Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 26, 1812, p. 2

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si horfes and of this neighbors aicd to lake advantage by felling them to him at double pice and with falfe agesil as he drove ftiri- ouily he killed or damaged many n a ihort time alter he had pur- i hafed then fome he tired in a iew days and then told them at a- ay price after he had fpciit a tew months in the molt diflipatcd and expensive manner his clients began to difcovcr that he was inat tentive to their concerns his iniferable attempts at the bar dif- appointed the jull expectations of his friends his creditors too be gan to fend in their bills and by their importunities to difturb his rcpofe wendal had naturally a noble fpirit ancl a thorough con- tempt for every thing mean he was therefore much aitliclcd when he awakened to a fenfe of his iitu- atiou yet he could not help won dering that he thould o foon fall into embarrafhnent- when his old mailer witfl more expence and lefs bulineis llili continued to live with out trouble or anxiety lie did not reflect that this gentleman had not only been frugal in the early oart of life but had alio received a coniiderable portion by hi wife and that yet embarrafhnent vcnlmir cvcn with i it tft notvithftanding ail thefe advanta- fojj wendal himfelf had two heavy demands upon him from diiterent clients which he was un able to fitisfy he hzd alio the mortification to find that hisbuli- nets already diminilhcd his cli- z fceincr him devote fo much of his time to company naturally iup- poled that he was inattentive to their caules many therefore a- ith- rid filits which might 1 iv been very profitable vrodeccd him nothing he now law himfelf at the edge of a preci pice he mufc contract his expell ees dhpofe oi his elegant furni ture and retire into obfeurity or he mull very quickly be cruthed forever by his clamorous credil- 013 ills reafon pleaded for im mediate retrenchments but the fnetrs and ridicule of ifh enemies kept him in fufpenie one hour he rciblvcd to lock up his liouie but the fieht of a few of his jovial friends who honored him with their company to dinner made him forget his relolution lz indeed rcraires mucli more linn- u is coniaiouiy itnancil iu icivi to circuuiitaucca aikl u exchange the pleafurcs of focial intercourse ic lonely retirement this facriiice wendals under iian- ding told him was absolutely ne- ceilarv but the force of habit and the deeail of being laughed at pre vented him from making it while he vas fiill deliberating and extremely mifcrable a creditor came upon him who could no longer be pacified with a demand for an hundred pounds this fum lie hadjuft received a few minutes before on account of one of his clients the temptation was great and the vehemence of his creditor made it irrefiftible he gave him in an unlucky hour the mony that was not his own and from that iuitant lie felt his own degrada tion h 1 4 r n n e be fore it was wanted he paltcd but he had heard irugamy trcaicu llecplefs night and rofe deter- with ridicule and feen tholevno ined to alter his manner of life were forced to live m obicunty al mine he was coniidcring how to com mence the change when the cli ent was announced to whom the too belonged wtfl mr wen- from the narrowneis of their cir- cumftanccs uniformly ckiiiicl- therefore imbibed the deceitful opinion that it was mciitorious to live extravagantly and that ccon- dal lam glad that you have iuc- ceeded inrecovering my debt omy was mconhfterrt with honor miev could never hae been more this falfe opinion became the drew their papers a lar of the mon feafonable than it is at prefent 1 have a bill to honor this morning and called on my way to get my cadi for in truth i ihould not have known what to do had it not been paid wendal turned pale and was lilcnt fome minutes at length he began to make apologies for having made ule of the fum for a few days it is fuch a trifle that i could not have fuppolcd it of any great importance to you whether you received it today or tomorrow of no importance 1 exclaimed the enraged client is it of no importance tor me to prc- ferve mv credit hut this come- of your curled extravagance we might have known that fuch pro- fuiion could only be iupportcd by the funds of other people wen dal was forced to hen- the moil harrowing abule with calmneis and to make the molt humiliating fuppiications but nothing could appeafe this gentleman except the money which wendal was at length enabled to give bv the al- iillmce of ft particular friend the affair was nevertheless whifpered about that he was living on his eli- cuts lvoney his buiiuefs failed his creditors leized all lis effects reduced him to beggars had he retained his character tor mteri- ty he miht have recovered bv diligence and perleverancc his bu- ineis and independence but the lois of reputation can never be re covered his mind funk v ith his fortune and he was ken drown ing his feelings in the oblivion of intoxication he had been a firic careful in his choice of comoanv but in this he gradually relaxed and began to aliociatc with men whom lie had formerly deipiied the friends ot ins better days drop ped all away even thole who were attached to him by ailect ion were oblievd to abandon a man fourceofali his mi fortunes- he determined to live up to his in come and that income he calcula ted at the grofs amount without making any proviflon for contin gencies he did not coniider that if he received one half of what he charged within the year he would do very well but on the contra ry h expected to receive the whole he was therefore imxner- fed in difficulties perhaps beyond recovery before he was aware c being tempted to commit a bale action his mind loft its native dig- nit all his principles were loon tainted and lie became the victim of his profefliom when we re turned from his burial it was re marked bv one oi the comuarv that on the fame day lour vi ars be- fore