Kingston Gazette (Kingston, ON1810), May 26, 1812, p. 4

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for the gazette mr milts i observed a few weeks fincc a cor- refpoudent of yours who affced a deep in- tercft in the welfare of the ladies of king- ftonand teemed ttivcll dillrcfftd led tlieir htvih and reputation fhovild be impaired by the repetition of what we laft summer con fldercd and do ilill ennfider a very innocent amnfement that of swinging at firfl it was generally agreed upon amongft the la thes of my acquaintance to pals him over in contempt but happening at a party the o- ther evening where a coniiderable number of ladies were prclent it wasobferved this pro duction had afiorded the lovers of detraion a very prolific ivrtwce of remark several obfevvatiotis followed upon the merits of the production and the motives that produced it till at length we refolved ouvlelvcs into a ictnd f regular meeting and paftcd the fol lowing refolves ift that the writer of the piece alluded to is not altogether deftitute uf talents but that in the prefent in lance they were great ly mifapplied 2d that ah ho he adorned the mafic of fnefidflup to hide his real motive it is upan- imoufly refolved that the vifor is quite in- fufficient for his purpofe 3d that the faid writer has fome timco rntftaken his confequence und made preten- fions where he had none which ofcoutfe ended in difappointnveiu aid produced the effufum before us 4th that we con fid er the means inade quate to the end propofed 5th and liilly refolved that our did mnn- itor be notified by publifhmg thefe icfolu turns in the icingfton gazette that fo far from confiderin the leall criminality or im propriety attached to swinging we 111 ill without the lead hesitation remmmence tliac fvontt amulcmeut with the kafori that per- miv iv haing taken a copy ofthc above prncee- jingsi when i had returned home and n tir ed to niv roon i arrngtd livv thoughts on the fuhkct in the following addrefs tu fer dinand 1iiendly ferdinand friendly thou nmndfrws port had kor it thy mufv w dcorejl pledge ifdij ly doff thou ctttfutt thus cur avil flfaht ivhitjllm tin fount to lm fas hnn ii oy oy lluijlant injircvt nu jrjiine il onttjt tiu on fnruih tibiocciiit idfix itjlidn vhy wouitift hot juiiuhr if us cur rum jorfs y w f oftts fitch hi nfonj jr vain thou ijl frien djfhip chum to iuva thy dt- c fv 7 1m ty wyo hide thy cloven fool ive think tjaru puor dij appoint at uui i j itfl tbyfpkn to diffipate thy pin think the htxhirs aimiat thee irt this thou ravfl it hnpes to tafe the mart vims far tuc pity thy moll hapleft tap j3 ut hope firm albcr means bcfuuiulto givpthee etfc- ithou arte got rqiis effort lo it thee right thus ateaihvfe thrr whtitcea may be thypuhif yrin tnijl toy prof run nuij aitn aw yet iy ojpirini mr ivhtft hfiyjimius will rather increafe than mitigate thy pains yours fije lucia reputation bfcabte and iiinnitely nutritious to cattle by fimply brewing salt on the hay at the rate of ten or fif teen pounds per ton when mak ing equally notorious is it that a ennble effect is hereby produced to the taftc that cattle will prefer it to better hay which is well made and will dcinand when icd on it much more water which accounts tor that aptitude to fat ten which is never denied to hay lb lilted salt is fa important to cattle and particularly to ihcep that nouvithtbnding the price is from 1 5 to 2 of per buihcl in this country it ought not to prevent the free ufe of it by good farmers agricultural on g1vino salt to cattli an cxtrjil from an ajjrcfs to the board of agnatltttrc in enghind by their prcjnln1 soncrrilc every dynobiervaiion muit add to oir retrrct that salt is not a component part of the food of ilock of fheep more particularly how many difeafes ariling from damp weather from relaxation from rank green food might it rot lubdue our duty on salt forbids even the fmallcft wafte in its application but by no means precludes its ufe the ingenious h no lefs benevolent count rum- lord tcils us that in germany salt is umverfally given to oxen nul cows in a fatting ftatc and that their increafc is in proportion to the quantity given we are all ienfiblc of the effect of salt on the human body wc are told how unvholefome wc know how unpalatable frchh meat nd vegetables are without it the ancients held it in the higheft cfti- mation it is notorious that hay tkmmy from rain is rrnderrd pa 3cc- diversity uncertainty 01 human testi- mony the fallowing remarkable inftance of the iretriiuule and danger of ctfcnmftantial evidence is cxliu from the ginilnmins magaiix for the year 1 7 5 1 a gentleman died poffeffed of a very conndcrable fortune which he left to his only child a daugh ter and appointed his brother to be her guardian and executor of ins will the young lady was then eighteen and if ihc happen ed to liic unmarried or if married without children her fortune was left to her guardian and to his heirs as the iniercit of ihc un cle wis now incornp lihle with the life ftheneice jcvcral other re lations iintcd that it would not be proper ior them to live together whether they were willing to pre vent anv occafion of ilanler aainll the uncle in cafe of the youns la- dys death whether they had any apprehcnlion of her being in dan ger or whether they were only diicontentcd with the fathers dif- pofuion ol his fortune and there fore propagated rumors to the pre judice t thole who pchtcived it cannot be known the uncle however took his niece to his hmiie near eppingforell and loon afterwards file diiappcared great enquiry was made after her and it appearing that the day ihc was milling lie went out with her uncle into live loialt and liiil he returned without her he was taken into cuilody a few days afterwards he went through a long examination in which he ac knowledged that he wcrv out with her and pretended that ihc found means to loiter behind him as they wc- returning home that lie fought her in the eoreft as foon as he milled her and that ho knew not where fixe was or what was become of her this account was thought improbable and his apparent intcrcit in the death of his ward and perhaps the petu- lent zeal of other relations con curred to raife and ft renin hen fuf- picions againft him and he was de tained in cu hotly some new cir- cumllanccs