Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 26, 1812, p. 1

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ngst v vol ii kingston upper canada j tuesday mat 2 1812 juji received from england h new assortment of jplothscaffimeres and are now offered for fale by the fubferih- ih at mr wm stoughtoms inn on the poftreafonablc terms for cnh broadbcnt whitehead ov son p kingston jon 131812 9 p a few barrels excellent vnewcaftle salmon x ikle bv cumming k hamilton january is ictf frefli goods bartlet has received a complete aflbrtment of groceries crockery hard ware khh wlil f wwcfuk or etailnt his ml low price or ch or any kind of pro- ye all fit fat wn and plank a few curtis flour ra a liijcfior quality for roily fcf jj caih paid fn produce and advanced property coufijjncd for fak kistvn dec 31811 jtf r he following valuable lots of land iritlie townfhip of frevlcrkldburglv arc offered for i ik by the fnbfcrrbcfj viz f loi number fix in the iirlt cunccflion emdditionah lot ucmber tmaityftvej in the fourth coficcflimi t richapd cartweight dr j si rf i jfapfen blc ih is c5 trimmings pke fubfcnbers have opened and now j otit fjr fakj next door to rehrt wiiis s hotel an kiujwt asrortvihnt 0a i2 fajhlonable ats trimmings laeh d re duerminei to fell on the il rcafonabk terrs either vvhotcfiile or re- i or cah country fioduce or approved smith lutterworth n b old hits nmtly vrefed on ikprtrjl mitts c3cafh paid for fur oc larchs wool kingston 1 3 december y 1 8 1 1 5 new i ust received from montreal and for laic at the ga7ctte office adjilons works mfarlands view of hardies life of jufeph a hes tra- ws scafons in england ira and ifa- 11a a new novel character of george 3d porncys french spellingbook french ocibulary childs spellingbook orlds dilplayed porteuss evidences of iccluiilian religion bibles tcltaments avatti pfalms and hymns walters american cookery childrens books ca- ttcliifnu he uthferiber having obtained letters of adfnmiftratiod for the eftate of ate brar john gamble of kingfrm ah fcqucfts all thole who have any ulfi the aid eftatc to render their ac- 3 properly attciled on or before e nt of june next fo ot der that fomc ar- ym may be made with thcn and all 7 to faid iubte are requeued to i we lame to the iubfcribcr that fh- may 4 to hy a aatenunt of the eftatc m creditors b elizabeth gamble k admmiflfatrix hi eography oh m this qm sheriffs sale mldlcutl tjftri8 t y vituc of threefev- jo brit j jjcrral writs oljifrifn- cim rlfued out of his mafefti coun of king bench at the 1uits of laurence herchmer nnd john kiitcf the tojvn of kiugfton merchants and nicholas hagerman of the towndifp of adolphtillown efqnirc ajjainft the lands and tenements of james gerolomy of thetowulhip of marylhnrgh yeoman to me directed i have feized and taken hi ex- ccution a belonging to the faid james gc- rolomy the well half of lot number even- tecn in tlie firftcdnceffion of the townlhipof marylhiirh containing by admeasurement one lmndred acrc be thc fame more or leis toyctlicr with a log hcutfe tbeteoti eroded i do hereby give notice that the above men tioned lot of land with the building and nppurtcmnce thercimto belonglnff will be fold and adjudged to the bftjiicxi bidder at my office in the town of kindlon on the jeenteenth day of match next at the fionr of ten ol tile clock in the forenoon at which timr and place the conditions of lale wu be made k mown charles stuart srf and every perfoii or perion having claims on the above defrnbed lot of lmd and prcmi- tc9i by mortoaoe or other right or incum brance are hereby advertiud to give notice tnthefaid sheiilf ut his ohiee in the town iviiujfltm jjrr vion toihr fde tlvriof sheriff llhee 8 april si2 24 no 28 a take notice il perfons indebted to the subfcriber cither in notes of hand or book ac counts are requeded to call and make a fet- tlement wiib lilm till or before the iirlt of may enftwng or fntafe of failure their notes and accounts will bfe put into the hands of an attorney and a profecution commenced agaiuil them uiihcut further notice jamlcperrot ermfr tfrkxttt march rsii tctif fo cloihicr- n informs the chthicy machines lor sheannj r the fubferibe tha he creci cloth tlie utility of them are inch that they are worllvv every workmans notice a bov twelve vears did can tend them they perform the woik of shearing in a neat man ner and will fhcar fixty yards in ore hour thev are not liable to cut the cloth or to jrt out of repair thc price of iliem is one hundred dollars there will be a reduction to thole that pa thc cafli down theft clothierr who wifli td purcriafe machines will apply to the fubfehber in the town of hope diftrib df new catile and province of upper canada elijah higlew hope march ii 8x2 18 s to be let and poftftion given immediately a good tan yard and currying shop complete with its tools as alio a dwelling houfe on the prtmifes of the lublcviber andrew kimmerly 1 thapru 181 2 25 lost in the month of march lafl in the town- fljip of cramahe a negotiated note executed by jofeph caldwell to levi heath fomctime in the month of february or march in the year 1809 for the fum of fifteen pounds halifax currency with interell and payable on demand said note had endorftd on the back of it thirty gallons of whilkey in the month of june 181 1 all peifonsare here by cautioned againfl purehaling laid note a3 i have purchafed it and received payment ill fall for it james lewis ciamabe 6th april t s 1 j 25 wanted a journeyman cooper one who nnderttands hisbufmefs perfely liberal wages will be given inquire of benjamin shaw at the napaue milk caih paid for clean cotton u linin rags at this oilicc webfters spellingbooks for fair an bis office frefh goods d whitney has juft received cot- ton shirting cotton chambray ging- hams black cambrick laces cotton