiiceoflvisthrre younget cliildrenjwcunin- rheii throats with a razor and tjicn ut died at his kadgiogsat the city of waffluw- too aptil 20th after an llnrb of about four weeks gen peonjc clintoo vice-picii- ient of the uniicd states a kingston 1 ith mas 182 quantity of condemned jv- dles will be fold at public aasdn at the kinirs store oppolne to tire liarraek gate on saturdav the ici inll ar t o clock john dar lev f 1 14 her own in a nioct foel ing man lier of which ihc died the next diy about three ochx p m the coroners inmitft ha been held and a verdict returned that ihc had murdercvl thechildreu andhtr- lelf the mtnd of the reader in re flecting on an ad of defperation almoft unparalleled in lhe annals of human depravity may be nat urally led to enquire for the can- fes which have induced the perpe tration oft his dreadful deed thole caufes it is belicvcxl have been pretty corrcchv afcertnincd it appears that lhe had livcu with mr pembroke who is a widower hearlv three years in the capieiiv 01 a housekeeper aa about 20 a red cph wfell crc m krrs i x fiiorttsil whocvcf will pe lifiiuoxi wler he car bt found ftall b ally w varded and nil charges rai by -r- tlving to the printer king ri v a fay i 2 i s i r c three scows richard smith 12 1312 c attention all perform indebted to h utbfcribrr rhofe notts 2nd accounts hive bc- come doe are nqntiieu to call and fettle the fame without delay othcrwife rhrv mat ex- pect ti find llicm ii the la is of ia attvr- nev for callefitcn qak1el kikgseerrv ivjhfint 7ti ai 12 1m2 re 4 t ty tfccscittshti provincial ltjtflitur o paged uh march rso ajy pcrfn ityclyovfindfrectij prevailing njon jtroens 1 nig perfnadinrj ur encuvpgiug any loluer to defers is robe canurttud fv for f months ana rnwy alio be ifijiiclgcd to pay years of age with an tmmcmijhcd rcputuion and vaj rdpected in her neighborhood for hethbaiis of induilry and economy that fhe wau enaffed to be married with a young mar of her qiumlnee lorne tiire lail funmcr and that the match had been broken oifbv mr p oflerimr her marriacre he relied on his integrity was im- nrudenl and therefore unfortu nate in the crcninir pirrecedlnc the traffic fcene lhe communicated to him her frtuatioil and remin ded him of lii promiics he pave her to underhand me had nothing a n wv the year 1009 lortneiutactnnccn poind to expect from him and that toe hall currency vfh btcreft and dsivawc ty pounds ptid if net paid to be publjcjclv whipped perfons harboring encci receiving ny aliiring any jefcrter r feit twenty potmdi and it not irnrndiate paid hall be committed to godl for ihrc months r aw lost 1n tlio month of marcit lad in the town iliipnf cramahe a negotiated note execute by jofeph cslcivvtdi to levi heith fomctimsin the ninth of february or marc jlofvn april a letter to a k in this i dc 1811 s- ttarquin uhich carried out the x wabia river after turfing h the natives and blown ov at a prt very near the one r r actives nt mefmc ka montreal april 1 3 the ship tnrquin an account of which is given under the bolton head carried oilt the piuty of iettlerr that went from this city in the fprirg of 1810 under mr alexan der mkay the militia bill ev the provincial parliament proceedings it will be ieen what preparations are making to tmet the exigency of the limes the act which has palled the lower jiouie and which will probably pals into a law for calling out a certain pro portion of the militia is conlider- ing the iituation of the country crvtainlv expedient 2000 con- retii cd to her bedroom and in the morning but let the curtain drop the mbjectis too painfully horrid to dwell upon full for it james lewis crimahe tb april l s i 2 2 j 7 an geneva gjz from thcnccocdts whieh havctecn receiv ed refpeding the late much talked of ekion in ma0aehufett8 it h pretty evident nw the citizens of that state have dtmited ihtirold tin- brand guv gen v eictlcd r r fomrr guv strong a tnnn ivortpy oi utttiig iis tation of lo rcfpclabce and iuiporinnt an el- fife in n political point of view thi- vxy he looked ujon as imxirtah the governor of the state is comrnandr in chlcj oi the militia which m- mftdifon thinks if he behaves mr kcmy to be the ifoat and tfiufclt of the union and evcy one who haa nciiieedthe legislative pmcecdinji that statvj while governed hy mr gny will readilv ccede that he was frihfntr to make anv tre in the pi ivcr of lhe ktit uuil ted a journeyman cooper one vlkiiiulntaiich hisbiainci- pcrfccuy liberal wngc will be given inquire benjamin shah at the nsim jno charles smyth 4 offers for sale o irojcriij terms t verv eaphtl lof laan in the fccbn gonceillon oi kingfton z tniics from towp routnnnjric iunidied acre- abroi rwtr of which tixeleucd and we fenced ji- ieveini oihcr ti acts of two hiored rtcrt each in the towninips of rawi pdrtlaoi and elmfley ldss bh excellent potw- blc copying mcbuc vvith bialcvjsnis in a mnhogony cic wil it x hk he i bun

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