were every day ariling againft kirn it was found that the young lady had been addrelled by a neighboring gentleman who had a few days before he was milling fet out upon a journey to the north an 1 that lie had de clared flic would marry him when he returned that her uncle had frequently cxprcfled his di appro bation of the match in iirong terms that flic often wept anil reproached him with unkindnefs and abufc of his power a wo- man was alfo produced who fwore that on the day the young woman was miitingj about u oclock in the forenoon he was coming thro the foreft and heard a womans voice expoftulating with great ea- gernefs upon which flic drew nearer the place and before ate faw any perfon heard the fame voice lay dont kill me uncle dont hill me upon which ihc was grcat- lv terrified and immediately hear ing the report of a gun very near be made all the hade flic could from the fpot but could not reft in her mind till flic told what had happened such was the general impatience lo punlih a man who had mur dered his niece to inherit her for tune that upon this evidence he was condemned and executed about ten days after the execu tion the young lady came home it appeared however that what all the witneflcs lead fworn was true and the fact was iound to be thus circumuariccd the voumr lady declared that having prcvioully agreed to go on with the gentleman that courted o her he had given out that lie was going a journey to the north but that he waited concealed at a lit- tie houie near the lkirts of the lor- eil till the time appointed which war the day me dilaopeared that lie had horfes ready for hinduf and her and was attended by two lervants alio on hut teback that as the was walking with her unck he reproached is h r filling in her refolution to marry a man of whom he difapproved and after much altercation fie fa ki with fomc heat i hauefei v heart npen it if i ch not marry btm it iill be my death and dont kill me uncle dont kill me that juft as ihc had pronounced thefe words fiie heard a gun difchanred very near her at which rue itarted and immediately altcrwardslaw a man come forward from among the tces with a wood pigeon m his ltand that he had juft lliot that coming near the place appointed for their rcndc7aou file rormed a pretence to let hrr uncle go on before her and her fuitor being waiting for her with a hcrfc ihv mounted and immediately rode uit ciijlt se- j north they retired to a lioule in which he had taken lodoinffs near wind for where ihey were mar ried the lame dn and in about a week went a journey of pleafure to france from whenccj when they returned they firlt heard of the misfortune which they had inad- vertently brought upon their l-n- cle so nnccrtiun is human teflimo- ny even wlien the witneflcs are lincere audio ncccilary is a cool and difpafiionate enquiry and de termination with refpect to crimes that are culpable in the higheft dc- gvue and committed with every polhble aggravation i a triable a net dole of swift at a dining party one day at dublin cattle among others was lord pembroke and his chaplain a mr mill- who had an intolera ble large roman noko againft whom swell had entertained for fome time a particular diilikc when dinner was over swift who was one of t he party began to rail at the lord lieutenants oflrelirit for bringing over ch blockheuls for chaplains as they utually did lord pembroke laid that cenfure could not ht applid to him as his lirft chaplain prelent the rev mr mills had been a profeffor at oxford and was accounted an ex cellent fcholar he a fcholar laid swift i will venture to fay hc does not know how to conftrue a fmgle line in virgil lordpem- broke who expecfed fome fport from this took part with his chaplain faying he was hire there was no pafiage in virgil which he could not perfectly explain let the book be brought faid swift accordingly a virgil was fent for and swift opening the book pitched on the following line romans reram getemquc tsga- tarn mills immediately tranlh- tcd it very properly in the ufual way k e the romans lords of the world the gowned nation o v there faid swift 1 knew h could not do it he has not con- firued one word of it right pray my dear doctor swift fiid mr mills in a pet how would you have me translate it i why thus rmam vouve a roman nofe reran voure a rirc ruin dnmiiios damn your nole trmquc tatm and the wlule nee of chaplains swift then took up his hat anil walked off leaving lord pemaokeand be reft of the ipariv taudalng hearrik at the droll lci no w i uc a c jujt paiied n v a rum w cant woul in ireland fur a parlon memory the late dr eranklin in trr morcearlv part of his lite belcn cd to a debating society in phila delphia at one of their meeting it was the doctors turn to pro- pofc two queftion which were as follow vho of all the people in the world havs the belt mernories second who of all the people in tire world have the work mehv ories v this occaiioned much learned ciilquifition among the members one argued 1 it the i deorjj o f tlic heft m-morie- are thole bleoed with health ftreiigtli ftrong nerves vigorous jpprehr fions and in prime of life 0h- ers pretended that memory like all other human faculties is iir- m m thtrfc have thek memories that had during a ion centric of education been obliired lo learn much by heart and thus became adepts in the art of re- membcrinsc multitudes of argu- ments were brought according to every ones fancy but on theo- ther qucftlon it was univeriaily a- greed upon that very old people rnuft have the worlt memory of i- ny as in the declining fiacre ofhu- man nature the nerves become weak and the organization of tlic brain become fo calloufed as to re- tain but weakly the imprchion of psft events there was no end to the learned theories broached on this occafion at tall franklin got up and with the gravefi face in the world informed the sacie- tv fiat of all men living credit- ors have the beft memories anu debtors the worft the fen of ouintius faviusfav imus advifinc that general to id o a poll faid c it will only cow i fe w men fabius anfwered drj i c will ou make one of the few i frinifti rr fallsh- rv stephen miles a iw doon kail o wm icers hole pr fiprn fhii v p rl rnjixmontiuv1 l v year exihhy j

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