checks mens beaver cloves womens white cotton hofe do black worited do mens white cotton do white and colord threads brown hollands drab bninfwick cord blew ribd callimere ofnaburghs rtnal handkeiehiof alio rum pep permint cordial uown sugar snuff and tobacco pepper allipice ivory combs pocket and penknives ladies hair combs superfine and low pried bread cloths yd- 3ow nankeen mens cotton glomes bar shaving soap kingston t sfh may 1 8 1 2 27 miscellany for lie kingston gazette reckoner no 63 nil dlqu fsdum ivfuque bite urnina tnnai bit rue que puer cjl jff sir biographical fkctches are more ufeful than abftract reafon- ings becaufe they prefent us with principles in living operation pro- correfponding with pnncip du cinsr enccta ffee noti ce their excellence or imperfection being embodied is it were in thc narrative they make a deep im- preffion on the heart we enter into the views and feelings of our hero and if he be riot too tar re moved from the fphcre in which we arc deftined to acl we live his life over during the perufal but not to weary you with mention ing the numerous advantages of narratives drawn from common mulland dyiricl t y vitne of a writ of l fcnd y fhort accont bf to wh jd fieri facia ilhcd vendal a young man of pronnt- out bf his mcijeh- court of kings bench ing parts and of good expectations biit who was ruined from a caufe noc perhaps uricummoii wen- dal after iininiing his education at a rcfncctablc fchool was taken bv a friend of his father to be in- any perfoh making proof offering hav to the elute of chriltopher sooper ot matvlburgh deceafed are defired to come forward peter collier mmyjhurgbi ujth may 1s12 27 sheriffs sale u at the fuit f i liomal marklaod of ihe and tenefhents of afliiel biafhar of the townfhip of rredvrikibtfrghf yeomao to me directed i have feici and taken in execu tion as belonging to the faid afclc bd- haw lot number twentvfnnr i ik- fcvcntl the ptofcffioh of the conctuinfi of the towiffiin oi lcivvroith it r temtabi lg by admeafurment two hundred iur a in h hls maitcr s acres be the fame more ov iew i do heve- bv rive notice tht thc above mentioned lot of land will be fold and adjudged to the liighcft bidder at tny office in the town of ictngfton en thc twenty leveoth day ot jan uary next at the hour of ten of the clock in the fotcnooru at which time and place the conditions of gric itill he made khown charles stuart sljff and every perfon or perfons having claims on the afeove defenbed lot of land bv mort- ffage or oilic right or incumbrance arc here by advn tiled to give notice to the faid shtr- ilt at his office in the town of kingllon pre vious to the lale thereof serifs ofue 1 9 may i s 27 attention all per irdebted to the fulfcrshfttj whole mjtet and accounts have br come due are feuuefted to call and fettle ra fame withnitt delay otherwife they may ex- ncv for collection daniel kltlgsberry napane mills may 12 1812 326 0cmtwn to the public by the a of the provincial iciillature pnftcd 9th march 1804 any perfon dirciy or indiiedtly prevailing upon procu ring pcrlnading or encouraging any joldier to defert is to be committed to jail for fix montlis and miy alfo be adjudged to pay for ty pounds and if not paid to be publickly whipped lrfons harboring concealing receiving or affifting any deferter fliall for feit twenty pounds and if not immediately paid fhall be committed to goal for three months- 25 4v for fale by the fubferiber three scows richard smith may xt 1312 charles smyti1 offers for fae on moderate terms a very capita lot of lana in thc fecond cquecfilon of kingflon miles mm town containing one bundled acres about civenty of which arc cleared and well fenced alfo feveral other tras of two hundred acres each in the tdwirfhipe of rawdon tortland and elmfley i an raccutrnt porta ble copying mvhlnf wftli brafe cyhttdefii to a mahogooy cfe well feared vith brais bands kingston qjth april i 3 12 73 crv blank bills of lading toy fale nt tlie cutettc office family he was treated like one of thc children and enjoyed many indulge acies to which thc other clerks were not thought entitled it was a great misfortune for wen- dalthat his milter delighted much in company and lived extrava gantly cfii fide ring the narrownefs of his income often has hc been kept to make one at a card party when lie mould have been follow- ing his ftudics often dif qualified by the vigils of the evening from attending to bulinefs during the whole of next day at iirlt this continual round of company was exceedingly dilagrccable he re ceived no pleaiure from tumultu ous dinners where reafon feldom fpoke nor from dull evening par ties where there was no convcrla- tion worthv of remembrance but he became accuftomed to them by degrees he learned to fmile at the inuendos and indelicate jcfls of the fecond bottle men to hear with attention thc little chit chat of the ladies even to partake of their re- pafts of fcandal and to be exceed ingly amufed and faicinatcd with games of hazard his tafte for all thefe dangerous follies mcreafed as hc grew older and by thc time that his clerkfnip expired they be came ncceflary to his happincis when he was admitted to the bar bufinefs flowed in upon him fo ra pidly that hc feemed to him self to have already more than his old matter he could there fore afford an equal cftablifhment he purchafes a houic on credit furnhhes it elegantly and invites his friends to uunptuous entertain ments when his father and fomc of his more fober acquaintances ventured to warn him of his dan ger hc told them that the fplcn- dor of his equipage and excellence of his dinners procured him cli ents and that thc additional cx- pence incuricd was more than counterbalanced by thc increase ot bulinefs he was ehildijhly for ff

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