the greater number of thofo who were prcient had been his gucfts at a fumptuous entertain ment which he crave on his admit- lion to the bar this recollection made a deep imprcilion on our hearts and called forth a tender ligh how much mr reckoner are we the children of imitation wendals ruin may furelv be at- cribed to the extravagance of his 1 8 month but how doe tv procmofticatc as to the efflcel cy o till vorce 1 propolition is perfectly charf- iftic you want an embargo- my and not a fightingarmy f cr fince you appointed a collector of a northern fcaport majorgcr ral i have been fatissed that whit you intended was an army to fihti tmmreder and not canadian you prepare to go to yar f commercial eights in ninety days where r i low a isavy is out of the qucition and as j the purpofe of arming our mer chantmen altho that rcfolutica was nailed with as much i blicve more unanimity than any other c all thole propofed by iliz conrit- tee of fieign relations it has becfi laid afleep in the committee d not a man has ventured totari even that it was to be put into parliamentary form much icbtl i was to lie carried into elkvt fc when i lee iuch a plre o matter frotxl the unite states mr oubcceys si ch who dy lie was a man of parts and i had left him in the zenith ot his glory judge then of the fhock 1 felt when iftopt at the little inn of our villaac to ice a pale gure with ins head and countenance dreadfully bloated but in which with fome difficulty i recognized the features of my old companion lie feemed totally infenlible of his htuation and after a ihort faluta- tion recjuefted me to lend him half a dollar which he no fooncr got than he marched up to the bar and exchanged for fpirits in a few weeks alter this he was taken ill his body became full of fores his blood was totally corrupted and he iurvivedonly nine days had longs to another he is guilty of a this young man fallen into better breach of taut and unworthy of hands had he feen economy llud- being i y longer a mnibct r fn j mailers houfe and net was guilty of difhonorable actions as lie found himfelf neglected his kn e mi ardent ipnii imp vfi and to fuch infatuation did this had him that he would at length do any thing for a little rum i had been abfent mr reckoner tor fome time and anticipated much pleafurc on my return from wendals company for tho gid- thoufand men upon paper and mr qui fire r on tb d aprils wkifo the embargo nttcflfoft kw wider lihffion with clohuccr ciilrv i lay then difti nelly i do not believe that this embargo is prep aration for war but i do believe that it is a refuge from the cmeltion oi declaring war my reaion tells me that war is not intended bc- caufe of your want of preparation and of your necrlecf of it if war were intended would the men at helm have employed the live- months pall in a way fo utterly inefficient and inconliltent with luch anticipated ftate r what have you done during- this long lellion to put this country into that armor and attitude io of- tentatioully recommended at the opening of it what have you done why you have thirty live wendals feelings were- not yet io much blunted as to be in fenlible that the moment a barrif- ler pays hi own debts with the money of his client and appropri ates to his oxen ulc that which bc- m five months you have added a- bout one thoufand new recruits to the old cttabliihmciit that is to lay you have six thoufand men now on your armyrolls you have officers in abundance but where are the foldicrs we were told laft december that on the ift day of april we ihould be before quebec and where are we on that day why re tiring behind an embar go whit profpect is there that your enliihncnts will be to rapid as will enable ou to raife more men in the ninety days which ire to come than in the one hundred and lift which havepait i know there is on the carpet a grand fcheme of augmenting the chance of enliftmenis by reducing the time of i from live ears to failure in all the means ree necclkery for carrying on the wheni fee the expoiurj ve ieabord when 1 tee tlij e nulitarv force inkead ot uajs created in cfildmcy m race reej cm rv niiher pivmik uit eratiors aof oetl ihvu tt lkiicvc that vou ui go to v the end of ninety dy 4 nature has decided i iiftcadotthat- of war tci which we wer at the beginning of the fcffioiv hvve ferved up to u3 the uld chjj of reftiicf ions there h ro of the fpirit of prophecy to tdltb rciult at the end or ninety das you v ill find that you prcpiin tion is not fniiicicnt r ho rors of war will be preached be very ailiduouliv duriny our k eels familiarity with eittbs will diminiih its dread the r ftriclive fvftem becomes idcrtilcii 4 with fome perfonal local rer intereft the naviatiiv llttc are facriliced and the ipiru character of the country are v- trated b the duft bv fear or by avarice this embargo will notllrv the american people but 1 i tell you whom ic may tervc will ferve the french hmneror liis intereit is apparent itea- rates oi his enemy bv demiae produce to their annus m where is the american intercity coercion on 0 britain i ik i tended it war veith lliii p be really its purpofe then mui ot this very property ought tu got out of the country it is u lefs and mutt perilhit lt remain i it a nd t he refourccs ot t he coe trv and its ability for war are aa men ted by the whole amount the returns which its ale won produce in every point of view i bo oh this meafurc as a cruel absmto ment of our national right aiia politic as deceptive as cd ted to imprefs on the anient people an idea that it i your i tention to maintain commcrc rights which its true effect abandon here is another cttf which it is cdculated to produc and which oi all others iwjj a criiis ot this kind to be avw its tendency muft be to raiicvp ouiy between the soar hern e the liattem and middle su the lhur ee proilucc ot w 1 ern hates iiive irad tluring whole w inter an open troik iree nurkei thole o tlc

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